Sunday, June 10, 2018

[LFA] 6 man party for new Tal'Dorei campaign (with 2 more coming soon)!

Hey! So, I'm looking for somebody to make some digital drawings (coloured or just line art, up to you) for the party in the upcoming game I'll be DMing. Here are their descriptions:

Tipper, Rock Gnome School of Transmutation Wizard (Folk Hero) - Tipper is 3 1/2 feet tall, with short chestnut hair, a tanned complexion and kind grey eyes. He wears worn grey clothes, barely nicer than the average farmer outfit. At his side is a thick tome, his spellbook, and around his neck a string with a small key on it, that he uses as a focus. He wears a backpack, with gear for exploration and cooking, as well as playing cards

Aeterius Valrier, Tiefling Bard (Entertainer) - Aeterius wears a rather long, fetching brown coat in which he has a vial of perfume in his right breast pocket for quick, easy access in emergencies. He also carries his rations in the large outside pockets of the coat. On his back he carries his backpack with a lyre in it as well as a bedroll and other necessities and also on his back is a viol and lute, shoddily tied around him. He adorns his fine clothes but for travel and such he uses his armor. In those cases he'd put the chest piece on under the jacket to maintain a stylish look and swap out the trousers for armor due to the hassle. He has a shortsword on a holster on his belt. Aeterius' skin is a dull dark blue with some lighter stripes visible down his arms. His face is devilishly handsome with two prominent and large horns stemming from his forehead horizontally outwards. His thick, black hair is mostly slicked back in curtains with a branch hanging over his face, between his horns. His tail is rather small and most frequently tucked away as best as possible. 6 feet 1 inch.

Marinus Felix, Human Arcane Archer Fighter (Folk Hero) -

Martimir, Lizardfolk Way of the Sun Soul Monk (Guild Artisan) - Based on a bearded devil. Martimir has a yellow scally skin, yellow lizard eyes, sharp black nails on both his hands and feet, as well as a sharp collection of teeth in his maw. He wears red monastic robes with golden sun designs and caries a backpack with a bedroll. He is unarmed, apart from a couple of darts, hidden in the pocket of his robes. 6 feet 4 inches.

Zyrus, Fallen Aasimar Shadow Sorcery Sorcerer (Outlander) - An Aasimar slightly below average height (5 feet 4 inches) and looking a little frailer than most. His ash colored skin matching his jet black hair, that is highlighted with the occasional silver hair, one of few aspects of him that actually shows his age. his face isn't that of an unattractive man but he doesn't stand out as particularly handsome. not a chiseled jawline but certainly noticeable however the most striking feature is his eyes. Brown eyes that normally wouldn't stand out among his other features glow with red speckles and streaks that seem to burn with a deeper meaning. not always noticed at first they are something that cannot be unseen once noticed and has caused a few of the more superstitious townspeople call him a demon or the like. on the back of his right hand is a tattoo of a skull surrounded by leaves. a small bag of various colored crystals collected from his cave. includes 50 GP diamond. it sits next to a few other pouches sitting on his left side of his belt. secured by leather straps and attached to a belt is a fist sized chunk of smokey quartz that is used as an easily accessible arcane focus that rests on his right hip. primarily Zyrus wears a black hooded robe thats more of a cloak than anything, though usually not the hood. on its right shoulder sits his symbol of a skull surrounded by a ring of intertwined leaves. it has multiple artistic depictions and symbols relating to life and death, mostly around bones and leaves. not in the best condition and somewhat tattered around the edges. under it he wears plain grey traveling clothes also somewhat tattered and stained with age. on his left hand are 2 rings. on the index is a signet ring with his symbol and on the middle is a small gem left to him by Seraph, his guardian angel, many years ago. knowing its vaguely magical he has yet to learn what it does or is. both rings are made of silver. on his right middle finger is a plain silver ring. Zyrus also wears an amulet under his cloak, made of silver with a piece a smokey quartz taking up its centre. not particularly liking melee combat due to his lacking physical abilities Zyrus still knows you need backups. also resting on his belt are 2 daggers and he uses his quarterstaff as a walking stick, and tries to keep it that way.

The 6th and 7th member are yet to be completed, and will only join the party later. If possible, it’d be more convenient for each of the characters to be on a separate canvas. They can either be in an action pose, or just static (like a ref sheet). If you want more info, such as backstory, personality, and spells, feel free to PM me or leave a comment!

Thank you all in advance! :D

EDIT: Some grammer

Submitted June 10, 2018 at 06:17PM by Koulga

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