Thursday, January 31, 2019

Because my child had good grades, give your drawings to her!

Forgot to post the "hey I'm new here and I'm sorry if I put some dumb shit wrong here" for my first r/niceguys post.

devilsknifetotheyeet: Me (4'9 potato with schizophrenia and antisocial issues that has breakdowns often and is anxious 24/7 with a shitty voice of reason in my head)

EM: Entitled Mother

KD: Kind Dad (Also my school's counsellor that I get sent to way more often because of my mental issues haha)

EB: Entitled Brat/Child

E: Employee (Aidyn's elder brother and also current supervisor)

So, I'm an artist (not professional, just hobbyist). I often bring my A4 sized black hard cover sketchbook, wireless earphones, wired earphones, a small phone for my music and my drawing tablet (it's Samsung) with me everywhere I go. It's my soul separated into items and I can have a panic attack if I ever leave one at home. Anyways, tis was a rather hot day yesterday here in Australia (obviously dear god it's summer, it was like, 86 degrees out here) and I was taking a walk with a good friend of mine, Aidyn.

We had our homes the same way so we often did this with my dog, Vodka (weird name, I know). We were just having a good time, chatting and stuff when I decided to go into a café in which I'm a regular at for a break and a drink. Aidyn didn't want to, and offered to bring Vodka on the walk herself and go home. Usually I'm not okay with this, saying I'll just go home instead, but I had this really bad craving for drinks in a café that I just said, "Aight, bet." We said our goodbyes, I told Vodka to not be a bother, and walked into the café.

The employees greeted me and I greeted them back. I ordered a caramel latte. I took my usual seat (corner next to window) and set up my 'art altar'. Basically, my sketchbook open on the left, my tablet and its holder to keep it upright in front of me, a drink on my right, my phone right beside my tablet with music playing (headphones included, duh. Can't let anybody listen to me blasting Bring Me to Life, hah) and yeah, that's my setup.

I get my order, sit down, start music and plug my wireless earphones in. I was working on a The World Revolving animatic at the time (still am, I only have 30 frames done right now) but decided for a break and finish up a complex art piece. I made sure to have my sketchbook open for character references. About fifteen minutes in, I see a family walk inside. A father (rather kind and aged looking), a mother (the retailers know what I mean, talking loudly on her phone, hand on her hip, 'let me see your manager' haircut) and a child (nothing special looking about her aside from wearing a pretty expensive looking pair of shoes, how much should I bet they're Yeezys ha).

The mother was ordering something, didn't bother to hear because one, she was loud, I had to raise the volume, and two, why would I want to do that-- Anyways. I just rose the volume for my music and continued to draw. My face looks like I'm angry but seriously I'm always focused at this type of stuff, it just looks like I'm glaring. The family gets their order and sits down beside me at a table for three. The father was closest to me, so he smiled down when walking past and said a greeting. I smiled back and nodded in acknowledgement since I am a good girl and he is my school counsellor.

After around three minutes, I felt a presence beside me. I didn't turn my head but my eyes peer at the figure. It was the child, around 5-6 years old. It wasn't surprising, a lot of kids stare at me as I draw, so I shrug it off. It was a pretty nice drawing of Jevil and Spade King from Delta Rune (that game ruined me). Suddenly, she reaches out and tries to take my sketchbook and tablet. My instinct immediately kicked in. I slapped her hand away. I would have just said, "No, this is mine," but her hand was fast. Whenever someone reaches for my things fast, my first instinct is to slap.

The child stumbled back slightly, holding her hand. Her lip quivered and she called out for her mother. EM came over to me, this exchange occurs:

EM: Excuse me, what did you just do?!
Devilsknife: I'm sorry ma'am, but your kid was trying to grab my things.

EM: Ugh, so?! She's just a kid, at least let her see!
Devilsknife: I won't mind her seeing, but she was trying to grab.

EM: And you slapped her hand?!
Devilsknife: (long pause)
Devilsknife: ...yes.

EM: That's child abuse, you know!
Devilsknife: Cool! Okay! I did a mistake slapping your kid's hand, I'm sorry!

-Around this point, a few heads turn to us. I'm not a confrontational person and if people look at me during a confrontation you better expect me to have a breakdown.-

EM: You should give her these! -She gestures to my tablet and sketchbook- For slapping my child who did nothing wrong!
Devilsknife: I'll give her an apology but I am not giving her the things I paid for because your child tried to take without asking.

EB: Why should I ask?!
Devilsknife: Beca-

EM: Yeah, why should she?! She's top of her class, smartest in her grade and aced her exams!

Devilsknife: I-I really don't care?
EM: What?! You probably failed your courses. It doesn't matter anyway, give it here!
-EM legit shoots her hand out to grab my sketchbook. I panic immediately. I slam it shut, making a loud 'BAM' echo through the usually calm and quiet café playing jazz or smth like that and clutch all three phone, tablet and sketchbook tight to my chest, standing up.-

EM: How... dare you!
Devilsknife: Don't touch these things, these are mine.

-The father stands up, setting a hand on her shoulder.-

KD: EM, come on, sweetheart, she's still young, don't take stuff from her.

