Sunday, April 21, 2019

My kid is sick, I should not have opened the door. Pt.4

“Wait, a promise to my Mother?” I ask.

Father Thomas walks in along with Tasha. He looks around as Marie takes his coat.

Tasha is smiling as she looks around the house. “You have a lovely home.”

I raise an eyebrow. “I’ve paid for about five doorknobs in the place so far, but thank you.”

Tasha warmly smiles to me. “You’re a very funny person, Jason.” She gives me an odd look. “He loves that in his children.”

Marie frowns. “Excuse me, miss. My name is Marie-- his wife.”

Tasha vigorously shakes her hand. “Wonderful to meet you, Mrs. Miller! Is it okay if I call you Marie?”

Marie is taken aback by the strange bubbly gesture. “Uhm, sure.”

Tasha keeps her eyes on us as Father Thomas closes the door behind them. “How long have you two been married?”

I fondly gaze at Marie, smiling. “About eleven years, this May.”

Marie smiles back at me, but then worriedly glances upstairs. “We had a heck of a time conceiving Jason Jr.” She looks to Father Thomas and Tasha. “Are you sure you can help?”

Father Thomas pulls out a pair of black gloves and an iron bible from his heavy leather bag, “As I said, I made a promise to your mother. I will cast Ubiel out of your son.”

Tasha’s face is now rather serious as she turns to us. “He is your only son?”

Marie and I nod together.

Tasha takes a deep breath and turns to Father Thomas. “We should get started then.”

Marie chimes in. “So is this like an old priest and a young priest thing?”

Tasha smiles again. “Yes. I’ll be sure to help him with experience.”

I don’t think I pegged Tasha as the ‘old priest’ but it seems both aren’t surprised. She doesn’t look older than thirty.

Father Thomas asks, “Where is the boy’s room?”

I walk towards the stairs with Marie. “Follow us.”

I hear both of them following close behind me as we make our way there.

For the first time ever, Trooper happily runs out of the bedroom. His tail is wagging as he runs over to Tasha and starts sniffing her.

Tasha smiles and pets Trooper. “What a sweet puppy.”

I raise my eyebrow. “He usually barks. Or lately whimpers.”

“I love dogs.” Tasha says as she happily scratches him behind the ears. As she bends over, I flinch a bit. Her hair falls forward from her face slightly and I can see a hideous scar running from her forehead down over her eye, ending at the top of her cheekbone. The scar seems to even pull her hairline downward.

I look away. No wonder she grows her hair over her right eye!

We get to Junior’s door.

I knock. “Junior, you have visitors.” I open the door and he’s sitting on his bed, staring at us.

Father Thomas walks in, fixing Junior with a stern gaze. “Hello, Ubiel.”

Junior tilts his head to the right slowly, appraising him.

Tasha walks in next.

Junior’s head goes rigid and straight, trying to stare Tasha down.

Tasha keeps eye contact with Junior while addressing Father Thomas. “You have restraints?”

Father Thomas nods. “Yes.” He digs into a bag and pulls out a set of medical straps with padded cuffs and sturdy Velcro.

Tasha takes them, walking toward the bed slowly, keeping her eyes on him.

I warningly chime in, “He’s, um, stronger than he looks!”

Father Thomas retorts, “So is Lady Tasha.”

Tasha grabs Junior’s arm gently, sliding the cuff over his wrist and tightening the cuff firmly. She starts to fix the strap down to the leg of the bed closest to his hand.

Junior takes his free fist and slams it down on Tasha’s shoulder.

Unfazed by his strike, Tasha secures the Velcro.. “That was very rude, young man.” She slips another cuff onto his free hand. “The less you struggle, the easier this will be for everyone.”

Junior spits in her face.

Once more unperturbed, not even bothering to clean it off, Tasha secures the other strap to the opposite bed leg. She walks over to Father Thomas who has a small towel cloth ready in anticipation. “Thank you Father.”

“Always be prepared.” Father Thomas says as Tasha takes the towel. “Are you alright?”

Tasha rotates her shoulder a bit, where Junior slammed her.. “I’m fine. I hope those restraints hold.”

Father Thomas nods. “They should.”

Tasha gets another pair and gets Junior’s legs tied down.

Marie complains, “Why do we need to strap him down?”

Father Thomas answers as he helps Tasha with the straps for his feet, “To keep him from further hurting himself. Like before when he broke his fingers.”Marie frowns. “Just… please don’t hurt him.”

