Monday, July 1, 2019

The Missing White Cardinal

Veronica had, for the most part, kept her head down since coming to DEVIL. And as a result of that, she had very little to really show for her time there. She found the ghost of her brother but... well that didn't really change anything as she simply refused to speak to him. Her list of friends was... minimal as it often was.

And yet for some reason the story of this Zianna girl could not be shaken from her mind since she found the girl's injured bird.

From what she had been told, this Zianna girl showed up 9months ago and hadn't been in the school for long. In that time she reportedly only became somewhat acquainted with five people, two of whom were no longer regular attendants of the school.

There was Pearl, the lady with the crow she'd met earlier and with whom she ultimately left the bird with once it had been treated. Then there were two names the maid staff had given her she was unfamiliar with: Aaron Clarke and a blonde woman by the name of Hope. Veronica had doubts about what they could tell her though. This Zianna girl... well she reminded Veronica of herself. Her real self that is. Zianna didn't really let anyone close when she was at DEVIL. Something Veronica too had found troubles in doing.

Shaking her head, Veronica came back to her senses sat in the DEVIL library, looking into the computer monitor before her. She had managed to convince the headmaster to give her Zianna's file... which he had marked with a large 'M.I.A.' stamp.

Name: Zianna Songbird

Codename: White Cardinal

Profession: Unemployed, Formerly: Underground Fighter

A photo of the girl, as well as her height (5ft 11) and other physiological data.

Observations on personality: Headstrong and tough as nails, Zianna is not afraid to speak her mind even if it may be offensive. She's blunt and doesn't bother with the games most people play trying to be nice. You either like her for who she is or you don't. Despite all that, she does seem to have some minor self-confidence issues in regards to her athletic figure, leading to her often trying to cover it up.

Known likes: Working out, smoking, extremely hot or cold temperatures, and large food portions

Known dislikes: Sucking up, dieting, and swimming

Known powers: Fire & Ice Manipulation

1) Ice Wall - Capable of producing a wall of thick, near-impenetrable ice at max 10ft tall and 20 wide.

2) Spike Storm - Ability to rain down dozens of needle-sharp spikes of varying size up to 4ft in length and launch them at her foes with varying power, up to the speed of a bullet.

3) Fire Flight - Ability to fly thanks to her fire abilities. Top speed is about 500 mph but will leave her exhausted if travelling a long distance.

4) Fire Fists - The Ability to coat her fists in flame, increasing the force and speed of her punches as well as dealing burning damage to her foes.

5) A Song of Ice and Fire - This ability allows her to breathe either fire or ice from her mouth incinerating or freezing what gets in its path. However, the true deadly use of her ability is if she tries to breathe both at the same time triggering... a very large boom.

Observable drawback: Depending on the time of year one side of her powers will be significantly stronger than the other. In winter her ice abilities will be at their max strength, but her fire abilities will be noticeably weaker.

Known skills: A trained expert in mixed martial arts and with 3 years in competitive underground fighting, Zianna is an expert fighter. She's also a skilled personal trainer and fitness fanatic.

Veronica flicked through all this information quickly, most interested in getting to the girl's background information. When she finally located what was written there, her eyes widened in surprise.

Background: Much of Zianna's life is a mystery. Her birthparents physically abused her and thus she was placed into foster care. She lived at many foster homes all of them nice just not for her. She was always getting mixed up with the bad crowd at school in each place she stayed. Eventually, at 15 she had enough of it and ran away.

However, it had not been all bad. One of the families she stayed with owned a gym and over the 3 years she stayed there she got into fighting. That interest stuck with her as she moved around and she was always able to make sure she kept training.

By 16 she was taking part in underground fights to make a living. The kind that wouldn't shy away from a girl under 6ft fighting 200lb fully grown men.

She won some and lost a few. But then one day she stopped losing. She continued to do this up until a few months prior to her application to DEVIL.

Veronica sighed. The background was informative, but not enough to give her any good leads. Looks like she was going to have to look those two other people up after all.

"When I find you... I expect a lunch out of this."

She grumbled under her breath, turning off the PC.

"Right... Aaron and Hope... Maybe I should talk to Pearl again too..."

Stellarim, Hopesdagger - Hero HQ

Bonaparte sighed and put out his cigarette, throwing his cards to the table in front of him.

B: "You win again, asshole. Don't feel so smug about it though."

He said to the man sat across from him. The man simply nodded and began to collect and reshuffle the cards into the deck. Nearby a younger guy chuckled as did the girl sat beside him.

B: "Oh don't you start either. Ivan, you can't beat even beat Rosaline and Iran..."

Ir: "I don't gamble so I don't need to know the rules~"

She smirked and Ivan chuckled.

Iv: "Besides I can't beat Rosaline the same way you can't beat Xevkin. It's not my fault he taught his sister all his best moves."

Xevkin, the man shuffling the cards... smirked.

B: "Now listen I don't need thi-"

Suddenly the door opened, Rosaline not pausing to let him finish.

R: "Bonaparte. Skylord has requested you meet with him in his office."

B: "Heh?! Now why would he-?"

R: "It's about her."

Bonaparte paused, and suddenly the room's atmosphere grew tense.

B: "So... they finally found her body?"

Rosaline looked away.

R: "I... I was not given the details..."

He swore under his breath.

B: "I see.... ah, well..."

He began walking towards the door.

B: "I knew this would happen eventually..."

He gave a sad smile as he left, his feet echoing down the hall.

Skylord looked up from behind his desk as Bonaparte entered the room.*

S: "Ah, you're here. Please, take a seat."

Bonaparte refused, standing where he was.

B: "Where's her body...?"

He sighed, but Skylord simply raised an eyebrow.

S: "Body?"

B: "What? You're telling me there's no body?"

S: "What are you-?"

B: "Zianna... she's dead, isn't she?"

At that there was a long pause... before Skylord slid a picture across the table.

S: "No... not yet."

In the photograph, Bonaparte saw... the unexpected. Zianna was strung up against a wall. Her face looked bruised and beaten and a little bloody... but...

B: "She's... alive?"

Skylord nodded.

S: "We're working on assertaining her location, though it is likely she has been moved since this photo was taken. But-"

B: "Can I help?!"

Bonaparte looked determined and Skylord had to sigh and shake his head.

S: "Not yet. We don't have a trail yet. But as soon as we do..."

He gave him a nod.

S: "I'll give it to you and your team."

Bonaparte nodded and saluted Skylord at that.

B: "Thank you. Truly this... means a lot."

Skylord smiled and waved him off.

S: "Don't be so formal Bonaparte... it doesn't suit you."

Bonaparte chuckled and relaxed with a sigh.

B: "Yeah... you're right. That felt fucking awkward."

Skylord sighed and shook his head.

S: "Not that informal. Good lord..."

He rolled his eyes and Bonaparte laughed.

B: "Sorry! Alright, see you around, sir!"

He waved and began runnign back to tell his team the good news.

Zianna was alive.


"Jeez.... how hard can it be to find three people...?"

Veronica grumbled, wandering around campus for anyone to run into.

Submitted July 01, 2019 at 04:32PM by Vidi_Vici_Veni_69

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