Wednesday, January 30, 2019

BENDY AND THE INK MACHINE: RE-DRAWN EDITION: (Chapter 5 touch ups and additions) (Lore details, Secret Beginning, and Misc stuff coming after this)

  • Allison and Toms cutscene lasts 5 minutes, but the second time you play through you'll get a prompt similar to how Chapter 3's initial "do you want to leave the Safehouse" message. Except it says "Do you want to go back to bed?". Thus allowing you to skip the cutscene until the end where Ink Bendy shows up. Allison has left the Seeing Tool is on the ground in your cell.

  • The Giant Bendy Hand is implied to be one of those Bendyland arms given sentience by the ink. In the previous chapter, one was seen connected to chains that lead into a set of ceiling doors, as this one has appeared to have fallen from a similar compartment after a sinkhole caused it to break open.

  • The Giant Bendy Hand itself isn't all that different. Except it's full body can be seen in The Archives. At the base of the prop stretches out numerous Searcher arms. It moved across the ink pool bottom like a demented tree trunk.

  • The gigantic pipes that are above the Lost Harbor churn and pump as you enter the area. Implying the ink that gave life to the Giant Bendy Hand abandoned it and traveled through the pipes to form into the Searchers you fight during the boss swarm.

  • Noises from behind the gates can be heard of distant Lost Ones talking and conversing along with the clanging of some glass cups. A pair of blinds is even shut by one of them when they notice your arrival. It's essentially a pub. When opening one of the gates a Lost One is seen stranded outside the door because it appears he wrote "She will set us free" on the wall, so some angrily written text saying "NO ANGELS" is written on the opposing wall.

  • A dead cartoon Shark lays beached on the side of the Ink River. It's the same one seen in "The Floating Demon" poster, with said poster being laid out next to the Barge.

  • Since I wont just copy and paste what I already wrote, here is how I'd make Sammy brief boss encounter more interesting. That, plus the combination of his now squash and stretch motions make his once static movements looks more dynamic.

  • Some of Sammy's lines are modified for story purposes. Like "He said he'd save me" is changed to "You said you'd save me" and an extra bit is added in when he catches you. "Ah! There you are! You lied to me!"

  • The Boss Rush that follows comes in different waves.

-Phase 1 - Lost Ones (without weapons) x10

-Phase 2 - Searchers x15

-Phase 3 - Miner Searchers x3

-Phase 4 - Lost Ones (with Pipe Wrenches, Boards, and Broken Bottles) x10

-Phase 5 - Stronger Searchers x8

-Phase 6 - Miner Searchers x3

  • Allison and Toms AI and dialogue are tweaked. Allison doesn't repeat lines and only says them to indicate a change in waves. Each of them will assist you separately but never both at the same time. And each will only target one enemy rather than multiple.

  • The lip sync for Allison is fixed for whenever she spouts dialogue along with both of them getting stuck in awkward positions and run cycles.

  • That one comment I made about improving Administration applies heavily to this. So here it is.

  • The numbered codes also contain different dates for when important events happened at the studio (For instance one of the combinations consists of the numbers 1-9-2-9).

  • A chicken coop is seen tucked away in one of the numerous closets. Another closet contains a mop with a bucket full of water.

  • An extra room is added near Thomas's office. A door with Bendy's characteristic smile faces across from where the Pipe System is. Inside the open room is a set of chains made to restrain Ink Bendy. They snapped. The entire place is trashed with multiple walls torn out of the foundation. It also contains more boxes, boards, and a shelf of Bendy dolls knocked over. Strangely the room has the same rumbling for when you enter the Pentagram in Chapter 1.

  • When seeing Ink Bendy for the last time before he begins transforming, he looks more melty. And if you stare at him from behind you start to notice a hint of a tail growing. His right leg is also shedding away some ink to show...a hoof?

  • If you turn around after all pipes have been fixed, each Bendy cutout will be partially melted and drippy.

  • Allison has a brand new set of dialogue during her "Set us free" speech. She discusses how they can help you, mentioning how "An angels power to no match for the forces of evil". Her and Tom plan on reaching there way to the top of The Ink Machine and will take it down from the inside by cutting the chains. Explaining "you'll know what to do when the time comes" (Note: When attaining the Scythe for the Secret Beginning, Henry will not say "They could have at least given me a weapon". You can't physically attack Allison or Tom in the same way you can't attack Boris. Henry just puts it down).

  • All throughout the building, not only does it contain many Lost Ones waiting to be imprinted upon, but a couple Butcher Gang members and one very scornful inky Malice facing the chamber across from Boris, as if she's waiting to get out and murder it.

  • The horns on The Ink Demon’s head are solid and bone-like. As a result his head is more rounded but still retains it’s flat shape. The horns themselves inward curls at the ends of them. Both of The Ink Demon’s legs have bull-like hooves with their defined nail. They are also a little bigger, but not by much.

