Friday, June 14, 2019

My analysis of the Oberlin college defamation case:

Why this happened

The genesis of the overall insanity of the protests and lynch mob behavior actually have a lot in common with the genesis of the actual crimes committed themselves. What happened was a black student felt entitled to steal from others... but not only felt entitled to steal but then, brazenly (along with two others) felt entitled to assault and fight with the store owner calling them to account. These people believed not only are they above the law... but they are so far above the law they can physically attack anyone who holds them accountable. We see this same behavior all the time when it comes to POCs and various encounters with police. They feel they are not accountable to anyone but themselves, because of their race, and anyone seeking to hold them accountable is guilty of "racism" and therefore they are justified in fighting back.

Why do they feel this way? Simple answer: they've been programmed to. The entire Ferguson / Michael Brown episode, and all the similar episodes that came after, were programming for an entire generation of youth that "you can do whatever you want (like try to murder a policeman for no reason)... and if you're stopped or held accountable... it's only because you're black/latino/a woman/whatever other nonsense excuse you choose... not because you're trying to do illegal/evil things". That programming is why so many other incidents have proliferated since that fateful day in Ferguson, MO. It is essentially a lynch-mob tribal mentality... I'm only accountable to my tribe.. nobody else... and if you try to hold me to account my tribe will riot and mob you.

As well... part of the programming is the utter lack of accountability POCs (especially black youth) are actually held accountable for their transgressions. We can't hold them accountable... because we don't want to make the black kids angry. Add to that droves of well intentioned but utterly stupid "activists" who have no clue how the real world works aiding and abetting this programming... all amplified by a dishonest and unhinged media constantly clamoring for any instance of racial injustice (real or imagined)... and what the hell did they think was going to happen. History is replete with instance after instance of groups of people thinking they are above accountability eventually progressing into the territory of outright, unchecked and unbridled evil. That's what we saw here.

The college, in it's quest to find a racial nail to hammer on, rallied around the narrative that holding a black person accountable for a crime is "racist". They went so far as to demand that students caught shoplifting actually not be charged with a crime. As any sane, rational person can attest to, that's ridiculous. They expertly manipulated the emotions of their students and faculty into swallowing a pill that was not real.. and believing in a hoax which has no basis in reality. Why they did this is complex... some actually believed the insanity they were pushing... but it appears there may have been other motives as well.. such as a desire to acquire Gibson's property at a substantially reduced cost. Also at the time a popular black professor was terminated (rightfully so) and the College probably thought we need to appease the black kids and their activists. Remember... don't make the black kids angry.

What this means going forward:

I have no doubts that the jury was composed almost entirely of salt of the Earth, reasonable people who live in the real world and who saw first hand the insanity that was created by the College, and the harmful, evil effects it had on their community. It's ironic that the college that had spent decades essentially trying to exterminate people of that kind and root them out of American culture... was now unavoidably accountable to them. It was the Town vs. the Gown.

Here's a hint for all the gowns out there... the town wins... every time. That will be one of the most harrowing precedents set here. Small, lunatic unhinged liberal colleges will be quaking in their boots for decades to come... because this will remind them concretely that their liberal bubble of insanity does not extend beyond their campus... and will not insulate them from accountability to their neighbors. I predict a swarm of small town liberal arts colleges engaging in "outreach" into the communities that surround them... the communities to which they are ultimately accountable. It won't be genuine of course. The same disdain for those people that has existed since the radical 60s will still be there, but a manipulative campaign to whitewash it will none-the-less commence. I also predict that most "townies" will see straight through it... because the same person coming to your business to do "outreach" will the next day be at a podium on campus screeching about how white males are the source of all evil and everyone else is unbearably oppressed.

What this means going forward on a much larger scale is that for those who perpetrate lynch mob behavior, the rest of us now have precedent for holding them accountable. We have a roadmap to overcome the unfounded cries of racism and bigotry, and a roadmap to attack those from which those unfounded cries generate. I predict colleges will be much more heavy handed with regards to what administrators and faculty are allowed to do off campus. We could even see a shift in hiring practices to bring in more conservative faculty to tamp down the unhinged leftist insanity that now occupies almost every college administration in the entire country.

Submitted June 14, 2019 at 05:00PM by AdminAreStillEvil

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