Saturday, October 26, 2019

Iris Iridaceae Test (Reboot)

Name: Team: Age: Gender: Species: Aura:
Iris Iridaceae N/A 17 Female Kermode Bear Mauve?


Mental # Physical # Social #
Intelligence 2 Strength 4 Presence 2
Wits 2 Dexterity 3 Manipulation 2
Resolve 3 Stamina 3 Composure 2


Mental -3 Physical -1 Social -1
Academics 0 Athletics 3 Empathy 2
Computer 0 Brawl 2 Expression 0
Craft 0 Drive 0 Intimidation 1
Grimm 2 Melee Weapons 4 Persuasion 0
Science 0 Larceny 0 Socialize 1
Medicine 3 Ranged Weapons 2 Streetwise 0
Politics 0 Stealth 0 Subterfuge 0
Dust 0 Investigation 0
Survival 2


Merits # Flaws # Aura/Weapons #
Enhanced Aura Pool 4 Overprotective 1 Aura 3
Armour - Archaic 2 Aura Powered 2 Semblance 2
Custom Armour - Def 1 Deep Sleeper 1 Weapon 2
Advanced Healing Aura 2 Tech Challenged 1
Quick Draw 1


Health Aura Pool Armor Passive Defense Speed Initiative Perception
11 16 5 / 4 2 12 5 4


Name Value Notes
Brawl 6
Ranged 7
Thrown 8
Melee 10
Aura Strike 13 2 AP
All Out Aura Strike 15 No Defense 2 AP


Sanctuary - Full Round (6?????? AP)

Iris stands as a defender of her people, and a sanctuary for those who would come to harm. When Iris casts her semblance, an explosion of light and aura surrounds her, rippling and glowing like the Northern Lights. While small ribbons of light dance around her fingertips, a much larger energy field safeguards those around her. The aura hardens at its edges, providing armor to anyone behind it; those within can fire out of it freely.

"Effect: In a [stat?] radius around her, all targets inside the effect gain [semblance] armor. She can control the shape of the effect as long as it stays within her maximum range, and its edges are hard to the touch, but can be forced through with a contested [str] vs [resolve] check. She can continue this effect on subsequent turns for half cost, but she loses all passive defense whenever the effect is active. Every turn past [stamina/2] rounds she keeps it active, she must pass a [stam] check, or she will immediately come under the full effect of the aura-powered flaw. She cannot use any of her remaining aura until she completes the 3 recovery actions, and the subsequent combat penalty persists until she regains full AP. (If Iris does not have the aura powered flaw, the combat penalty does not apply after the 3 recovery turns are complete.) "

Physical Description

Iris is moderately tall, standing at about 5’8” with a remarkably strong build. She built up her strength over years of training, and while she feels no need to show it off, she has the powerful frame of a young warrior. Her skin is fair and freckled, and she bears a few scars here and there. Her story comes together with a pair of small, white ears that sit atop her head, and dark, claw-like nails that extend from her fingertips. The palms of her hands and soles of her feet bear tough, dark pads [link pic of bear paws]. However, her shoes and gauntlets tend to hide them. Iris keeps her nails bluntly filed, but not everyone in her family does this.

Her long, thick, and slightly wavy hair is silvery white, displaying the faintest hint of lilac in the right conditions. She wears her hair long, to the middle of her back, and usually keeps it neatly braided and out of her face. To say it requires taming is a bit of an understatement. However, she occasionally wears it down or half-down. Iris has forest-green eyes - the most striking feature of her face - and freckles on her nose and cheeks. She has full, fair eyebrows and somewhat angular features, but her bright smile dispels any menacing impressions… most of the time. Iris tends to be very expressive, and can rarely hide what she’s feeling.

Iris’ daily outfit consists of dark, durable pants, leather boots, some kind of blouse or undershirt, and her overcoat. Her favourite set starts with a pair of khaki-coloured pants with roomy, zippered pockets, and her calf-high combat boots. Her go-to shirt is a sleeveless buttoned blouse, dyed a rich violet that fades down into indigo and midnight blue. An embroidered floral design finishes the look. Her coat is a similar violet-to-blue fade, adorned with elegant golden embroidery to match. An asymmetrical collar and teardrop hem finish the look. The inner lining is a soft cream colour, and can be fitted with warmer inserts for the winter. As well, Iris wears a long, sheer cardigan under her coat. The piece goes down to her calves and ends in a similar teardrop cut. The translucent fabric is richly dyed to look like the northern lights - the namesake of her weapon and expression of her semblance. Finally, Iris wears a ribbon in her hair, and an heirloom necklace that she keeps under her shirt.

