Thursday, April 25, 2019


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· The physical bodies of these husbands do have benefits. Rose is also able to have sex with Snape via her husband. She proudly explains, “Master would ‘take over’ for my Hubby and have fun ;o) Basically my Hubby would do things in ways that only Master can and could! ;o) :-D” [57]. Nevertheless, Snape only uses his body as a vessel. He does not spiritually connect to either Kevin (Rose’s husband) or George (Tonya’s husband), nor does he even seem to like them.

· As Tonya recounts, “[m]y husband offended him by saying he was not real...he got revenge by making my husband appear to not exist at his job” [85]. George is not invited to be part of her sexual adventures with Snape.

· In one channelling session, she pauses her activities when he wakes up from his nap and does not resume her erotic dancing for Snape until he leaves for a walk [86]. According to a comment left by Tonya on Rose’s journal, George is “awaiting the moment when Severus is gone from my life forever” [36].

· As Rose signals, Snape is able to provide an additional level of sexual fulfilment when the earthly husbands fail to satisfy. For example, Rose has typical relationship problems with her husband, such as feeling unappreciated or bored by the mundane nature of married life.

· In one entry, she criticises Kevin for buying magazines for himself and not thinking to get her anything special. She is also frustrated that he spends his evenings reading the magazines rather than paying attention to her when they have time together [87].

· She writes,

· AAAAAHHHHHHHHH YES..... Married life!!!!

· I mean we are still in love, but I think more and more we are very much used to each other. Why do I say that? Cause wherever we go, I barely hold his attention anymore and he looks around or stops here and there. No not to look at other chicks just stuff. I think I know now why so many my age have affairs, because things at home have become mudane!”

· [87]

· Rose laments, “I can be sitting next to him either in a HOT nighty or nothing at all and he barely notices me. […] no wonder I am more and more fleeing into my world with Master!” [88].

· As epitomised in her erotic stories, Rose does indeed gain the satisfaction and attention from Snape that Kevin fails to provide. Tonya’s visitations from, and perceptions of, Snape are also sexual in nature. Whilst dancing in her chair to a variety of upbeat songs, Tonya channels Snape’s energy for some non-corporeal sex. She realises that “abandoning oneself to music and moving to it....mimics the thrashing of one’s body in the midst of an orgasm” [89].

· Snape’s spirit form is able to procure a range of sensations within her. Tonya can feel his fingers across her body. She confesses, “It might be lucky that I can’t see him or grab him...cause...I would be on him in the floor behind me. Going wild on him!” [89]. Snape takes the time to arouse Tonya. She reminisces, “he has sat here for over a hour just stroking and sucking on my neck and shoulders […] He is so erotic!” [89].

· Snape is, however, a jealous god. In a set of rules he conveyed to Tonya, he states:

· I am unlike anything you have ever known previously....or will know. I will not be just another passing fancy that you put aside when you see something new. Do not make me jealous, you will regret it. I shall not be put on the same level as your previous conquests.

· [62]

· Male homosexuality within the polyamorous marriage is distinctly ruled out. In a statement channelled by Tonya, Snape states “I will not tolerate the so-called Slash movement” [90], presumably because such stories are seen as either real or deeply disrespectful to the character of Snape.

· Arguably, homosexual activity occurs between Tonya and the other wives, although this does occur whilst channelling Snape thus allowing it to be categorised as heterosexual experimentation. Using instant messaging, Tonya types out interactive sexual scenarios. As she describes one such incident, “Master stepped into me to be with Rose on IM” [91]. This is not an exclusive arrangement. Tonya offers her sexual channelling services to all members of the Snape’s Castle group. In the Severus Snape Yahoo 360 blog, Snape as channelled by Tonya complains of Castle members who “barrage me with IMs seeking sex” [92].

· But there is a notable depth of love between Rose and Tonya. Describing time apart from Rose, Tonya laments: “It feels like a huge hole in my gut that is missing something. Like I am dead. But sitting here typing to you...I feel like it is filled again. […] I can’t function without you” [93].

