Sunday, June 9, 2019

Sunday Brunch with the All Stars Judging Team

Live footage of the Judging Panel having brunch and chats about All Stars

Ifor/a: Hey guys.... I hope you're enjoying your.... healthy brunch? I thought we could get together and have a little banter about the season as a crew before we get into the thick of things with All Stars!

Ira: I'll have you know that potatoes are totally vegetables so I'm quite enjoying my vegetable salad, thank you for asking. But yes, let's get into it!

Miyu. Potatoes? Starch? Carbs? Girl... I'm full just looking at it, have at! I am however... starving for this conversation. I can't believe we brought back all these contestants, they're better than before and I'm just... glad I won when I did, let's say that.

I4a. I think that’s a great place to start actually. How is everyone feeling about this duty we we're called to do? Judging the people we fought beside is kind of intense. Personally I feel pretty okay about my win but it definitely wasn’t inevitable. That said, I feel good about the duty too because I know how far the competition pushed me past my limits and I’m hoping we can provide that for the queens even though it’s their second go around. I try to tell myself that if I look like a booger winner by the time they’re crowned then I’ve done my job as a judge well.

Ira. Agreed! Even when I won I was doubting whether I should have and I was full of determination to grow into someone who deserved to I imagine that desire to redeem is multiplied tenfold when you haven't won yet. It's clear to me that the contestants we've cast are filled with both the passion to prove themselves and passion for the MPAR community, and I'm happy for them to represent the best of what MPAR has to offer! I'm nervous to judge them but I'm also honored to be part of what I think will be a really stunning experience for the MPAR community to witness, so as long as MPAR is happy with how All Stars ends up then I'm happy. I've seen too many first All Stars seasons flounder (Drag Race, anyone?) so the only thing I can ask for is no fires to put out...

Ripper. It's lucky we're implementing a jury vote so we don't have to put ourselves in the firing line! Jokes aside, I'm super excited to see these legendary queens compete. I wasn't around for their original runs, so I can’t wait to see these legends in action. The pressure is definitely on and the competition is savage. I'm ready to see who can push their insecurities aside and slay their way to the top.

I4a. ...and insecurities are sure to come up that’s for damn sure. Whole runs implode under the weight of self-doubt which is dreary af but let’s stay light and sweet. It is brunch after all. What are some of your dreams for this season gals?

Miyu. I’m just hoping nobody hates me for eliminating them before... truly I had no choice!

Ripp. i hope none of them try to punch you in the left tit. Honestly, I want to be shaken to my core but by ideas and silhouettes i haven't seen before, i don't want these bishes resting on what they know. During the first week of Season 4 I was told by the judges that they wanted to see something different from me each week, and you best believe I'll be saying the same to our All Stars.

I4a. Yeah completely. For my part I have this gut feeling that All Stars is a pivot point in the whole community but towards what... I have no idea. So really I just want to see the artists pushing toward the biggest boldest versions of their work. I'd really like to see illustration and design work that wows... that serves as a portfolio piece or an iconic illustration not just like something to try and win the week. I feel like we're giving them a lot of creative space with our challenges this time and I hope that means that they get to really explore imagery they adore. I almost want to use the word professional but I don't care about the legitimacy or authority as much as the ambition to make unforgettable work.

Ira. Hear hear! I have to admit I look forward to MPAR more than Drag Race these days but I really want MPAR to be seen as more than just "Drag Race for artists". Like yeah, we're based on a reality show but I never want to treat our contestants like they're nothing but reality show contestants, you know what I mean?

Miyu. Yeah I agree, we’ve made a pretty strong point here to not make decisions based on storylines like they do on tv, it’s really about the challenges here. Speaking of which I really look forward to seeing what storylines do happen, everybody here had a run already and I think it’s fun to see how everyone does a second time after they’ve had a chance to sort of figure out the game a bit through trial and error, and in seeing who won and how. I guess that’s the real game changer this time around; who learned from their mistakes and who didn’t.