In combat, Iris wears a suit of armour, forged from the same metal as her weapon. Full plates cover her chest and torso, as well as her boots, shins, and thighs. Asymmetrical pauldrons cover her upper arms, and she wears a full set of gauntlets from her fingertips to elbows. Extended metal plates on her fingertips cover her long nails. Each piece of her armour is engraved with elegant designs, and some of the exposed leather straps are dyed dark violet.

Weapon Description

Aurora Sanctum [LINK IMAGE] is Iris’ personal weapon, forged from the same silvery metal as her armour. Aurora Sanctum took months of work and a great deal of support to build, but to Iris, using it is second nature. The blades are decorated with intricate carvings to match her gear, and some accents like the grip are dyed a rich purple hue. A long, elegantly embroidered ribbon is tied to the weapon as a decoration, displaying some of the finest handiwork from her home. The three different forms of her weapon - sword, war axe, and shotgun - are designed to transition smoothly from one to the next, and dust can be used in all three.

Its primary melee form is most similar to a two-handed claymore - strong, effective, and durable, but still providing her with the dexterity for quick reactions. Vents along the core can be opened to load or release dust. The blade is double-sided, offering Iris a great deal of versatility, and elegant patterns are engraved on the blade and hilt. There is a small opening near the tip of the blade, which later serves as the muzzle of the shotgun.

The second form of Aurora Sanctum is the war axe, useful for when Iris needs to focus on sheer force. The blades of the claymore slide up the haft and fold like a book, producing a one-sided blade. The grips of the sword also slide up the handle, enabling Iris to change forms without needing to drop the weapon or reposition her hands. The same engravings on the sword are visible in the axe, but the blades are in a new position. As for the muzzle from before, it is seen at the heel of the blade, and Iris can fire the “gun” to give the axe more swinging power.

The final form is a shotgun, Iris’ ranged option. From the sword form, the blades fold back on themselves to reveal the barrel and muzzle. The grip is the same between the sword and the shotgun, and the sword’s guard rotates to accommodate the change. The dust and ammunition chambers are most accessible in this form, and although the weapon can technically be loaded in any position, Iris prefers this one if she can.


Nestled in the great mountains south of the Vytal Sea, the fortress at Glacier’s Rest was a bastion of shelter and respite for the survivors of the Great War. With ceasefires called and weapons laid down, a band of soldiers and displaced civilians forged their new future in what had been one of Vale’s greatest architectural marvels. Bolstered by its strategic position, the valley offered fertile land, verdant forests, and protection from the bitter winters that ravaged the mountains further inland. From its humble beginnings, Glacier’s Rest soon flourished as a trade hub in Vale’s far north, and acts as the final waypoint for brave souls seeking to traverse the mountains beyond. Many of the original founders made the fortress their permanent home.

Tracing its roots to a small band of warriors who fought and survived together along the Vytal front, the Iridaceae clan were some of the first settlers of the village. Iris Iridaceae is the firstborn of Crocus and Dahlia Iridaceae, alongside her sister Nivenia, and brothers Dietes and Gelasine. As the story goes, her father - second child to the clan’s patriarch, and leader of the local guard known as the Silver Gales - had gone down the mountain on a frigid winter night and found Dahlia alone on the trail. Crocus rushed out to meet the freezing stranger and insisted that she come to the village to wait out the blizzard… and the rest, of course, was history. The two fell madly in love and were married that summer; Iris was born at the end of winter.

Ever since she was a young girl, Iris was fascinated with stories of the past and the legends of heroes. She loved to act out fairytales, slaying Grimm made of fallen leaves and turning sticks into huntsmen’s blades. With near-boundless energy and a knack for getting into trouble, she proved to be quite the handful. However, Iris was always one to look out for her friends, and she was fiercely protective of her little siblings once they came along. Her aunt Tritonia, another member of the Gales, always teased that she’d be a perfect match for the team. Iris was thrilled, but her parents weren’t nearly as excited. The world was a dangerous place, she was told. However, Iris always knew that somehow, she was meant to be out there. Over time, she finally proved herself worthy of trading her tree branches for training swords - but on the strict condition that this training was for practice alone. But as all good fairytales go, some rules were meant to be broken.

