Tuesday, September 25, 2018

[JustNo/Narc Mom] How Kirby Earned Her Nickname for More Than One Reason (DAE Have This Happen)

[JustNo/Narc Mom] How Kirby Earned Her Nickname for More Than One Reason

[This is cross-posted to a couple support groups.] Kirby (mid 50's) ODed June 2018, she is no longer tormenting me. She followed when me, hub’s, & bro moved out for the first time because the family home was foreclosed on. (her fault) After a lifetime under her roof & four years under mine I am free from her abuse. If you want to read the backstory my chronology of posts is pinned to my profile. I want to say thank you for all the kind comments & for the support. I really appreciate it, you guys gave me so much hope through all this & the offers of continued support makes me feel all fuzzy inside & very grateful.

TL:DR at the bottom

So, as some of you may be familiar with Kirby was an endless food vortex. Hence how some commenters helped me come up with the name Kirby awhile back. Or for her full title Kirby the Pink Dragon. Dragon because she was a hoarder who would hiss at you if you got too close to her sh@t treasures. Also super, super mean & known to spit venomous word fire.

But there is another reason that the name Kirby fits so well. Because not only is the Nintendo darling round (fat), eats a lot (food vortex), acts cute (public mask), but also the Nintendo darling is a mimic. How does that equate to Kirby you ask? The freaking woman could not be original to save her hide.

Anytime I got interested in something. A color. A pattern. A type of fabric. A TV show. A type of beanie baby. A specific toy. Drawing. Digital painting. Collecting future hope chest baby stuffs. Nail polish. Hair dye. Soap/shampoo. Being a hobby farmer. You name it. The simplest, littlest, eensy-teensy thing. Was her thing.

Suddenly it was her that liked it, her that collected it, her that watched it, her that knew everything about the show. Yes, she drew before I was born. She copied cartoon characters & drew them in the exact same pose. It was almost like tracing but... not. It was weird, she was good at it, but it was still weird because she could not draw anything of her own. Could not draw characters in different positions, stuff like that. She stopped drawing before I was born for whatever reason. But when I started being artsy & being even remotely good at it. In she swept. The sudden art expert & critic. Telling me everything I did wrong. The highest appraisal from her was "I do not see anything wrong with this." on maybe a dozen of my hundreds of works throughout my lifetime. (When I got "I can sell this for real money" good she stopped looking at my work all together).

When I was writing she would have me read her everything I wrote & then would critic it. (this woman only read maaaaaaaybe a dozen books in her five decades of life. Would say almost proudly that she did not like to read) Tell me not only how to change wording, but character's names, love interests, actions, etc. She turned my heart & soul work into a freaking choose-your-own-adventure book for herself. Then after the move, only a few years ago, began demanding that I write books for her & give her the credit & money for sales. Really bad children's books that would not have sold at all. But every time I sat down to write she began squealing about me working on her book. I... I have not written more than a few pages since then & I used to write 200-500 words a night. So that is still a sore spot for me.

Growing up if I showed interest in, eh how 'bout [colorful cartoon daisies] for a random example, suddenly that was all she wanted. She would buy them for herself & lord them over me. Like her room would be stuffed with [colorful cartoon daisies]. Like she would have hundreds of them. If I ever bought one for myself even as an adult with funds my husband brought home, she would guilt me into giving it to her.

When I was a kid I thought it was just "because I am like mommy!" in my fog filled mind. But... now... An adult with no fog whatsoever. That was F'ed up. You have a baby who giggles hysterically at weebles so you have to have them all like some kind of pokemon weeble master? Kid likes care bears so you start collecting the vehicles & castles & all the playsets. She liked Atomic Betty, so you buy yourself the action figures. Both GC son (my wonderful bro) & SG daughter enjoy playing with playmobile. Gollum voice "It is all mines, preciouses. gollum gollum All the plaaaaaymobiles isssss miiiiinessssss...."

I am an adult who likes toys, I get collecting them. Bright colors, nostalgia, ooooh shiny!. But when I have a kid & if they like what I like I will buy things in freakin pairs if I want one. Not buy one for me, put it up high, call it "glass", then cackle like the hairpin losin' Looney Tune witch. (okay, she never really did that, but it would have been in line with her personality) F@ck that, dude. Just.... f@ck that.

Did anyone else go through similar? Where their Narc/JustNo mimicked them as a way of... I dunno.... playing psychological games?


Kirby copied everything I did so she could mock, gloat, & buy herself things as well as guilt/force me into giving her my things. She was a POS per the us'. (ual)

Submitted September 25, 2018 at 07:48PM by Twinkie_Face_1991 https://ift.tt/2OevWli

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