Monday, September 23, 2019

The Accident Scene Photos

Following something said on another thread, I find it interesting that no photos of the crash scene have been released by LE. One assumes they would immediately clear up a number of things - exactly how the car was positioned, what it probably hit and in particular, which car Smith was in and whether he parked nose to nose. If he didn't, well we can certainly infer something from that. Why not clear things up once and for all ? It's as if they have something to hide, surely not... 😎

As we know, a certain someone who will not be named submitted an FOIA request for these photos and the request was denied. The denial verified that these photos, taken by Cecil Smith, do exist. As well, the author of the questionable WhiteWash article claims to have seen the photos and I'm guessing Maggie and/or Art have seen them too.

I think the photos may be valuable only in the sense they would reveal the positioning of the Saturn and possibly any tracks around the Saturn. For example, of the photos reveal that the Saturn is approximately or precisely where Tim & Faith Westman initially saw it, then we know the Witness B account is not credible. That would be the final nail in the coffin for that witness account and we could finally put that diversion to rest.

The photos may also reveal the condition of the Saturn. For example, Tim Westman, in the questionable WhiteWash article I believe, and this is one of the reasons I believe that article is questionable, indicates he examined the Saturn when he was out at the accident scene after 8pm and it didn't even appear as though it was in an accident. We've all seen photos of the Saturn after-the-fact. I would like to compare those photos to Cecil's photos of the Saturn but I guess we'll never be able to do that since the FOIA request for them was inexplicably denied. Yes, inexplicably. No matter what excuse the NHSP gave for denying the FOIA request, it can not be justified after 15 long years.

Finally, I will add, the photos more than likely will not shed light on what vehicle Cecil was driving that fateful evening. Per my interview with Dick McKean, I asked him what vehicle Cecil was driving and Dick said he didn't know. He couldn't remember and didn't notice because, get this, Cecil's police cruiser was not nose-to-nose with Maura's Saturn when Dick Guy arrived to argue with Lavoie about the tow. Dick informed me that Cecil's cruiser was down a way close to, or adjacent to, Butch Atwood's house with its lights engaged. Because Dick was consumed with rage due to being stepped over for the tow and because of the positioning of Cecil's cruiser at the accident scene, Dick never took note of what vehicle Cecil was driving that fateful evening. I've noted this before and it was completely ignored in that subreddit thread. It's dishonesty and it's why that subreddit is so detrimental to this case. It's misinforming and disinforming.

Submitted September 23, 2019 at 02:41PM by Ishkabbibalator

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