Monday, April 1, 2019

Tristifer Cerwyn, Kings Shield for His Grace Osric I Stark

Character Application

Discord Name: Mr. Insane

Name: Tristifer Cerwyn

Age: 24

Culture Group: First Men


Gift: Duelist

Skills: Archery, Blunt Weapons

Negative Trait: N/A

Starting Title: King’s Shield for Osric I Stark

Starting Location: Winterfell

Alternate Characters: Jason Norcross


Born to Edric and Anya Cerwyn in the year of 351 AC, Tristifer was lived the life that a noble born not of the main line, one without fame, nor much in the way of responsibility. His parents would raise him like any, teaching him how to read and to write, learning of history, and how to act within the nobility. He would be their only child, raised good and proper, preferring to act in his father’s image rather than to be reckless, and independent, and free-spirited. He would act as his father’s page for many years, watching silently as he did business, fetching bread and wine when asked, dismissing himself when waved away. He would find his mother after such duties were completed, happily spending time to be read a story while they fed upon a warm broth, just before dinner when his father would come home. He would hear stories of the North’s great history, growing up with admiration for the Stark kings, growing up with firm belief that they were the trueborn kings of the North, and was shattered at hearing the Kings death.

As he grew to the age of 12, his father would introduce him to the use of weapons, giving him a range of swords, big and small, but he would find himself most appealed by the blunted weapons upon the rack. He would not pick up the use such weapons very easily, having to train night and day just to simply get it to feel right in his hand, hours and hours on end. Some days he felt as if he were not a fighter, other days, he felt like he could best any man in the arena, but it would take many years before he would become quite proficient in such a martial skill. When such spars finally clicked in his mind, some said he was quite gifted in the art of the duel, besting even the best man in his fathers retinue at the age of 16. This hard work was not simply for his father’s admiration, as he wished to join the many men that would fight for their King, which had been king Osric for five years now.

Around then, his father would fall ill and be bedridden, forcing Tristifer to take up his fathers duties, which were few as Edric felt controlling, preferring to have his meetings via letter of his own word rather than his son speak on his behalf. The only duty he could not continue though, was the hunts that he would conduct over the weekends, forcing him to hand it over to Tristifer. He would go out into the woods bow in hand, quiver on his back, and at the end of the day the party would return with a greater bounty than Edric had ever come back with. The men would speak of how Tristifer could hit a moving deer from fifty yards away with barely any training, impressing many, and leaving him to realise where his true potential lay. He would continue the hunt even after his father recovered, joining him and showing up his father day after day, honing his skills to become quite an outstanding archer.

At the age of 19, news of attacks in the south by the Iron King would reach them, and he would quickly leap into being drafted into the Northern forces. Tristifer would join the second Northman host led by Lord Bolton and Lord Karstark, being marched down to the occupied Moat Cailin, and it would be there that he would have his first taste of battle. Being both an archer, and a warrior, Tristifer would seemingly be all over the place in the battle, starting as part of the archers firing down on the defenders before marching into the thick of it with the infantry. The attack would be bloody for their forces, but it would certainly be bloodier for Tristifer, bashing his way through the crowd, and when he had space, he would use his bow to begin to pick off other defenders. It would be here he would begin to make a name for himself, being an intimidating enemy to square off with, both face-to-face and from a distance. His family name would certainly help him with such renown, as he began to rise through the ranks with each battle that the host charged into.

Bloodied and bruised, but still determined to join the battle with his king, Tristifer would join the force that continued to march south, hoping they would make it in time. With vicious glee Tristifer would once more charge into battle as he found out about the southron king was in the battle. Crushed ribs and cracked skulls would be all that would be left in Tristifers wake as he danced in the chaos, becoming soaked head to toe in crimson as the southern forces begun their retreat. Even as they fled, Tristifer would pull out his bow and begun to down men one by one like game as they begun to run out of his range, leaving him to stop firing.

