Sunday, June 16, 2019

A woman's shoulds

We should be quiet, soft-spoken, cute, wear uncomfortable but cute tight fitting clothes and underwear, have an amazing sense of fashion which comes through having money, shopping, trying on things, subscriptions to various magazines to keep our inspiration and creative juices alive. We must look like fine art while going about our day.

Our faces are another art piece we get to look forward to painting every morning. It requires research and knowledge of products, brushes, applicators, and color theory. It requires dexterity, attention to detail, and constant inspiration, imagination, and creativity.

We should do all the cleaning, be responsible for buying all the cleaning supplies. We should be the masters of organization and finding a place for things. We should have a developed eye for beauty and interior design. Again we have to read up on this or learn about it somewhere in order to become inspired and become masters of it.

We should cook all the meals which involves planning, memorizing recipes and ingredients, multiple grocery store visits throughout the week (god forbid you forget a couple of ingredients), and constant inspiration and creativity (watching the food network, reading magazines, following food blogs, etc). Also taking into account everyone's preferences in the family instead of your own. Your toddler only eats chicken nuggets and pancakes and your husband has diabetes but if you cook something healthy he'll hate it and criticize you. So meal time is a balancing act of what everyone else wants instead of what you want. And most of the time you're not appreciated for it because everyone would have preferred Mcdonalds.

We should give birth to and raise all the children. Which involves dealing with the back pain and varicose veins, and other painful body changes that come with pregnancy, breastfeeding, spoon feeding, then regular feeding, taking them on play dates, reading up about infant, toddler, and child health, reading up about parenting, taking them to doctors appointments, helping them with homework, helping them find that thing they need for a project that's due the next day, attending PTA meetings, saving for their higher education, helping them fill out applications to get into magnets schools, inventing and researching kid-friendly activities to do with your kids so that they can stop annoying you and destroying the house when they are bored. We have to plan all our children's birthdays and special events. We have to buy our children presents on a regular basis, sometimes sacrificing things we want/need for ourselves.

We should maintain a slim fit body, which requires research into and learning exercises and diets that help us with our trouble spots and a strict routine.

We must have enough time and money to have our nails and hair perfectly done once a week.

We should hold multiple advanced degrees and a demanding career. Which demands a ton of physical, mental, and emotional work. (Our relationship to our work itself, to our co-workers, to our boss, all demand mental and emotional energy.) We need constant creativity, inspiration, and hope to keep us going.

Also, we should make sure to have enough energy to be a sexy submissive sex-kitty pornstar all night and be able to take it up the ass, with lube it shouldn't be painful at all, all the women in porn do it! And be able to sleep comfortably beside a man that thinks there's nothing wrong with using our body like its an inanimate object that has no feelings, while our ass hole is hurting, and he is snoring, and be expected to wake up early to get the kids ready for school and drive them there in the morning traffic before we head off to work.

We should also have a ton of free time so we can be receptive to anyone who needs a sounding board or a shoulder to cry on, be it any one of our family members, coworkers, friends, in-laws, and most of all our husband/boyfriend.

We should also have charming, sparkling, and engaging personalities, we should know all about celebrity gossip, we should watch every popular show on Netflix, known of every moving that has come out recently, and be up to date on everything happening politically and in the sports world. We need to be able to have something to contribute to any and all conversations. You should throw parties and be an amazing host, should you be invited somewhere you should be an amazing guest and offer to help take the load off of the host.

Women are in constant competition with each other. The one who wins is the one who can looksmaxx, gymmaxx, careermaxx, educationmaxx, cookmaxx, interiordesignmaxx, parentmaxx, therpistmaxx, persnalitymaxx, while maintaining their sanity.

Maybe this striving trying and achieving is just all to cope with the fact that no one gives a fuck about us.

Poor women can't compete with the fantasy of what is supposed to be female life as described to us by magazines, blogs, Pinterest, Instagram, the Food Network, and HGTV.

We would love to live these fantasy lives but they don't exist unless you're a Stacy with a very rich daddy who also happens to love you.

If you're a femcel you might feel not even feel womanly enough to do these things if you are a normie or Stacy you might feel unduly burdened by having to perform femininity when you're broke and exhausted.

Submitted June 17, 2019 at 06:42AM by Neptune_Dreamer

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