Friday, August 31, 2018

EtG Challenge: Triggered Magic

After banishing the evil countless times, the (gungeoneer name) gets sick of all these guns and decides to do whatever they can to avoid them. They realize this is a difficult task, and learn the cursed arts of ancient Ammomancy: Melee weaponry.

--Gungeoneer-- Any gungeoneer is allowed, except for The Bullet

--Starting Items-- Shelleton Key

One melee weapon of your choice, excluding Blasphemy due to the projectile, unless you choose to never have full health

--Restrictions-- Absolutely NO GUNS are allowed for use (Melee Weapons aren't guns)

You are NOT allowed to open red, black, rainbow, or synergy chests. If it is this value but a mimic, don't kill it. You cannot trash them either.

You may not have more than 3 passives (you can swap them out)

--Sacrifice-- You are allowed to pick up guns (but not use them). Based on their quality, they are worth a certain amount of "value points." You need to sacrifice a total of 10 "value points" for a reward S = 5 A = 4 B = 3 C = 2 D = 1 If you want a reward that is S tier, 15 points are needed. It is suggested you give yourself a synergy or a very good passive.

--Goal-- The goal is the Dragun, as it has a pun about guns in its name.

--Extra Challenge-- You may give yourself two melee weapons at the start, or a melee weapon with a synergy at the start (example: casey + nail gun) You can only sacrifice once. 3 passives, but no swapping. No shops. The goal is now every boss possible: Both secret floors, rat, lich

Have fun! Note: Sorry if this is really long, I made this up with my friends a long time ago and have played this numerous times. We tend to make things really complex. I know there are some holes, but I didn't want to make this long.

Submitted August 31, 2018 at 10:59PM by AlphabiteSoup

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