Tasha finishes securing him, and fixes Marie with a warm smile. “Hurting young Jason is the last thing on our mind. Do not worry, we will pull the demon from him.”

Can’t say I’m not nervous either. “What if you can’t?”

Father Thomas interjects, “Have Faith, Jason.”

Tasha nods. “Yes. Put your trust in God. We are.” She smiles and then turns, suddenly looking sternly at Junior. “We will expel you and send you back to your masters. The process of Exorcism is painful for a demon. I am sure you are familiar with pain, being in Hell, but you can spare yourself some pain if you leave his body now.”

Junior opens his mouth and vomits on Tasha.

Marie gags.

Tasha’s white robes are stained brown and red. She turns to Marie and me and simply asks, “Do you have any larger towels?”

Father Thomas walks over to Tasha with a sigh. “And this is why I wear black vestments to an exorcism.” He uses another towel to clean her up as best he can.

Tasha fixes Father Thomas with a serious look before a half smile creeps across her face. “I’ll remember that.”

Junior is laughing hysterically. “The whore’s covered in puke!”

“I am no whore, demon,” Tasha says, sighing as the towel Father Thomas provided has reached its limit.

Marie comes back with more towels and I step back. “We should, um, probably let you get to it.”

Father Thomas agrees with a nod. “Shut the door. Do not open it regardless of what you hear, understand?”

Tasha looks at me to explain. “The Demon will pretend to be your son, he may call to you, he will only do this in hopes that you interrupt the exorcism.”

I nod. “Okay. We’re trusting you. If anything happens to him, we’re holding you responsible.”

Tasha gives me a warm smile again. “Your son is in excellent hands.”

Marie and I head downstairs, shutting the door. Trooper follows us.

I sit at the kitchen table.

Marie gives me a puzzled look. “What did he mean? That he was keeping a promise to your mother?”

I sigh. “The woman who came into the house, the one handcuffed to the Kitchen table? She claimed to be my mom.”

At that, without a word, Marie gets up and heads to our bedroom, rummaging around for a few minutes.

I sigh and start checking my Facebook and emails on my phone.

Marie comes back down, empty-handed. “I know we had something….oh! Hold on, let me call Jenny.”

I sigh. “You don’t need to bother Aunt Jenny.”

Marie scoffs. “Yes, I do.” She picks up the phone.

I lean back and study the ceiling. The lights suddenly flicker and I frown, hearing a deep growling noise from upstairs.

Father Thomas is shouting out some kind of prayer and I think I can hear Tasha doing the same.

I close my eyes, trying to ignore it as the lights flicker more and more.

Marie seems more focused on her phone call. “Yes, Jenny. Any old photos. Wait, Dave gave them all to you? Really? Wow, okay. You have them? Would you mind… oh great! Yes we’re.. We’re free… uh… well…” Marie sighs, “It is kind of important. We have company over at the moment but… Okay thanks so much.” Marie sighs, “I forgot that Jenny will invite herself over no matter what.”

“Jenny’s a lonely woman.”

There are the sounds of heavy crashing, thumping, and screaming upstairs, the lights flicker, and I look to Marie.

Marie sits next to me and hugs me tight.

I hug her tighter

I see Father Thomas walking down the stairs, sweat on his brow.

Tasha follows closely behind him.

Hopefully I stand up with Marie. “Is it done?”

Father Thomas frowns at me. “Not yet.”

Tasha adds, “Your son is strong.” She gives a sigh. “But the demon is stronger.”

Father Thomas walks to the kitchen and splashes some cold water on his face. “We should reach out to Timothy--” He gives a sudden groan, clutching his side.

Tasha walks over to him, concerned. “Father, you’re hurt...”

Father Thomas conceded with a nod, “Well I was thrown against the wall…”

Tasha closes her eyes and whispers, “Our father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, As in the sky and on the ground. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our debts; as we forgive our debtors; And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” She then takes a breath and continues, “Heal the wounds your servant has received in your service, O’ Father, and protect his spirit from fatigue and duress in these troubling times.” Her hand moves to Father Thomas’s side. “Amen.”

Father Thomas straightens up, rubbing his back, his pain suddenly gone. “Thank you,” he nods his thanks to her as he dries his face with a towel.

Tasha uses the towel next, adding some soap in an attempt to clean her robes.

Marie whimpers, “So you’re saying he’s still not cured?”

Having gotten most of the stains out of her robes, Tasha is grumbling, “Father Thomas, I just dislike black robes, but I will give you that white robes do have a drawback for this sort of work.”

Father Thomas ignores her complaints to once more suggest, “I think we need to contact Timothy.”

