Monday, June 24, 2019

The Study of the Confounding Crying Phoenix Villa - Alternate Section 14s (Arash, Ryouma, Salieri & Tristan ENDs)

Sorry, I entirely forgot that they released the alternate section 14s already. What follows are the character endings for Arash, Ryouma, Salieri and Tristan.



Arash END


Salazar, you fool… you poisoned Gabriella by mistake when I ordered you to assassinate the prince. And then you proceeded to kill yourself off… Well, finishing off the prince is already a good accomplishment. There’s a chance that Gabriella can be resuscitated too. But how shall I proceed from here…


You were hiding out here after all. I would’ve done the same in your shoes.


Well well… the appearance of the excellent hound. I am impressed you managed to discover this place. It is not a place an amateur would have been able to find…


This was the royal family’s villa. I used to play hide and seek here with him back when I was a kid. You may have gotten your hands on Meihousou, but changing where the rooms are is still beyond you.


Hm… bravery and might, with a keen mind on top. It is as I have wished for.


What do you mean?


Why, I am merely suggesting a new employment prospect for you. Why don’t you stay at Meihousou and succeed Salazar’s post?




I faked my death and retired from the outside world, planning to control this country from the shadows like a ghost. However, even a ghost needs a means of interference. That would be Gabriella, and Salazar, too. Salazar’s death has left me with a slight conundrum. What do you think about this offer? Will you not assist me? Of course, your freedom will not be restrained. Furthermore, I am old and my time limited… in the near future, everything will be yours. It is not a bad deal, is it?


I refuse.


Oh, out of foolish vengeance?


…Can I take what you have said so far as a confession of your crimes?


Indeed, I ordered Salazar to assassinate the prince, but your target of loyalty is no longer here now, is he? I shall prepare appropriate compensation for you, who have lost your master. Should you desire Gabriella, then…


Have you forgotten my face!


It couldn’t be… You, you are Prince Concordia!


You realize it at last. Well, I was still a kid ten years ago.


The petty trick of having a body double… I was thoroughly fooled. But… that is even more reason that you should work with me. With my “Legacy” in hand, you might even be able to restore the royal family. I have not told even Gabriella of the true importance of the “Legacy”. Should you kill me here, it will be lost for good…

Gaha! How could it be, for me to die in this place…


…You can’t turn back the clock. Those who are dead should just stay dead.



What are you doing at this hour of the night?


Oh, if it isn’t Mister Doctor. So you were awake. I was feeling a little idle, so I decided to go make a grave for Vargas.


Gabriella just regained consciousness a little while ago. She’s still sleeping right now, but she’ll recover soon.


I see… that’s great. Well then, wish her luck for me.


My nose might not be as good as yours, but it’s pretty sharp. Particularly when it comes to sniffing out the smell of blood.


The less said about that, the better. I don’t mind if you push all the coming problems onto me.


…But you don’t look like a bad guy to me.


A good guy wouldn’t kill people in the first place.


…I’ll cut right to the chase. Are you Prince Concordia?


Nah. That’s the name of someone who’s dead.


Pardon me. With Mr. Salazar gone, Gabriella is facing troubled days ahead. Wouldn’t you be able to stay here by her side, should you be fine with it?


Protecting Gabriella, and spending a relaxing life hunting… that sounds good too.




But I still have things I must do. To that end I’ve been wandering many countries.


I’ve heard of a mysterious ally of justice on the news over the radio, at my clinic, but could that actually be you?


That is the duty of the last prince of Nadai Nada. It remains the same no matter how the country has changed.


That is far too upright of you. No, perhaps something could’ve changed had you become king.


I wonder. But this is all I’ll say. I saved Gabriella. That’s enough for me.




Sakamoto Ryouma END


…From my diagnosis, Gabriela should not require anything more than light treatment. Although there is still a possibility that her condition might take a turn for the worse, for now she seems to be stable.


I see. That means Mr. Roma has no need to stay with her. Let us take turns watching over her tonight. Everyone should get themselves enough rest.


I’d be grateful for that. But it would besmirch me if anything happened to her, so around two hours of rest is enough for me.


