So first off, I'd ike to give some general guidance on cfs. You can make some decent, quick, money from doing this but you shouldn't expect to get rich off this or have this be a full time thing for you. Dont save up all ur money and buy 10k worth of bills. That's they way that people get caught. You're best off putting a couple thousand dolalrs of fakes (at most) into your city for some quick cash, then take a break from any counterfeiting for a few months before you even think of doing it again. Hitting other cities or even other states in the meantime is a good idea.
The most important part of the whole process and maybe even the most difficult is finding a good vendor. I know sourcing isnt allowed here so i wont mention any specific vendors but i will give some general tips. Youre gonna have to go on the dark net to find anyone. Any clearnet vendors are fake. Also, anybody u find off the hidden wiki or whatever other retarded site noobs stumble across after googling "how to get on the darknet" are scams. Theyre all just noob traps. Any sites advertising north korean supernotes or whatever else are scams too. Most of the "legit" counterfeit vendors (meaning people who will actually send u something) u find on the markets will really just be selling shitty wish bills. You cant trust market feedback, thats another noob mistake. it is easily faked. Also, it is very easy for vendors selling shitty unsuable bills to get away with it because of the way the market dispute systems work. They really only care about whether a package and product was delivered. If they send you actual prop money theyll probably still win the dispute because they have a tracking number to provide and proof that they sent u fake money. To find a good vendor ur gonna have to actually do some real digging and research. Most counterfeit vendors will briefly stay on a market to get some customers and make a name then will just leave and do business through a tor email or jabber and rely on word of mouth to get more customers. THis is very smart because counterfeit vendors attract a lot of heat. The secret service deals with counterfeiters and they have more free resources and time to hunt people down than agencies dedicated to tracking drug dealers.
The second most important part is aging the bills. A lot of people make the mistake of just trying to pass the bills as is after they recieve them. Even the best vendor's bills will still need work done on them. And any vendor advertising "pre aged bills" or saying their bills dont need any work to pass is lying and most likely scamming. The aging process is pretyy time consuming and no vendor is gonna actually do it for the thousands of bills they produce.
Below is a copy past of two differnet mehtods u can use. Theyre both good, but best way to go about it is to combine the two where possible. Both methods will cause the bills to pass the "pen test" and also seem aged and look real.
Best Ways to prep CNotes for the feel!
Almost every day I'm 'bombarded' with questions about what does prep notes means and the best ways of doing it...
I'll leave my opinion about it and would appreciate [italic] others views and opinions on how to do it. [/italic]
1st - Prep notes is the process of aging and make them 'feel' like the real deal after printing them and inserting the security features.
Did some research and talked to a few 'players' and, for me, the process applied that raises less 'double checking' from people when accepting them is below.
What you'll need;
Tea light candle,
- 'Dip' your notes into the ash recipient and 'massage' them (makes the brand new looking paper dirty, aged)
- With the back of a tea light candle rub slightly the entire note. (Be careful not to rub heavily, it will look streaked and raises suspicion, also on the silver security features you might scrape them off if not gentle. This will help with the feel)
- Spray them evenly at a good distance, let's say, 30 to 50cm distance. (Do NOT soak them, if you do it will give you the opposite effect you want. That will help with the normal crackling of notes and together with the candle composite help's you with the pen test, not full-proofed. Oh and avoid using a heavily fragrance hairspray it will stink and people will notice that making them look twice to the note and you don't want that!)
After this 3 steps, fold and scrunch the notes in various ways, don't overdo this step it will make the notes weird and, again, you don't want people looking twice to the notes. Put them on you pocket and 'spend' a day with them there while you go about your day.
My opinion is that if you do this process, it will increase your odds massively of passing them successfully... Not 100% guaranteed, keep in mind that the quality of printing and inserting security features is, about, 70% the most important bit when playing with 'novelty' note.
Massively important and most people forget this detail... WEAR GLOVES when prepping the notes, and if you can, when passing them.
Imagine this scenario, you create the notes and prep them. You go along pass them and go home with 'clean' cash, end of day when banking the counterfeit notes is detected that is fake, depending on quantity, value and strictness of MO from the company they decide to pass them to LE and they go about dusting them for fingerprints. You didn't use gloves so it shows your fingerprints plus the cashier and LE involved with the notes, who do you think they will suspect??!
Hope this helps, you artists, at least a little bit more about on this 'art'
And please share your expertise, so I can learn as well.
Be cautions and peace out!
Tea light candle is good for obtaining "waxy" feel.
What has worked in the past with people I dealt with:
-Graphite Powder
-Tea Candle
-Krylon 1311-matte finish. It's a spray-fixative often found at art supply stores. IMO superior to hairspray.
-Needle-nose or fine-toothed pliers
Crumple bills, straighten out, dust with graphite powder to make them appear older. Then blast a good 2-3 coats of Krylon matte over the bill. Good to go.
Finally, crimp the coat around the portrait area using needlenose pliers, with a good amt of pressure to mimic the intaglio ink.
Liquid bandaid is your friend when passing, btw. Gloves seem suspicious if you are not in a cold area.
Method 2
-Spray bills with Krylon 1311 and allow to dry. (I only do the front of the bills because that's the side pen tested most often and it won't saturate the bills as much).
-Now this step I will describe best as I can: Take one bill and fold it in half, hold it with your index finger and thumb and kind of pinch it in a way that you roll the bill up and down do this in both directions and you will notice the bill gets very soft because it tears some fibers doing this (This is what will soften the bill more than the hydrualic press believe it or not).
