Sunday, September 22, 2019

My[24F] older brother [37?M] threatened to kill my dad[64M].

Sorry this is so long. TLDR in bottom.

It's been years (approximately 10) since I've seen Jay(older brother). My mom and sister are the only ones that stay in contact with him. My other siblings and I don't talk to him because he's a lazy douche, has a bad temper, and always took advantage of our family members. I took a vacation earlier this year and when I came back, my sister told me he moved back in on our way home from the airport. I was disappointed but not surprised. He had only been there for a week before I came home and was in the middle of building a room within our extended room. Two jenky ass walls in the corner of the room with a shitty door that was nailed shut (not even a door knob!!) when he wasn't home. We basically have a built-in shack in a living room.

Jay still has the shitty attitude. He gets pissed when my mom moves his belongings out of people's way. He has asked my sister for money. She was willing to give him some until he cussed her out because she told my mom. My sister has warned my mom to be careful because we have no idea what he can do with his temper and we have no idea whether he does drugs or not. He still has no real job. He hasn't paid his taxes the past couple of years, has massive debt, and is on very bad terms with the IRS. His only source of income is by making art with acrylic and spray paint on a different size canvases. Our backyard became his studio. He made it look like a junkyard with paint all over the concrete, spray cans everywhere, and other random items. My dad stopped doing yard work because Jay's stuff was all over the place. My parent's downfall in this situation was that they felt bad for him so they let him be in hopes that his life would turn around. Nope. He was just taking advantage them. Again. My parents would tell him here and there to not do x,y,z but they weren't adamant enough and he never listened.

Jay works all night with a light bulb hanging from an easy up tent. You can always hear him rattling his spray cans and he'd occasionally cut wood in the middle of the night. My backyard neighbor caught me in my drive way two weeks ago and asked me what was going on in my back yard at night. I told her my brother makes art. She was being nice saying how she was happy for him because he's doing what he loves. I showed no excitement and apologized for the nuisance at night.. because it annoys the shit out of me. Last week we got a letter from the city that there was a complaint because our yard was unkempt. I suspect it was her. I wasn't even mad honestly. My dad on the other hand is very embarrassed. He's had enough of my brother's BS. He told my brother to clean up after himself and to get a studio. My brother responded with attitude. He wanted to see the letter. My dad told him he didn't have to prove it so my brother went into his room to avoid the situation. My dad was still talking to him outside of his jenky shack telling him what he was doing wrong and if he didn't listen he'd have to move out. My dad is not the type to yell. Just tells you in a stern, disappointed voice. My brother stormed out of his room and got in my dad's face. Angrily repeating, "What are you gonna do about???". They got into a bad argument. My dad basically explained to him that he has already ruined his life. And that he's only made bad decisions since they've immigrated here to America. My dad told him he needed to move out immediately. My brother stormed off, but to his car instead, and told my dad he'd beat the shit out him before he killed him if he touched his stuff or his dog.

Now, I'm worried about my parents. I don't want him back in this house. My dad said he's not that worried. I told him to change the locks and he said he'd do it tomorrow with a no worry attitude. My mom is a stay-at-home-mom and babysits my nieces and nephew. My dad is retired so he stays home all day. My parents didn't call the cops on him. I have no idea what to do to protect them? I wasn't home when all the shit went down. I know my parents are waiting for him to pick up his stuff. I know they're not being careful about the situation and it's frustrating me. I want to break into his shack (honestly just have to remove the nails) and move all of his stuff to the backyard so he can't get inside. If the locks aren't changed by the time I'm back from work, I will change them myself.

TLDR: My older brother has no job, bad temper, and shitty attitude. My parents let him move back in because they felt bad for him. His source of income is by making art. Our backyard is basically his studio and now looks like a junkyard. He works until pass midnight. Neighbor asked me what goes on in my backyard at night. We got a city complaint that our backyard is unkept and dirty. My dad and brother got into a heated argument when my dad told him he had to stop and clean up after himself or else move out. Brother threatened to beat and kill my dad before he stormed off.

Edit: grammar

Submitted September 23, 2019 at 07:04AM by xocrystalcastles

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