Sunday, October 27, 2019

A Guide to Viveport Infinity

NOTE: While I want to make it clear that I think this is a pretty damn great service for the price, I also want people considering this service to know upfront that a lot of these supposedly full games are versions that haven't been updated in years or are missing huge chunks of content that their full releases have. If you are considering subscribing to Viveport Infinity to try out certain games be sure to check their information page on Viveport. A lot of these games haven't been updated since their initial 2016 or 2017 release while the version you'd buy on Steam is fully up to date.

A friend of mine gave me the a heads up about a free two month trial of Viveport Infinity for Index and Odyssey+ users. He has an Index and I have an O+ so we both subscribed and have been playing through as many games as we possibly can in that time period. I've played a ridiculous amount of games so far and I wanted to create this 'Guide to Viveport Infinity' to help people sort through the enormous library of games on offer.

I will be using a Hot, Warm, and Cold rating scale. Games in bold are Hot and I totally recommended them. Games in plain text are Warm and are generally worth trying but might not be for everyone. Italicized games are Cold and I would recommend avoiding them.

Viveport Infinity Games I Already Owned Before Trying Infinity: 

Arizona Sunshine: What more can be said about Arizona Sunshine that hasn't already been said? A very competent zombie shooter that was one of the first VR games to make it big. A little long in the tooth but still a good time and well worth your attention still. You can play through the whole campaign co-op or play a Horde mode that is fun for a while but is ultimately pretty monotonous.

RacketNX: Essentially a futuresport version of squash this is a very well made game with a slick UI, energizing music, and addictive, score attack based gameplay. It has an alright multiplayer mode too but honestly I think comparing scores is the better experience here. Swings go close to where you want them but fine tuning your shot can get a little frustrating sometimes. All in all a great experience, though!

To the Top: This is a time trial based climbing and platforming game that is all about keeping your momentum, choosing the fastest route, and finding shortcuts. Has a simple, but effective aesthetic and runs great. A fun game to just chill out and listen to music playing, or have fun with friends in the multiplayer.

FORM: A truly amazing singleplayer experience that I would almost call visionary. Sacred geometry based puzzle design that is totally mind bending and occasionally requires some abstract and lateral thinking skills. Can be finished in roughly an hour or two but what a ride it is!

I Expect You to Die: First off, let me give props to that intro! Seriously, it's worth firing this game up just to watch the intro alone! However, the good news is there's a great game to be had after that. Can be completed in under three hours easily if you're good at puzzles, but each level is fun and quirky and very well designed. Has a Saturday Morning Cartoon vibe, and for some reason the villain always makes me think of Claw from Inspector Gadget.

The Gallery Episode 1: Call of the Starseed: This was one of the first games people were raving about when VR started to catch on and while it's been overshadowed these days it still functions as an excellent introduction for its second episode. Has a great 80's movie atmosphere that's like a mix of 'The Goonies' and 'The Last Starfighter' and the puzzles are well put together. Can be completed in about an hour and a half and ends on a cliffhanger that leads perfectly into...

The Gallery Episode 2: Heart of the Emberstone: This is one of my all time favorite VR games and I'm eagerly anticipating the third, and I believe concluding, episode. Takes everything that was cool about Episode 1 and transports it to an amazing alien world and then dials the puzzle design up to eleven. Amazing sense of place and scale, along with a highly intrigiuing story told through pitch perfect voice acting. I don't want to say much more about this other than PLAY IT! It's so good and should be experience by anyone with a VR headset.

Singleplayer Puzzle Games: 

Twilight Path: This is from the same developer of 'FORM', Charm Games, and if you liked that there's a good chance you'll enjoy this. Rather than the futuristic, geometry based visuals of 'FORM' this has a more eastern mysticisim/cartoon look to it. The puzzles are also on the whole a little easier than 'FORM', but still well worth experiencing. A great game for adults and kids that has a lot of heart. Just wish there was more of it, as it ends right when it feels like the plot is finally starting to go somewhere.