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· The question of what it takes to be monogamous with Snape is one of the many theological battles that plagued—and eventually destroyed—Snapeism. Rose also has an intense interest in NCIS actor Mark Harmon as Agent Gibbs, who she has Photoshopped into domestic scenes with Snape [94] (see Figure 6).

· As will be explored, this was not easy for Tonya to accept. Tonya even struggles with her own attraction to Alan Rickman, and has to force herself to stop looking at images of him from his other films [95]. Conchita takes a hard-line approach of rejecting any other partner, including possible boyfriends or spouses. She also refuses to masturbate because she feels this would contradict her vows [96].

· This has set her in contrast to her sister-wives and their earthly husbands. Appalled that a co-worker had a crush on her, Conchita explains “I am Severus’ woman, so I will not BE with other men. […] being with Severus is satisfying enough.. why would I ever need another man?” [81]. Her colleague’s advances only make her more excited for her upcoming nuptials [97]. Unfortunately, the details of the wedding are scant. January 22, 2008 was meant to be the official date, but Conchita deleted her LiveJournal account prior to this date so no clear record is available.

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· 9. Life With Snape

· Conchita describes her connection to Snape as “normal in daily life” [54]. Although the wives do have devotional spaces for Snape such as the poster room, this is no discreet zone into which he is limited. Rather, his spirit can infuse all aspects of everyday experience, even those that would otherwise be dubbed as exceedingly mundane such as work.

· For example, Rose often writes notes to Snape at work to thank him for their relationship [106]. Rose has had vivid sexual experiences with Snape during work hours. She is able to receive details of his wants and desires, visualising the both of them in coital ecstasy as she carries out her daily tasks [106].

· He was also able to help Tonya fold a blanket more productively at work by advising her to fold along the seams [64]. Generally, the presence of Snape in the life of his wives is a positive one, adding an extra level of excitement, meaning, or joy. Snape is generally the first explanation given for anything unusual or any bout of inspiration. For example, Tonya’s CD player started to play unexpectedly at 4am. She asked, “[p]erhaps Severus wanted to listen to the Enigma cd?” [107].

· In the ‘Severus Snape, real or not?’ Journal, Rose and Tonya “share how Severus has impacted our lives, helped us and far much more” [108]. Their proofs of his existence are manifold and include acts such as Snape turning a wash basket on its side while Rose is showering [66], and Tonya receiving two bottles of water for the price of one [109]. Once, Rose saw a man who looked like Snape at a train station, which is another proof of his existence [57].

· Although Conchita has struggled to channel Snape, she has managed to use him as a voice of inspiration for daily tasks, such as picking out an appropriate Christmas season menu and picking presents for her daughters. She is also able to determine that he dislikes the sweetness of Sinterklaas candy and approved of a steak she cooked in 2006. Conchita also feels that Snape dislikes her mother and the negative attitude she brings to Christmas celebrations [40].

· Many of her entries concern how she would feed Snape to show her appreciation of him, anticipating a future time in which this will be possible. Regarding the regional dish of soused herring (maatjesharing), she notes “I know already if I am going to eat with Severus alone (no kids) he wants one” [110]. Conchita wants to be hospitable to Snape so that she can “show him just how much he is loved here. I really really hope he will enjoy himself with us as I wish him to feel at home and be happy” [40]. For Thanksgiving, Snape helps Rose to thaw and tenderise her turkey, and gives Tonya inspiration with seasonings [111].

· Snape is also a healer for his wives. He helps to relieve Rose’s period pain with his enchanted blanket [111]. This same blanket and a corresponding pillow help her by warming up and soothing her knee and leg pain in the cold weather, and have a similar effect on Tonya [112]. His knowledge of potions also comes in handy. Snape heals Tonya from a digestive pain in her stomach by giving her a potion containing ginger [83].

