Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Long Night

Jacob awoke with a gasp, his arms and legs tied to the chair he was sitting in.  He frantically looked around the dark room he was in, and his chair wobbled on the floor as he struggled, trying to free his limbs.  But his efforts were fruitless. She had tied him down good, as always. She knew her knots.

“Not this shit again,” he muttered to himself, staring at the ground.

He recognized the room he was in.  It was the room he was always in, the security room of the Gotham museum of art.  Jacob worked the night shift as head of the security in the museum, and he was exceedingly good at it.  Gotham city might be an absolute cesspool, but since he’d started his job, the number of art robberies a year had gone down to zero.  He ran a tight ship, and improved the lax security protocols put in place by his less than capable predecessors, even going so far as to install a state of the art digital security network so that the security systems of the building couldn’t be hacked.  

And then she came along.  It didn’t take her long to crack everything, and he’d watched helplessly as all of his systems failed, letting her waltz into the building without so much as a beep, with all of the worlds precious and priceless art ripe for the taking.  He’d sat up in this very office, sweating, watching the live camera footage as she strutted through the building, and it had become personal for him when he saw her going out of her way to touch as many paintings and sculptures as she could.  She only took one little Egyptian necklace, and left everything else in its place, even though she could’ve taken anything. He wasn’t stupid, he knew she was taunting him.  

Then he’d watched as she started heading towards the security office.  The door had opened, and the woman had walked right in as if she owned the place.  She’d stared him down, and then he’d watched helplessly as she walked right past him, and bent forwards to access the computer terminals, erasing all of the footage taken that night.  Then she’d turned towards him, leaned towards him, and-

He shook his head, telling himself not to think about that night.  He was already getting hard, his cock stiffening in his pants as he struggled to get his arms and legs free.  Excitement filled his chest, the kind of excitement that feels like arousal and fear mixed together.  

He gazed across the dark room, looking to his left.  The door of the security room hung wide open, and he knew she had left it intentionally like that, to drive home the point that she’d been there.  Next to the door, on the wall, was a heart drawn with lipstick.

His cock twitched a little more.

He told himself he couldn’t allow himself to get excited like this.  She was playing him intentionally, he was just a means to an end. She was using him.  He told himself this over and over again, she was just using him. She wanted him to feel this way, this is what she wanted to happen.  But part of Jacob couldn’t help but think that this was what he wanted to happen too.

He turned his head to the right, looking at the desk across from the door where all the computer monitors were.  Since the first night she had broken in and humiliated him, she’d been back twice. After the third time, Jacob realized that it didn’t matter how expensive he made the security programs, she was going to get through.  So he realized he needed to plan for her in a different way.

He’d attached a razor to the desk.  After shooting a glance towards the open door, he started bouncing across the floor towards the desk, the wooden legs of his chair hitting the ground with a clunk noise.  He reached the desk, and the legs of his chair made a scraping noise as he turned himself around.  He felt his wrists press against the razor, and he started rubbing them against the blade, hoping to cut the ropes wrapped around them.  

Progress was slow, because he was careful not to cut his arms.  But eventually, the ropes binding his hands to the chair were cut enough for him to be able to tear his arms free.  The ropes snapped apart, falling onto a pile on the ground, and Jacob brought his hands to his lap, rubbing his bruised wrists.  He kept his eyes on the open doorway, his gaze wary. After a few moments, he reached down and untied his ankles, freeing his legs.  

Then he wrapped the ropes around his ankles again, trying to make them look like they were still tied up, and put his hands behind the back of the chair again.  And he waited.

Eventually, he heard her footsteps, the sound of her long heeled boots hitting the floor as she walked.  He took a deep breath, feeling like a panicking hummingbird was fluttering around in his chest. His cock was almost rock hard, despite his best efforts to calm himself down.  

The footsteps drew closer.  There was a moment where Jacob wondered if he should just get up and run as fast as he could, hoping that he’d be able to get past her before she could do anything, but he knew that wasn’t even worth trying.  She would definitely catch him, and part of him, the part that was causing the erection that was ever growing in his pants, didn’t want to go anywhere.

The woman walked into the room and flicked on the light switch.  Jacob squinted in the sudden light, staring at the woman who had become his tormentor.

