Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Late to the party, but I finished Nisekoi and I'm very happy I did. Here are my thoughts.

I'm not a huge anime fan, but after being dragged through the mud with soooooo many "Save The World" shows, I decided to take a breather and watch something with a more lighter tone—, hence, Nisekoi. I discovered this randomly in my YouTube recommendations after binge watching a bunch of old Bleach scenes. The first few videos that I saw of Nisekoi was, "Best Waifu: Tsugumi Seishirou" (Best girl by the way) and "Raku Proposes to Chitoge". I remember laughing my ass off watching the videos so I said, screw it, grab the popcorn, the winter snuggie, turned the lights off and let's fire this bitch up!

Now, this was my first time delving into the ROM COM / Harem genre and I didn't know what to expect. Some hardcore Harem fans told me I'd be disappointed if I like harems, in which I said, I got nothing to lose anyway. First episode in, I was immediately hooked. The first minute Chitoge showed up, I knew I was gonna love her. Simple character design with a fiery personality! I can't remember the last time I grinned or giggled like an idiot when watching anime. It. Felt. Great!

Every nonsensical, irony filled scene had me rolling. From Chitoges expressionless murder face when she found Raku and Tsugumi in the locker, to Raku's extra detailed face when he almost admits he likes Onodera during the McDonalds episode, to drunk Onodera telling Raku to strip her or literally anything when Shuu's involved.. The facial expressions were legendary (Apparently Komi is a One Piece fan so he probably drew inspiration from there), the music was happy and nostalgic with just a hint of sadness (at least to my ears), the voice acting was extremely good, the animation was adorable and art style was just right.

After finishing the animation, I went off to read the manga instead of picking up where the animation ended to see what was cut and I was a little bit disappointed that some of the chapters didn't get animated. They cut the chapter where Raku and Chitoge baked a cake, to the "lie detector game", and most confusingly of all, forgetting to mention how Raku knew Haru had his pendent (which is why I went back to read the manga to begin with cuz it annoyed me that it wasn't in the anime).

I loved that even with all of the fun, Komi knew when to dial back and progress the story with more serious and tender moments. Such as when Chitoge yells at Raku at the beach and then runs away, to her pimp slapping him when Raku told her off, to her putting Raku on her lap when she visited him at her mothers corporation, to her suddenly crying when Raku had amnesia and forgot her, to the visit at the hospital, to their actual first genuine date really stabbed at my heart and almost made me cry that I had to jam my hand into a container full of nails to feel manly again (I never did that just so you know).

Now this may sound weird, but I felt like the manga was too long, but at the same time, a cut too short. I did feel like the manga had some unneeded filler chapters that could've been scrapped to help out with the pacing as I sometimes found myself struggling to maintain interest as they had scenarios I've seen before. But the chapters that did progress the story made the climax that more impactful.

When Raku finally realized that Chitoge was the one he loved and he confessed and Chitoge turned around with her face covered in tears got me good that I actually cried. Poor girl was hurting bad and had her heart broken that I was elated to see that she got a happy ending. I initially thought that Raku may have chosen Onodera, or even yet, chose no one at all but that would've been a massive slap to the readers. I accidentally read some comments that gave me fake endings so I didn't know who ended up with Raku, but given how much irony there was in the story, it only seemed natural that the one girl he couldn't stand initially ended up being the one he chooses.

Now, my problem with the ending was I was expecting Raku to cry a lil bit more (I expected him to cry after he read the Friend's Notebook to be honest), hell, even kiss Chitoge after the confession, but didn't like the good pure Christian couple they are, or maybe even wipe the tears from her eyes as he said "I love you ". I also thought that the story could've used at least one more chapter to cover the wedding. Where it ends with either a close up shot of Raku and Chitoge kissing (not the wide shot we got in 229) or with a wedding photo depicting everyone.

Overall, I loved Nisekoi, I really, genuinely did. I was happy, but at the same time sad, because I'm not gonna be able to read more of these silly little scenarios ever again, which is why I took my sweet ass time and rationed every chapter so I could treasure it for as long as I could. That's unless Komi decides to make a lil mini series showing their adult life and their kids lives in highschool, but that's a far cry.

If I had to rate Nisekoi, I'd give it the highest 8/10 possible. I had fun with it and was really refreshing. So much so I might even buy the DVD's and series one day. So those are my thoughts on the series—, a bit long and rambly so I'm sorry about that. It's nice to see that this sub relatively active, I might even contribute some fanart of my own and cross my fingers and hope to holy lord Jesus that Shaft finishes the anime and do it some justice. I mean, they'd be silly not too since this is also their most popular animated series, but only time will tell. Pray to NisekoiSeasonThree2k19


Submitted January 24, 2019 at 02:28AM by PyrrhaFan

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