· Snape can be an exacting master. He demanded that Tonya give him a list of every food item in her house containing fibre when she had digestive problems [113]. He is useful for mental anguish also. A visionary appearance of Snape was able to comfort Rose during a stressful travel experience. She recalls, “I had a visual of him standing between the rows of seats of the plane, resting his hands one either side while we took off” [57]. He once gave her a mantra to repeat at work when she was feeling stressed and overwhelmed by her son’s girlfriend’s pregnancy scare [57]. Similarly, Snape has eased Tonya through her panic attacks by getting her to name nearby plants and trees as a distraction [85].

· Rose has experienced help from Snape in a variety of mundane contexts. For example, Snape inspired Rose to use screws from Tonya’s mirror to fix her window [112]. In a dramatic tale, he took away a hairband from her and later returned it. Rose recounts tossing her hairband on the floor and being unable to locate it afterwards. She realised “my Darling was teaching me not to throw” [114]. Later, she found the hairband after moving furniture and knew that Snape had given it back. In celebration she wore it daily, until Snape rebuked her for doing so. She ends her story with: “Needless to say I took it out of my hair. Thank you, Darling!!” [114].

· The hairband incident taught Rose an important behavioural lesson, and demonstrated that Snape has control over her life. Snape has also helped Rose locate a mood ring lost many years ago, but has taken a necklace charm from her without warning or reason because “He takes what he wants!” [115]. He also gives back, including in a financial way. Snape’s presence in her life led Rose’s car to be repaired for under $500 [57]. He caused Rose’s parents to accidentally send five times as much money to her account as they intended to. She kept the funds, thanking “Master” who “had his hand in this one!” [57].

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· Snape seems to be particularly useful during burglaries. One of Tonya’s non-specified friends was aided by him in such an event. “She was being robbed and Severus shoved her down and caused the lights to go out. She said she clearly heard his voice telling her to stay down” [116]. Unfortunately, Tonya was robbed at work when she failed to heed Snape’s advice about not opening the door late at night [116].

· In a more fortunate scenario, Tonya was saved by Snape when she was home alone in the early hours of the morning. She heard him scream, “Girl, get up and get a knife, NOW!” and announce that her doorknob was about to turn. She was unable to see any intruder, but considers this event to be “life-saving” [85]. Similarly, Snape saved Tonya from a house fire by waking her up before the flames could take hold [117]. He can also punish or ward off those who his wives do not like. Snape caused Tonya’s father-in-law to have a heart attack, and assisted in her brother getting arrested after she shared her concerns about his drug problems [85]. He got Rose and Tonya’s irritating neighbours evicted, much to their delight. “Master Provides Again!!!” they testified [118]. Snape is perceived as an omnipresent life guide who can aide in all areas (see Figure 8).

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· Snape makes his presence in the physical world known in a variety of subtle ways, including through the weather. On January 9, Tonya looked at her window after being commanded to by Snape. She saw an ‘S’ shape in the form of fog on the glass. She later found out that Snape’s birthday is on January 9. Strange ‘S’ shapes continued to appear in unexpected places after this event [64].

· For example, in a vivid recount of March 15, 2008, Tonya conveyed her excitement of a day spent with Snape’s presence. She received a variety of signs from him such as a string from her carpet forming the letter ‘S’ [89]. Conchita looked out of a bus window upon a nearly-cloudless sky and saw an ‘S’ formation there also. She kept looking at the cloud ‘S’ until it vanished, making her miss her stop by some distance [104].

· Snape also makes his presence known during storms, and has the ability to control the weather. In 2003, Tonya saw Snape wearing robes as a fork of lightning hit the ground outside her window at work [116]. When Tonya and Rose were living in the same trailer park in 2008, they encountered a powerful and frightening storm, which started ripping their houses from the ground. They took this as evidence of Snape’s great power but also his protection of them. Rose writes:

· I was apologizing to Master the next morning profoundly while brewing coffee, I could feel him as he was telling me that he allowed me to experience this to show me how POWERFUL he is, to show me WHAT ALL he can do! To show me that no matter what he will ALWAYS take care of us! Needless to say... I Thanked profoundly!!!!