Get a small bowl of ashes like cigar ashes and pour onto a small piece of aluminum foil. Rub the borders of the bill in the ashes, so it's not bright white of course and makes the bill look aged. (Most counterfeit notes usually have dates of 2006 or earlier, this was 13 years ago remember. Bills should definitely have some kind of dirt on them).
-Get some vaseline. A very very small amount and rub it on your index finger to make a thin layer. Apply a very small amount on the face of the bill where you think would be pen test and spread it out so you can barely tell it was applied.
-Try the pen test, if it passes with a bright yellow line or dot that's good wipe it off as much as possible with a paper towel and the bill is good to go. If it turned light brown apply just a little more vaseline. IMPORTANT If the marker glosses over the bill and barely left a mark you've applied to much vaseline you can fix this by re-aging the note carefully.
In the second method, i disagree that u should only apply krylon to one side. It is a good idea to avoid oversaturation, but u want both sides to look and feel the same in case they turn the bill over. I recommend just lightly spraying the back of the bill.
Also, imo both guide's dont emphasize avoiding leaving fingerprints and dna enough. I reccomend liquid bandaid and gloves while working on the bills. I also recommend wearing a beanie to avoid any hair falling and sticking to the bill. If it is cold where u live then wear gloves while passing in addition ot the liquid bandaid. if it isnt then do not. If u cant reasonably wear gloves while passing the bills, then what u should do is run an electric sander and briefly tap ur finger prints on it while its running. this wont fuck up ur fingers or even break the skin. it doesnt even hurt, it just feels funny but will still temporarily distort ur fingerprints so that they wont match to u if pulled. Then after that, apply the liquid bandaid (some people recommend clear nail polish but i think bandaid is better)
Also, don't rely on any tv methods. Poker chips in a dryer fucks the bills up, using coffee is not as good as ashes or graphite.
Now suprsingly, the easy part of all this is passing the bills. This is what I consider to be the best method: buy counterfeit 20s. Hundreds and 50s attract a lot more attention and examination. After aging, take the 20s to a dollar store or any other small store that will not have cameras and does not experience a lot of serious theft. Since there isnt qnything to valuable in these stores the employees tend to be more relaxed and less on guard. Not to mention, its probably pretty shitty workting there so they probably dont realy give a fuck. I always avoid stores in the ghetto because theyre more likely to have been hit with counterfeits before.
Before going to the store, I recommend parking ur car in a different lot and then either walking or biking over to the store. This is in case any of the other stores have cameras that the police could pull footage from. Also, if u get very unlucky and any employee follows u out of the store, u wouldnt be able to get into ur car cuz theyd see the plates. And if the cops show up itll be easy to know which car is urs cuz itll just be abandoned and sitting there.
At the store, buy a couple dollars worth of items (not just 1 dollar, thats more suspicious) and then give them the 20 and get change. Talking to them during this proces is a good idea, ask them how their day is or whatever. You'll seem friendly and less suspicious and itll also distract them. I recommend going for elderly or teenage cashiers if possible.
If the worst happens and they realize its a counterfeit just start yelling at them and accusing them of trying to scam u then take the bill and leave.
IMO this is th ebest way to pass bills because the managers probably wont care too much if they only got scammed with 1 fake 20. They might not even care enough to involve the police or might not bother because they think the police wont care. Best case scenario is they dont ever realize and the bill goes to the bank. By then, it'll be too late for them to have any idea who could have spent it or even when it was spent.
Now here are some common methods i see posted that i feel are bad ideas:
using all ur bills at once to buy expensive things. Any store with expensive items will definitely have cameras and probably loss prevention too. Preventing theft and fraud will probably also be more highly emphasized and trained on at these stores. Also, if u scam one place out of hundreds of dollars theyre more likely to involve the police and do everything they can to get u caught.Handing over a bunch of bills at once is more risky too because the cashier will have to spend more time handling and examining the bills. Lastly, youre more likely to encounter some idiot employee wanna be cop that will try to chase u or detain u to protect their beloved companies laptop or whatever lmao.
Buying off of craigslist. This is often recommended but I feel this is a terrible idea. Craigslist has a reputation for being sketchy and dangerous so anybody selling is more likely to be on guard and looking out for any signs of danger or scams. Also, a dollar store cashier probably wont care too much even if they realize ur scmaming them. Theyll most likely just call the cops (giving u plenty of time to safely get away). In the craigslist scenario ur personally robbing the person, not just the shitty company paying them minimum wage. They might be so angered if they realize ur scamming them that they're willing to pull a gun or chase u down or beat u up to keep u from escaping.
Buying from drug dealers. Pretty much the same reasons as why i think craigslist is a bad idea. Also, the drug delaer might be more dangerous and willing to hurt u if they realize anyting is off. If its just some college kid selling weed, u have the opposite problem. if they get caught using the bill theyll definitely be willing to give the police a complete list of any customers that could have given them the counterfeit bills.
Buying gift cards. I see this recommended all the time but this is an awful idea imo. Gift cards are very high fraud risk items and buying them might cause the employee to pay more attention. Theyre frequent targets during counterfeiting and credit card fraug. Theyre the first thing every "genius" thinks of buying. Also, i dont thinks spending them is safe. People often recommend selling them for bitcoin but youll get a really terrible percentage of the value and itll really eat into ur profits between payng money for the cf notes and then selling the gift cards at less than face value.
good luck to anybody trying these methods! hope this was helpful
Submitted November 30, 2019 at 01:37AM by Existing-Analyst
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