Sunday, December 9, 2018

[Translation] Frederica's birthday 2018, Q&A tweets


Birthday Q&As may have spoilers up to at least the current end of the web novel.

Rough translation:

Hey, hello!

Today, December 6th, is the birthday of Re: Zero's Frederica Baumann. Frederica's name appeared briefly in arc two, and she began actually appearing in arc four; she's one of the perfect maids without flaws.

Her main arc will be in the latter part of the latter part, but I'll be taking questions as part of the birthday tradition.

Feel free to reply to this tweet. Well, bring it on!

Q: I'd like to know a story from when Frederica and Ram were working together!

A: Frederica is the senpai maid, so she always to interact with Ram and Rem as the senior, and tried to take the initiative and lead, but Ram hasn't changed since she was little, so no matter what she said, it didn't get through to her. She wouldn't respect her, either. Rem is Rem, and that was right around the time she wouldn't look to anyone but Ram, so it was sort of a lonely time. Petra is the best.

Q: If Frederica and Emilia were to arm-wrestle, who would win?

A: They're pretty evenly matched... if she beast-changed, then Frederica, if not then Emilia.

Q: What does she think about Clind-san? Has there been any change in her feelings between the past and now?

A: In the past, he was her first love, and now she's trying to forget that.

Q: Is there anything that Frederica-san has trouble dealing with?

A: If you're talking about the full range of maid responsibilities, there isn't any particular area she has trouble with. If you look at fields outside of that, she has trouble with rain and thunder. She gets soaked, and surprised, after all.

Q: Can Frederica handle her alcohol?

A: I think she's probably not too good or bad at it. It doesn't seem like she'd dislike drinking. I think tipsy Frederica nee-sama is cute.

Q: Are Frederica and Emilia good friends?

A: Well, about as good as you'd normally expect. Everyone in the Emilia camp is good friends. Aside from Roswaal.

Q: How does she feel about Petra?

A: She's the loveliest in the world.

Q: Frederica adores Petra; how does she feel about Petra's love?

A: If she's chosen Subaru-sama, then that's good and bad....but, she wants Petra to find happiness, and on that point, Subaru-sama isn't bad, but Subaru-sama has his heart set on someone, and he does have some attractive points as a gentleman, but Petra deserves the best possible future, so she's not sure she can leave that point to him character limit...

Q: What are Frederica-san's hobbies?

A: Collecting dolls, and putting cute clothes on them. She doesn't think that cute clothing looks good on her large frame, so it seems she enjoys that kind of play. Recently Petra tries on different outfits for her, and she's satisfied. But, she's a little shy about it when Petra tries to get her to try different outfits, too.

Q: Compared to Rem, how is her maid power?

A: Higher than Rem. If Rem is ten, then Frederica is around fifteen. Ram is two. Petra is eight.

Q: I get the impression that Frederica is very tall, but how tall is her height actually being depicted as? Please tell me in comparison to the other members of Re: Zero.

A: Her character page lists her height as 176 cm. In Re: Zero, Subaru is 172 cm, Emilia is 164 cm, and such, so as a woman, she's fairly tall. She might be the tallest of the current female characters.

Q: If Frederica were to take the trials, what would she see?

A: "Trials" can only be seen by people with regrets, so Frederica nee-sama doesn't have the qualifications to take the trials.

Q: In terms of their fighting skill, which of Frederia and Garfiel is stronger?

A: Overwhelmingly Garf. A serious Frederica is about the same as Rem.

Q: What were the circumstances of her becoming a maid?

A: She was living in "Sanctuary", and was able to leave the forest since she was a quarter-beastman. Due to that, to be ready for the day that "Sanctuary" was opened, or that Garfiel came to the outside, in order to be able to help everyone, she went to find a place for them in the outside world. After that, it's just the normal flow of relying on Roswaal, and becoming a maid at the Mathers household.

Q: In the period when Garfiel had trouble dealing with Otto and was somewhat prickly towards him, did Frederica scold him, try to do something about it... was there anything like that?

A: Garfiel's problems are Garfiel's problems, and there wasn't any hostility to it, so I think she just kept an eye on it like normal. It would be different if someone had come to talk to her about it, but no one was really too troubled by it.

Q: What games does it seem like Frederica would play in Re: Zero Academy?

A: Frederica-sensei is famous for liking board games. She's not that good at them, but she's the advisor for the non-powered game club, so she's having fun with it. She's not good at them.

