Wednesday, May 1, 2019

5/1/2019 [Royal Shop] Monthly Materials + Permanent Additions(?)

May's Royal Shop (Will continue to update today and tomorrow)

Though most of this is repeated and can be found in story mode...

New Permanent Blood(?)


Equipment Name Unit Rarity Unit Name
Decapitating Axe of the Thunder Flame SR Giga Minoterios (MC Evolution)
Breastplate of Thunder SR Giga Minoterios (MC Evolution)
Iron Fan of Sunset R+ Kugimeki (MC Evolution)
Magic Rod of Ice Ring R+ Spell Lord (MC Evolution)
Ray Rod of Holy Magic R+ Saint Lord (MC Evolution)
Magic Gun of Crimson R+ Vampire Noble (MC Evolution)
Iron Ball of Dreadnought LE Oniwaka
Kerchief of Imagination SSR Emily Furado
Great Axe of Rock Crushing SSR Keira

New Permanent Items(?)

Blood Name Evolution/Skill Gains Unit Evolution (Best used for...)
Demon Oni ([Water / Ice Magic], [Paralysis Resistance], [Magical Aptitude] +75) + ([Curse] ,[Concentration]+25) Supesei
Fencing Oni ([Vampirism], [Swordsman’s Soul], [Offensive Power] +75) + ([Valor], [Sword Fighting Style] +25) Burasato
Maddening Dead Oni ([Demonic Traits] +75) + ([Fist Power], [Posion Resistance] +25) + ([Curse], [Shadow Grudge] +10) Aifu
Many-Eyed Oni ([Wild Beast’s Skills] +75) + ([Confusion Resistance], [Demonic Traits], [Full Knowledge of Martial Arts], [Concentration] +25) Kugime
Glowing Saint ([Resilience], [Heart Compassion] +25) + ([Holy Magic], [Photon ruler], [Dark Magic], [Gravity Law], [Vitality] +10) Seiji
Demon Queen ([Earth Control], [Restriction Resistance], [Demonic Traits]+75) + ([Offensive Power]+35) + ([Earth Resistance], [Warrior’s Soul]+15) Asue
Great Thunderous Bull ([Lightning Resistance], [Offensive Power], [Fist Power]+75) + ([Bear’s Brute Force] +35) + ([Axe Fighting Style], [Valor] +15) Minokichi
Frozen Vampire ([Wild Beast’s Skills]+50) + ([Water / Ice Magic]+30) + ([Demonic Traits]+25) + ([Leadership]+10) Kanami
Divine Oni ([Fist Power], [Offensive Power]+50) + ([Vitality]+25) + ([Tyranny of the Beast King]+10) + ([Giant King’s Dignity], [Leadership]+5) Ovarou