A Fisherman's Tale: This is one of the most beautiful experiences I've had in VR. Cannot recommend this one enough! Has an extremely charming aesthetic that is lovingly rendered and is essentially a Pixar movie come to life. It is a very moving tale about father and son and it features some of the most mind-bending puzzle design I've yet encountered in VR. I wholeheartedly recommend this game to anyone!

Five Nights at Freddy's: I'm going to put this one in with the puzzle games because despite the horror theme, that's ultimately what it is. There's various "minigames" that range from shining your flashlight around, to closing doors to protect yourself from rogue animatronic monsters, to repairing said animatronic monsters. Despite favorable reviews I ultimately wasn't too hot on this one. I found most of the game modes very repetitive and even boring and since I'm not susceptible to jump scares the horror elements fell totally flat for me. You may feel differently if you get into the atmosphere and dig the game's vibe.

PROZE: Enlightenment: This reminds me of The Gallery games a lot. Has the same backpack mechanic and very similarly designed puzzles. However, it has a more adult, slavic flavored stroy that leans into conspiracy themes and as a byproduct of that it has a much more unnerving atmosphere. Well worth trying for sure!

Transpose: If you like 'FORM' you'll probably dig this. Visuals that remind me of 'Rez' mixed with 'Tron' and one of the only first person puzzlers on this list that has full, smooth locomotion its puzzles are centered around time manipulation and controlling your doppelgangers across multiple instances of the same puzzle. Will really push the limits of your logical abilities and I can't recommend it enough if you like games like 'Portal' or 'The Talos Principle'.

Fujii: I've only just started this one but I'm already pretty well in love with it. Has a very spiritual vibe that emphasizes a connection to the plant world. Runs well and looks great and imparts a very wholesome, holistic feeling when you really get into it. Definitely give this one a shot!

Combat Focused Games with Free Movement (Locomotion or Teleportation): 

Front Defense Heroes: I am simply stunned that this game has no player base. Maybe it's the fact that it's a reworking of a wave shooter or maybe it's the name or maybe it's just the curse of VR but this is a very well made VR FPS with excellent graphics and totally on point shooting mechanics. It's a true shame this is being overlooked because it's only $10 on Steam (and often goes on sale for $5) and it compares favorably to both 'Pavlov' and 'Onward'. In fact, in a lot of ways I feel it's better than 'Pavlov' and even though it's the same price no one buys this or plays it.

Sairento: This game oozes style and has great gameplay. Seems like an easy recommendation, right? Nope, because it has one glaring flaw, an achille's heel to end all achille's heels: the mission and encounter design is boring and monotonous. Brain dead AI and nearly every mission is a procedurally generated "Kill X amount of bad guys" snorefest. A huge disappointment because it nails everything but the gameplay. If this has bespoke levels with good AI and an honest to goodness story it would be an easy recommendation. As it stands I wouldn't even bother because it's just going to break your heart.

Airranger: This is a competent bow and arrow based Battle Royale. Of course, the big problem is no one plays it. It has bots, but they're some of the dumbest I've ever encountered. If you can get a group of friends together to play it I can see you having a lot of fun but otherwise I'd skip it.

A-Tech Cybernetic: Very similar to another game I've played, 'Dead Effect VR', this game feels like 'Doom 3' but with really hollow shooting mechanics. The best way I can describe it is that it's something a 13 year old would think is cool. The combat is boring and it's just an ugly game to look at because of the art direction. It's a quite a feat to pull of shooting in VR that somehow feels less impactful and visceral than a pancake FPS but this game does just that.

Apex Construct: I wanted to like this a lot more than I did. The story is somewhat intriguing and it's a decent looking game (if a little lifeless) but at least for the first couple hours the puzzles are stupid easy and the archery combat is just boring. Want to shoot really, really stupid mechanical spiders with an energy bow and unlock doors by solving second grade level door puzzles, all the while listening to vaguely interesting narration and reading boring log entries from dead people? No? Than skip this. That said, there is something worthwhile here, and it might get better later, it just wore out my patience after a couple hours.

The Wizards: There is a lot to like about this game. It runs well and looks good, for starters. But boy is it easy. I think maybe the game was designed around teleportation and as someone who always switches to free locomotion when it's an option I think having that ability kind of breaks this game maybe. I'm not sure if that's what's going on, but none of the enemies I encountered posed even the slightest threat. As a power fantasy it's kind of cool, and the gestures you use to cast your spells are ingenuous and feel really, really good. But there isn't the slightest hint of challenge in the first hour and that's not a good sign for me.