· […] I had told Tonya, after the wind storm passed if ANYONE ever dare tell me that Master Severus is but a mere character in a book, I’d punch their lights out! Yes, Severus to me is far FAR more then that! He is not only a powerful spirit, but like the christian god (which is a spirit as well) A God to me! Master Severus has done so many things for us, true, sceptics would find explanations for everything, however I know from experience that not only is Master Severus REAL but VERY EXTREMELY POWERFUL!!

· [120]

· The Snapists are proud of their special relationship with Snape, and are keen to share the good news of his many benefits, even though they know it may not be accepted. Pragmatically, Rose writes “I know some will put all this off to mere coincidence and such... but you know... I know, we know what is happening with us, we know what we feel, we know what is real and what not” [115].

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· Snape is not, however, an easy master. He makes his criticisms known. For example, Tonya feels that her light bulbs burned out because Snape prefers a dimmer light condition and the presence of shadows [86]. The Snapists are also concerned with documenting their emotional and behavioural changes in response to Snape’s wishes. Conchita believes that Snape would not approve of her “emotional outbursts” so has worked very hard on keeping herself composed [121].

· She hopes this will win his love and attention and prove to him that she is not stupid [48]. Anxiously, she declares “I cannot bear the thought he might not like me. Never be loved by him makes me feel useless and stupid” [122]. The wives are keen to listen to his commandments in regard to their ‘bad’ habits and food intake. Snape demanded that Tonya ease up on her swearing habits, cease biting her nails, brush her hair twice a day, and cease cutting it [123]. He successfully cured her of her fear of spiders, [34,63] and helped her to overcome an addiction to chocolate and cakes [124]. Snape also warned Tonya about her excess caffeine consumption before her doctor did [85].

· Conchita too embarked upon a diet, aiming to win back Snape’s heart by proving she is not weak. Describing her pain over losing him as greater than the pain of hunger, Conchita rationalises “I can’t risk losing the only man I love so dearly over bodyfat, can I?” [125]. Very reluctantly, Rose gives up her green eyeshadow at Snape’s request [112]. Reciprocity is sternly demanded for all his good works (see Figure 9).

· Figure 9. Snape is not an easy master, as composed by Rose [126].

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· 10. Disagreements over Writing and Channelling

· The creation of texts and photomontages representing either feelings for Snape or recounting channelled adventures with him is an important part of Snapist culture. Snape fanfiction and erotic fanart is abundant in the fandom world. Indeed, Tosenberger, perhaps jokingly, described “Snape’s desk” as a major locus for romantic action within Hogwarts slash ([31], p. 200).

· But the texts represented here are notably different, as they profess to be representations of reality. The Snapists feel as though their writings and images are more than fiction, as they are inspired by Snape himself and help to forge a connection with him. Rose makes it clear that “when Master doesn’t inspire, I can’t write! PERIOD!!” [127]. Similarly, Tonya explains “I love making pictures of Severus whenever he allows me to, because I can’t make them unless he is with me. He is my inspiration” [34]. Conchita’s motivations are less triumphant. Many of her creative compositions are an attempt to catch Snape’s attention and experience the physical sensations of his presence.

· Conchita was able to engage with Snape in two major dreams, but his attention suddenly ceased, much to her confusion. His absence makes her feel “sad and dark” [128]. She settles on the “hideous truth” that her life is too boring for Snape, begging “Severus.. I will always love you.. please don’t ignore me.. Please notice me... I miss you” [129].