Monthly Items

Material Name Skill Stats Story / Daily / Event Obtainable
Bear Hands Bear’s Brute Force +125 Story / Daily
Meat of Bear Wild Beast’s Skills +125 Story / Daily
Red Bear's Fur [Pyrokinesis] + [Tyranny of the Beast King] +75 Story / Daily
Red Bear's Hands [Offensive Power] + [Tyranny of the Beast King] +112 Story / Daily
Meat of Red Bear [Wild Beast’s Skills] + [Offensive Power] +75 Story / Daily
Meat of Horned Horse [Confusion Resistance] + [Wild Beast’s Skills] +25 Story / Daily
Green Scaled Horned Horse's Meat [Confusion Resistance] + [Wild Beast’s Skills] +50 Story / Daily
Black Scaled Horned Horse Horse's Meat [Confusion Resistance] + [Wild Beast’s Skills] +62 Story / Daily
Horn of Horned Horse Reckless Charge +100 Story / Daily
Spider Silk Thread Generation +50 Story / Daily
Meat of Spider [Restriction Resistance] + [Insects’ Adaptability] +25 Story / Daily
Golden Silk Thread Generation +100 Story / Daily
Meat of Golden Spider [Restriction Resistance] + [Insects’ Adaptability] +50 Story / Daily
Slime's Core Self-Body Fluid Property Manipulation +50 Story / Daily
Frozen Slime's Mucus Water / Ice Magic +125 Story / Daily
Earth Slime's Mucus Earth Control +100 Story / Daily
Wild Dog's Meat Pack Hunting Proficiency +25 Story / Daily
Blue Wolf's Meat Pack Hunting Proficiency +50 Story / Daily
Black Wolf's Meat Pack Hunting Proficiency +100 Story / Daily
Wolf's Tail Wild Beast’s Skills +50 Story / Daily
Wolf Leader's Meat [Pack Hunting Proficiency] + [Leadership] +62 Story / Daily
Antlers of Red Deer Reckless Charge +25 Story / Daily
Antlers of Blue Deer Reckless Charge +50 Story / Daily
Antlers of Black Deer Reckless Charge +100 Story / Daily
Venison Wild Beast’s Skills +50 Story / Daily
Wild Boar's Meat Wild Beast’s Skills +100 Story / Daily
Broken Skull Offensive Power +50 Story / Daily
Skull of Defeated Offensive Power +100 Story / Daily
Rigid Head Bones Offensive Power +125 Story / Daily
Sickle of Poison Mantis Poison Generation +50 Story / Daily
Meat of Poison Mantis [Poison Resistance] + [Insects’ Adaptability] +25 Story / Daily
Sickle of Paralysis Mantis Paralytic Poison Generation +100 Story / Daily
Meat of Paralysis Mantis [Paralysis Resistance] + [Insects’ Adaptability] +50 Story / Daily
Meat of Sealing Mantis [Sealing resistance] + [Insects’ Adaptability] +62 Story / Daily
Synthetic Beast's Core Demonic Traits +125 Story / Daily
Meat of Rush Beast Wild Beast’s Skills +50 Story / Daily
Fine Horn Reckless Charge +50 Story / Daily
Robust Horn [Reckless Charge] + [Offensive Power] +50 Story / Daily
Blazing Fur [Fire Resistance] + [Pyrokinesis] +62 Story / Daily
Red Snake Shell Defensive Increase +25 Story / Daily
Green Snake Shell Defensive Increase +50 Story / Daily
Gold Snake Shell Defensive Increase +100 Story / Daily
Meat of Shelled Snake Wild Beast’s Skills +25 Story / Daily
Meat of the Four Winged Eagle Wild Beast’s Skills +125 Story / Daily
Two Pairs of Wings Aero-Master +125 Story / Daily
Numb Claw [Paralytic Poison Generation] + [Paralysis Resistance] +62 Story / Daily
Jade Eagle's Meat [Predator of the Sky] + [Wild Beast’s Skills] +75 Story / Daily
Two Pairs of Large Wings [Aero-Master] + [Predator of the Sky] +112 Story / Daily
Chicken Meat Wild Beast’s Skills +50 Story / Daily
Claw of Poison Poison Resistance +25 Story / Daily
Meat of Rock Crocodile Wild Beast’s Skills +50 Story / Daily
Crystal Teeth Offensive Power +100 Story / Daily
Meat of the Crystal Crocodile Wild Beast’s Skills +100 Story / Daily
Amethyst Teeth Offensive Power +125 Story / Daily
Meat of Amethyst Crocodile Wild Beast’s Skills +125 Story / Daily
Meat of Copper Squirrel Wild Beast’s Skills +25 Story / Daily
Meat of Iron Squirrel Wild Beast’s Skills +50 Story / Daily
Meat of Crystal Squirrel Wild Beast’s Skills +100 Story / Daily
Meat of Wyvern Demonic Traits +50 Story / Daily
Stone Giant's Core Demonic Traits +100 Story / Daily
Rock Giant's Core Demonic Traits +125 Story / Daily
Orb of Fission Vitality +100 Event
Silver Thread of Thousand Deads Leadership +225 Event
Thorn Pieces of Red-Brown Offensive Power +225 Event
Meat of Dark Hero [Gravity Law] + [Shadow Grudge +75 Story
Faithless Heart [Darkness Resistance] + [Shadow Grudge] +112 Story
Passage of Teachings [Dark Magic] + [Shadow Grudge] +150 Story
Flesh of Light [Holy Magic] + [Valor] + [Auralis] +50 Event
Holy Armor Pieces [Holy Light Resistance] + [Auralis] +75 Event
Residue of the Holy Light [Photon Ruler] + [Auralis] +112 Event
Tiger's Meat [Holy Magic] + [Photon ruler] + [Tiger Heart] +50 Event
Clothes of Caring Light [Holy Light Resistance] + [Tiger Heart] +75 Event
Edge of the Fierce Tiger [Katana Fighting Style] + [Tiger Heart] +112 Event
Heart of the Shooting Star [Heart Compassion] +25 Event
Heart Core of the Shooting Star [Valor] +25 Event
Four Arms Bear's Meat [Fist Power] + [Deadly Parental Feeling]+12 Event
Four Arms Bear's Fur [Hydro-hand] + [Deadly Parental Feeling] +75 Event
Strong Four Arms [Bear’s Brute Force] + [Deadly Parental Feeling] +112 Event
Bird's Meat [Concentration] + [Mystic Bird’s Bonds] +50 Event
Wings of the Spirit [Wind Resistance] + [Mystic Bird’s Bonds] +75 Event
Sharp Nail of Robbery Bird [Paralytic poison generation] + [Mystic Bird’s Bonds] +112 Event
Bluish Armor Scale [Dragon Scale Reflection +50 Event
Stream Spearhead [Stream Spear Strength +50 Event
Wicked Azure Marble [Dragon Scale Reflection] [Stream Spear Strength] +100 Event
Heroic Soul Shard [Heroic Radiance +75 Event
Shattered Divine Blade [Heroic Resolution +75 Event
Pure Gem of Exaltation [Heroic Radiance] + [Heroic Resolution] +125 Event
Fallen Fighter's Armament [Inspiriting Insanity] +50 Event
Warfare Gem [Inspiriting Insanity] +100 Event
Genuine Black Gem [Condensed Art of War] +100 Event
Chewy Kashiwa Mochi [Giant King’s Dignity] + [Plants Control] + [Knight’s Soul] + [Warrior’s Soul] + [Thief Soul] + [Resilience] + [Concentration] + [Vitality] + [Leadership] + [Valor] +5 Event
High Quality Steak [Healthy Heart] +55 Event
Winner's Medal [Playground Pride] +55 Event
Torn Origami Helmet Scrap [Healthy Heart] + [Playground Pride] +105 Event

Submitted May 01, 2019 at 12:46PM by Talesneth

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