She was wearing black high heeled boots, which seemed to transition seamlessly into a skin tight black outfit, which appeared to be made of mostly leather, combined with other stretchy mesh fabrics.  A belt was wrapped around her hips, also black. He could see various tiny boxes on her belt where he knew she stored whatever gadgets she would be using for whatever heist she was currently pulling off.  Also attached to her belt, hanging from her hip, was a coiled up whip. It was the scariest looking whip he had ever seen, and like everything else, it was also black. A silver zipper ran down the middle of her black leather outfit, and the outfit had somewhat of a collar around her neck.  She also wore what he supposed was a black cowl on her head, which left her face uncovered, and which had triangular ears at the top. A pair of angular shaped pink tinted goggles rested on her forehead.

Her legs were powerful and sensually shaped, with curvy hips and incredibly thick thighs which filled out her skin tight outfit perfectly.  The zipper that ran down the front of her outfit was open over the chest, revealing a stunning view of her beyond impressive cleavage. And her face was beautiful.  The memory of the shape of her enticing lips plagued Jacob day and night, he couldn’t stop thinking about them. They looked absurdly sexy, not fake looking but just plump enough to drive him wild, and it didn’t help that she always wore a striking shade of light red lipstick.  And then there was her strong cheekbones, perfect nose, and green eyes, which were enhanced by an intense dark smokey eyeshadow, and her dark expressive eyebrows. Her face as a whole had a slightly elf-like look, in the sexiest way possible, especially with her angled eyebrows and the gazes she could give with her sultry eyes.  

And her ass.  Jacob would never forget that ass.  Before he had seen her, he’d never known an ass could look this good.  Her ass could please Gods. It was truly incredible how round it was, how perfect, with a slight teardrop shape, how it jiggled ever so slightly when she walked, how it moved with her steps.  And the skin tight suit she wore only made her ass look painfully sexy. He thought about her ass every day, and all the things she did with it.

And now she was back, standing in the doorway of the security room, looking right at him.  Her eyes regarded him for a few moments. She shifted her weight, moving her hips to the right.  It looked like she was waiting for him to speak, but he refused, sitting in his chair in silence.

Catwoman looked away from him and strolled further into the room, her hips moving sensually with each step, her breasts bouncing.  A few strands of her jet black hair were free from her cowl, and covered her forehead, under her goggles. Her suit was showing signs of wear, and there was a rip at her side, which showed just a glimpse of skin.  Jacob was fascinated by her, and he watched her as she walked up to the desk he was sitting next to. She bent forwards, placing her gloved hands on the desk, and stuck her ass out behind her.

She tapped a key on the keyboard in front of her, and the monitors switched on.  Then she reached back to her belt, and pulled out a thumbdrive. The tip of her tongue emerged, barely peeking out between her gorgeous lips, and started traveling over her top lip as she stuck the flashdrive in the computer.

“How’re you doing, JayJay?” she said, a corner of her mouth moving upwards as she spoke, her eyes watching the computer monitor.  Her voice, smooth and sexy, was something else about her that Jacob found incredible. But he refused to answer.

“Is this a silent treatment?” she asked softly.  Her eyes danced across the monitor as her fingers typed on the keyboard.  “Mmm, I’m offended.”

After a few seconds, she finished whatever she was doing and straightened up, turning to face him, and finally looked at him again.

“Aww,” she cooed, with that sexy smirk only she could pull off, “I think JayJay’s mad I broke into his little museum again.”

Catwoman was completely aware that his name was Jacob, and Jacob was completely aware that she intentionally chose to call him JayJay instead.

When he didn’t answer, a single quiet chuckle escaped her, and she turned her attention back to the computer again, pulling out the flashdrive.  Jacob took his chance. He got up from his chair and strode towards her, curling his hands into fists.

He saw her turn her head as he walked up to her.  He saw her eyes widen as she saw him moving in, and he saw her lips part.  Then, the next thing he knew, the side of his face was slamming against the desk, causing the computer monitors to shake a little, one of her hands pushing down on the side of his head, and her other hand holding his arm out at an awkward angle, trapping his wrist against the desk.  She kept him like that for a moment in an iron grip as she looked down at him, and he was amazed at how strong she was. He struggled for a moment, gritting his teeth, but he couldn’t move an inch.  

