Wednesday, June 26, 2019

My teacher left a sinister message on the whiteboard and I realised too late

Okay so I’m gonna start at the beginning as the actual events seem to build up over a few weeks. Our teacher organised a camping trip for our class because we got the top results in our exam week. Honestly the trip was great. We stayed up late sharing ghost stories around the campfire and eating toasted marshmallows for breakfast. The second night our teacher went to the field opposite the campsite to look for firewood. After about an hour, the teacher came back. No one else noticed it, but I saw a patch of deep scarlet through his jeans. I didn’t think to much of it as he probably just snagged his leg on a root or something. I should of trusted my instincts. I should of told someone. But I didn’t.

It was a few weeks later, on the 31st October. Most of the kids were busy chatting about the hallowe’en party later on. Our teacher tried to speak over the din. But I didn’t work. So, in a bright red pen he wrote the four words “LET ME CATCH YOU”. We all laughed. Even I thought it was a bit stupid. I mean, yeah it is hallowe’en, but we ain’t little any more. That trash doesn’t scare us. Our teacher turned around, a little too fast. His neck cracked and his head fell to the floor. Where his head should of been, a reptilian face leered at us. This skin was tight around the skull, with horn like growths sprouting from under the skin. The eyes looked like they were buried in the skin like to black pits. Small dots glowed a pale green from the pits. Everyone was paralysed in there seats, until a red haired girl in the front row screamed. Everyone snapped to there senses and started running to the door, or smashing windows to escape, or throwing items at the creature. I just managed to squeeze into the art supply room when I heard a horrible noise. It was the sound of nails scratching down a blackboard, the crunching of broken bones and the squelch of human flesh, all mixed together. I covered my mouth, stifling a scream. The thing that was once my teacher was creeping out of the door on all fours. Now a scaly tail had sprouted from his lower back . A low pitched hissing sound was escaping from his mouth. I decided it was going to be now called the screecher, I mean, at least it is true. It screeches! The screecher turned its reptilian head towards the room I was in. But it left.

I am alone now but the screecher might be back. I am freaking out now. I will post this quick and hopefully someone will help. I can see some sort of silhouette outside the door. It sounds like footsteps though. Omigod it’s a kid. There screaming at me to open the door. I can tell it’s a girl now. It’s the same girl from earlier, the red haired girl at the front. She crying now, sobbing. I don’t know what to do. If I let her in, the screecher might kill us both. But if I don’t let her in? She’ll die. I can here the screeching now. Omigod shes screaming now. I can here the crunching and squelching again. The screecher is just snuffling around the door now. I might not be able to post again. I’m sorry I couldn’t save anyone. I’m so sorry that I couldn’t defeat the screecher. I’m so god damn sorry.

Submitted June 25, 2019 at 08:29PM by ChrystaloliteFox

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