“Who’s Timothy?” I ask.

Father Thomas explains, “He was the man who had come with me earlier when we were following your mother.”

I try to ignore that even Father Thomas felt that woman was my mother! “Okay, why and how could he help?”

“He’s an Ang-” Father Thomas starts.

Tasha cuts him off. “We don't need my little brother, Father Thomas.” She beams at me.

I step back as I notice Tasha is staring at me oddly. It’s a very intrusive stare like she’s looking past me but still directly at me.

Father Thomas confronts Tasha, “But you said we needed someone to stop Ubiel from interrupting our efforts. Someone to guard us.”

Tasha removes the staff from her back. It’s a simple whitewashed wood, with a pair of tarnished bronze end caps. She pulls it out of its sling and smiles at me. “Here, Jason. Catch!”

I grab the staff as she throws it to me. “Okay.”

Father Thomas stares at me in disbelief. “How is he holding it?”

Tasha smiles brightly. “Because he is the son of Sara Baker.”

I frown, tightening my grip on the staff. “Why are you both talking about my mother as if she had anything to do with this?” I grumble a bit, confused. “She died when I was only three.”

Father Thomas frowns/ “I can explain later, Jason. But we’re going to need your help.”

Tasha continues beaming at me. “Most certainly! Follow me and I’ll explain what you must do, okay?”

I look to Marie and she just nods. I follow Tasha as she goes up the steps, Father Thomas is in tow.

“You need to look past the physical. It will be hard for you for now, but if you see any shadows moving toward Father Thomas or myself, you need to stop them from touching us,” Tasha explains.

“How do I stop a shadow?” I ask.

Father Thomas interjects now, “With that staff.” He is staring at it in awe. “That staff--”

“--is a very powerful holy relic,” Tasha interrupts. She smiles at Father Thomas. “That’s all he need know for now.”

I consider the staff in my hands. It feels light but sturdy. Outside of that, it’s a wholly unremarkable thing.

Tasha opens the door and my eyes grow wide at what I see.

My son is still tied down on the bed, vomit on his shirt. But the room is a mess. Papers fly around the room. A large dent is in one wall, presumably where Father Thomas was tossed. Worse and most disturbing--his eyes are rolled up into the back of his head.

Tasha moves to the side of the bed while Father Thomas moves to the foot.

Father Thomas begins, “Ubiel, you have no right to this child. Leave now! By the authority of Jesus Christ, I compel you to leave this innocent child of God!”

The bed starts shaking.

Tasha places her hands on the bed and begins to pray the Lord’s prayer from before, but unceasing, constantly saying the prayer in a loop. As she does this, the bed shakes more.

“In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen,” Father Thomas begins.

Tasha then changes from the Lord's prayer, to another: “Most glorious Messenger of the Heavenly Voices, Saint Gabriel the Archangel, defend this child in our battle against corruption of his spirit, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places."

As Tasha begins her portion, I notice Father Thomas begins reciting the Lord’s prayer again.

However, in the middle of Tasha’s chanting, I see it. Rising off my son’s chest, a shadow of some kind. It’s faint, so faint if I wasn’t looking for it I’d have missed it.

I move to the other side of the bed slowly, and just before it makes contact with Father Thomas, I jab at it with the staff.

To my surprise, I feel the staff connect with something.

The bed shudders, jumps, and shifts forward.

Junior’s eyes roll forward from the back of his head and he glares at me. “Daddy… you’re not playing fair.” His voice then becomes guttural as he begins to chant himself.

Father Thomas is now speaking while Tasha continues to pray, “Come to the assistance of men whom God has created to His likeness and whom He has redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of the devil.”

I notice a lamp is flying towards Father Thomas--I knock it out of the way and, the lamp sails past Tasha’s head, shattering on the far wall.

Entirely focused on her prayers, Tasha doesn’t even look up.

All this time, Father Thomas has continued, “The Holy Church venerates you as her guardian and protector; to you, the Lord has entrusted the souls of the redeemed to be led into heaven. Pray therefore the God of Peace to crush Satan beneath our feet, that he may no longer retain men captive and do injury to the Church.”

I see a shadow moving behind Father Thomas. I run towards it, smacking it down with the staff.Junior starts to convulse on the bed.

I watch as Tasha gently places her hand on Junior’s forehead, keeping his neck from violently whipping back and forth.

Still Father Thomas continues: “Offer our prayers to the Most High, that without delay they may draw His mercy down upon us; take hold of ‘the dragon, the old serpent, which is the devil and Satan,’ bind him and cast him into the bottomless pit that he may no longer seduce the nations.”