She stepped back and pulled him off of the desk, causing him to stumble across the room.  He fell backwards, hitting the opposite wall and sliding down to the floor. He remained sitting, his back to the wall, disoriented, his breaths coming in pants.  Catwoman just stood there, staring at him.  

She turned her head and looked at his chair.  Her gorgeous eyes moved over the shredded pieces of rope lying on the ground around the legs of the chair.  He watched as she strode over to the chair and bent over, her eyes finding the razor blade he had taped to the desk with duct tape.  She straightened up and spun around, looking at him with her lips parted slightly. A hint of a smile appeared in the corners of her mouth.

“You know,” she said, and she cocked her head, narrowing her eyes, “I’ll say this.  I do like the way you think.”

He stood up silently, keeping his back pressed against the wall, facing her.  His heart jumped as she started walking towards him. He was unable to keep himself from looking at her breasts as they jiggled.  

She stood directly in front of him, watching him.  He couldn’t look into her eyes, so he looked away. Her hand went to his head, and her fingers curled tightly and painfully around his hair, forcefully moving his head and forcing him to look at her.

“What were you thinking?” she asked him quietly, her eyes narrowed again.  She cocked her head questioningly. “Were you trying to fight me? Did you think you could beat me in a fist fight?  You? Beat me?”

Jacob felt his face start to grow hot.  His ears were burning. His cock throbbed as Catwoman stared at him.  Her face was so beautiful. He swallowed and doubled over slightly, trying to hide his erection.

Catwoman let go of his hair and took a step back, regarding him, and a smirk started to grow on her lips, one of those absurdly sexy smirks she was so good at.  It was the kind of smirk that was predatory and chilling, yet totally seductive, and Jacob couldn’t believe how sexy she looked as she stood in front of him.  

“JayJay,” she said slowly, her smirk growing.  Her voice was barely above a whisper. “...I think you’re embarrassed”

Jacob looked away from her.  She knew exactly what to say, he realized.  She knew exactly what to say to twist his heart up into a knot and make his cock harder than it ever was.

“Yeah, you’re embarrassed,” she continued, and he detected a note of laughter in her voice.  “But you did your best. It’s adorable, you’re a little fighter!”

She took a step forwards, her gloved fingers pressing against his chest, forcing him to stand up straight, pushing his back against the wall.  As he stood up straight, refusing to look at her, her eyes landed on the shape of his erection in his pants.

“The usual,” she sighed, shaking her head.  She took a step back again, her hand leaving his chest, and shook her head with disappointment.  But that teasing smirk was still on her lips as she spoke again. “What, do you want me to pin you against the desk again?”

“No,” he said quietly.

“Mmmhmm,” she said, sounding unconvinced, and she sighed again, her busty chest raising and lowering.  She turned and walked towards the desk, picking up her USB stick and putting it in her belt before turning and stepping towards him again.  “Get on your knees.”

“No,” he said, more firmly this time.  He raised his head and looked her in the eyes.  “I’m not letting you do this to me anymore, Catwoman.  You can’t push me around. I’m going to call the police-”

“Oh you’re so adorable,” Catwoman interrupted, an almost loving look on her face, “I almost feel sorry for you.”

She crossed her arms over her chest and moved her hips to the side.

“Get on your knees,” she repeated, a tiny cruel little smile on her lips.

Jacob sighed, feeling a swirl of emotions in his chest, mostly shame and arousal.  She had beaten him, and they both knew it. She had beaten him a long time ago, the moment she first broke through his security measures and walked into the security room.  He silently lowered himself down onto his knees.

She immediately strode towards him.  Her boots stopped right in front of his legs, her crotch right in front of his face.  He swore he could barely make out the shape of her pussy pressing against the outfit she was wearing, but it could’ve been his imagination.

“I’m feeling really gassy tonight,” she said quietly, her voice making his heart race.  “Tonight’s dinner was bad for digestion, I think. Some rich mucky muck tried to impress me with some fancy restaurant, and I should have told him dairy was bad for my stomach.  Oh well. I stole his wife’s diamond ring in the end, but I don’t know if this gas was worth it. I wouldn’t try to piss me off tonight, JayJay.”

