Tuesday, April 30, 2019

So I wrote this thing which got pretty...extreeme

I have a weird tendency to get more kinky the more aroused I am, so some things I don't even find hot when I'm un-aroused, become super appealing when I am. So here is what happens, when I get more and more aroused, but I'm writing in a public space so the only way to finish is to end it, or rather to end *them*.

Here it is, pasted from word:

Content warning: This contains descriptions of exiting violence, and draws from the disturbing depths of the human psyche (my psyche anyways :P) [Extreme torture, dehumanization, blood, urine and snuff]

Perspective change (or “switch”, if you like): ‘||’ like this:
One perspective || the other perspective

Occasional instances of rattling chains echoed through the dark, and along with it; the sound of someone breathing through their nose. Time had passed. Minutes, hours, days, he couldn’t tell, but he was hungry, and thirsty. His entire body felt dry, and dehydrated. Had he been forgotten? That wouldn’t be a problem, if he was forgotten he wasn’t needed, and if he wasn’t needed, he might as well be left alone in the dark. His life was blissfully simple. His duty was clear and absolute, as was his purpose.

Steps were herd at the door. The sound of a key being turned sounded unnaturally loud through the dark, silence. A stripe of light appeared before him, coming from atop the stairs, revealing the cold, rough, stone wall behind him. The stripe of light widened, and a silhouette dominated the walls of the room, dominated his view, dominated the very air he was breathing, and the thoughts in his mind.

He squinted at the light. The pain he could feel in his eyes, was overruled by his desire to view the divine being before him; the end to which his entire existence was a mere means[1]. His eyes quickly grew accustomed to the lighting. From where he sat on his knees, bound by chains into an uncomfortable position, he could see her walk down the stairs in her transcendent beauty.
([1] Take that, Prussian philosopher Immanuel Kant!)

Each of her quick, determined steps, he felt was an event so significant it was worth living and dying for. Life he thought. His life had been different before, but he couldn’t remember much due to the self-orchestrated brainwashing, to optimize his usefulness. He fully understood cognitive therapy, and what breaks the human psyche, so he had guessed he used to be a psychiatrist of some kind, but he wasn’t sure, and it didn’t matter. All information about his past was irrelevant, unless it contained information about her. The only memory worth storing was that which contained her.

She stopped right in front of him. Standing there, only a metre or so away from him in her black dress, and high healed boots in the same dark shade. She moved her hands, with blood red nail paint a little to the sides, as if she was trying to hold her balance. Her hip twisted so that one leg was in front of her, with her knee slightly bent. He relaxed his muscles as she twisted her hip, and shot her other leg forward, and kicking him in the stomach.

He wretched in pain and felt it spread throughout his body. If he hadn’t been gagged, he would have thanked her, but then he would still have been limited by the confines of language. “I’m so sick of that fucking bitch!” her beautiful voice consumed him with a desire to serve. He knew now from the hunger, that it had been more than a day, not his hunger for food, it concerned him little, but his hunger for being useful to her.

She bent down and got up in his face. What a tremendous and profound honour! “Since I can’t give that whore what she deserves…” She said with spite in her voice, and fury in her eyes “…I’ll use you to vent, and you’ll fucking love it, dickbrain!”. She slapped him across the face, and he could feel how the chin pressed against the jaw, that was forced open by the gag-ball in his mouth, that was attached with a strap around his head.

She grabbed a leather belt, that was hanging on the wall to her left, and folded it. Her face contracted into an expression of rage, and she swong her had and slammed the belt onto his forearm, so that the chains that held his wrists elevated rattled, and he felt a burning pain from the rectangular spot she had hit. She took a couple of steps, with her concentration locked on him. She was going to destroy him, and he knew it. He was getting very excited about the idea.

She struck him again, on roughly the same spot, adding on top of the fading pain from the previous strike. He twirled as best as he could in the heavily restrictive state, and relished in the pain, and the anticipation, and dread for the next strike. She changed her stance and stuck him again, two, the, and four times in rapid succession, each strike adding to the heat of the burning.

|| Without stopping, she hit his other arm, in the same way, making his skin red there as well, before twisting her body, and with all her force smacking him across his face, hitting his eye with the edge, causing him to blink rapidly with tears running. It was satisfying, and so she placed her palms on his head, above and below his eye, forcing his eye open, and pressing her nails into his skin. She then spat into it and smacked him again with her hand.

His eye now had her slimy saliva around it, and went crazy with blinking, and the tears were flowing. She would have laughed, is she hadn’t been so angry. He’s so pathetic she thought, and felt a s. “Spread” she said, and he almost immediately spread his knees, letting her see his…her dick. It was throbbing with anticipation, and she almost let out a little smile, as she lay all her weight into a kick, sending her foot straight into his groin.

|| The pain soared through his entire body, and mind, and for a second it was as if the world seized to exist, and that all there was, was a million sledgehammers, crushing his balls, with time frozen at the exact moment they popped. The sensation of existence, and having a body gradually faded in, and he first herd the muffled screams of agony, before sensing his own throat growing sore with screaming, and then his entire body twirling.

As he took a break from screaming to breathe, he realized the chains were also rattling, and slowly his vision came back, at first blurred, but then slowly clearer. He saw a sadistic smile, and it was like grace. His life was successful. He had obtained his purpose. Despite this, he couldn’t quite stop twirling, and he anticipated that the pain was going to be there for some time.