Wave Based and on Rails Combat Games: 

Run of Mydan: This is an on rails shooter than reminds me of 'Panzer Dragoon'. Has a very unique style and decent gameplay but can be beaten in twenty minutes. This is in fact a demo and the full game on Steam has much more content. If you enjoy this and want more get it the next time it goes on sale for $3 on Steam which happens regularly. I would have recommended this if it was the full game but this is just a demo.

Blasters of the Universe: This has a fun, comedic sensibility and the gameplay is plenty competent. But it's just another wave shooter ultimately and the shooting feels kind of hollow. It's essentially a poor man's 'Space Pirate Trainer' and if you try this and like it I'd recommend you just get SPT.

Ninja Legends: This feels like the type of game you'd find in an arcade somewhere. It's essentially a lightgun game like 'House of the Dead' or 'Time Crisis' but with melee weapons instead. I guess we'll call it a 'lightsword' game. Has fun, bite sized levels that can be beaten in less than five minutes but the challenge is all about getting high scores. So if you like good melee combat and score attack gameplay this is for you!

Shooty Fruity: Shoot guns at overgrown mutant fruit while scanning products and food through a checkout register. Fun for a while and has side objectives to complete in each wave to add an extra layer of challenge but ultimately very repetitive and kind of boring. Once you've played for half an hour you've pretty much seen it all. Worth trying but that's about it.

Guns N Stories: Bulletproof: Did not like this at all. The shooting feels downright bad, the enemies are bullet sponges, and the nonstop narration from the grandfather is more annoying than funny or engaging. Not even worth trying in my opinion.

Elven Assassin: A lifeless wave based archery shooter where you teleport from spot to spot to gain a better vantage for shooting the mindless, invading hordes. Terrible character models and bog standard bow and arrow mechanics that feel very, very hollow. As someone who is a huge fan of 'In Death', perhaps the best archery game in VR, this doesn't even deserve to be mentioned in the same breath. And 'In Death' routinely goes on sale for $9 on Steam, which is cheaper than this is sold for even when it does go on sale.

Operation Warcade: Very fun and totally hilarious arcade "simulator" that does some really wild stuff to pull you into the experience. Very inventive and the combat is plenty engaging. If you want to laugh and be surprised while having some of the craziest shootouts imaginable don't sleep on this one!

Hit Orbs to the Rhythm Music/Workout Games: 

Synth Riders: Hit orbs to the beat of music. Has options for either touching the orbs, or full on smacking them to get a workout in. Very straightforward but totally competent if this is your thing. Decent sense of style and soundtrack and fun overall.

Dance Collider: To my mind, a slightly better experience overall than 'Synth Riders' but not by much. The gameplay adds a few more quirks that make it a hair more engaging and dynamic and I also think it has a more unique visual sensibility. The giant characters your dance "battling" are fun too!

BoxVR: The main reason I am advising against this is because the Viveport version is extremely old and is missing most of the features the Steam version is known for. It honestly feels like a demo, or even a beta build, and suffers from poor tracking and ugly visuals. Hard pass. I've heard the fully updated version is much better but this gives the game a bad name and the devs should really update it on Viveport.

PowerBeatsVR: Of all the games in this subgenre, this was in my opinion the best. While not as good looking as 'Synth Riders' or 'Dance Collider', it had the best tracking of the bunch while also having the most dynamic gameplay. While SR and DC are music focused, this game is very much exercised focused and has all sorts of options centered around that like calorie and heart rate tracking. Make sure to clear a large space though because this one will have you jumping all around the room and working up a genuine sweat!

Racing Games: 

Vector 36: This game requires you use either a controller, a HOTAS, or a mouse and keyboard. I personally used an Xbox One controller and had a blast. Build and race hovercrafts on Mars in this highly technically, skillful racer. An extremely in-depth editor that has you building your crafts from the ground up will keep the gearheads and technical minded engaged while the racing will keep the speed freaks on the edge of their seat.