It had started the first night she robbed the museum.  The night where she had strolled through the entire building, making sure he could see her touching and handling the different artworks from the security cameras, before taking the Egyptian necklace.  Then she had gone up to the security room to erase the camera footage, and that was when she met him. From what he could gather, the new security system he had installed had caught her attention, and she seemed to find great joy in the fact that she’d beaten it.  She’d started gloating in front of him as she wiped the computers, and her gloating escalated over time, becoming less and less about her managing to get into the museum, and more and more about Jacob failing to keep her out. Then she’d spotted his erection, and everything changed.

She’d forced him into the chair, and started making subtle digs at his erection, grinning at him.  She started teasing him even more explicitly, insinuating that he was excited not only because he wanted her, but because she had completely ruined everything he’d built since he’d first started his job at the museum.  She suggested that his humiliating defeat was what turned him on. And soon after that, she’d thought of the most cruel, childish, and immature way of tormenting him, just to emphasize the fact that she’d completely beaten him.  She forced him to smell her ass as she farted in his face.

Two months later, a new exhibit was added to the museum, and Catwoman broke in again, doing it all over again, farts and all.  A month after that, Catwoman was back, teasing him about how powerless he was to stop her as she sat on his face and farted. The farting seemed to become the focal point of her teasing, forcing him to smell her farts as she verbally tore him apart for letting her break into the museum yet again.  

Jacob knew the drill now.  He looked up from her crotch, staring up at her face as she looked down at him, her hands on her hips.  She started to turn around. He watched her thick thighs rotate in front of her face, and soon, her bubble butt was pointing at him, encased in skin tight leather and a stretchy looking black fabric.  

“Do you like my new suit?” she asked him.  She started swaying her hips from side to side, and her buttcheeks moved alluringly in front of his face.  “I worked on it a little more since the last time we met.” She casually raised her hand and examined her glove as she swayed her ass in Jacob’s face.  “I added a new type of fabric to the leather. It’s stretchy and flexible, which makes me more agile, but it also lets my suit breathe, which means I don’t end up sweating as much.”

She gave her hips a quick wiggle, causing her buttcheeks to wobble and shiver.

“Unfortunately for you,” she continued, looking away from her hand and up at the ceiling, “the upgrades to my suit also means that you’re going to smell my farts even more.  And sweetie, they smell.”

He saw her turn her head, looking down at him over her shoulder.

“Kiss my ass,” she instructed, raising her eyebrows.

He moved his face forwards, and his lips touched her ass.  He felt the texture of her leather. Her mouth curved into a smile as she looked away from him.

“I like what you did to the place, speaking of changes,” she said.  He kissed her ass again, feeling the new fabric of her suit against her lips.  He could tell it was designed to let as much air through as possible. “The upgrades you made to your security system looked expensive.”

She thrust her hips backwards, and the back of Jacob’s head hit the wall as her buttcheeks slammed against his face with a jiggle.  Her warm round ass pushed against him, beginning to wrap around his head.

“It’s too bad I broke through it almost instantly,” she said, her voice casual.  “Really, it was easy. I’m disappointed, JayJay.”

She lifted her ass off of his face, and he gasped for air, staring at the leather clad booty in front of him.  She looked down at him over her other shoulder.

“Kiss,” she ordered.

He kissed her, his lips pressing against her left buttcheek.  As he did, Catwoman farted.


It wasn’t the biggest fart, but it was enough to make Jacob wonder how he had gotten himself into this mess.  Catwoman was unable to hold back a smile as she farted, and her eyes became unfocused for a little while as an expression of relief washed over her face.  But then her eyes snapped back down at him, and the expression of relief was gone, replaced by her playful smirk again.  

She wasn’t kidding, her fart smelled really bad.  The scent of bad dairy and manure filled Jacob’s nose.  It was a strong fart, and it was almost as if it warmed the air up around Jacob’s head.  The fart was thick, and it seemed humid. Jacob closed his eyes, turning his face away as he tried to process the dairy stench flooding his senses.

Catwoman’s hand landed on top of his head, forcefully turning it so that his face was facing her butt again.

“That’s a nasty one, isn’t it, JayJay?”

She bounced a little, her butt wobbling in her face.  Then she looked over her shoulder again with another one of her deadly smirks.