It didn’t happen on purpose, of course. On a bright, clear winter morning, Iris was playing in the valley with her brothers when alarms rang out from the village. She’d only heard that sound a few times before, and her mother would rush her inside while her father and aunt sprung into action. Iris immediately grabbed her brothers and told them to run for the village. However, when the trio turned a corner on the rocky trail up the mountains, the path was blocked by leering shadows. Wicked, glowing eyes turned to face them, protruding from hunched frames, covered in smoking bone. The creatures of Grimm had come to the valley. Ursai. Iris stood in the path, trembling in her boots, but drew her tiny wooden sword and ordered her brothers to get back. But there were so many of them, and the village was so far away. Iris thought she saw one of the Ursa smile as they crept closer, and with a terrifying roar, they raced down the mountain and lunged through the air towards her. Iris dropped the sword, threw her arms around her brothers… and in that moment, something happened. An explosion of brilliant light and energy surrounded her, and Iris knew it was something she’d done. She thought she heard a fight and voices calling out to her, but she didn’t care. All that mattered is that they were safe.

It only seemed like she closed her eyes for a moment, but the next thing she knew, Iris was curled up in fluffy blankets in her bed. Her mother was beside herself, her aunt and father were hurt, the Silver Gales were battered and the elders were in an uproar... but miraculously, everyone survived. The council was up bickering for hours, but as for Iris and her family, they spent the evening sitting by the hearth. They were home, they were okay. And as for Iris, she had found her semblance.

Unfortunately, the valley would not be the same. In the days and weeks that followed, reports came flooding in from nearby villages spotting Grimm… and those were the best of cases. It had been generations since Grimm had made it this close, but now they were nearly at their doorstep. To make matters worse, most of the huntsmen of the kingdom were either too far away to hire, or demanded exorbitant fees to even consider helping them. And so, the people of Glacier’s Rest - ever a proud and stubborn breed - took matters into their own hands. A night after the call to arms, Crocus was leaving the council hall when he saw Iris waiting with the wooden sword in her hands.

The Gales knew there was no stopping her, so Iris’ training began immediately. She thought that inexperience would be her greatest challenge, but it turned out to be her aura. For one, her semblance was completely uncontrolled; it took months to summon the power again, and each time she did, she’d find herself waking up on the sidelines. This led to the second issue of her aura, something Dahlia called a “drain”. A certain trait ran through Iridaceae, where some would develop incredibly powerful auras only to collapse when it was gone. But true to her nature, the challenge only fueled her fire. By the end of the year, she could channel her aura and semblance at will… mostly. Iris also began training in the martial arts, and found skill in not only swords, but axes as well. Although unconventional, her fighting styles merged into something all her own. She also began wearing armour more frequently, and this became an everyday staple.

As the years went on, Iris became a proficient fighter, but the pressure of the Grimm only intensified. Eventually, the time came to join the guard as a true fledgeling, and forge a weapon of her own. The Gales encouraged her to pick a simple design, but her heart was set on a huntsman-style hybrid: she called it Aurora Sanctum. Iris pitched it to the Gales and offered to work extra hours in exchange for help making it. Crocus thought it looked ridiculous, and Dahlia wondered how Iris would go about building such a contraption. Tritonia told her to add a gun.

After countless sleepless nights and months of work, Aurora Sanctum was finally complete. Iris began using it immediately, and her performance dramatically improved. She finally felt like she had the strength to face anything, and for a while, it seemed that the threat was fully under control. But of course, that’s not how most stories end.

Iris was nearly seventeen when it happened. It wasn’t the first time that a routine scouting mission went awry, and the initial Beowulf ambush was fully manageable. The chaos and terror only began when the Silver Gales tried to make it home. Iris felt an unshakable premonition that something was wrong, and urged her companions to come with her, but they insisted everything was fine - so Iris set off alone. When she rounded the corner on the mountain trail, the second wave of Grimm were waiting.