I4a. That's a big question mark isn't it. I think you guys make a great point that we foreground the art and get to enjoy how the stories pop up themselves naturally. How would you guys feel about talking about our cast a little? I was thinking what we love about the audition, what we love about their work/past looks in general and if it feels relevant maybe a sense of what new sides we'd like to see them show. Thanks for bringing the pics Miyu! Let's go alphabetical? Season/elimination order?

Ripp. Lets use alphabetical order because its too damn early for math


I4a. Ambrosia it is. So how do the dolls feel?

Ripp. Ambrosia was my gateway drug into MPAR and now, 84 years later, I'm getting another hit. I think she really nails the balance between cartoon and fashion illustration. I love the mix of a strong, masculine physique made out of delicate china.I also really enjoy the custard rendering which is a throw back to the amazing rendering in her cocktail look.

I4a. Damn I really can't agree enough. I find Ambrosia intimidating to critique because her work operates on so many levels. At the core of it, the physique v the china which you pointed out creates such a strong conceptual contrast which to me gives it a high drag feeling and the tone is hyper serious while the actual subject matter is silly. I guess if I had to point out a minor qualm of sadness I felt is that much of Ambrosia's work on season 2 felt like it was engaged with the imagery of "a man in a dress" and carried a sort of comedic aggression with it. It reminded me of the tone of Rocky Horror. I hope that particular card is still in her hand.

Ira. Personally I like that she took something silly like Custard and was able to make this severe porcelain look inspired by it, and I feel like there's still some tongue-in-cheek elements here and there with the splash-shaped crown and the spoon earring. I would love to see more looks like this from her -- glamorous but still full of that campy creativity!

Miyu. God, Ambrosia just smacks me in the mouth with her designs in the best way. This is like a new edgier version of her I don’t feel like I’ve seen before and I can’t wait to see more! Her style just becomes more refined as time goes on... she intimidated me and I wasn’t even in her season. This is definitely the androgynous entity we know and love but moving outside of her campy box, I really can’t wait to see what Ambrosia brings. Imagine the shoes she could design.... I’m excited thinking about it.


I4a. Ok next up, Bettie! or as I like to call her... Elizabeth Tailor. Ok I know that's heinous but seriously it would fit as a drag name.

Ira. Ugh, Bettie is probably one of the most polished queens to ever grace the MPAR stage and I'm glad to see her back. I normally am not a fan of mermaid gowns but the structured aspect really helps. Bettie knows what she's good at and does it well...although if I recall she got a lot of crit about "staying in her comfort zone" in her original season? So when everyone is going to be pushing themselves above and beyond for All Stars, I'm hoping she's going to give me that gag factor and passionate drive that I expect from anyone who wants to win.

I4a. To be honest I can see what you’re saying but I do think something special about this piece is its almost transcendent religious quality and not just because of the crosses. It reminds me of the morbidness of religious art which is a much deeper reference than the sort of straight up retro glam pinup stuff of the past. I definitely think she’ll need to show versatility but i believe that if this was a piece of statuary in a small New Orleans church it would completely blow your mind.

Ira. For sure, I don't really have a problem with "comfort zones" for a promo look because promos are meant to show exactly what you're good at!

I4a. I think another element of Bettie’s specialness it’s at least worth nodding to is she’s probably our most technically knowledgeable contestant when it comes to construction and the like. There’s a level of realism that isn’t necessary in our comp but deserves recognition in my opinion.

Miyu. Gotta say I did not expect something so dark from Bettie, maybe in the time since we saw her I lost a bit of her character in my mind but wow this gothic goodness is just perfection. I almost forgot how intimidatingly beautiful and meticulous Bettie is... I’m just a judge and even I’m intimidated by her. I agree that this outfit seems so real, I can truly see it in my head in a physical world and that... terrifies me even more. Terrifyingly beautiful and well crafted, that’s what Bettie is.