Rush: First person squirrel suit racing using motion controls. I personally found this to be an ugly and boring game. Also, if you hit anything, you have to restart the whole race. Feels very much like a mobile game ported up. Skip!

Sports Games: 

Virtual Sports: This one right here is heartbreaking because it seems to be a completely abandoned game that had a lot of potential. It's tennis is better than the First Person Tennis by a fair margin and it's ping poing is pretty on point too, nearly approaching the level of Eleven. Problem is, the devs seemed to have given up and the promised multiplayer, as well as the other few sports, will probably never materialize. Worth a shot for the excellent physiscs based sporting gameplay, but without multiplayer there isn't much to hold your attention here.

First Person Tennis: A decent first person tennis experience that is kind of lifeless and pretty bland looking. I thought it was fun enough until I tried Virtual Sports which, despite being a lesser known game, has a much better Tennis experience. The only thing this has over VS is multiplayer.

Racket Fury: Another Viveport game that hasn't been updated for years despite having many updates on Steam. It's clear the certification process for updates on Viveport is prohibitive and a lot of devs just dump their game on the platform and forget about it. Total disappointment because this is a decent table tennis game otherwise.

Knockout League: This is Punch-Out in VR. Great animated cutscenes and fun looking character models that are highly expressive. The problem is your motions are essentially button presses and the boxing doesn't feel like boxing. It's still fun, but it's motion control in the Wii sense as opposed to the fully tracked VR sense.


Final Assault: I am not a fan of the RTS genre but this game nearly made me one. Zooming the camera around the battlefield and looking at the miniatures up close is a real treat. The gameplay is pretty standard RTS fare and kind of basic, but this is worth installing just to see the detail in the tiny little character models.

Ultrawings: This is the old N64 game Pilotwings in VR. Seriously, that's pretty much a perfect summation. It's a slightly arcadey "flight sim" where your motion controllers stand in for your hand on a flight stick. Controls well, as a nice stylized look, and has a wide variety of flying vehicles and mission designs. Totally worth playing!

Windlands 2: I was not too keen on this, despite hearing so many good things. I was sure I was going to love it, but after playing 'Jet Island' this feels like half a game. The first boss fight was pretty poorly designed I felt, and the swinging is fun for the first five minutes but then it just gets kind of boring. I might give it more of a chance but my initial impression was that it's competent but it's not setting my world on fire.

Cosmic Trip: This is an interesting mix of wave shooter and tower defense with a very clean, very cute art direction that makes for a very fun world to play in. It's actually a pretty deep game with a lot to learn and can be kind of overwhelming at first but once you acclimate it has a pretty darn rewarding gameplay loop.

Summer Funland: This is a collection of minigames and experiences that range from poor to worth trying. Nothing here is going to blow your mind but it's worth riding the rollercoaster once and the real highlight is the Underwater experience which I recommend trying and even showing to your friend's and family.

Pixel Ripped 1989: This is a really unique game that is very much worth experiencing despite a few problems. The premise is that you're a being in a video game tasked with saving the world and you do this by invading a little girl's Game Boy type handheld in 1989 and then the game is played from her perspective. She has to complete platforming levels on her handheld in school while avoiding the teacher's ire. Can be completed in an hour or two. My main complaint is the platforming isn't very good, especially the controls, and it's a testament to this game's sheer charm that what should be a death knell is worth fighting through to experience the whole thing.

Battlewake: This is worth experiencing and it may click with you but I ultimately felt the gameplay loop lacked depth. It's essentially an arcade pirate simulator where you steer your ship and direct your crew to fire on enemy combatants. It looks cool and has an impressive sense of scale as well as great visual design but the gameplay leaves a lot to be desired in my opinion.

The Great C: This isn't a game, but a VR movie of sorts. Roughly half an hour long, I cannot recommend it enough, honestly. Based on a short story by one of my favorite authors, Philip K. Dick, this is a supremely well done animation with pitch perfect voice acting and some amazing camera angles. Wonderful sense of world, presence, and depth and well worth a watch!

Submitted October 28, 2019 at 03:28AM by JOIentertainment

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