He would gratefully take up the rest as the forces regrouped at Harrenhal, his body overworked and tired from all the battle. It would not be long though until they began their march forward to once more intercept the crown forces, at the bloodbath that would be named The Battle of Lord Harroway’s town. Here even he did not wish to be near the town, opting to stay with the archers as he alongside his brethren fired down death to their enemies, before being forced to join the front lines, as his growing fame as a duelist got the better of him. In the battle, he would wade in dirt that had been flooded by blood, standing over bodies as he killed one man after another. As the hours dragged on, his muscles and mind would revert back to basic instincts, too tired to think properly, collapsing on a mound of the bodies of men he had killed as they were finally victorious. Falling unconscious, he would be dragged back to camp lazily trying to swing at them, believing they were his enemies in his dazed stupor. He would get some time to recover as King Osric himself came to see the fruits of their labour, Tristifer limping out the camp just to catch a sight of his king. At the sight, he would begin to be filled with a new sense of determination, and energy quickly returned to the once-tired muscles as he could recover for a few more days before the would once more be led into battle.

It would be here where he would gain the attention of his king, or at least the ire of his King’s Shields. His feats on the battlefield as well as his noble background would give him the influence he needed to at least fight near the king, and as the chaos of battle surrounded them, fight almost beside the man. His ability with the bow would allow him to pick off crown forces that were battling against the Kings party, dropping foes that were in duels with his Shields, forcing them to give him a short glare as he did their job for them. As the battles grew bloodier, Tristifer would no longer be able to keep at a distance, being forced to fight beside them, or be lost in the crowd between. Unsurprisingly he’d decide to pull out his mace and bash his way through to them, fighting hard beside them as they all fought tooth and nail in an effort to protect their king. Every so often he would become lost in the chaos, but sheer determination would pull him back near king Osric, feeling at home as he slayed the enemies before him.

In the heat of battle, Tristifer would watch as one of the King’s Shields would be struck across the midsection by a blade, thrown to the floor as his opponent followed up the strike with a savage boot. Before the man could be finished though, Tristifer would step between them, battling against his opponent before striking and shattering his knee, then obliterating his skull into red mist as he took a baseball swing at the kneeling man. Before he could check on the Shield, another foe would appear, and another, and another after that. Osric would watch as a footsoldier bearing Cerwyn colours would hold the line, surrounded by shattered bodies that tried to get through him to the felled King’s Shield. He would fight like a demon until there were no more to stand in their way, the tide turning and the southern forces fleeing the battle. Now able to catch his breath, he would turn around to see whether the man he had defended so long was still there, and he was not, looking around to find him. He would be addressed by king Osric, being thanked for fighting long enough to get his Shield to safety, Tristifer kneeling, saying that it was simply his duty. They had managed to pull him out of the battle, now being treated by the medic’s that were over encumbered by the number of patients they had. It would be found that the man had later die of his injuries, the cut had been deep enough that he couldn’t be saved, bleeding out just after reaching the tent.

His exploits would speak for themselves as the King asked where the young man was fighting in the war, portions of the second host who fought beside him spoke highly when asked. His reputation of a fierce fighter and deadly archer would reach his curious ears, leaving some to wonder whether it was by chance or fate that he had appeared when he did. Knowing that now there was a gap in his personal guard, Tristifer would be called to kneel before the king and swear that his life was now Osric’s to command, defending him, and serving the North, for the rest of his days. Tristifer would solemnly take the other, internally filled with nervous joy as he felt he had found his lot in life. For the next five years he would stand beside King Osric’s side, unflinching in his loyalty to the man, though being called a ‘pup’ for some due to his age within the Shields.


351AC - Tristifer is born

359AC - Tristifer becomes a page for his father

363AC - Tristifer begins learning martial combat, preferring the use of blunt weapons

367AC - Tristifer's father falls ill, and he begins to go out hunting, finding he is quite naturally skilled the use of a bow

371AC - Tristifer joins the second war host in The Second War for Reclaimation

372AC - Tristifer fights beside the king, saving a Kings Shield from death and held them at bay as the man was pulled to safety

372AC - They find out the man died in the medic tent, Osric names Tristifer as the mans replacement, which he accepts under oath.

Family Tree

(I will just do a family tree of Tristifers part of the family, should someone decide to app the house, leaving their options open.)

  • Edric Cerwyn
  • Anya Cerwyn

- Tristifer Cerwyn

Supporting Characters


Submitted April 02, 2019 at 02:00AM by Mr_lnsane

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