After banishing the evil countless times, the (gungeoneer name) gets sick of all these guns and decides to do whatever they can to avoid them. They realize this is a difficult task, and learn the cursed arts of ancient Ammomancy: Melee weaponry.
--Gungeoneer-- Any gungeoneer is allowed, except for The Bullet
--Starting Items-- Shelleton Key
One melee weapon of your choice, excluding Blasphemy due to the projectile, unless you choose to never have full health
--Restrictions-- Absolutely NO GUNS are allowed for use (Melee Weapons aren't guns)
You are NOT allowed to open red, black, rainbow, or synergy chests. If it is this value but a mimic, don't kill it. You cannot trash them either.
You may not have more than 3 passives (you can swap them out)
--Sacrifice-- You are allowed to pick up guns (but not use them). Based on their quality, they are worth a certain amount of "value points." You need to sacrifice a total of 10 "value points" for a reward S = 5 A = 4 B = 3 C = 2 D = 1 If you want a reward that is S tier, 15 points are needed. It is suggested you give yourself a synergy or a very good passive.
--Goal-- The goal is the Dragun, as it has a pun about guns in its name.
--Extra Challenge-- You may give yourself two melee weapons at the start, or a melee weapon with a synergy at the start (example: casey + nail gun) You can only sacrifice once. 3 passives, but no swapping. No shops. The goal is now every boss possible: Both secret floors, rat, lich
Have fun! Note: Sorry if this is really long, I made this up with my friends a long time ago and have played this numerous times. We tend to make things really complex. I know there are some holes, but I didn't want to make this long.
Submitted August 31, 2018 at 10:59PM by AlphabiteSoup
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