Iris cried out for backup but was forced to face the onslaught alone. Somehow, she just barely managed to cut them down - and suddenly heard the voice of her sister. Nivenia just about crashed into her, frantic and injured, wailing that there were more Grimm coming and they already reached the village. By the time the rest of Iris’ party arrived, they were surrounded, and this time not even their full force could completely hold back the monsters. Iris didn’t know how long the fighting went on for, but as night fell, they were barely holding on. By some miracle, the team got a single window to escape, but a group would need to stay behind to cover the rear. Nivenia was badly wounded, and Tritonia ordered Iris to take her and run. Iris begged the others come with her, but she had no choice but to fall back. In the middle of the night, Iris finally collapsed at the gate of Glacier’s Rest, carrying Nivenia in her arms. When she woke up the next day, the fighting was over and her sister was alive. But when the council met up to discuss their options, they found they had too many chairs.

When Iris told her parents that she wanted to be a huntress, they thought she had a fever. But when she persisted in her claims, Crocus was furious. He demanded to know who gave her the idea, and if she truly intended to abandon them when they needed help the most. And he asked if she was running because she was scared. And, truthfully, Iris said yes… she was terrified. But not because she was afraid of staying in the valley. She was afraid of what she’d lose if she stayed, and still wasn’t enough.

Some time passed, and once Iris healed, she sat down with the Gales to discuss her plans. While she was still young enough to be accepted, she wanted to go to Beacon. It would only be four years, and unlike with Atlas, she could go home after she graduated and act as a free agent. It would be years until she could be a full member of the Gales anyway, and if she pulled the right strings, Iris could call upon the kingdom for aid if they ever needed help. The plan seemed foolproof, and the only downside was how badly she wanted to stay home. But in the end, it was decided, and Iris prepared to set out late that summer.

The night before she was set to leave, Iris was packing when Crocus asked to talk. He placed a small box in her hand, with letters from her family and the Gales, and a necklace bearing the crest of the clan. With a heavy heart, he gave her the family’s blessing to go, so long as she promised to come home when she was ready. Iris smiled, and swore that she’d always be by their side.


Generally bold and outgoing, Iris thrives in the company of others and can make friends with just about anyone. She’s a girl who wears her heart on her sleeve, and although she knows how dangerous the world can be, she’s compassionate to a fault. She expects that everyone has good in them, and she freely opens her heart to the people she trusts. If there’s something she can do to help, you can depend on her to give it her best shot. She’d never admit to it, but she’s extremely affectionate and can’t stand being alone for too long.

Iris may not be the most academically gifted individual, but she faces her challenges with great determination to push through. Iris has a strong work ethic, and is very diligent in her training. She finds that she can tackle just about anything with enough willpower and dedication. Meanwhile, she hates being seen as weak or incapable - it’s one of the few things that can make her want to be alone.

Iris insists that she’s a cautious person, and it’s true that she hesitates to needlessly approach a threat. However, those who’ve seen her in combat would laugh at the claim. She can be reckless and shortsighted when someone she cares for is threatened, and it’s caused her to lock horns with others over good intentions. Sometimes she’s right, and sometimes she’s not, but once her heart is set she can be extremely difficult to deal with. While Iris can normally keep her composure, her insecurity is prone to show through the cracks when she’s overwhelmed.

At her core, Iris is compassionate, determined, stubborn, and fiercely protective. She feels a strong sense of duty to protect those around her, and won’t hesitate to put herself in danger for someone she cares about. When she has a goal and truly puts her mind to it, there’s very little that can stop her. That stubbornness may or may not work out in her favour.


  • Flaw - Tech Challenged: Your character was raised in a rural environment, far removed from the technological marvels of the kingdom’s major cities. Items which are considered commonplace in the modern world - like communication scrolls, control panels, interactive devices, modern vehicles, home appliances, and many more - seem otherworldly to your character. As a result, they face additional challenges when operating any electronic device, especially when complex computers are involved. Effect: your character takes the greater of -2 to Computer checks, or -1 to checks involving other modern technology, at ST discretion.

  • Note - Aura Powered: Iris currently has the Aura Powered flaw. If the use of her semblance, Sanctuary, causes her AP to fall to zero, the Aura Powered flaw comes into effect at the end of the turn, even if [stamina/2] rounds have not yet passed. Additional penalties may apply at ST discretion. If the Aura Powered flaw is bought back, remove this note.

Submitted October 26, 2019 at 01:31PM by TwentyfootAngels

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