Ripp. Oooky spooky! Is this what one year in the fashion industry does to someone?! I love seeing this darker side of Bettie and I hope it’s something she continues to explore and experiment with. We all know Bettie is super polished and put together, but I’d love to see her embrace her wild side and not be held back by meticulous construction. It’s great to see an MPAR powerhouse back in the gig and I’m genuinely excited to see how much she’s grown.


I4a. Alright Ripp but how about this little lass that comes next? Let’s jump from the master of the meticulous to the champion of the cute. What makes Bianca Biquini so special?

Ripp. Omg hi! It’s my evil little sister lol. Bianca is our S4 representation and she’s staying true to form by not conforming to something as silly as gravity. What I enjoy the most about Bianca’s work is her ability to always serve a character and story while staying true to her minimalist roots.This time around I’d love to see Bianca spend more time conceptualizing and polishing her looks! Speaking from experience, don’t underestimate this one.

Miyu. Bianca gives me that hard shot of kawaii I need, she’s a living IV of uwu and her character truly brings that feeling to life and gives you that reality. Part of that is her attention to dainty cutesy little detail, she’s amazing with tiny details and using just the right amount of “clutter”, especially considering I love a little “clutter” Bianca gives my busy eyes all they need to feast. It’s about making all those little details add up to a big grandiose creation and I’m ready to see Bianca bring us herself bit bigger better and (Aussie accent)Biancer. And I mean neon pink all over? Ugh drown me in it.

I4a. Yeah! I mean i really do think Bi will have to bring a touch more refinement and polish to her style and rendering but overall I think Bianca’s strengths are subtle. It’s actually a huge challenge to make something so sickly sweet also feel refined and elegant but she manages. I love the chain motif in this piece which lends it its unity from crown to hair to chains of heart and embellishments. Additionally she’s got a touch of the punk underneath it all which infuses her character with a mischievous energy which complicates it. I love that she looks opiated here as if she’s permanently sick from candy and colorful stimulus that exists in her kingdom.

Miyu. Ugh yes the makeup?? You know I love a face decal! I’m excited to see what details she will bring for us to notice, that’s where we can really see the intention and rendering come to the surface in a look.

Ira. Agree on the polish aspect. I think Bianca offers something really unique to MPAR both in her art and in her general existence. My favorite Bianca moment in Season 4 was when she pulled out that high fashion chicken pox look in the first week, so I'm hoping if she can continue to strive for those grand, high fashion moments juxtaposed against her cutesy style, she'll really be in it to win it!


I4a. Well speaking of unique contestants, what about this little freakazoid, Bitte Bitte?

Ira. I'm really curious to see where this digital foray goes because I think Bitte has a really unique and awesome approach to rendering fabrics and this look is no exception. I hope she taps into those strengths as well as her signature etchy lines, which I feel work beautifully with details and adornments. Bitte is one of the queens who best represents the weird, artsy side of MPAR, and her style does have a bit of that freedom and looseness to it -- but personally I love the looks where she's got structured silhouettes because they balance that out well, so I'd be interested in seeing some of those alongside her classic otherworldly style!

Ripp. Ooooh yes, i'd love to see her interpretation of something more structured! Bitte is a bit of a mystery to me, i don't really know what to expect, and that's exciting. Like Bianca, she's great at conveying a story and mood. I'm looking forward to see how she weaves her lore into high fashion moments that are truly out this world. Also, that rendering is absolutely gorgeous.

Miyu. Bitte is definitely a walking art piece, it’s a strong aura that I almost worry could be too strong, but that’s far more interesting than someone who is boring. I like that Bitte doesn’t stick to conventional fashion ideas when it comes to silhouette, material, even themes. It’s always kind of this crazy path Bitte takes that I never expect and I’ve never seen others compute fashion the way she does. The strong rendering is what makes us believe in these weird shapes and fabrics and ideas, because the rendering is strong enough to force us to see it as real. I love that, Bitte is a wildcard in the absolute best way, never know where she’s gonna take it and I’m so intrigued by the wildness.

I4a. Yesss. I cant wait to see what she brings. Conceptually she’s a powerhouse and her work is emotionally rich. I hope she’s able to bring versatility to her actual design language and era influences as that’s the only thing I think that could trip her up!


