Monday, March 25, 2019

Sailor Moon Ruined My Friendship...And Abused Tuxedo Mask...

Hello everyone! ^^ This is my first post on Reddit, and I am super excited to post more! So I originally posted this on DA, but looking back on it I realized I had omitted some important details....

here is a quick guide of name censoring to lessen the confusion:

Usagi = my fake friend

Demande= fake friend's boyfriend

Makoto= friend number 1

Setsuna= friend number 2

Rei= Friend number 3

Tuxedo Mask= Usagi's Ex/Makoto's love interest

me= me

Saddle up ya'll this one is a doozy...and quite long.


ok, getting into the story...where to even begin....Usagi Makoto and I had been best friends ever since middle school. Part of what made our friendship so interesting was how different we all were. I was (still am) a a goth, Makoto is an artistic genius, and Usagi..well she was a pastel-loving princess! We all bonded over our love for anime and memes, we did a lot of typical middle-school things. Ate lunch together, went shopping on the weekends, invited each other to our birthday parties, everything seemed normal. That all changed when we hit high school. The school we went to wasn't necessarily big, but big enough to the point the three of us hardly had any classes together. We all drifted apart to some degree, me and Usagi particularly. Makoto and I still hung out a lot and usually had one or two classes together during the year. We made friends with a really awesome chick named Setsuna (we also called her grandma as an inside joke)

In my junior year of high school, I was taking a US history class as a requirement for graduation. That particular year I had my first period class with Usagi, so I would often walk with her to my history class. (She was taking a class in the same building, in the room next door actually!) On the first day of class, she stops to met a boy I had never met before. This was Demande. Usagi explains to me that Demande is her boyfriend, I don't think much of it and go to sit down in class. Setsuna and my other friend Rei was also in this class so I sat in the back corner near them. We start having a conversation about how our summers went, and what our goals for the year are, when Demande sits next to us. Again, I don't think too much of it, but then I noticed a Trump 2016 sticker on his binder along with a confederate flag sticker. Not wanting to cause conflict right away I chose to ignore it, but every now and then Demande would say rude, degrading and outright offensive things as a response to the class discussion topic. Being that I was 16 at the time, I felt the need to challenge him. Usually I would try to get him to understand, that not everyone thinks the same way he does and the right-wing way isn't always the best way. We would usually end up arguing over our teacher, and bless his soul...he retired a year early after us...I don't blame him.

While Demande was annoying and flat out ignorant, often verbally abusing Setsuna, Rei and I, I couldn't bring myself to tell Usagi about it. I didn't want to ruin her happiness because of something I considered wasn't a big deal. But one day Demande crossed the line..

It was when we were learning about immigration waves in american history, and since with was right after the 2016 election you can bet the whole class was pretty heated. It was common knowledge that Demande was Islamophobic, but what I didn't know was that he was flat out racist. This was unusual since our school was mostly Hispanic, but I guess racial purity was Demande's big concern. We were talking about racism and immigration when Demande said without hesitation STRAIGHT TO MY FACE: that he did not like mixed race people.

My jaw dropped, I looked to Setsuna (who is Filipino and Portuguese) and Rei.

I turned to Demande, with the calmest expression I can muster, In a dead silent classroom:

You know I'm mixed race right?

He tells me, he thought I was 100% Hungarian. Because I mentioned having Hungarian heritage.

To be fair, I am on the lighter side of the color spectrum and my natural hair is a light dirty blonde. But I never claimed to be 100 anything! I told him my family's ancestry I extremely broad, with my mother's side of the family being European and Jewish and my dad's side being Hispanic and Latin American native.

When he finds out that I am not only native (I use the word Native American, because at the time we didn't know where our native ancestry came from) but I am also a percent Jewish HE. FLIPS. OUT.

He starts trying to justify his view point, and how he isn't racist, he just thinks the races shouldn't intermingle! I roll my eyes, stick my ear buds in and turned to face Setsuna and Rei who immediately start trying to apologize for him. I told them it was fine, and that was the end of it for a while. I still found myself unable to tell Usagi about what had happened, because I didn't think It was her problem, it was mine.

Once school got out of session that year, Makoto Usagi and I had planned a trip together to the Los Angeles Anime Expo. It was suppose to be a girl's trip, but Usagi decided to make some last minute changes. She and her parents got a suit three floors above us, which left Makoto and I in a two bed room with our mothers. She also told us that Demande would be accompanying us for a day. She left for the expo a day earlier than us, and even left for day 1 before our agreed time causing us to have to fight through the crowd to find her. Eventually we meet up in the vendors area and who is with her?