Suddenly something whips me backward. I hit the floor, something choking me.

I hear Tasha start to chant, “In the Name of Jesus Christ, our God and Lord, strengthened by the intercession of Mary, Mother of God, of Blessed Gabriel the Archangel, of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul and all the Saints, and powerful in the holy authority of our ministry, we confidently undertake to repulse the attacks and deceits of the devil.”

All this time I’m on the floor, choking. I pull the staff against my throat and I hear an inhuman scream from somewhere. I smell something burning.

“Okay, motherfucker.” I get to my feet, “You might be from Hell, but this is how we do things in Boston!” I see the shadow on the wall and rush at it, swinging the staff like a baseball bat.

Another good hit! I watch as the shadow flies to the opposite wall and cracks through the sheetrock.

“God arises; His enemies are scattered and those who hate Him flee before Him. As smoke is driven away, so are they driven; as wax melts before the fire, so the wicked perish at the presence of God.” Tasha continues. She checks on me as Father Thomas begins the next set of chants. “How are you holding up there Jason?”

“I’m peachy!” I shout as I feel the shadow pull my feet out from under me. “Fuck!”

Tasha speaks right before she starts to pray again. “Okay, let us know if you need help.”

I grumble, hitting at my feet with the staff. “Oh, will do, ma’am!” I shout as I get back to my feet.

“Behold the Cross of the Lord, flee bands of enemies.” Father Thomas shouts, showing his rosary beads.

I manage to spot the shadow heading towards Father Thomas again. “Oh, no, Asshole, I ain’t done with you yet!” I swing the staff down and feel like I’m pinning something to the floor. I feel the shadow struggle under me. “Get the Hell outta my kid!”

Tasha speaks next. “The Lion of the tribe of Juda, the offspring of David, hath conquered.”

Father Thomas starts to throw holy water at Junior. “May Thy mercy, Lord, descend upon us.”

Tasha does the same. “As great as our hope in Thee.”

I struggle as the shadow below me writhes. I feel it weaken as it tries to tug at my feet.

Tasha continues, “We drive you from us, Ubiel, unclean spirit, all satanic powers, all infernal invaders, all wicked legions, assemblies and sects.” She now draws a cross out of the holy water on Junior’s chest. “In the Name and by the power of Our Lord Jesus Christ, may you, Ubiel, be snatched away and driven from the Church of God and from the souls made to the image and likeness of God and redeemed by the Precious Blood of the Divine Lamb.”

Father Thomas throws still more holy water at Junior, reciting, “O Lord, hear my prayer.”

“And let my cry come unto Thee,” Tasha continues.

The shadow manages to push me away. As it does, I see a huge figure in the shadows rise up before me and start to solidify. The thing is huge, filling the space between me and Father Thomas.

The shadow starts to look reddish, and I see a pair of horns manifest, as well as green glowing eyes. I see a muzzle of some sort start to stretch out and dark black teeth filling that muzzle.

“You’re one ugly motherfucker,” I say as I thrust the staff at its throat. The room shakes as the figure slams to the floor.

Father Thomas speaks next, “May the Lord be with thee.”

“And with thy spirit!” Tasha shouts, her hand still on Junior’s chest. “Let us pray!”

The shadow starts to fade off the floor, the lights flickering. Suddenly the wind picks up around the bed. It’s so intense, it makes it difficult to breath.

Tasha and Father Thomas now chant in unison. “God of heaven, God of earth, God of Angels, God of Archangels, God of Patriarchs, God of Prophets, God of Apostles, God of Martyrs, God of Confessors, God of Virgins, God who has power to give life after death and rest after work: because there is no other God than Thee and there can be no other, for Thou art the Creator of all things, visible and invisible, of Whose reign there shall be no end, we humbly prostrate ourselves before Thy glorious Majesty and we beseech Thee to deliver us by Thy power from all the tyranny of the infernal spirits, from their snares, their lies and their furious wickedness.”

I hold on tight to the staff, falling over the bed and grabbing Junior’s restrained right hand. I look at him as his eyes roll back and forth in his head. “Come on kiddo… get that bastard out of yah!”

Father Thomas and Tasha continue their shared chant, “Deign, O Lord, to grant us Thy powerful protection and to keep us safe and sound. We beseech Thee through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen”

Tasha looks to Junior, running her hand over his forehead, “From the snares of the devil.”

