Monday, September 23, 2019

A wild hunt (Evensong 2)

((My original plan was to tell this story twice, once from the mother's perspective, and once from the invader's. I didn't get the invader's perspective done in time, and it ran a little long besides. It also got very dark.))

It is the summer solstice, the culling day. My tribe flies east, astride the sky, riding the wind. The chill, crisp air carries the barest hint of a thousand scents, full of promise and temptation. Far below us, the world turns, a tapestry in shades of green and brown. It is marred with clusters of dirty-black specks. There nests humanity, in cluttered towns and smoke-belching cities. Their laughter drifts on the wind, calling to us.

At the head of our formation, the Huntress wavers, slows to a halt. My sisters and I swarm around her, twirling, dancing, showing off. Sunlight glints off our ornaments, gems and glass and mirror fragments. Each of us strives to outdo the others and shine the brightest.

The Huntress pays us no heed, her eyes searching the earth below, her expression intent. Our excited murmurs soon die down, and the ensuing silence is heavy with anticipation.

She drops and we follow without hesitation. I let gravity embrace me, and I fall free and accelerating. The whistling wind buffets me, but I tense my body, spread my arms, stabilize. My heart races, lightning runs in my veins, the world is pure sensation. I let it all out in a wordless cry of wild joy.

A wide expanse of lush green spreads out below me, a garden. As I free-fall, I can make out trees, hedges, clusters of scurrying humanity. I angle my body again, aiming for one of the squirming groups. The ground is close now.

I land amidst the crowd with jarring thud. I feel a twinge in my legs, my spine, but my magic safeguards me, woven deep into the fiber of my being. I roll to my feet, surrounded by screaming panic, a wolf amongst sheep.

Time slows, sensations blur together. The stink of panic mingles with the smell of broken grass. I delight at their scurrying, their mindless fear, and my laughter rings out across the clearing, sweet and high as a silver bell.

A warrior approaches at a run. He wields a sword of cold iron, but his movements are sluggish. I deftly step around his blade, inside his guard. He is armored, but his neck is exposed, and my nails are sharp. I open up his throat with a flourish, and spring past him before he realizes that he’s dead.

More warriors challenge me, and I dance around their clumsy swings, weaving a web of death in my wake. They’ve forgotten the old ways, the arts and tricks that once kept us at bay. Their blood soaks into the thirsty earth as they are freed by my hand.

I find myself alone in the clearing. My prey has scattered into the trees and shrubs, but I feel their eyes on me, I can taste their frantic terror. I spread my arms and twirl, unabashed. Scarlet drips from the tips of my nails, the droplets glint in the sun like liquid rubies.

I spot a woman watching me from the shadow of a tree, her face pale, eyes wide. I read her raw incomprehension, her dull shock, all suffused by the blinkered emptiness that afflicts her kind. She holds my gaze for a moment, then wavers and flees.

Their warriors slain, the humans go to ground, leaving us to wander their castles, their gardens and homes. We take what we desire, soft cloth, warm food, ornaments that sparkle in the sun. To those we find we grant the gift of freedom. To the rest we grant the gift of our song.

It echoes through their halls, warm and low and comforting. We sing to them of the burden of existence, of the pain of their flawed senses, of the warm, quiet dark awaiting them. We soothe them and comfort them and lull them to sleep.

I drift through gardens lit by starlight. My eyes are shut as I softly croon along to our song. Beneath its gentle harmonies, a thousand noises filter though. The rustling of insects in the grass, the whisper of an owl’s wings, the soft swish of swaying grass.

A pair of heartbeats.

My eyes snap open, instantly alert. Between the trees I spot a shadow, a house, a shed. I approach slowly, still crooning, hands held loosely by my sides. The door handle is iron, but the door itself is thin wood. Two quick blows tear it down, and I step inside in a hail of splinters.

In a dim corner a shape huddles, a woman, with a bundle in her arms. I recognize her from the orchard, and a smile flickers across my face. My sudden entry has startled her, and she tries to rise from the cold ground, but collapses, slumping back against the wall. She’s barely conscious, on the precipice of surrendering to the long night.

I reach down to end it quickly, then hesitate. The bundle on her chest moves, and wide blue eyes peek up at me in the dark. There’s a spark in them, a depth that goes beyond the mere veneer of consciousness that I saw in her mother’s eyes. This child is alive.

I reach down to lift her from her mother’s chest, and though she squirms, she doesn’t cry out. Her gaze is drawn to the mirror-shard that dangles from my neck, though it doesn’t sparkle as it should, here in the dark. I smooth out her hair, turning towards the door to examine her in the light of the moon.

A sharp pain in my right shoulder forces a scream from my throat. It is sharp and vicious, it burns as only iron does. I almost drop the girl, as I stumble two steps forwards, then spin around.

The woman stands, unsteadily leaning against the shed wall. Her movements are slow and clumsy, but her eyes glare with fierce intensity. Her right hand holds a pair of shears, wood and rusting iron, stained red with my blood. She lunges and I retreat a step, my breath rough in my throat. The cold burn of the iron still persists, and it deafens me, blinds me, stuns my senses. For a moment, just a moment, I’m a hair’s breadth from animal panic, but I manage to rally, control myself.

The girl squirms against my chest, wailing now, startled and afraid, but I blend her out, intent on my attacker. By rights the woman should be lying dead, but I’m still shaken from my brush with her iron. I have a prize now, something to keep safe.

I turn and flee, disappearing quickly between the trees. Behind me I hear a cry of helpless anguish, and then no more.

We depart at dawn, riding the fresh sunbeams. We leave the city plundered, the palace empty. My shoulder still burns, and I know it will never quite heal, but one more scar is a small enough burden to bear. In my arms the girl fusses gently in her dreams. I’ve sung her to sleep, a true sleep, to last her until we reach home.

And there, in the place between worlds, I will feed her, and teach her. I will raise her to see and hear and smell and understand, to never shy away from sensation, to carry her spark and read between the lines of the world. I will teach her why we hunt, and how we hunt. And one day, when I am old and sick and blind, and I’ve forgotten what it means to be alive, it will be her who hunts me, and culls me, and sets me free.

Submitted September 24, 2019 at 05:28AM by facet-ious

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