Demande. Who DOESN'T EVEN LIKE ANIME OR VIDEO GAMES. Usagi forced him to go with her, not to mention buy a 75 dollar ticket and drive up on his own to LA. (Which is about a 2-3 hour drive from our town.)

We spend some time browsing the vendors before hitting the main lobby's floor to take photos. After a few hours Makoto asks to go look at the artist alley. We agree thinking it will be less crowded than the main floor. It was a super hot day, I was in heels (cosplaying Sailor Neptune of all characters!) in a tight wig and had forgotten to eat breakfast. Needless to say I was a tad restless. So when I saw the MASSIVE crowd in the AA, I was hesitant to jump in. Makoto was super happy to look at all the cool posters and hand-made items so I do my best to stay next to her and avoid Usagi and Demande. Somewhere along the lines we all get separated, leaving me alone with Demande. We decided to wait for Usagi and Makoto in front of a booth, where the artist had hung up some slightly suggestive drawings. One of the posters was of Casca from Berserk, she is in a fighting stance with her sword and her clothes were slightly ripped in some more private areas. Demande, also being one hell of a sexist, takes one look at it and tries to slut shame Casa, (as if she will jump off of the poster and apologize) I tell him, "You know this scene if in reference to a part in the anime right before she gets raped right?" In hopes that Demande might have one decent cell in his body that will tell him to shut up. Instead he starts ranting about how the character deserved to be raped because she was exposing so much skin. (she was wearing her season 1 battle armor) We get into an argument, and finally Demande pushed me over the edge.

He tells me he would let me get raped.

Without hesitation, I reach up and slap him as hard as I can.

I have been sexually abused in my life before and it still effects to this day... In that moment, all I could think was my abuser and if things had gone that far and Demande had been there... he would let it happen. As soon as I come back from my haze and realize what I had done, I was horrified. I locked eyes with the artist who had been sitting there watching the whole time and she looked just as horrified as I did. I was immediately overcome with shame and guilt, at that point I wanted to forget about the whole convention and go home. Demande immediatly gets on the phone calling Usagi, to try and meet back up. Before he does anything else, he instantly begins to tell her what had happened without telling my side of the story. The next thing I knew, I had his phone shoved in my ear and Usagi is yelling at me to apologize. I told her what she said to me and she said she didn't care. She said that I better apologize or else. After we met back up we did a small bit of shopping and decided to call it a day and go back to the hotel. This whole time I am dead silent. I don't say anything to Usagi, I dont say anything to Makoto and I sure as HELL don't say anything to Damande. When we went back to the hotel, I was ready to cry but at the same time I was over it. I didn't want there to be drama while at the convention, but at the same time I was wondering how Usagi didn't care about what Damande had said. Usagi knew what I had been through and she knew how something like that would effect me. It made me wonder what she would do if I didn't apologize so I did. I told Demande I was sorry. It sparked a wave of self pitty and depression that made it near impossible to enjoy the convention for the next three days.

I decided to text Rei and tell her what Damande had done, and she is ready to kill. Because Damande and Usagi were in ROTC they could get into MASSIVE trouble for what they had done. Before I could do anything to try and defuse the situation, Rei messaged their Chief telling him everything they had done. Because it was the summer, they wouldn't face any consequences until school went back into session. But I knew by then this would all have been swept under the rug...

That night, my mom asked me how my day was and if I had enjoyed the con. I looked to Makoto and she just gave me a look and went into the bathroom. I broke down and told my mom what he had said, and what I had done. She sat me down on bed, as I was so frustrated I was crying. I could tell she was furious, she asked me why I didn't call her and why I apologized to someone who didn't deserve an apology. I told her EVERYTHING about Demande, spilling all the tea about everything he had ever said to me, Rei and Setsuna, telling her how Usagi threatened me to apologize. She and Makoto's mom exchanged a concerned glance and said they would talk to Usagi's parents as they were convinced that Demande wasn't a good influence on Usagi. Makoto came out, we went to get dinner and thanks to ratting to the mom squad I felt much better.

The convention story doesn't end here though.

As we were packing on the last day to leave the con Mom decided to tell me how talking to Usagi's parents went. My mom told me that she didn't really even get to talk to them about Demande. She sat down to have a drink with them one afternoon, when Usagi's parents began to talk about politics out of nowhere. Again keep in mind this was 2016 so politics was a bit messy. They begin to go on a rant about dirty Mexicans and how they are stealing american jobs, and how trump will build a wall and send the filthy Mexicans back to their country.

Our last name is Hispanic. needless to say, to avoid an ugly conversation, my mom noped the hell out of that and went back to the room.