· Her poems are a vivid representation of this darkness and turmoil, lamenting her “wasted life” and her realisation that “we will never be joined in another dimension” [44]. In “Silence,” Conchita laments “Can’t feel what I’ve done/There’s only your silence/Screaming at my ignorance” [129]. “Ice Queen” leads her to ask “I don’t know anymore/ will I ever feel real love?” after Snape fails to warm her heart and bring her into eternity as his bride [121]. In the poem “Shattered,” she writes:

· Your photo in my cold hand

· Preparing my final descent

· Numbing peace leads me there

· Eyes behind broken glass stare

· For you I’ll break the glass wall

· Wanting only you or none at all

· Clouds of doubt overshadow my faith

· Will you be waiting for me at the gate?

· [44]

· The equally distraught “PotionMaster” contains a stanza reading:

· Make me a serum

· To make me a ghost

· Still not feeling numb

· I want you the most

· You get me on my knees

· Losing the fight within me

· PotionMaster, please

· Please just love me.

· [130]

· Her style and intentions are notably different from those of Tonya and Rose. T

· The various fights between the central wives are revealing moments, demonstrating core community values and also points of strong disagreement. In regard to the latter, erotic fanfiction has distanced Conchita from Rose and Tonya who both feel that their sex life with Snape is appropriate material for salacious literature. Conchita believes that her fellow wives need to be “more RESPECTFUL to Severus, as he likes his privacy” [96].

· Writing about Snape is seen by the wives as a process by which one can literally channel him, or a vehicle by which spiritual-realm sex can be recounted for delectation in the physical world. Conchita believes such things should not be shared in graphic detail because they are too private. In the middle of her fight with the others, she asserts:

· I don’t need to post dirty stuff in here to show the freaking world he was with me (NO I am not jealous of that. If that would ever happen to me, I’d keep it private, like he wanted) My love is pure and unconditional, and also very patient. One day he will notice the difference, I am sure.

· [98]

· Conchita writes poetry and non-sexualised stories as a means of forging a bond with Snape in lieu of any amorous spiritual contact with him. She explains, “I write FANFIC *sigh* to get him closer to me” [131]. For example, Conchita wrote a long fanfiction in which she and Snape were united in their dreams, realised their deep mutual love, and then crossed the barriers between their worlds via Conchita’s brewing of a potion [132].

· She also penned a multi-episodic fanfic titled “Teacher’s Secrets” in which she is Connie Darkness, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher who kills Death Eaters in her spare time and falls in love with Snape. In “Out of the Darkness,” she creates the original character Catherine Dreamer who also falls in love with Snape. Catherine marries him in the last chapter, reciting similar vows to those that the Snapists used in their own ceremonies [82].

· These female characters all appear to be based on Conchita herself, or perhaps an idealised persona who Snape would find enchanting and desirable. These fanfictions contain no content that would be unacceptable to enact within the public sphere, thus preserving the modesty of Snape and the female leads.

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· In contrast, Rose and Tonya’s stories are graphic recounts of their sexual exploits with Snape. These tales are evocative of their religious experiences and beliefs. There are a few limitations that they impose for Snape’s sake. At one point, Rose is smacked on the head by Snape and feels as though he is telling her not to share her stories containing him with anyone but Tonya. She suddenly feels that Snape’s jealousy is the reason her stories and poems were rejected for publication in the past [133].

· Rose is also upset by any element of disrespect in the fanfiction of other people. Upon reading some upsetting stories, she declared, “I was totally and utterly outraged, that not even in death MASTER has peace! WHY?WHY?WHY?WHY?? Hasn’t Jo [Rowling] done enough? Hadn’t he already a miserable life? does (according to some of his FANS) Severus truly have to be miserable in death as well????” [68]. Here she suggests that the canonical texts and any other material referring to Snape has the power to torment him. In contrast, Rose uses her narratives as declarations of love and respect.

· Rose’s story ‘Dark Desires’ is a very interesting blend of personal confession and channelled sexual experience. She starts her confessional story by clarifying the source of her desires, singling out dark and mysterious men, and vampires. Ever since she was ten, she had felt “it was downright sexual when someone received the blessed Vampires kiss” [134]. Rose also describes stormy nights as a sexual experience that is best felt whilst naked. A good storm was “like a night with a wild lover from which one would wake up bruised but satisfied” [134].