Jacob’s lips didn’t even make it to her ass before she ripped her next fart.


He blinked furiously as another wave of shitty dairy stench washed over him.  And the sound of the fart was just as bad, lower and powerful, no doubt enhanced by the outfit she was wearing.  If someone else had farted like that, he would’ve been shocked. But this was normal for her.

“I said kiss!” she repeated.  He quickly leaned forwards and kissed her ass, even as his nose was filled with the renewed stench from her latest fart.

As he kissed her, her smokey eyelids lowered down over her eyes, and a wide grin split her face.  


A powerful burst of air exploded from her ass as he kissed her right buttcheek, and he screwed up his face with disgust.  But his erection raged on at full power. Even though her farts smelled, and even though the whole idea of letting someone fart in his face should have been disgusting to him, the farts represented the fact that this woman could do anything she wanted to him, and this turned him on to no end.

“That one was hot,” she smiled, and she moved her ass from side to side.  “Oh, I can already tell that one’s going to smell bad.”

She thrust her hips backwards, slamming her ass against his face again.  He felt her wonderful warm butt press against his face, blocking his vision and his ability to breathe for just a moment before she lifted it off of him again.  

“You made upgrades to your security system, and you probably thought this would keep me out,” she said, teasingly moving her butt from side to side in front of his face.  “But it didn’t, JayJay. Those motion trackers were a joke, you seriously didn’t think I would see those? And you really need to beef up the alarm system by the windows. It’s pathetic.”

Her ass hit is face again.

“Pathetic,” she repeated, and he heard a smile in her voice as her butt hit his face.

Her gloved hand landed on the back of his head, and she shoved his head into her ass.  His face was plunged in between her round buttcheeks, and she started rubbing herself against him, moving her hips up and down and side to side, her incredible ass rubbing itself all over his face, still stinking from her farts.  She suddenly froze, and he heard her grunt as he felt her ass tense up.


Her butt exploded viciously, even with Jacob’s face pressed against it.  He could feel the fart violently bubbling out against his skin, warm and rancid.  She started rubbing her ass against him even before the fart was finished, and her fart bubbled against every inch of her face.  

“Ahhhhh,” Catwoman sighed.  Her cruel playful look vanished as her gorgeous face went completely limp.  She took a deep breath, her eyes narrowing with bliss, and she rubbed her ass against Jacob’s face extra hard.  “Oh JayJay, you have no idea how long I’ve been holding this in.”

She let go of his head and backed up, pinning his head between the wall and her ass.  She pushed herself backwards, smothering his face with her round bubble butt.  

“Do you ever feel scared, JayJay?” she asked, slowly grinding her reeking ass from side to side.  “Sitting here in this room during your night shift, alone? Knowing I might come, and that there’s absolutely nothing you can do to stop me?  Does that bother you?” Another huge grin spread across her face.  “You know, I just love a scaredy cat.”

She continued grinning as she wrinkled her nose, closing one of her eyes.  Her butt exploded against Jacob’s face with a fury and deadliness that he knew could only come from Catwoman.  


Everything about her was incredible.  Everything about her was larger than life, everything about her was so incredibly sexy.  And this included her flatulence. Her fart went on for five entire seconds, never lessening in power or ferocity until the very end.  It was one of the biggest farts Jacob had ever heard, and he had no idea that a physically fit woman like Catwoman could produce something of this magnitude.  

“Ugh,” she half sighed half groaned when her fart ended, rolling her eyes upwards.  Her ass pushed even harder against his face as her body slumped against him, her outfit still warm from her fart.  She let out a tired chuckle, and rubbed her ass against his face. He did everything he could not to groan as he felt her incredible buttcheeks grind against him.

Her fart stank to the high heavens.  It smelled like someone poured rotten milk into a clogged toilet, and then mixed in hard boiled eggs that were three years old.

“Guess my little fighter isn’t a fighter anymore,” she said.  

Her butt lifted off of her face, and she laughed a little as she stood in front of him, her butt still threateningly close to his nose.

“What, a couple of farts turn you into an ass sniffing vegetable?” she taunted.  “Where’s the fight you had in you earlier, when you came at me? You were going to beat me up and save your museum, remember?”