Rather than two hours, four and a half… no, it would be fine even if you took six.


Haha, thanks for the offer. But I’ll be back as soon as I can’t sleep anymore.


Um, Mr. Roma. Goodnight.


Yeah, night.



…It’s you, doc. What did you need at such hours?


Garcia, don’t you want to take vengeance for Vargas?


Of course. If I find out who the culprit is, I’ll shoot him dead with my own hands.


Then, won’t you team up with me? If my observations are correct, you are someone familiar with this mansion. I’d like you to tell me where all the hiding spots are. Since I am familiar with that person’s psychology, we can immediately determine where he would hide.


…I’m in. But what’s your goal?


I want to lay my best friend to rest, can’t I? Actually, I found this.


This is?


A report concerning that night ten years ago. This is also part of Cortes’s legacy. According to this report, Daizo and General Tan struck each other down. General Tan was the best swordsman in the army… no, the entire country. He was the only one who could’ve cut down Daizo without a surprise attack.


General Tan was indeed a remarkable man… He was both noble and popular. However, I didn’t expect his final opponent to be the sword demon, Daizo Oka.


Can you trust me now?


…Yeah, that’s enough. I have to lay my best friend to rest, too. Come. I’ll guide you to the places where that bastard could be hiding.



…My my, even though I went to such lengths to conceal myself.


You’re the one who killed Daizo, aren’t you?


What? But the report said that he died by…


Do not speak ill of others. They truly did strike each other down.


Was it really? Your enemies seem to have a strange habit of killing each other off. I wonder if there’s some sort of magic at play?


As expected of my former subordinate, you indeed know quite well how I do things. That magic is simple to cast. You need only make the one in the inferior position desperate… that is all. That is right, I should cast it on you too.

This is… why…


“I’ll take responsibility for looking after your wife.” “So do all you can to kill that man.” …Was that what you were going to say to try to make me and Garcia kill each other?


How… did you…


Daizo would’ve been eager to jump at that offer. I might have too, if I were in his position. But once the magic trick is exposed, no one would fall for it. Sorry, I took vengeance on my own.


It’s fine. We’re in the same boat after all.


…Let’s leave the body like this. It fits him well to be here, all alone, till the day comes where this mansion is torn down.



Oh, welcome back. Did you get a good rest?


Yeah, thanks to you guys. I feel really good right now.



Sir Isidoro’s sleeping right now. Though it took me many years to finally understand when he actually was.


By the way… could you let me and Gabriella be alone for a while? Don’t worry, I’m not going to do anything weird.


Can we get a reason for that?


Gabriella is the sole family left of someone who was dear to me. Even though she’s sleeping right now, there’s much I have to tell her.


If that’s the case, then… please take your time.


…Nice to see you again, I guess? I entered the army at the same time as your brother. I was specialized in healing people while your brother was specialized in destroying them, so I guess we’re exact opposites. But somehow, we hit it off. Though maybe I was the only one who thought that?

However, after entering the army, I began to notice that the kingdom was beyond saving. But I pretended not to see the reality, and continued serving as just an army doctor. It was as if I administered morphine to my own heart. Your brother must have despised me for that.

Did you just smile? Or did I imagine it? Regardless, if you’d like to hear such tales, I can tell them as many times as you want… As much as you want, yeah.




Salieri END


…I’ve found it! Hahahaha, this, and this, and this… how nostalgic. These are indeed the songs that they wrote. Mindbogglingly hard to comprehend… unrelatable to by the world at large… and… what dignified scores these are. These are what the originals should be like.


It was as I have foreseen.


What business do you have here, detective?


I am looking for something, just like you are. You see, there is this dilettante in the higher levels of government who wishes for the scores of the court composers. That was the job, but my specialty is in rock. I’m unable to distinguish scores outside of that genre. And so I waited for you to find them.


Huh… then everything thus far has been your doing?


With regards to Miss Gabriela, I had no intentions of killing her. I was only manufacturing an excuse to move about freely in the mansion. Knocking out anyone of you would have been fine. After getting my wine glass from Salazar, I poisoned one of the remaining glasses. To think she’d have drawn the sole, poisoned glass. What an unlucky woman.