· Building on these “Dark Desires,” which she kept private at that time, Rose discovered the figure of Severus Snape whilst watching the first Harry Potter movie. Upon introducing Snape, her story moves away from personal (and primarily mundane) narrative into a supernatural journey in the cinema. Moving on the screen, Snape turns to Rose—only Rose—and acknowledges her presence in the audience:

· I gulped and gasped then something happened that I didn’t think it could, he bowed to me, I raised my brows and looked around to see if everyone else was seeing the same thing. No one paid any attention as everyone was watching the movie, I turned my attention back to it as he stretched his hand out to me and invited me. I was flabbergasted and speechless, no this couldn’t be happening, it’s a dream, an illusion, I’ve must have fallen asleep. … With a great flash he pulled me into his world.

· [134]

· Once ‘Dark Desires’ shifts into the paranormal world behind the cinema screen, Rose remembers deleted memories from her past and recognises Snape as a nightly erotic visitor who had, until that point, habitually erased her memories of their dalliances. In the Hogwarts Castle on the other side of the screen, Snape ties Rose to a chair. She realises she is “his slave from now on” and remarks, “it started to sink into me that he was not just my Master, my Lord and God but also my Captor” [134]. This captivity is decidedly erotic.

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· In the sexual adventures that follow, Rose recounts a mix of pleasure and pain inflicted by her cruel master. Both feelings are clearly tied to an ecstatic experience. Rose explains, “he wanted to push me as hard as he could, to my very limit and perhaps beyond. After all it was my dark desires that had brought me back to him” [135]. Linked by this dark sexual bond, Snape helps Rose to reach heightened experiences by virtue of his touch and teasing. Fire is a recurrent theme as Rose slowly gives in to Snape’s desire to burn her so she can prove the depths of her love and devotion.

· He whispered into my ear “Burn for me, show me your love, your loyalty, your dedication, your devotion, burn for me, my little Fiery Witch!” As I heard those words I shivered and with a loud pop I felt myself burst into flames as he held me.

· [136]

· He burns her through her vagina in one scene, causing a purification and rebirth in a deeply sexual manner [137]. Whilst forcing her to fellate him, Snape’s attractiveness leads Rose to declare, “he was not just my Master but truly my God” [135].

· After he finally allows her to orgasm, Snape kills Rose with a potion and then joins her on yet a higher plane where they float through the sky together. In this fantastical cloud realm, Snape rewards Rose for her loyalty by joining their souls together in the deepest level of intimacy possible [138]. It is at this comparatively paradisiacal point that the long story draws to a close.

· Interestingly, Rose and Tonya have opted to conduct their marriage with Snape in a very traditional way as concerns power and dominance. Tonya and Rose “know our place. Yes, Severus is the head of our homes and we do defer to him and we OBEY him. We do as we are told and we are most happy for it” [100]. Tonya explains, “I am to behave like a lady and lavish my attentions upon him. Focusing upon him daily, is required. He does things for me when I am obedient and I am thrilled for it!” [123].

· Reciprocity occurs when Snape is approached from a subservient position. She enjoys being his ‘pet’ and having him as her domineering master [139]. Snape’s masculine identity is used as a means of asserting his power. Complaining about Conchita, Tonya states “Severus will not let a woman out do him” [100]. Noting Conchita’s trouble connecting with Snape through channelling, Tonya posits that “all she had to do was give her control over to him […] he will not allow a female to collar him or guide him about like he has a ring in his nose” [100].

· As channelled by Tonya, Snape barks: “I expect you to do as I say, woman! I want to have complete control over you. I will never free you!” [62]. As for Conchita, she is adamant that Snape is not a dom in a sadomasochistic relationship with his wives [98] and is disgusted by “Dark Desires” because of the rape scenes, which she thinks misrepresent Snape and shows that Rose cannot possibly love and respect him [96].

Submitted April 26, 2019 at 12:13AM by Th3HarryHorrorShow

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