Wednesday, June 26, 2019

If there are still people wondering which will be more popular, Classic or Retail...well, have a look at Retail players reactions to 8.2

This is not me bashing Retail. Far from it. It is just sad to see how BfA is failing every single patch.

8.2 was hyped as the "savior patch" of BfA. Maybe the people who propped this 8.2 image as a savior patch should have been more cautious about it. I am talking about Bellular, T&E, Hazel, etc.

The reasons is simple : hyping up a patch that was designed by the same team that designed 8.0, 8.1 and 8.1.5, and expecting different results is naive, at best.

What is worse, is that BfA players actually fell for this "savior" image of 8.2, and their reactions, while completely logical, are more of a letdown if the 8.2 had been presented as just "another BfA patch" instead the "savior" patch.

Their complaints are the old ones, like sharding messing up WPvP, classes being as bad and boring as before, BfA being Legion 8.2 but with less content, time gating, grinding, poorly designed WQ's,...but on top of those, is something new : Nazjatar is POORLY designed, it is like Argus, but worse, the much expected Naga city is nothing but a maze made up of dirt, corals, some ruins and a handful of buildings.

And, as always, they are clamoring the art team...while finally realizing (with sadness) that the art team work is no longer enough to prop up BfA.

This is a bad start of 8.2. Probably even worse because the players expected a miracle...that didn't come to fruition. BY FAR. Patch 8.2 was probably done many months ago, and Blizzard delayed it in an attempt to add some features that weren't in the 8.2 they already designed, in a hope that those new feature might, somehow, change some players image on 8.2 when it goes live.

It didn't.

Maybe I am rushing to the wrong conclusion after 1 day of 8.2. Maybe I am, but I am realistic enough not to expect a DIFFERENT result from a BfA patch, and the first reactions from players are quite telling. There is way to much negativity about BfA, for good reasons...and 8.2 is not bringing, at least partially, a ray of hope for the future. In this context of high critique and negativity, 8.2, in order to save BfA, should have been a patch with massive improvements...and it isn't. 8.2 is not good enough to save BfA. It might not be BAD, but it's good enough to be called the "savior" patch of BfA.

At best, if Mechagon is better, 8.2 will be a half bad, half good patch. But it won't be the "savior" patch of BfA. Retail players losing hope left and right. Their expectations were (unrealistically) high for 8.2, and the letdown is as big. So big in fact, that it made a previous (small) size of the retail player base who were still hoping for a turnaround, to realize that their hopes were in vain.

The VAST majority of the Retail player base now is either waiting for Classic, or hoping that the next expansion will be better.

One thing is crystal clear now (and will be even more clearer once more retail players go through 8.2.) : Classic WoW will be MUCH bigger than Retail, AT LEAST until next retail expansion hits.

And to be entirely honest...I don't think retail can survive one more year of BfA, considering that 8.2 is already a letdown and Classic is coming in 2 months.

As for 9.0...well, I hardly think it would matter, after a solid year of player migration from the absolute disaster that is BfA to Classic.

Not to mention that after 7 expansions...where everything was re-skined and recycled, to HOPE for 9.0 to come up with something NEW, that can save Retail, is as unrealistic as expecting 8.2 to save it

Intentional or not, it seems that Blizzard is unable or unwilling to save Retail. It doesn't really matter if intentional or not...thing is, Retail is beyond saving, and 8.2 is another nail in the coffin.

Submitted June 26, 2019 at 03:02PM by TheRealRecollector

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