You didn’t intend to kill her, you said. Would you like to explain Salazar and Vargas’s deaths, then?


That was due to my carelessness. While rummaging through the warehouse in secret, Salazar found me. Having no choice, I got rid of him. Before long, Vargas came looking for Salazar and accosted me… I got rid of him too. While he just happened to have his back to me.


And you took this chance to make it look like they killed each other. You fiend. So, will you kill me, too?


It’s not my intent to be seen this way. For me, murder is but the means, hardly the ends. I will let you go if you hand me all of the scores.


...Will you give me time to think this over?


Is there a need to think about it? That moldy old music, written by those who did not acknowledge you, you must detest it, don’t you?


What do you know!? Simon’s, Fernando’s, David’s, Aurelio’s… you do not even know their talent, so do not dismiss them out of hand! Even if it is an art which the world cannot relate to, a cul-de-sac… right here is everything that I am.


Oh man, you scattered the scores all over the place… it’d be a great pain to gather them again. Still, if you’ve rejected my deal, then… you won’t mind if I kill you here, would you?


Someone like you would’ve never let me go from the start.


You really don’t trust me, I guess.


You might be very good at your job… but it seems that you don’t understand the intricacies of the human heart.


The fire! What do you think you’re doing!


If you want the scores, just put out the flames.


You will perish in the fire too! At this rate, it will not only be the scores, but this entire mansion that goes up in flames!


So what? I wouldn’t be the one troubled by that.


Damn it, why does it not go out! Aaah!! Ah, it burns! It’s hotttt!


Fool. You could’ve been saved had you given up on the score. Still, with this, I won’t be leaving this place either.


Wait, Uncle? What are you doing!?


Ah, Elis. This is as far as I go. Don’t come in here, even by mistake, alright?


Are you kidding? I’ll go find help.


Stop! The fire wouldn’t be extinguished in time anyway. While the flames are still weak, escape with the others.




There is still time until this room burns up. We can talk for a while until then. Two days after I was chased out of the palace, the revolution began. That accidental situation made me relieved, and I rejoiced. Those who did not acknowledge my talents had now departed from this world. My vengeance had been wrought by the hand of fate itself. Regardless of what people say, the one who survives is the victor. That is what I truly thought at the time. And after my survival, I would continue to single-mindedly write songs that sold, swearing to carve my name into this country’s history. Now, ten years later, I am a composer that everyone acknowledges. However… the praise from the masses cannot fill the hole in my heart. Somewhere, I can still hear their mocking laughter whenever I write a new song.


…It’s a bit embarrassing to say this out loud, but I do love your songs and think that they’re wonderful, Uncle!


Of course they’re wonderful. I was only imitating the songs that I liked, after all.


Imitating… what do you mean?


The music of the court was difficult to comprehend, boring, and unacceptable to the palate of the masses. Using their music as a base, I created more catchy songs…. What I do can be said to be, in other words, a translation. They would be sneering at me now if they were still alive. In fact, in my eyes, my songs are but pale imitations. That’s all they are. It’s because I, who hated them, also loved their songs the most of all.

It’s about time to say our farewells. Elis, there is no need to be sad. I must have died on that day…. The day where I lost the place I belonged, forever. Although my talent is phony, your songs are genuine. You will do well even after I am gone.


You fool of an uncle! Why would you say such a thing!


You really should fix that unladylike language of yours soon. I can’t cover for you any longer…





Aah, Simon, Fernando, David, Aurelio… have you come to laugh at me? Why, if you want to badmouth me, say it more clearly. You liked doing that, didn’t you. But if it is now, I can make a song that can put yours to shame… that’s why… first, let me listen to your songs…




Tristan END


…The culprit made only one mistake. They did not notice that I was the true detective. And… the culprit, is you!


Alright, cut! Well done.


