I was looking for a status of the game overall, a short breakdown for comprehension. The roadmaps did not help at all, because all you can see are delays anyway.
I found Sarsaparillas post on SA in the SC Thread, page 167, and it is sums everything up. Of course, these are not the words of someone who understands game developement and fidelity, and the SC subreddit would feel there - unsurprisingly - is a strong negative connotation. Please remember that the Goons and the Goonfleet were one of the biggest and strongest early supporter groups of the Kickstarter until spring 2015, you can read it in the Archived threads. Even Chris Roberts gave them a shout out and was happy to welcome the Goons to the Verse. 6 Years ago iirc...
While there were many doubts about the scale and feature creep early in the 2012 and 2013 SA threads (just google the Freelancer disaster of Chris Roberts, were Microsoft fired him; they called it seperation on good terms from both parts so CR won't lose his face and reputation. Well, that aged well), the Goons were very vocal and supportive.
This is important to understand and defend that "haters" stigma, because there were so many that believed in Answer The Call 2014, just to be disappointed and left with lies. Many follow this testament of failure since the first days. It needed the year 2016 and the Gamescom lies and fake videos to make me abandon hope as well.
This disaster of a project in it's current state can be viewed by milestones here: https://starcitizentracker.github.io/
Now for Sarsapillars posting that nailes it imo:
You can log in and create a character in the extremely rudimentary creator.
You will then be able to spawn into the one and only starting space station for the last 6 years, Port Olisar. If you own a ship, you can spawn it and fly around.
There is one solar system with 3 planets and like 7 or 8 moons. You can fly to the planets, this will take 30+ minutes, and fly down to the surface, this will take another 10-15 minutes. On the surface there is one landing area per planet with any actual art assets. Everything else is procgen trees and hills and vast empty nothingness.
There are missions that you can accept from an extremely shit interface. Most of the missions are broken, especially anything involving combat. The most popular missions involve flying to a procgen base on a planet, picking up a box, and flying another 30 minutes to a procgen base on another planet to drop off the box. The mission will fail due to bugs about 50% of the time. Carrying a box is not available for starter ships unless you bought the right one by accident.
There are a couple missions involving shooting enemy AI inside of bases on the planets. The AI usually fails to spawn at all- if it does spawn, it poses zero threat. The guns cost in-game currency to purchase and frequently bug out, you will drop them all if you die and have to fly around to rebuy your shit.
You can group with people but you cannot trade with or interact with them in any meaningful way. Recently they introduced mission sharing which splits the already pitiful mission payouts between all group members. No other group gameplay exists and no multicrew functions have ever been implemented on the ships.
You can "Earn" ships in-game by performing missions. Each mission takes roughly 30 minutes, if it doesn't bug out and fail, and pays about 5k credits. Ship cost 500k to 25million credits. Anything you buy in-game will be reset, wiped from your account, when the next patch releases. Have fun with that.
New with 3.7- the game now features caves and mining on foot. It works exactly like you would expect.
That's pretty much it..
There are a million spaceships. They are largely broken, in the sense that the doors often don't work, stuff won't stay still in the cargo holds, the elevators will teleport you to the moon, and trying to walk around them mid-flight is potentially fatal at all times. They all have lots of guns and missiles- the missiles don't work.
Some of them were sold with things like radars or salvage mechanics. None of that stuff exists or is even scheduled to exist. The only thing that distinguishes them is how big they are, how fast they are, and how much health they have.
Inevitably, the ships that cost more actual money are bigger, have more health, and (inexplicably) go faster. Many of the ships are just straight-up worthless because they cannot fight, cannot carry boxes, and were sold so long ago that they have been power creeped into uselessness. If you want to "Win" at the game, i.e. survive any fight, just buy the latest and biggest ship.
Currently the biggest and latest ship is a space yacht. It has almost no guns but it has a sauna and a pool hall and a boardroom suite. None of those do anything. This is the core of the game.
TLDR Basically it's a 50 player server where there are no goals, no mechanics, and no long term progression, and everything you see costs literally thousands of dollars.
It is a sandbox for nerds who spend money poorly to go sit in digital spaceship models with no mechanics and pretend they're genius captains. There's nothing to really indicate that this state of affairs will ever change as long as they keep giving money to Chris Roberts.
So, whenever someone tells you how "impressed" they are and "how far SC has come", you can link to this, and I might change it as soon as there is a serious amount of core content added.
Squadron 42 is still MIA and No Mans Sky is running victory laps around SC. "Star Citizen is Next Gen" Well, lol, no, it might haven been, if it was released and complete in 2015.
Compare the Star Marine technology to the CoD Modern Warfare engine. It’s hilarious how far behind SC already is. Red Dead Redemption 2, Cyperpunk and Death Stranding will wipe the floor with Star Citizen, technically and in all aspects of immersion.
Oh, and some last words to No mans Sky, you might enjoy this, from a former self called SC Cultist: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/d2kmrg/a_former_star_citizen_fanboy_realizes_the_error/
If you haven't played No Mans Sky for some time or even ever, it is a damn fine space exploration game that redeemed itself (after similiar lies btw) since launch in summer 2016, and it is an actual game with easily 100+ hours of content.
While Star Sitizen made ridiculous little steps of "progress" the last 36 months, Hellogames pumped 3 major content updates within that timeframe of 3 years into their release disaster and it became an amazing and beautiful, chilling piece of game.
Here you can read about all the patched and content updates of NMS: https://nomanssky.gamepedia.com/Patch_notes
So there was s project where the customers were lied to. Where wrong promises were made and the first iteration was a POS. But Hello Games actually delivered.
When will CI not G just catch up to a something like NMS? And by the way: Osiris New Dawn, another feature creep development hell that seemed game over finally made it into Beta. Another space game that leaves SC behind. And it did not need 300 Million funding
Thanks for reading. I still have 2 entry pledges into that project and would love to play SQ42. Someday. I honestly fear and don't think they are able to finish this project. Not as long as the Roberts Clan is pulling strings.
Submitted November 04, 2019 at 12:54PM by MrPayDay https://ift.tt/32d0IOB
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