That said, we have another contender here. This queen brings a whole different angle... real world drag know how, Carmella Fox!

Ira. Ahh Carmella...overall, a solid audition. Solid choice of domain, and a solid design. I really want to see her go beyond just “solid”, though, know what I mean? I think it’s good for an audition mindset, because like I said you want to show what you’re good at, but I have high expectations for her when it comes to snagging a challenge win.

Miyu. Ugh this look is so good. I feel like Carmella didn’t get to shine like this in her season, this is like the Carmella we saw before but she has gained some super powerful skills, this is The Carmella+ model. She looks amazingly polished but we know Carmella’s personality is her like, hidden weapon, a little secret blade she could pop out and shank everyone with. She is cute on the outside but I know that she’s packing a punch and she better not be underestimated in this, I know I’m not gonna downplay the power I see in her!

Ripp. yeah, she absolutely nailed the Queen of prompt! I'm hoping she can take the magic she has in the lipsyncs and apply that to her runways. I wanna be WOWED by Ms. Fox and i think she's hungry to show that. I want everything to look custom made and not off the rack at Primark.

I4a. I agree. Carmella’s strength and challenge is her intimacy with drag outfits and for me this was a step toward fantasy. I adore how real her construction feels and how she’s such a clever cerebral queen. I hope she can bring the heart to match!

Ira. Yeah, I know she’s had quite the journey to get to this point...Season 3 was a struggle for her but I feel like she’s coming at All Stars with this renewed balance of zen and confidence. If the competition gets stressful for everyone else I feel like that could give her the edge for sure.


I4a. Yup so let’s talk about a queen with a different trajectory. A standout to win who didnt necessarily find her footing but could never be forgotten... Epinette!

Ripp. the talent is undeniable unf

I4a. Completely. This look was my personal golden ticket. If we had done a thing where we each had a choice, I would’ve picked it. I think orange is a fascinating choice for a royal outfit; it merges strange folk clothing in the coat with contemporary wear in the pants; it’s gorgeously painted. Overall I could see how some people might not feel this fit the prompt but it gave me such a gorgeous sense of mood and was such a strange but beautiful take I couldn't resist it.

Miyu. This is such an oddball look amongst the bunch, but that is exactly who Epinette is. Truthfully I don’t think the outfit looks as royal as the others but at the same time, Epi brought us a character in her own, maybe some sort of woodland queen of a metaphysical kingdom that transcends this plane of existence? I have no idea and I am intrigued. This look could just be slumped on piles of brown but it’s so fascinating; the layers, levels, textures, it’s got everything. That in and of itself is going to be the greatest strength and weakness for Epinette; she’s absolutely one of a kind and weird as hell, but can she connect to us living in the real world? I’m glad we reached out first, drag this weirdo down to Earth and see what’s underneath

I4a. My read on that is that Epi as an artist has a more intuitive approach where as some like Carmella are much more mental about it. I think this lends her work emotional heft and interest but both approaches could seek to take on something from the other... the clarity and immediacy of the cerebral queens and the sort of vibe and resonance of the intuitive queens. Making my ideas really legible and direct without sacrificing my vision was one of the challenges I faced on my season.

Ripp. Epinette really stands out in this look. This is an interesting take on the prompt and I’m excited to see where she goes with challenges. She definitely has the talent to go all the way!

Ira. Epi could wear a diaper and everyone would call it fashion...she just has that talent! I feel like her rendering has gotten much more polished since Season 2 and I'm actually really glad to see that, I really feel like that polish helps bring this look together better. To me it really shows the importance of getting your technique down because the way you present your design is so important, in your choice of pose and anatomy and everything. That said, as a judge I'll have to hold her to the same design standards as everyone else in the cast. I'd love to see strong designs from her that could be pulled off not just by Epinette, but by anyone.


I4a. Absolutely! Let’s talk about another person we’ll have to hold to the same standards despite her legendary and unique status... Ms Paint’s creator Malaria E Coli!

