Friday, February 1, 2019

Check out /u/Smiley_Dafe - our February Artist Spotlight recipient!

The first artist to hit 100 Mod Favorite picks, /u/Smiley_Dave is one of those artists that truly makes the sub what it is. His work always tells a story and it always tells those stories so well. Want to know more about this amazing artist like we did? Read the interview below!

Check out this album to easily see why /u/Smiley_Dafe hit that 100 mark!

When did you first start drawing/painting on a regular basis?

When my mom was in hospice about 4 years ago, I took a sketchbook along with me and kind of fell back in love with drawing again. and I have drawn almost every day(or try to) since then. Her passing was really the catalyst for diving back into drawing.

When did you really start considering yourself as an artist?

I don’t really consider myself to be an artist. To me, drawing has always been equal parts work and hobby. I am hoping to make it a passion and am making steady progress and RGD has helped in that tremendously.

Do you have any formal art training?

Yes, I went to school for commercial art. There were some life drawing classes in the program but it was mostly design oriented. For as far back as I could remember, I had always drawn. I went to school for graphic design and ended up working as an illustrator in a design studio for a few years – mostly marker renderings and storyboards for TV commercials.

As an artist, what or who inspires you to create?

That is a tough question to answer, and to be honest, I don’t really have an answer – It’s a whole bunch of reasons, I suppose. Sometimes, it’s to see things the way I would like to, or it could be a little spark or a visual cue in the photo. When that happens, it will make me drop everything and pick up a pencil and paper and start drawing. Strangely enough, stress is also a great motivator because it forces you to come up with something… and fast too! Whatever it is, all I know is that it always seems to happen right before bedtime.

Does your career involve art in some way, or is it completely unrelated?

Yes, as a designer, I am constantly involved with art in some way.

Which artists have most influenced you or your work?

In grade 7, it was Paul Calle, a fine artist and magazine illustrator who worked mainly in pencil. In high school, it was mostly Moebius, the French sci-fi artist. I think his pen and ink work has had the biggest influence on me and my drawings. In my 20’s, Japanese airbrush illustrators(such as Hajime Sorayama) really fascinated me. Recently, artists such as James Jean and Kim Jung Gi have influenced me, especially Kim Jung Gi’s work with the brush pen and ink.

What is your art schedule like (how many hours a day or week would you say you spend creating art)?

I usually spend about 1 to 2 hours per night drawing and I try to do this 7 days a week, whether it’s RGD or just doodling on a piece of paper.

How did you find RGD?

I think I was reading a post someone had commented on a post called “What was your worst date?” Or something like that, can’t really remember. I looked through her post history(because she seemed like someone who was full of drama) and saw that she had posted to RGD, discovered this subreddit… and have been here since. Never did draw her though.

What draws you to the RGD community/what do you get out of it?

In drawing and painting, it’s very tough to get inspired (for me anyways). And maybe that’s why I didn’t draw or paint as a hobby for the longest time. With RGD, there’s always that one or sometimes a few posts that say, “I know you can add to this photo and make it your own; and have fun doing it.”. This community is also very supportive and encouraging. While criticism is needed in progressing your skills, encouragement is equally, if not, more important. I am very grateful that RGD exists because I don’t think I could have loved  or found the inspiration to start sketching again. Drawing on RGD has also given me the opportunity to improve on my technique and experiment with other mediums such as ballpoint pens, charcoal and most recently, drawing with ink and brush.

Which kinds of posts are you most likely to draw for in RGD?

This is another tough one to answer. It’s really hard trying to nail down one or a few elements that would make me want to draw for. I will have to say that if you post a picture of yourself holding onto a live chicken, I will most likely draw you.

Which kinds of posts are you least likely to draw for in RGD?

Probably the ones that look like passport photos, or photos that are already so beautiful that drawing them would seem pointless. And photos where the the tops of heads are cut off; I am always tempted to put fedoras on them. Maybe a potted plant or a bowl of soup.

Are you involved with any other forms of art (music, writing, etc)?

No, drawing is my only creative outlet. Can't dance or sing or play the piano either, even though I wish I could. Writing? Judging by the amount of grammatical and spelling errors in my own write up here, that answer would be a definite no. I’m surprised they even let me graduate high school.

Do you have a website where we can view more of your work?

Just my instagram account, which consists mainly of my drawings from RGD.

Do you currently have any art for sale, and if so, do you have a store or link?

No, I do not have any artwork for sale.

How long have you been a Redditor?

Close to 6 years.

What are some of your favorite non-art subs?

r/aww, r/nosleep, r/movies, r/todayilearned

What's your favorite kind of music to listen to when you create, or do you prefer silence

I work slightly better in silence and am able to concentrate more. Most of the time I will just put on NPR or put my iTunes selections on shuffle. If I am working on a detailed pencil drawing, I will put on some jazz. It seems to help with he sometimes tedious task of shading large areas seem bearable.

What's the craziest thing you've ever done in the name of art?

Other than spending New Years Eve at home drawing instead of going out with friends last year, nothing crazy.

If you had to select an RGD Artist of the Month and couldn't choose yourself, who would you give that shoutout to?

It would be u/MrBogglesworth. His work is always wonderful and lively; just wished he’d post more. Seems like a really nice guy too

Submitted February 01, 2019 at 02:40PM by Yarightchump

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