EM: Can't you see?! She slapped our child's hand!
KD: I see that, but-

EM: She's probably hiding some sketchy stuff!

-I know she meant some illegal creepy shit but I can't help but snort. 'Sketch', 'sketchbook' haha. Apparently this did not fly well.-

EB: Mommy, she's laughing at you!
Devilsknife: God damnit. Look, ma'am, please. I'm sorry I slapped your kid's hand but I am NOT giving you this sketchbook!
-Around this time, an employee (he was Aidyn's elder brother), walked up to me.-
E: Excuse me, what's happening here?
EM: This rude girl -jabs a finger in my direction, damn that nail breaking would def hurt- took my daughter's drawing book and tablet!



yeah excuse me what the fuck-


-E looks at me while I just look like I'm about to have a nervous breakdown. I usually get like this when accusations are upon me. One more and---

E: Uhuh, sure, what else?
EM: She also slapped my child!

-And there goes sanity. I drop back to my seat, phone and tablet cluttering onto the sofa chair thing while my sketchbook drops to the ground. EB tries to get on her knees and grab bit but KD holds her wrist, pulling her back slightly. My mind went a bit fuzzy.with the panic, but I made out that KD was in front of me, holding my shoulders, trying to calm me down, E was looking done with EM's stupid bullshit accusations and EB was bawling her eyes out saying, "I WANT MY DRAWINGS, MOMMY!" After a few minutes, one to two I think, I finally get a grasp on my senses.-

-Lmao whoops what senses back to a panic attack I go. I grip my hair, tugging tightly, my glasses were taken off my KD so I won't like, step on them or smth if they fell. After a few more seconds, KD calmed me down, helped me drink the iced water he ordered (why would someone order ice water in a cafe, I dunno, but it was helpful) and I was taking deeper breaths and calming down.-

E: Ma'am, I can't do that.

EM: WHAT?! Why not?! She stole my sweet daughter's things which I bought her since she was doing so well in school AND slapped her!
E: Because I know for a fact those things do not belong to your daughter. However, I can suspend her from coming back here if I get evidence that she slapped your daughter.

EM: Sweetie, tell the man--


Devilsknife: Oh my god

E: Not from you or your child. Sorry, Devilsknife, not you too. I need to hear it from the father.

EM: KD, tell him how that brat slapped our sweet EB!
-KD scowled slightly but sighed. He looked at the EB, still bawling, and his wife who glared at me and then at me, the 4'9 female with tears in my eyes that had both nervous breakdown and panic attack happen in a short span of time.-

KD: Sir, she did slap my daughter (side note, when he said this, I was about to cry) but for a good reason. EB was reaching out to grab Devilsknife's things.

E: That's all I needed to hear, thank you, sir.

-E pats my shoulder and I gave him a weak smile. He looks at EM and EB, who was fuming at KD.-

E: Ma'am, I'm afraid your husband has said it. You owe Devilsknife an apology.

E: You are apologising to her or else I am kicking you out of this café for not only accusing a fake crime, but also claiming things and making a scene. If you haven't noticed, my customers are trying to have a good time in this here cafe.

-EM was sputtering things including multiple curses and offensive words while KD shook his head solemnly at his wife. EB was still crying and them EM scowled at KD.-

KD: Because I'm tired of this, EM. You're always 'entitled' to so many things even if you aren't. I put up with it because I love you and EB both, but I can't stand it if you raise her this way. This girl was just drawing, doing nothing wrong. Why would I defend you lying twice?
-EM begins YELLING at him about how he's a horrible father for "making little EB cry" and EB was yelling also that she should have gotten my stuff while I just honestly wanted to abscond.-

EM: Wh-

EB: Huh?!
KD: ...
E: Ma'am, you are creating more of a ruckus, I NEED YOU TO LEAVE, NOW!

E: Manager is away on a family trip, but if you'd like, I can get the supervisor.
E: Cool, hold on.

-He walked off a few steps, turned back to us and walked up, arms crossed.-

E: I'm E. Sorry the manager is away, I'm supervisor.
EM: What-!
E: And as supervisor I suggest you leave now before I call security.

-EM sputters out cusses in front of her child towards E and I before grabbing EB's wrist.-

EM: Come on, KD, let's leave.

E: Your husband can stay if he wants to.

KD: I'd like to stay for a while.

-EM only scowls and walks away. When she was gone from sight (I think she went to the park where Aidyn was, god save the mother if the kid wants my dog too because Aidyn won't be afraid to cuss out a human). Once both mom and child was away, E snapped out of his 'serious' state and apologised profusely to KD, who only laughed it off. KD got a discount on his next drink which he ordered again, a black coffee and a refill for ice water to calm me down more even if the ice water was free oof ha.-

E and I had another school counselling session which felt better than ever since he did get to see me hold my nerve. Thing is, before counselling, any type of confrontation would make my voice of reason say, 'let's attack' and I'd immediately snap aggressively. Since counselling, I've gotten better.

That coffee I tasted was better than ever and I had a smile on my face. KD also said my art improved and I felt prouder.

Submitted February 01, 2019 at 04:01AM by devilsknifetotheyeet

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