Miyu. Okay Malaria is seriously going to be a problem this season only because I'm so damn in love with her how am I supposed to judge? Except... I will... because she knows deep down I am cold and heartless, and I would eat her freshly dead body... that's why we get along!!! But yeah speaking of body I mean she brings it, she is looking tight and on top of things and more like a fine tuned machine than a human, despite her superhuman personality. I love that this outfit still keeps a lot of the simplicity we love her for, the tight bodysuit and bare legs is a signature look for her, but this is a pumped up version of that. The pattern, the fringe, the shading all makes it feel so much more refined than just a bodysuit and a train. Also the feeling of this look is so powerful, the royal blue and fiery red hair is striking and bold and emotive and everything Malaria brings to the competition. I love seeing her bring her signature style, right down to the blue colour, but this new, deeper, more intense version and I seriously am so excited to see her back again.

I4a. Completely agree. Malaria absolutely carries a style and mood of drag that I find essential... that ball scene royalty. I was so glad she elected to go that way. This image has pure impact. It’s undeniable.

Ira. Malaria being cast is doing great things for influencer representation! Jk. THIS is how you present a look. I was a huge fan of Malaria's looks back in Season 1 and I hope she is able to bring some of that glory back to All Stars! If she can mix the minimalist style with the conceptual creativity she had in her OG season looks, I have nothing but high hopes for her.

Ripp. Malaria is delivering exactly what’s she’s promising with this pose and gown. This look is SO drag and really sends me into fantasy. I’m hoping that Malaria can find a way to add more details and intricacies to her looks whilst staying true to minimalist style.

I4a. Ok from the Grand Dame of the ballroom to the Grand Dame of the wooden barrel, it's Ms. Vicky Pickles!

Miyu. Vickles!!! Ugh yes I love me some Vicky, having her here tickles me. I love the colour scheme here, clearly she wasn’t the only one to think of it but the green feels so right on our resident pickle after all! It’s another unconventional look, I find it to be almost warrior like or mage like, it’s got a real sense of purpose to it. I know Vicky can be a little wild and loose with the reality factor at time when it comes to anatomy but the fantasy vision is strong enough to keep me invested in her and her looks. It’s like everyone this season is some sort of different favourite and it’s gonna be so hard to choose... I’m not hungry for French fries but give me a double dose of the Vicky Pickle, I need her again.

I4a. I think that’s a great point Miyu! She’ll definitely bring us the fantasy and as ever I think the challenge with that is to ground it enough to make us relate to it as fashion rather than costume but she’s up to the challenge. I really love the angle Vicky took on this. The focus on wearable tech in a royalty prompt is really smart and different and incorporating lights into an outfit is always a fun moment and really cool to draw. I think the design work on this crown especially is wonderful but most of all I like that Vicks unified a sense of futurism and exploration with a vision for similar exploration in terms of gender performance so that the whole thing acts as a mission statement for what she’ll show us this season. I’m hyped.

Ira. Vicky’s audition was SO. GOOD. It is the perfect balance of fantasy and fashion (kasdjnas), it could have been easy to get real costumey with her theme but I feel that the cohesion between the colors and motifs prevents it from being costumey. To me it shows massive growth from her season and like you said, I’m also hyped to see more work like this. Being able to represent the fantastical element of drag and balancing it with the realistic element of fashion will take her far.

Ripp. I have to agree with everything that’s been said so far! I’m obsessed with this look. I love the mix of sci and fantasy! I can tell a lot of thought went in to the details. And yes, I clocked the pickle on the staff. I’m hoping we get to see Vicky turn some colourful high fashion looks!


I4a. Ok so from one fourth place superstar to another, the indomitable and never to be counted out Ophelia N. Cyde!