As the insanity of the initial pain was fading, he started feeling another kind of pain around his groin, and he realized he was bleeding. He saw that her smile was not only sadistic satisfaction, but…anticipation. “How long is it since you got something to drink?” his brain tried to process what she was getting at, but his brain was going crazy, panicking over the insane amount of pain he was going through. He reminded himself of where he was, trying to suppress the tormenting agony, but it was still too intense for there to be space for suppression.

||“I think it was the day before yesterday? If you died, you’d get away to easily” she sent him a disgusted look. “People… no, things like you, are so worthless, your on the negative. You don’t deserve sympathy, or even death, but punishment for existing.” She sneered. “Comparable to what you deserve, to what you’re worth this is going to be a reward, but in your current situation, it should be almost painful enough to make up for the satisfaction”. She slid down her panties and yanked up her dress. He shut his eyes, as he was fully aware by natural instinct that he wasn’t worthy.

He heard her step out of her shoes. He couldn’t know where she was, without the sound of her heels. He felt a deep sense of fear that he was going to fail to serve her without any ques and be a bad slave. He suddenly felt a hand grab his hair and pull his head back into a painful angle. “keep it there, shitface!” He obeyed.

A moment later he felt her remove his ball gag. Before he could say anything, she hissed at him: “I don’t want to hear your pathetic voice, and if I do, I’ll have to take out your vocal chords with a screwdriver!” He didn’t want to waste her time, so he shut up. A moment later he felt something warm running into his nose. He opened his mouth and blocked his nose from taking in more of the warm, sour liquid. He was suddenly reminded of how thirsty he was, and his brain was confused between whether to focus on the pain, or on making him drink.

After a second, some of the overspill had run down, and he understood what her anticipation had been about. He let out a scream bubbling through the piss in his mouth, as his groin area felt like it was lit afire from the inside with glowing needles touching every point. “SHUT UP YOU PATHETIC, WORTHLESS, HUMILIATING LITTLE PIECE OF WASTE!” He felt fingers ramming onto his eyelids, but he couldn’t feel it over the other pain. He felt the most intense guilt imaginable, as he realized he had broken a command from his mistress.

He felt the warm stream move from his face to directly above his groin, making the pain even more unbearable. “Swallow” she said, and he forced the muscles in his throat to comply. The stream stopped, and he herd her step away. || She grabbed a metal bat, and a kitchen knife, and walked back to him. It was going to be fun killing him. She swung the bat down at his arm, and she could hear the bone snap.

He screamed again, and she swung the bat at his face. “SHUT UP”, she said, but she actually enjoyed the screams, she just wanted to degrade him further. He was bleeding from his nose too now. She took the knife, went over and pressed it against his chest. She leaned towards his head and whispered, “I am going to kill you, and you’re not allowed to like it”. She shot her arm out to the side and created a wound across his chest. There was a tiny bit of blood coming out from it.

“Your tongue, NOW!” she saw him hesitate for a second, before reluctantly letting his tongue out. As she was going to grab it, he slid I back into his mouth, before quickly letting it out with a small whine. He was reluctant. She had never seen him reluctant before, and it was making her wet. She grabbed the tongue, and with a quick chop, cut it off. He screamed, and threw his head back. She grabbed his hair, and twisted his head back up, holding it sideways. She had only cut it mostly off, and it was still hanging on. She grabbed it and started to pull.

He once again screamed loudly, and she stuffed the metal bat into his mouth. Holding on to the piece, she took the hilt of the knife, and hit him on the top of his head, and to her amusement he bit his own tongue off. She giggled. This was so much more fun than she had expected. She had forgotten entirely about her anger, and was quite calm. Pressing the bat into his head so he couldn’t spit it out, she stretched toward the wall, and grabbed a wooden sledgehammer. She swong it in a huge arc, and once again hit him at the top of his head, forcing him to bite into the steel. She peaked into his mouth, bat still there, and saw that it hadn’t went as she planned. As he was screaming his heart out, she adjusted the angle of the bat, and struck yet another time. Several teeth, broke of, and fell down. She cracked up and laughed again. She had to do this more often! She should arrange a more frequent import of toys.

She looked over at his arm. She ripped out the bat, which was almost stuck, and then poked his arm, at the breaking point, where it veered of into the wrong direction. He screamed again, and she put down the bat. || The pain was all there was. The cruelty, and suffering did no longer make sense to distinguish in terms of quantity, but quality.

He felt her grab the broken of arm, with a pain shooting out from his arm, through his entire body, already a firework of unimaginable agony. She begun twisting it as if trying to break of a branch, and he twirled, which made it worse and worse. He could feel her pull on it, as if trying to see if it would come off. And he couldn’t believe the pain anymore.

|| She attached the broken arm to a chain and begun turning the wheel. After not long, and a lot of screaming, he was suspended by his broken arm. She went over to a basket and grabbed a dildo. She sat down next to the suspended art she had made and inserted the dildo into her vagina. With her other hand, she grabbed the belt ant struck him. A hiss, bubbling through blood was herd, and then silence. She did it again and got the same response. It didn’t take her long before she achieves multiple orgasms. She had to do this again, already tomorrow. There was a neighbour that had showed some interest...

Submitted April 30, 2019 at 04:41PM by Paraphilic_Unicorn http://bit.ly/2GOOfbj

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