Sunday, December 8, 2019

CMV: Modern Art is just money embezzlement. Any claim to artistic value is a lie.

You probably heard the recent fiasco with a banana nailed to the wall selling for 150,000 dollars, as well as the other artist who ate the banana. You probably missed the part where the artist just replaced the banana and said the art is the idea, not the actual item. source

For me, this is a clear example that Modern Art doesn't exist. All the claims to abstract this or deconstruct that are just lies to cover for artificial evaluations of useless junk for rich people to store their cash in a non-taxable bank.

While a student, I actually was doing research into how the hell all these Russian Oligarchs we've sanctioned still manage to move their money between nations. I thought they were supposed to be sanctioned? Well, I later learned that they simply have been buying abstract art at sothebys etc, putting the abstract nonesense onto a crate, moving that crate to another country, and then selling the art there. Wala, money moved.

I have now come to the conclusion that modern art is a capitalist lie. All the over-technical abstract terms are nothing. Bullshit. Modern art exists for one purpose: allowing rich people to move their money without taxation or sanction to stop them. It can be anything. Even a banana. As long as some art evaluator gets his million to say it's worth tens of millions, and serve the ultra rich. All modern art is a lie. Fabricated to facilitate offshore accounts and money laundering. Embezzlement of funds from one place to another.

The only just response is to reject abstract modern and deconstructing art and see it for its true decomposing social value and nature.

Submitted December 08, 2019 at 09:12PM by MuskyElongatedRocket

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