With this information, I was able to conclude it wouldn't be impossible for Usagi to KNOW about Demande being a shit person and not give a crap. When I asked her about what her parents had said she defended them, which was understandable. But she stood by what they said. spitting racist things toward Mexicans, and even bringing Muslims into the conversation too. I wondered why she would stand by these things though maybe she was with Demande because he stood for everything her parents did too but I never thought Usagi out to be that kind of person so why?...I would find out in my senior year....

I decided to take a creative writing class as to fill my schedule. I was paired with my sophomore English teacher who is super cool! He ran the class in a really cool way, and had string lights hung up around the class and would host poetry readings! In this class I was able to reconnect with my old friend Tuxedo Mask!

Tuxedo Mask was in an old friend group of mine from middle school that I grew apart from. I thought It was nice to reconnect with him, in my senior year. He is a super talented writer, and comes up with AMAZING poetry. To be honestly, Tuxedo Mask is a complete package: tall, fit, artistic, a tad shy, good sense of humor. Im surprised more girls didn't have a crush on him, as for me Tuxedo Mask just wasn't really my type.

Makoto on the other hand...oh she fell hard and fast.

something was slightly off though, Makoto and Tuxedo Mask obviously liked each other but for some reason never got together. He even stood her up at prom, and when Usagi found out she yelled at him in front of all of his friends! Which I could tell really hurt him.

I later found out from Rei that Tuxedo Mask was Usagi's Ex boyfriend, and Usagi had abuse him through their relationship. Rei said the reason why Tuxedo Mask didn't want to date Makoto, even though he liked her, was because she was friends with Usagi! He couldn't bring himself to trust her. Rei claimed that the reason they broke up was because Tuxedo Mask didn't have enough money to buy her the things she wanted. Then it clicked. Demande came from a rich family, and on a superfine scale was a MAJOR downgrade from Tuxedo Mask. I tried to talk to him about the situation between Makoto and Usagi, and assure him that the two were vastly different, but...he didn't believe me.

"Your friends with Usagi too right? Why should I believe you, and don't say its because we are old friends."

what he said truly hurt, but what it really did was made me understand the impact Usagi had on him.

Usagi knowingly dated a racist, chauvinist, heartless pig, stood by her racist parents, abused a guy to the point he doesn't trust himself to date anyone all while pretending to be a perfect little princess.

So I called her out. we got into a massive argument in a group chat between me her and Makoto (who went silent for the whole fight) SHE LOST IT.

She called me a freak, and told me that she always thought I was weird and was embarrassed to be seen in public with me. She also claimed that I was anti-LGBT because I supported Muslims immigrating to the US, and defended them when SHE said racist things about them. I proved her point wrong and told her she was so blind by her privilege and greed she had gone blind to the important issues and was trying to change the subject. She responds by saying the following:

There is nothing privileged about being a christian white girl in America.

I roll my eyes and called her out on her BS and then tried to bring up Tuxedo Mask. I accidentally let it slip that Makoto and Tuxedo Mask liked each other and she REALLY LOOSES IT. If you could scream over text she would. She calls Makoto a slut, and says she hopes she dies. Because Ex's are off limits!

The next day when we went to school, I apologized to Makoto for letting it slip. She forgives me. We go to Usagi together, and tell her we aren't friends anymore. She simply flips her hair and scoffs. "Whatever later"

a few weeks ago, I found out that Makoto and Usagi had reconnected. Not that I really cared, until Makoto began to stop answering my texts. I message Setsuna and Rei asking if either of them knew what was up and if Makoto was ok.

Setsuna spills some tea. Setsuna got a job working in the nail salon where Usagi goes, and one day she did her nails. Usagi hasn't gotten over the fact that I called her out. She was going around telling our old high school friends that I was homophobic, that I was a liar, I stole art and poems while I was in high school. But she told Makoto, that while she had a crush on Tuxedo Mask...That I had slept with him.

Usagi was trying to turn Makoto against me, and Setsuna called her out in the salon while doing her nails. Half-way done with the manicure, she stands up and get the hell out of her salon. This was backed up because, had Usagi posted on her Snapchat a picture of her half-done nails with some BS excuse a few days earlier. (I unfollowed and blocked her)

I tried to message Makoto to explain my side of the story but...nothing. To be fair I know she is busy with her school and her job but...I still feel sad that it came down to this. Our friendship was broken up by a petty gold digging princess...

Sorry to make you all read through this! If you got through all of it good on ya! ^^

Submitted March 26, 2019 at 08:05AM by spooky_green_light

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