I4a. I’m gonna take the lead cause this was my best friend on season and now is my dotter. I’m proud to say she has challenged me to be utterly ruthless and exacting with her on the way to the crown, which is what I would’ve asked myself. No kiddie gloves or favoritism here. Ophelia’s creator is honestly a flabbergastingly knowledgeable polymath and a consummate student and you can see it in her eclectic tastes and in the incredible commitment to growth she has put in since our season. She has systematically filled her artistic quiver with every possible rendering skill and has come into her own on artistic style but her amazingly capacious knowledge is also her weakness... she often brings many ideas and influences to a project and will need to make sure her core concepts are translating for maximum impact rather than getting lost in the depth and detail of her vision. I love this girl and I was so glad she slayed this audition cause if she didn’t I personally would’ve put the boot print in her ass and sent her crawling back to our shared home.

Miyu. Eclectic is definitely what we're dealing with here...and I absolutely love it. I like how ornate this outfit is, that really sells the high end royalty vibe, but then the rest of it is like, sort of fetish sort of biker sort of adidas tracksuit-y going on on top, it all comes together in such a fascinating way. I like the tattoo-esque patches on here because the level of detail really keeps my brain interested. If this was just a bodysuit and thigh highs we'd be bored but the bodysuit and the thigh highs have damn near murals on them. I also really appreciate the creative garments, like this weird coat-glove contraption, it's very fashion forward. I agree that I'm looking forward to seeing the nerd shine through here, in the nicest way possible, seeing this very wild approach to fashion means we're going to get something that isn't just normal fashion and it's something more thought out. I think Ophelia is going to be a really fascinating player the second time around, like you said she's locked and loaded and this look is enough reason to make you believe she's got plenty more up her sleeve for us.

Ripp. Out of all the promo looks, this is probably the one I’d wear in real life. Ophelia isn’t afraid to give us details and they all work so well with this streetwear inspired look. Ophelia has been working really hard to refine her rendering techniques and her look really demonstrates that. This season I’m hoping to see some really elevated fashion and drag from Ms. Cyde.

Ira. I feel like Ophelia has really come into her own post-Season 3 and her level of growth I've seen is the exact reason why we need All Stars. I get a much better sense of who she is now and I'm hyped to see that the second time around. She's undoubtedly the queen of streetwear and I like that this look completely translates as royalty without being traditionally royal; I would like to see some creative silhouettes beyond streetwear though. I feel that streetwear designs are often close to the body and I'd love to see what she can do if she isn't restrained to tight silhouettes; and if she can still stick to the streetwear she loves while going bigger then that's a bonus.


I4a. Next up, someone we almost all can call a former coworker, Sally Spellman!

Ira. I feel like Sally really tried to offer something different than what we’re used to seeing from her — when was the last time she wore purple? — but she still managed to make it look classic Sally with little details like the cod piece and the tears. That’s exactly what I want to see from an All Star! I did feel this design could have been a little more innovative in terms of fashion and I do hope she can give us some truly innovative and creative designs during the competition, but I’m looking forward to seeing her continue to push the boundaries of what defines Sally.

Miyu. She has always been a powerhouse in the fandom department and it's really no wonder why, just... look at her. This outfit is so perfectly royal while being not royal at all. It's got the right elements on paper; purple, gold, ruffles, ornate detail, a crown, and yet it is so very un-royal in so many ways; revealing, vulgar, unconventional silhouette. But that's really Sally's superpower I think, taking what you know and throwing it back at you in this weird new way and just shoving it down your god damned throat. This outfit screams royalty and it screams Spellman, luckily I don't think we'll have to worry much about cool edgy fashion this season when this is what we've got in the promo looks alone!

Ripp. When I think of someone worthy of the MPAR All Stars title, I think of Sally. Everything about this look screams Sally, but on another level. Sally is one of the queens with the biggest glow up and I’m so glad we get to see her back with her new titties. This bish is full of good ideas and I pray she exposes us to all the crazy concepts she has brewing in her head.

I4a. Sally is one of our most marvelous renderers and is kind of the queen of cool in my opinion. Just extremely sleek, sexy and polished. The trouble with cool is it can also be a bit emotionally frigid but this piece Sally went with a very appropriate domain but focused on loss, gloom and overwhelm rather than tropes of darkness and devilishness and I really appreciated that mood shift. It felt as though it added another layer while maintaining all the visual splendor we love. I would agree that the emotional themes could have been carried further into the design and lent it more creativity.