Her ass bumped against his face with a tiny toot.


“You’re so easy,” Catwoman sighed, giving him a look that almost resembled pity, but her lips were still curved in a smile.  

Jacob didn’t reply.  He didn’t know what to say.  His cock throbbed as he stared at Catwoman’s body, wondering if getting farted on by her was torture or a blessing.

Catwoman waved a gloved hand in front of her nose, and her eyes landed on Jacob’s chair.  She bit her lips, thinking for a moment.

“Hey, buttsniffer,” she said after a moment, looking over her shoulder at him again.  Her voice was so gentle yet so commanding at the same time. She raised her arm and pointed at the chair.  “How about you go sit in the chair I left you in.”

She stepped away from him, allowing him to get up.  He stood up, and shot her a glance before walking across the room.  Halfway to the chair, he stopped and turned towards her. His hands curled into fists again.

She stared at him, an unimpressed look on her face.  One of her dark expressive eyebrows was raised. She raised her hand to shoulder height, the back of her hand facing him.  There was a quiet clicking noise, and her claws shot out of her gloves, tiny razor sharp blades at each of her finger tips.

“If you come at me again,” she said, “I will slice your clothes to shreds.  You’ll go home naked, JayJay.”

He exhaled and turned away from her, heading towards his chair.

“Scaredy cat,” she smirked, lowering her hand.  Her claws vanished into her gloves again.

He sat down in the chair.  She started walking towards him, with that alluring sway in her hips.  She stopped right in front of him, and he saw her gorgeous eyes look down at the shape of his erection.  Her eyes rose to meet his. Her luscious red lips parted. She slowly leaned forwards, placing her hands on her knees, lowering her face down until it was almost level with his, giving him an incredible view of her cleavage that the unzipped front of her black suit revealed.  Her arms pressed her breasts together, causing them to bulge out in front of Jacob.  

“You know I don’t wear anything under this suit, right?” she breathed.  Her stunning eyes were narrowed, and they stared unflinchingly into his as he watched her lips move.  She started to straighten up again, her hands moving over her thighs, and she spread her legs a little, moving her hips to the right.  A smirk tugged at the corner of her mouth. “Can you tell?”

He sighed, looking at her and then at her crotch.  He knew she was just pushing his buttons, playing with him like a toy.  But he didn’t know what he was supposed to do about it. She reached out, and her fingertips touched the bottom of his chin.  She raised his face up.

“Your one job is to keep this museum secure at night,” she whispered, her fingertips still touching his chin.  “And you were doing okay, but you’re no match for me. Every night when you clock in, you face the possibility that I might slip through your museum’s sad defenses,” a smile started growing on her lips as she spoke, “come up here, and completely humiliate you.  But you still come to work, because you have to. You still show up.” She looked down at his pants and then back up at him again, her soft voice painfully beautiful. “With a boner.”

She chuckled, her eyes twinkling as her fingers left his chin.

“Again, I almost feel bad for you.”

She straightened up and started to turn around.  He looked down at her ass as she turned her back to him.  She bent over, reaching behind her, and her hands grabbed his arms.  She raised them off of his lap, and then carefully lowered her ass down.

Jacob closed his eyes as Catwoman, in her sleek leather outfit, sat down on his lap.  Her soft firm buttcheeks pushed down against his boner, applying more and more pressure as she sat down with all of her weight.  His cock throbbed against her incredible ass, the pressure driving him crazy. It was just so unfair.

Catwoman bit her lips, closing her eyes as she held back a laugh.  Then she opened them, rolling them to the ceiling as she smiled to herself.  She started moving her hips, rubbing her ass against him, and Jacob sighed as her buttcheeks ground against his erection.  

“You’ve got quite the situation down there,” she grinned.  Jacob was doing everything he could to prevent it, but he could feel an orgasm quickly approaching.

“What is it, JayJay?” Catwoman asked him.  She twisted around to look back at him while she rubbed herself against him.  “Is it the farting? Is it my teasing? Do you like being pushed around by me as I steal from your museum?  Or is it everything?”

She gave her hips a vigorous wiggle as she looked at him.  His cock twitched. The sight of her body moving like that in front of him alone was enough to make him want to come, but the feeling of being sat on by her was otherworldly.

