Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Revenge that I didn't cause.

This is more of Karma spirit Bomb instance. But I can't find a subreddit about instant Karma. (not the points) So I figured this works.

This happened in school and after school and I still find this as my proof of Karma in action.

Now when I was in High School I had a group of really close friends in our group. We had all meet one another in Middle School and remained close.

When entering the Underworld on Earth, aka High School.

There was a few guys in our group and one we call... Percy. Now Percy was a goofball good friend of mine. We met after I had dated his once best friend in Middle School. When that ended Percy's friend showed his true colors. He was a whiny tenper tantrum throwing butthole.

So we became good friends. I in my junior year took a very close liking to Percy and he did too me.

So we started dating and being my first serious relationship, I was on cloud nine for a long while. But the thing about that is I saw everything through rose colored glasses.

There is this girl who entered the picture who I will call, Heartless. You will learn later on why.

Now Heartless and Percy had dated all though out Middle School and up to Sophomore year of High School. She was white trash and she was a manipulative nasty person.

When me and Percy dated she hated that.

She always played up that me and her were friends and get way to close to me touch me and rub against me. Creepy right?

We shared one class together and that's where I saw this girl often. Heartless one day, asked me for Percy's new number. Me being both naive and stupid gave her his number. This put a nail in this coffin that is the end of junior year.

Me and Percy hang out and date through out the summer and into senior year. Than at this point we got really close since it'd been a year and 3 months.

I decided to give him my V card. (Virginity)

Which at first was okay. But a week after. On my 16th birthday no less. I got a brand new android phone. My mom was helping me set my phone. She sat next to me. So I sent him my new number in a text message. He sent back this.

"Hey. Look I know this sucks, but I think we should see other people."

I broke down crying. My mom looked at my phone screen called him and told him.

"You are not breaking up with my daughter this way. You are coming here and you will be a man and have the courtesy to explain yourself."

Which he did. He lied to my face. He apologized and said the whole 'it's not you its me.' I told him to leave because I knew he was lying.

I was right the next day I went to school with his stuff to drop off. Since my mom didn't want him in the house. And Heartless had Percy by the arm grinning.

I asked around with his friends and her friends and they told me the truth. Heartless had contacted Percy and they hooked up and had sex for the last half year me and Percy were together.

I was broken. I told Percy these exact words in that hallway.


....... Looking back now. I wish I never said that. Now you maybe thinking he's a cheater yes. But Percy wasn't a bad person. He never laid a hand on me. Never yelled at me. Never did anything bad. He didn't do nothing bad to Heartless either.

But I guess some astrial force hated him or was defending me.

After High School my mom kept in touch with all my old friends. Including Percy. We all graduated in 2014 and when 2016 came. Mom ran into Percy and he told her he got Heartless pregnant. He sound so elated and was excited for the baby and all of it.

I got a job at the same restuarant Percy worked at in 2017. I had forgiven him at this point. One lunch break he sat with me, we got to talking about what happened after High School. I than asked what happened with Heartless and the baby?

He looked at me. He looked so broken. Than he let out a breath and told me everything

The baby was born later in 2016. A baby girl. But when the baby was maybe 2 months old. Heartless gathered all the baby stuff ahe had and her daughter. She went Percy's house. He still lived with his parents. She dropped their daughter in his arms. All of the baby's stuff.

She had her car full of her things too. A guy was sitting in the car with her.

Than she took off the really exspensive diamond ring he gave her. Than threw the ring somewhere in his yard.

"I never wanted this." She spat. Than left with this guy she met on craigslist.

She ABANDONED HER CHILD. Stole 10 grand from Percy's parents and her parents. (She had told them she was having trouble saving for a car) Than left with some dude she was cheating with him with online! Leaving Percy just standing there. Feeling as heart broken as I once had in my senior year.

He said she went to New York to enter this really exspensive and exclusive art school. She drew all her life. But she traced everything she drew first. Rightfully the school denied her entry and all the other times she entered.

He looked her up. She is now working as a waitress and is stuck in New York. Her family DISOWNED HER for what she did. They don't even utter her name.

He says her family has been helping him and his parents with the baby who is now 2. He had left college to raise her and is now trying to re enter university while raising her.

I apologized for what happened. He said that's just how life works. And that he was glad I was able to lend him a ear.

I left that restuarant not long after so I haven't talked to Percy since.

He is working hard to raise that baby girl.

But I still kind of wonder if I was responsible for what happened. I hope not.

Also if you read this MELINDA. I hope you rot for abandoning that kid. And that she never calls you mom.

Submitted April 02, 2019 at 07:20PM by AllHailMegatron8 https://ift.tt/2FMXpnT

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