Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Thoughts on Makeup?

Hello friends, I hope my question makes some kind of sense.

I wonder what your general views are on makeup? On the one hand, I feel like most companies are unethical, it can lead to a pretty materialistic lifestyle, isn't even particularly good for you (depending on product) or the environment, and can lead to a focus on superficial values.... I also feel like it emphasizes the double standard between men and women, where women are expected to do much more for their appearance (higher value on aesthetic versus other attributes). I've definitely gotten caught up in a lot of the fast fashion/hair styling/make up thing in the past (I feel a lot of this pressure in my every day and professional life currently). Just generally obsessing about one's appearance, status, to where it becomes a crutch, you are uncomfortable leaving the house without makeup or whatever.

But at the same time, I can see the value of makeup as a type of artistic/self-expression. You do it because YOU like it. Similar to jewlery and other forms of art, fashion, etc. There are also more environmentally conscious companies out there that I need to probably look into.

I used to do my hair, makeup, nails, etc. every day. I've been make-up free for the last 6-8 months. Sometimes I kinda miss it, but I'm not sure if it's because I miss the artistic expression or more of just feeling like I stand out or need it for social acceptance. I'm a little conflicted looking at my makeup collection, realizing I've probably spent hundreds of dollars on different products through the years...

How do you folks feel about cosmetics and why? Do you choose to use them or not?

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 06:45PM by forest_spaghetti

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