“You don’t want to answer,” she said after a pause, facing forwards again.  She rested her hands on her knees, grinding her hips from side to side, and Jacob’s cock rolled a little under her ass as it ground against him.  “That’s okay. I know you like this…”

She grimaced, pushing out a fart.


She didn’t stop moving, even as she farted.  He felt her fart vibrating against his erection, and he felt the warmth spread over his clothes.  He groaned softly, and she chuckled.

“Sniff that one up, JayJay,” she taunted.  “I bet it’s extra nasty.”

It was.  Jacob didn’t even have to sniff to be able to smell the monstrosity Catwoman had just unleashed on his erection.  Her farts were only getting worse, and this caused his boner to throb against her ass desperately.

“I bet I have the smelliest ass in all of Gotham,” she sighed softly.  “It’s too bad you’re trapped under it.”


“Mmm, that’s a stinker.”

Her ass ground against his cock as she farted, bulging out against her tight black outfit.  She turned her head, and he looked at her beautiful face as she gazed back at him.

“Admit it, you love this,” she said, raising her eyebrows coolly.  

He took a shaky breath, feeling his orgasm drawing closer.  She stared at him, steadily grinding herself against him, her ass moving back and forth, back and forth.

“Say it,” she said.

“I love this,” he said weakly.  She shook her head.

“No, JayJay,” she said.  “Say, ‘Catwoman, I love it when you fart on me.’  Say it.”

“Catwoman, I…” Jacob started hesitantly.  He tried to take a calming breath, inhaling another wave of her milk and eggs scented farts in the process.

“Mmmhmm,” she hummed encouragingly, raising her eyebrows, with just the hint of a smile on her perfect lips.

“Catwoman, I love it when you fart on me.”

She sighed, running her tongue over her front teeth.

“You’re too much fun,” she said.  She placed her finger on her lips, staring at the wall on the other side of the room, thinking for a moment.  Her ass continued massaging his erection.  


She ripped a massive fart, without seeming to care.  Her facial expression barely changed. Her ass vibrated against his dick, and he almost ejaculated right here.  But he held it in as much as he could, part of him didn’t want to give her the satisfaction.  

Her gorgeous eyes landed on him again.

“Do you think about me when you masturbate, JayJay?” she asked.  Her eyebrows lifted upwards a little, almost vanishing behind her pink goggles.  She waited for an answer, looking as gorgeous as ever as she rubbed herself against him.

He eventually nodded, looking away from her.

“I didn’t hear that,” she said quietly.  He looked at her. Her gaze bored into his.

“Yes, I think about you when I masturbate,” he said.

She bared her teeth, her eyes leaving his.



Two absolutely massive farts shot out of her.  The sheer scale of these farts was jaw dropping, especially the second one.  Sure, they were a little lengthier than an ordinary fart, but the sound! The sound was grotesque, brassy and bassy at the same time.  He could feel how powerful they were, even through her suit, as they exploded against his dick, one after the other.

“Ohhhhhh…” she sighed softly.  She closed her eyes, and her butt stopped rubbing against him for a moment as her shoulders slumped with relief.  “That was so gross. I knew there was something fishy about those eggs...”

She opened her eyes and looked at him, raising one of her dark eyebrows.   

“Do you like being overpowered by me?” 

He nodded.  A wide smile spread over her face, and her eyelids lowered.  She turned away from him, rolling her eyes, and continued rubbing herself against him.

“Alright.  Just cum already, JayJay.”

She pushed her ass back, crushing his cock with it, and then moved her hips forwards, massaging his erection with her soft but firm buttcheeks, and Jacob’s entire body twitched as his orgasm crashed over him like a tumbling wall of bricks.  His cock spasmed against Catwoman’s ass, twitching violently as it pumped out cum into his clothes. He was experiencing the most powerful orgasm of his life, his cock pressed against her warm soft ass, his nostrils and mouth full of the flavor of her eggy and milky farts.  As his orgasm exploded through his body, Catwoman gently rocked her hips, teasing his squirting cock with her butt.  

She looked at her fingers, examining the tips of her gloves, as if she was examining her nails.  A smirk spread over her face, and Jacob groaned as she bounced on his ejaculating cock, bumping her round buttcheeks against it over and over.  Then she sat down with her full weight and resumed rocking her hips, turning her head to look over her shoulder at him.

