Thursday, September 27, 2018

Team Cherry's Q&A Stream transcription of answers and comments

Team Cherry had a questions and answers stream today, which can be found over here.

Below I've transcribed some of the answers and comments that I personally thought were the most interesting. More questions and answers can be found in the stream itself if you're interested.

Why was charm glorification cut?

Timestamp: 03:40

Ari: "There were a number of reasons, probably the main one is that we didn't have any time. We were sort of slammed with everything else. That is, obviously, preparing ports as well as preparing content packs."

William: "It was sort of like a balancing as well, we started to think about if we started to include this whole new system for new upgrades-"

Ari: "Which was also very late game."

William: "In this Godhome quest, that sort of starts to push everyone into the Godhome quest, and it kind of didn't work. We wanted it to be kind of a quest that you didn't have to pick up if you didn't want to."

What other things were cut from the game?

Timestamp: 08:00

Ari: "We had planned to have [a Path of Pain like level] in the Godmaster area, and it was kind of-"

William: "Like an optional super difficult platforming challenge."

Ari: "Yeah, the same sort as Path of Pain. But, one, it was taking a while because it was quite unique. In all the assets, and challenge, it was sort of Godmaster specific. There was going to be a platforming challenge.

In the end, as a returning player it kind of made sense to have another platforming challenge, but it did take away from the fact that the Path of Pain is the secret high level challenge. It was also thematically disconnected from what the Godmaster content is about."

Were you planning on doing more with Godseeker mode?

Timestamp: 11:08

William: "The idea was always that if you want to do the questline again, let's say you wanted to play Godhome, and have a distinct file for that that you can just start whenever you want. That was always the idea for that."

Who locked Godseeker in that coffin?

Timestamp: 14:42

Ari: "We can't say, you can come up with your own wild theories."

William: "There's a few potential culprits."

Ari: "One of the things I like about that coffin is that it's not clear on whether it's a cocoon or a coffin. Whether it's her construction or-"

William: "There's some relation there, but you're not quite [sure]"

Why did you move the Hive from Deepnest to Kingdom's Edge?

Timestamp: 22:20

Ari: "Kingdom's Edge is an extended section of Deepnest, really. And a bunch of other ideas that needed a place."

William: "At one point the whole world kind of got a reconstruction after we removed the big lava area that occupied the bottom right of the map (forest of bones). We split what we had of Deepnest at the time into two, and moved part of it into the bottom right. That bottom right Deepnest became Kingdom's Edge."

Ari: "Which if you look at it, you can still see that it's built from the bones, I think all the art bits [were] Deepnest."

William: "You can still see like some of the terrain, like the ground, kind of has a Deepnest [feeling] to it."

Ari: "The Deepnest is more like strata-rock, at that level of descent, everything is Deepnest-like"

William: "So one of the things that travelled over was the Hive."

Comment on Marmu

Timestamp: 38:50

Ari: "Marmu [...], who was submitted by William's mom, is quite directly from a crazy looking bug."

William: "Oh yeah, she looks, she…"

Ari: "She's got really fascinating-"

William: "puss moth caterpillar, so some like fake eyes, which you think in Marmu are its actual eyes."

if you met the goal for a Zote DLC, what do you think it would've been about?

Timestamp: 46:25

William: "We did discuss what it might be, we never solidified an idea."

Ari: "The simplest idea was that it was just a mode in the game where you were really crap"

William: "Yeah, like play through again, but you're kind of Zote-ified, stuff like after you dash you have a chance to trip up, your nail is really weak. Be funny to have people react to you differently as well. When you take a hit you kinda like go flying like Zote does in the Colosseum. Ricocheting around."

Ari: "The further you bury that kind of content, the harder it is for us to make. Say you had to unlock Zote mode, and then we spent all these months on like new dialogue for Zote mode and all the systems for Zote mode. All of that effort could just go into something that is much more easy to access, like a new content pack, or a new game. Stuff that more players will actually get to see. Making a mode like that, Zote mode, it would be fun but such a tiny percentage of players would ever even encounter it."

William: "For a game this size it's really hard as well. Because you have to start accounting for the entire game, as like a separate mode."