That said, Let’s talk about a Paper Race winner that hopes to join our side in the MPAR Winner circle... Sartana!

Miyu. I love how even tho the majority of her is covered, we know this is Sartana with no second doubt. That's really part of what makes Sartana a good competitor is her brand, her style, her image is really seamless and there's always a uniqueness about her that can really amplify a look. Like this one, to leave the lips uncovered is perfect because with lips like that why would you cover them up? It's such an artfully blank silhouette, this sleek bodysuit with a draped train and a singular glove, and this huge ornate crown-headpiece like a clock on top. I also really love the little scale on the glasses, the prop is so smartly done that it doesn't feel tacked on. She took what she needed to be royal - a gown and a crown, and then said "the rest is all Sartana" and I love it. I hope to see a lot of these meticulous and clean designs from her, truly a walking art piece

Ripp. This look is so elegant! I think her sense of minimalism and effortless style will be Sartanas biggest advantage going into All Stars. I hope she pushes her style a bit more though, I’d love to see a side of Sartana that we haven’t seen before. Sartana is a great representation for the cartoon queens of MPAR and I’m super excited to see her back for AS!

Ira. Sart! She really did the impossible and made steampunk look fashionable! I've loved Sartana's creativity since our Paper Race days together, I do feel that her run in MPAR was a little lackluster so I'm really hoping she makes the most of her second chance. I feel that in Season 3 her minimalistic fashion could have hurt her, but this look features two things that really elevate her minimalistic style: the detailed accent that is the mask, and the statement silhouette of the gown. If she can focus on bringing these detailed accents and creative silhouettes to her work, I'm sure she'll get the All Stars run she deserves.

I4a. Absolutely! For me Sart's style reads minimal but that's because she has a fabulous sense of balance and focus. It honestly reminds me of Bettie who chose to let her outfit quiet down so the rib accent could take center stage but of course with Sart there's always an element of dark camp. The sort of cruelty that underlies the feeling of this look and the cynicism of Sart's work in general compells me. She's the Larry David of drag.


Last but certainly not least, Ms Sulpur Bomme. A legend in this community!

Ira. What I enjoyed most about Sulphur's audition was the concept behind it. I think representing her growth as the fable of the ugly duckling was a smart move and really carried this look. Finding these creative interpretations of a given theme is, to me, what separates a toot from a shoot. I believe Sulphur has the wit to come up with solid concepts to elevate her designs, but she'll have to make sure a) she doesn't stray too far from the theme and b) the design itself is still strong fashionwise.

Ripp. Ooh big girl (; Queen of Growth is a really great choice for Sulphur and the swan cape is so whimsical. I enjoy the sleek, sexiness of the silver dress but I think she could have put a bit more time into figuring out a way to make it more cohesive with the other elements of her outfit. I’m expecting some really fun looks from Sulphur tho and I hope she shows off her amazing animation skills.

I4a. Your points are well made guys! I’ll toss out a nod to her double tiaras. I really think regardless of drag style, there is an essential need to be “too much” and how you accomplish that is one of the joys of it to me. The double crowns are glamorous but also excessive and absurd and it really cracked me up. The puppet hand gives me a similar effect. I love that Sulph leaned into silliness that way while also committing to glamour.

Ira. And honestly I hope all our MPAR girls keep that silliness and fun side in mind, I know All Stars is a serious moment for redemption but ultimately I think the real winner is the community who gets the little gift of seeing their favorite competitors turn out looks again. And plus I think that element of fun is what separate drag fashion from regular fashion!

Iforaa. What a lovely end note! I look forward to experiencing this season with you guys and all this amazing art! Salut gals!

Miyu. Geonbae!

Ripper. Wombat!

Ira. Anatomy!

Submitted June 09, 2019 at 11:36PM by IforaNye

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