  • The ends of The Ink Demon’s hands have cartoon-like markings on it’s knuckles that somewhat resemble the stretch marks on a glove. The Ink Demon possesses a long thin tail with a point at the end of it. The tip of the tail also looks as if it's a pen dipped in ink.

  • The inside of The Ink Demon’s mouth resembles a Death Screen Portal, complete with a white glowing abyss at the end of it. The entire body of the Ink Demon (excluding horns, teeth, hooves, and tip of tail) is reddish in tone, to signify he isn’t bound to the rules of this cartoon world and is quite literally a physical demon let loose among it. When being destroyed The Ink Demon is noticeably internally composed of ink as his outside skin is burned away.

  • During the transformation a huge amount of ink smoke exudes from Bendy to signify he is shedding his “cartoon” facade and leaving any indication that he may be an ink creature behind. Not only do his horns sproing up and form solid bone, but his tail pops up like a cat.

  • Despite being composed of flesh, he still emits ink smoke from his dorsal tubes (that used to be spines) as he runs. He also still teleports using ink portals.

  • The entire Ink Reservoir underneath the Ink Machine is composed of the Ink Demon’s blood. His demonic essence is what gives both the Ink Studio and it’s creations life. The glass connects the ink to the tubes and at the ends of said tubes, they twist downward into a parallel alignment that would perfectly attach to The Ink Demon's dorsal openings.


  • The Ink Demon will run down the hallways at random through different corridors. He can walk on the ceiling and loop back down across the floor as well has writhing up from the ground and into the ceiling. Be careful what's under you.

  • He alternates in speed. Sometimes he will quickly walk, and other times he will gallop.

  • Getting run over by him results in instant death.

  • Hug the sides of the walls to avoid The Ink Demon while he’s running.

  • Hit the Four Levers located at their corresponding locations.

  • You must have all four down at the same time frame or else they will begin to turn back off. If by some chance your trapped behind two doors like an idiot then it results in insta death from Beasty.

  • The door will now open to the Ink Machine Room.


  • Turn the wheel to activate the ink flow that runs up the four glass pipes into the Ink Machine.

  • The entrance then is ripped open by The The Ink Demon present inside. You can't get out of the way you came in since ink covers the doorways.

  • At first he will directly walk to you. He will attack in two ways.

  • Walking in a bipedal stance, slamming his fist down into the ground if your in his sights.

  • Walking in a quadrupedal stance, stabbing his tail both at a high and side angle if your at a distance.

  • He moves slow, but either attack kills you in one hit.

  • Lure him to one corner of the room and run towards a pipe. He will charge you.

  • If directed correctly, The Ink Demon will run into the glass and shatter it. Repeat this four times.

  • The room will go dark and he will vanish. Now the side door is open. Go to the Throne Room.

  • The Ink Machine will then fall through the roof of the room and crash down into the pit below as you exit the area.

Note: Beast Bendy's throne Room contains

-A tiny Boris plushie on the right arm rest.

-Many Alice Angel halos hung up on the horns.

-Tall spikes circling the back and sides, each impaling the heads of Butcher Gang members.

-Projectionist heads surrounding the back and sides that display the cartoons.

-The legs of the chair are enveloped with inky puddles.

-The steps up to the chair are gears.

-The holder for The Last Reel is located next to the left arm rest.

  • When first entering Joey's Apartment, a little Bendy drawn on a piece of paper is taped on the door behind you. It just says "Take a look around! The devils in the details!"

  • Several of the BATIM storyboards have stills of things that happen during each secret flashbacks. Such as the Miner Searcher, the Giant Searcher, the Lost Ones arms, etc

  • One of the newspaper clippings clearly show the headline "PHYSICIST DISCUSSES HIS THEORY ON WORMHOLES"

  • Many pages are hung up on yet another letter board. They all have signatures from ex-employees. All pages are torn from a very special book. Joey's own copy of the JDS Handbook. In other words, he made his workers "sign the devils book".

  • Joey's Animation Desk has a drawer that can open. It contains two response letters. One to Allison and one to Wally.

  • As an extra secret, if you die at every single encounter with enemies in the game, a special thing will be activated when you enter the area. A respawn pentagram can be seen tucked behind a board that's been cut out of the entrance door.

  • In the credits music, a very faint, very distant noise can be heard. Picking it out, cleaning it up, and reversing it gives a very big hint for the secret beginning being said in Joey's voice. It's a poem...

“I write this down in my days of old

My life as promised is now untold

He was there for my rise and fall

And I simply owe it to them all

Once the colosal wonders have now unfold

And the long have passed, the songs of old

I play leader in his twisted game

The stories I tell can only be the same

He takes delight in my moving pictures

Fueled by lost souls, trapped in inky black mixtures

I shall make them play apart

In my wonderful work of art

But lest one of them becomes astray

The demon will come to take my soul away

I stand waiting

On the Lighter Side of Hell"

Submitted January 31, 2019 at 01:52AM by Springtrapattacks

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