Sunday, April 28, 2019

Teacher very nearly killed me for having an allergic reaction

So over my entire school career I've had many issues, mostly from students but I've had my fair share of runs in with teachers because I was the weird kid.

I had this specific teacher in primary 3(year 3/2nd grade) so I was about 7/8.

Mrs. Oatmeal was never a fan of me, or any other child to be honest. She mainly focused on me and my best friend. my friend got the brunt of it, like being held in after school so the teacher could make her cry.

Mrs. Oatmeal was petty. She was aware of my issues at home, my dad tried everything to get me taken off my mum. She told my father at parents night that I was rarely in school because my mum forcibly kept me off when in reality I had perfect attendance except from the 2 weeks I had extremely severe chickenpox. She knew that.

There is many other incidents with Mrs. Oatmeal but they were either so petty they're not worth mentioning or so bad I've blocked them out.

Sorry for the long introduction but I felt it helped understand this wasn't a one time thing.

At my primary school we learned about one specific topic for about 3 or 4 months, this time it was ancient Egypt. I absolutely loved this topic, I learned everything I could, got every book on the subject I could convince my mum to buy and talked about it constantly.

We decided to show our parents what we had learned we would do a little show type thing in our classrooms. We spent weeks making macaroni necklaces, cardboard pyramids, Papier-mâché sphinxs etc.

I've always been a pretty creative person so I took these tasks on gleefully until about a week in when I noticed Mrs. Oatmeal took issue with everything I made but didn't have any complaints about anyone elses so I started to feel a little discouraged.

It finally came to the day. We had to dress up with the costumes we made. Mrs. Oatmeal brought in her own face paints(which I later found out she purposely didn't tell anyone about because she knew they wouldn't pass school regulations)

Then all of a sudden my face feels like it's on fire, its itchy and its ballooning up. It got so bad I was trying to rip the face paint off with my nails. Mrs. Oatmeal did not like me ruining her "art" and put more on. She then took me into the corridor and shouted at me for being overly dramatic and trying to sabotage the event.

Finally my mum shows up and immediately she's panicking because my face is bright red, lumpy and about twice the size it should be. She has a conversation with my teacher, I have no idea what Mrs. Oatmeal said but it seemed to have absolutely no effect on my mum at all.

My mum is having a proper panic attack at this point(it wasn't visible but I could tell) because I had never had an allergic reaction to anything. She goes and finds my friends mum as she has multiple allergies and wants advice.

While my mum is away Mrs. Oatmeal hands me a cup of water and some antihistamines, her antihistamines. Luckily for me I couldn't take these because I physically could not swallow tablets but my teacher was not at all pleased with this. "Take them! You're being over dramatic, your mum isn't visibly concerned. I take these for my allergies so they'll probably help you!".

After about a minute of her basically trying to force these tablets down my throat my mum notices and comes over and is like "what the hell, stop trying to drug my son".

So finally my mum takes me out of school to my step grans house who conveniently lived across the street, where I rubbed it all off and got actual medication.

My mum took me to a doctor and asked about the antihistamines and this doctor was very shocked, he told my mum if I had taken them I would have had a bad overdose and probably died since the tablets were 16+ and I was 7/8.

So Mrs. Oatmeal please let's not meet again.

Submitted April 29, 2019 at 01:56AM by jassasson

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