I’m sorry, Tristan-san. I stole your spotlight…


No… I’m the one who was saved from a pinch. Hehe… the intelligent yet modest mekakure rookie knight… although I may not be Bartholomew, this delights me too… Because I was slow on the uptake, I must have caused you quite some trouble. I shall definitely repay this debt someday… Please do feel free to call me when you are impeaching Sir Lancelot…


No, I wouldn’t cross-examine Lancelot-san for no reason…


It was not my intention indeed to drop out in the middle of the shoot! Surely, I could only bite my fingers and watch! But… it was truly fun. As there are other great events entrusted to me, I shall grant you the glory for this singularity. Should fate will it, come to my tomb. I shall show you the utmost hospitality!


Yes, King Ozymandias! I’m looking forward to it too!


What’s next is to confirm the rush film, and wait for the editing--- that’s all. Well, there’s no time to reshoot anything now. I think you’ll shine just as it is, lil miss.


Thank you very much, Arash-san.

Jeanne Alter:

…It couldn’t be helped this time. It’s my loss. But I definitely won’t lose next time. Definitely!


Yes, I’ll be waiting.


Huh, it was better than expected. With this, that queen should be satisfied too.


I am honoured that you would give me such praise, Salieri-san.


Mashu, well done. Your acting was great today.


I agree.


The two of you… I am really touched. Ah, by the way, is Murasaki Shikibu-san okay?


She hasn’t woken up yet, but it’s only a matter of time.


It would be nice if she could wake up before we depart the singularity. Those who want to go visit her with me, raise your hands!


I’ll go there later too.


Mashu, you seem pretty nervous about something…


Uh, am I? Tristan-san, do you still have any business here?


…The way you’re speaking makes it seem like you want me anywhere but here, don’t you, Mashu?




It looks like I’ve hit the nail on the head. By the way, this is what you have business with, no?


Th-The trashcan! Why are you holding it?


Oh dear, Master… Ah, it seems that you have yet to notice. Mashu is the mastermind behind everything.




It is as clear as day should you look at the incident with unclouded eyes. Detectives coming from outside the stage are lacking in grounding, and will become outsiders regardless. Therefore, in a situation such as this, it is not easy to become the centre of the story. Especially as a mere detective’s assistant.


……….. (special description: Yeah, yeah, Mashu nods)


(No, that’s wrong, Mashu! You’re supposed to be smirking sinisterly here! As we practiced, just like this!)


T-that’s right, yeah! I hate being a side character. After all, I am Senpai’s main Servant! But Murasaki Shikibu-san did not give the Girl Servant category a place to stand out… That’s why… I carefully kept Paracelsus-san’s medicine from the previous incident and mixed it into the drink!


(Very good! The part where you’re faltering makes it even more realistic!)


I see, so you knew that Murasaki Shikibu borrowed medicine from Paracelsus. That is why you knew that you would not be found out even if you let her drink the drug you had…


Yes… And Murasaki Shikibu-san drank it all down. At that time, I was deeply assured of my victory.


However, there is a big obstacle for you in this crime. Using the wrapper that you discarded yourself as evidence, you suggested that Murasaki Shikibu drank the medicine of her own volition. However… the wrapper that you retrieved from the trashbin would not have Murasaki Shikibu’s fingerprints on it. There is the possibility that your fingerprints will be found on it instead. Such irrefutable evidence would spell your downfall.


As long as Murasaki Shikibu-san is out of the picture, I was confident that I just needed to manipulate Tristan-san, and I would be free to act as I wished.


You did pull that off superbly… but Mashu, you miscalculated by failing to see that I was just acting the fool!




Okay, stop there. Don’t butt in boorishly.


…That’s right. The sleeping detective Tristan… I underestimated you. It’s my complete defeat. I’ll accept any punishment given to me…


Oh my, are you misunderstanding something? You let Murasaki Shikibu drink a medicine that took her physical condition into consideration… but after she had collapsed, you did a good job guiding the film to completion in her place, dragging the production along. That’s a good thing.


Um, but that’s…


As they say, hate the sin, not the sinner.


Thank you… very much…



This was quite the interesting opportunity. If there is a next time, I, the famed detective Tristan, shall do my best too!


Famed detective…






Section 1

Section 2

Section 3

Section 4

Section 5

Section 6

Section 7

Section 9

Section 10

Section 11

Section 12

Section 13

Section 14 & 15

Section 16 & 17


Submitted June 24, 2019 at 03:32PM by taiboo

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