Ari: "Or you have to do the lamer things, which is that the characters react to you like the Knight, and not like Zote."

William: "Yeah, at that point there's no point in even doing it.”

both the knight and the hollow knight are genderless?

Timestamp: 01:03:49

Ari: "Yeah, we think that is canonical. And it's mentioned several times within the-"

William: "Maybe we never quite explain- or, maybe it's never liked explained... I don't know how you would even explicitly say this in-game."

Ari: "I think it may be, somewhere. But it's just a factor of it."

William: "The character we're playing as... is this a spoiler?"

Ari: "We should say that sometimes I think we say “he”, but that's just probably our-"

William: "Early on we did. Because that was like way before the character really even... we kinda knew what the character is-"

Ari: "I think we still accidentally say it as like a habit thing. But that is not accurate."

William: "Canonically, yes (they are genderless)."

Why did Herrah and Monomon end up getting more depth lore-wise than Lurien did?

Timestamp: 01:06:40

Ari: "Well, probably now, for us, they all have the same amount of narrative. We maybe have revealed less of Lurien's narrative."

William: "Yeah, again there's that thing of not everything has to be kind of symmetrical. So you know you can reveal much more about one character and not going to feel like they all... That means that you don't necessarily need to reveal more about another character, it's just whether it makes sense, given their place in the world, and their role, that the player learns more about them. In the end, Lurien is a pretty mysterious character, we don't reveal a lot."

Ari: "Internally there's a suggestion of a relationship with another character in the game, that never was really hinted inside... in any of the visible lore. We could have pursued that, and it probably would have been interesting, but again it might have just... there's a point where it's just too much."

William: "I think some people might have guessed it. Maybe? Have I seen that?"

Ari: "Maybe. Anyway, we won't say [who] it is."

Pronunciation of Dirtmouth

Timestamp: 01:13:50

William pronounces “Dirtmouth” as Dirt Mouth, the mouth is not pronounced like in “Plymouth”. IPA transcription is /'dɜːtmaʊθ/

Why is the Knight called "the wanderer" for the pin?

Timestamp: 01:15:35

Ari: "Technically it's not called “the Knight”, we're just using that... we're just saying that for convenience. It's a..."

William: "It's a slightly tricky thing where... because the character has no official in-game name. Which suits the story but it sometimes makes like marketing stuff slightly tricky. So “the Knight”, that's what we call it, that's what most people call it, as sort of like a not quite official-"

Ari: "Arguably, yeah, like “Wanderer” is more accurate."

William: "I remember talking to them about what exactly should be on the... Although I think on some other merch it does say “Knight”."

Ari: "Yeah, probably only because at a point we just starting saying: "Alright, we'll call it “the Knight”". We just... for that convenience of people understanding what we're on about."


Ari: "There is actually an internal name for the Knight that I won't reveal, but it is the name that we use with the translators, and in all the translation documents. So that we can distinguish this character from the Hollow Knight character. So it does have another name, but it's only internally used."

William: "Extremely secret."

Ari: "So yeah, it can't go on a badge somewhere."

Is the pantheon balance gonna stay more or less as it is in Godmaster?

Timestamp: 01:24:10

William: "Yep. I think we're happy with-"

Ari: "I think we're happy with where it ended up."


William: "I think we're happy with where the Godmaster content pack is at now. And also we're starting... we've moved on fully, almost fully, to Hornet's stuff now as well."

I saw someone on reddit talking about how some of that shakespearian english from godseeker is wrong or something. Will this be fixed?

Timestamp: 01:43:55

Ari: "Godseeker dialogue will not be fixed. It probably is not that accurate. But we had to write it very quickly."

William: "Godseeker, I mean consider the Godseeker itself does not actually know how to speak ancient language and perhaps it's a bit of an affectation on the Godseeker's part."

why did you guys remove Pure Vessel's dream nail dialogue?

Timestamp: 01:51:45

William: "People can hack that and see that, can't they?"

Ari: "We never added Pure Vessel's Dream Nail dialogue. And that's the end of the answer."

Submitted September 27, 2018 at 11:16PM by Sumwann

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