The smile she was giving him could destabilize a small government.  His cock twitched weakly against her ass as it started deflating, and her hips continued swaying from side to side, coaxing out the last of his explosive orgasm.  

“Yeah,” she said encouragingly, her voice soft.  “Yeah, that’s right. Let it all out.”

Jacob stared at the woman who had just made him cum with her ass.  He took in her face, with her striking eyes, her strong cheekbones, and her alluringly shaped lips.  Once again, he was amazed by how beautiful she was.  

He took a deep breath as his orgasm finally passed.  Her ass lifted off of him as she stood up. Her heels clopped against the ground as she moved until she was standing next to him, looking down at him.  Her eyes watched him for a moment, and she gently bit her bottom lip. After a few moments, her lip slid out from between her teeth.  

She bent forwards, moving her face towards Jacob’s, her eyes narrowing.  Her nose brushed against his. He closed his eyes, and he felt her lips meet his.  They were amazingly soft, and they felt just as good as they looked. She kissed him gently, her gloved hand stroking the top of his head while the other rested on his chest.  After a few incredible moments, her lips left his. Then they connected with his cheek, before moving to his other cheek. Then he felt her soft lips press against his forehead.  

He opened his eyes as she stood up straight, moving her face away from his.

“Jacob,” she said, “are you okay?”

“Yeah,” he replied, noticing that she had used his real name.  She smiled down at him. Her thumb caressed his forehead.

“Are you sure?” she asked quietly.  He nodded.

“Good,” she said, moving so that she was standing in front of him.  “Because you’re still my bitch.”

Her hand moved to the zipper on the front of her suit, and she started pulling it down.  It started opening up, revealing a little more of her plump breasts, and then her toned stomach.  Her eyes stared lustfully at Jacob as she pulled her zipper down, and by the time she reached her belly button, one of her breasts had become uncovered by her outfit.  He couldn’t believe he was seeing her nipple. It had a pinkish color, and it was hard. He watched as she shifted her weight a little, causing her second breast to be uncovered as well.  He swallowed, and looked into her eyes as she unbuckled her belt.

Her eyes stared into his as she pulled her zipper the rest of the way down, revealing her trimmed black pubes.  She took her suit off, letting it fall off of her arms and hang around her knees, leaving just her gloves and cowl on.  

Her pussy looked heavenly.  Her folds glistened, looking slightly swollen, and they had a reddish blush.  A string of moisture hung down from her inner lips. He couldn’t believe it. She looked as turned on as he felt.  

“You look hungry, JayJay,” she said, and her hand cupped her breast, fondling it.  She smiled at him, her fingers tugging at her nipple. “Don’t worry, you’ll be sucking on a lot of different things in a minute.  It’s going to be a long night for you.”

She grabbed his arm, and guided his hand towards her pussy.  Her eyes looked away from him and her alluring lips parted with a sigh as his fingers touched her warm soft vulva, getting coated in her juices immediately.  She spread her legs a little, and his hand moved in between her plump thighs as he slid his fingers inside of her.

She placed her hands on his shoulder for support, leaning forwards as he started fingering her.  

“Make me cum,” she breathed.  An evil playful smile appeared on her lips.  “Make me cum right now, and maybe I won’t make you suck on my filthy asshole…”

Her pussy clamped down around his pointer finger and his middle finger as he pushed them inside of her over and over.  She was so warm, and so wet. Her gorgeous eyes rolled upwards as she let out a soft moan, her mouth curving into a smile.  A blush was appearing on her cheeks. Her nude breasts wobbled as his fingers fucked her pussy.

Jacob looked at the gorgeous face of his tormentor, and he somehow knew in that moment that she was going to make him lick her asshole either way.  But he also finally understood that she was not using him as a means to an end as he’d believed earlier, she wasn’t teasing him just to be able to steal from the museum.  He looked into her eyes, watching her moan softly as his fingers pleasured her gorgeous pussy. Her hands squeezed his shoulder, and he knew that this night was far from over, and that there would be many more to come.  

~The End~

Submitted September 29, 2019 at 02:21PM by itstimetogasitup

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