Wednesday, June 5, 2019

I think what she (F 20) does is platonic, my friends don't. Are they right? (M 20)

I've known this girl (20) since the start of the academic year, which where I'm from is around March. That means I've known her for roughly 3 months now. Anyway, I have a good relationship with this person, we talk often and both like each other's company. She's fully comfortable with me and so am I. Any touch barrier that may have existed has basically been smashed into smithereens by now.

A bit of background information. She's a commerce student and I'm a liberal arts student. I'm really the only one, out of my friends whose close to her and she's not really in my friendship group. That said, she's established within the larger friendship group (if that makes sense) and goes to many events that we go to. She's very outgoing and extroverted in the sense that she really likes talking to people, even strangers, but not really in the 'likes to go out to the clubs often' way. Although I have tried to establish with my friends (4 girls, 3 guys) that I see her as a friend and that this feeling is mutual, they have a different view. They think that she's actually attracted to me and is flirting with me.

They point out a couple of examples that they have both seen and I have talked about in the past as proof that she is flirting with me and wants to get in with me.

Two weeks ago, a friend was having her 20th birthday party at a club. A lot of people from our extended friendship group came to this event. She spent the majority of her time at the event with me and while on the dance-floor, held my hand and danced with me, multiple times. This is not an isolated event and has happened before but what was notable – to my friends at least – was that every time I walked past her, she would position her body so that she was facing me, even if she was in a circle and I was walking around/through it. Even if other guys/girls that she would consider friends were on the dance-floor with her, if I came she would put her full attention towards me.

They also point to the time we watched a horror film at a mutual friend's house. She was sitting on the floor in front of me (I was on the couch) and held my hand multiple times during tense moments/jump scares. What was notable to my friends was that we held hands with fingers interlocked.

My friends point to the fact that I have been seen with her on the way to classes and to study around the campus. In fact, one of them filmed us doing so without our knowledge.

We had a AGM for a club that we were all a part of. I was sitting next to her and she rested her head on my shoulder. Nothing really special but my friends think it is.

Finally, one cold day, she had cupped her hands on my cheeks in order to warm them up, in front of my friends.

Now, they're pressuring me to make moves on her. Telling me that we're meant to be and that it would be wasted love potential if I didn't chase her.

Thing is, I don't think she treats me much differently when compared with other guys whom she would consider to be friends. For example, she has held hands while dancing with other guys too, although, admittedly, not as often as she has with me.

Further, she's told me in the past, before she did this to me in front of my friends, that if her hands are cold, she will grab friend's faces in order to warm them up.

Perhaps the nail in the coffin for my friend's theory is that she has told me that she jokes about my bad job prospects as a liberal arts student in the same way with her sister, meaning that I am, quote, 'almost like [her] brother'.

She clearly cares about me and is affectionate to me but not in a romantic sense. Despite her poking fun at my 'bad job prospects', she honestly wants me to do really well and become successful in life. I know she will, as she's incredibly smart.

I know every person is different in the way that they flirt and I believe that it's just all platonic, but could my friends be correct? Should I pursue her at the risk of doing damage to the relationship we have built over the past 3 months? Gut feeling says they're wrong, but I honestly don't know, so, what do you guys think?

Submitted June 05, 2019 at 05:39PM by thepekingduck12123

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