Father Thomas is next, “Deliver us, O Lord!” he throws holy water into the air over the bed.

“That Thy Church may serve Thee in peace and liberty.” Tasha shouts over the roar of the wind.

“We beseech Thee,” Shouts Father Thomas, “hear us!”

Junior suddenly starts to convulse.

Tasha places her hand in Junior’s mouth, I think to grab his tongue. “That Thou may crush down all enemies of Thy Church!”

“Begone, Ubiel, predator of the meek and mild, enemy of man's salvation!” Father Thomas shouts.

Junior soon opens his mouth wide, the air no longer swirling around the bed. Rising out of his mouth comes a small black and red ball. It looks like steam is escaping it but upside down, as if it were a chunk of dry ice.

Tasha grabs the orb in her hand. As she does, I see her glove start to burn at the edges of the orb. “Most cunning serpent, you shall no more dare to deceive the human race, persecute the Church, torment God's elect and sift them as wheat!” She looks to me and commands, “Strike it Jason!”

I take the staff and pull it up over my head, “Tell Satan that God sent yah screaming outta Boston, you sorry son of a bitch!” I swing the staff down on the orb and I hear a bone chilling roar. A white light flashes from the orb, and I’m tossed back across the room.

I’m thrown so hard I smash into the next room, Marie’s and my bedroom, and I find myself in the bedroom closet. Sheetrock and old dresses Marie hasn’t worn in years bury me as I try to get a handle on what the Hell just happened.

I struggle for a bit, my feet stuck in the wall, the rest of me stuck in the closet. I see Tasha cross into my vision.

“Nice swing!” She smiles at me, offering me her gloved hand. I notice her right hand is bare, but doesn’t appear burnt like her glove.

I take it, and grunt in surprise as she pulls me out and to my feet, “I’ll try out for the Sox next year,” I groan.

I see Father Thomas slowly removing the restraints from Junior. “It’s going to be all right, child. You’re safe now. Drink this, hmm?” He hands Junior a small round bottle.

Junior drinks it, coughing, “My throat hurts..”

I run over to him, “Hey Junior… you okay?”

Junior shakes his head. “I want a juice… an’ I wanna watch Paw Patrol.” He gives me a look. ‘You have dust on you, daddy.”

I hug him tight and kiss his forehead, not caring about the bits of Sheetrock I have all over me.

Tasha opens the bedroom door, and on the other side, I see Marie.

Marie looks to Tasha, “Is… is he…?”

Tasha just beams at her. “He’s clean.”

I’m staring at the broken wall while Trooper sniffs at it.

Marie walks up behind me, “Please tell me Junior put you through that wall.”

I turn to her, “I’m going to the Home Depot tomorrow and buy stuff to fix it.” I pick up the staff that’s stuck in the closet, heading downstairs to where Tasha and Father Thomas are packing up their respective items.

Father Thomas finishes washing his hands, “While the house and your son has been blessed,” he says to us with a smile, “I would suggest you all start going to church. Think of it as a vaccination against unholy spirits.”

Tasha laughs. “You did your job of protecting us perfectly,” she rolls her eye a bit, “though a bit crass…”

I shrug, handing her the staff, “That’s just me.”

Tasha smiles as she takes the staff in her bare right hand, which I notice has sharp red nails. Very sharp looking nails, almost like claws. For a moment I see her eye flash for a second and I swear I see a pair of reddish bat-wings and rose horns on her, but only a second. I blink and everything is normal, However she’s not smiling.

I let go of the staff.

Tasha starts to slide it onto her back, “Do you know the difference between a good man and a righteous man, Jason?”

I shake my head. Father Thomas is already heading out the door.

“A good man looks out for his family, for his fellow man, and does good in the community whenever he can,” she explains gathering up her bible, “but a righteous man… he does what is right, what must be done, even if it’s a detriment to his own self interests.”

I frown, my heart rising up in my chest. She knows about the cell phone, somehow.

She heads to the door; I follow.

Out the door, I see Father Thomas holding open a door to a cab.

Tasha turns to me right before she gets in, “You’re most certainly a good man, Jason Miller.” then she beams again, “but if you’re also a righteous man… I’ll see you again, soon.”

I walk towards her as she gets into the cab, Father Thomas getting in from the other side. “Why would I be seeing you again?”

Tasha just beams at me again. She brushes her hair off her face briefly, showing that hideous scar. “Because you’re the son of Sara Baker.” She closes the door, rolling the window down. “See you soon.”

Submitted April 22, 2019 at 08:43AM by CyanideFlavoredSoap

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