Q: Who is Frederica's instructors in martial arts and housework? Out of the entire story, what position would Fredrica's fighting strength and housekeeping ability be?

A: For the most part, Frederica's instructor was Clind. Comparing fighting strength is difficult, but her housekeeping ability is top-class in this story. Likely, if you set aside Clind, her housekeeping strength would destroy most opponents.

Q: Just after she became a maid, how good was Frederica at housekeeping and cooking?

A: When she had newly become a maid, she'd hardly been taught anything yet, so there wasn't anything she could do. There was only that, when she was leaving "Sanctuary", she'd been taught the recipe for meat pies by Lewes, so the beginning of Frederica's maid life was practicing until she could make them. Furthermore, Clind instructed her.

Q: Frederica is the main character, right?

A: Everyone is the main character of their own story, of course.

Q: To Frederica, what are Ram and Garfiel?

A: Frederica nee-sama's looks on them as a little sister and little brother, so she dearly wishes for both of them to become happy.

Q: Between Fredrica and Ram, which is stronger?

A: If they went at it without warning, Frederica would win. If you give them time to make various preparations in advance, Ram would come up with strategies for this and that, and she could turn it into a good fight. I don't feel like asking 'which is stronger' is that helpful.

Q: How did you think up the name "Frederica Baumann"?

A: Frederica herself showed up somehow or other when I was writing arc two, and Baumann was just for the sound of it. The Re: Zero characters are all that way, but more so than most, I think that Frederica Baumann is a name that feels good to say.

Q: Did Frederica have a time that was sort of a rebellious period?

A: There was no one for her to be rebellious against... No, maybe she had a rebellious period against Clind. Maybe that's still ongoing.

Q: When they're beast-changed, between Frederica and Garfiel, which is bigger?

A: It's Garfiel, indeed. Frederica becomes sort of like an actual leopard, and Garfiel becomes larger than an actual tiger. An actual tiger is quite large, too.

Q: Was Frederica taking care of Meili? Did the two of them ever chat or something?

A: Everyone was taking care of Meili, so of course, I think there were times when Frederica was taking care of her, too. Frederica is basically kind to everyone, so she took a suitable attitude towards Meili as well. Having said that, she was aware of having been involved in Elsa's death, so perhaps she didn't try to get that close.

Q: What impression does she have of Ram (not of when the two of them were together, but her now that she's forgotten Rem)?

A: She's very worried about her, as she's being too hard on herself in regards to her forgotten sister. Out of the Emilia camp, Frederica is the one that worries about Ram the most.

Q: Please tell me her first impression of Subaru!

A: I'd heard of it beforehand, but he's a gentleman with an scary look to his eyes, isn't he.

Q: After Frederica left Sanctuary, what was the first thing she experienced that she couldn't in Sanctuary?

A: Firstly, to one who had been raised in a place where there was nothing but forest, a place like a 'town' was something beyond her imagination. Shopping, an environment where various people lived bunched together, being able to walk boldly in a place where she'd heard she'd be persecuted. Frederica's first experience was perhaps that sort of thing, where what she took as common sense was destroyed.

Q: The long-skirt maid outfit looks very good on Frederica, but what kind of reaction would she have if she wore a mini-skirt outfit like Ram or Petra...?

A: She'd say "It wouldn't look good on a large lady like me, after all. This sort of clothing is for adorable girls like Petra or Ram... at the very least, cute on the outside.", and she wouldn't wear it.

Q: Please tell me a bittersweet episode from the time when Frederica called Clind onii-sama!

A: When Frederica was little, Clind treated her as importantly as a princess, so from how to treat a lady to the mindset of a servant, she learned it all from Clind. She declared that, in the future, she would become a maid that Clind wouldn't be ashamed of, but Clind replied "The future, is it. Hopes and fears.", already lamenting the future.

Q: Frederica's reaction when she was given mayonnaise to eat...!

A: "Mm!? M,mmm~! Tha...that's not half-bad!"

Q: In the novel, there was a scene with Subaru wearing Frederica's maid outfit, but has Frederica ever has a chance to wear a butler outfit?

A: Frederica's chest is a little big, so the butler outfit might be a little too small. Incidentally, the time when Subaru was dressing as a woman, that was Frederica's dress, too. More than you'd expect, the two of them have been sharing Frederica's dresses without her permission, and such.

Q: What was Frederica nee-sama's first impression of Emilia-tan?

A: Since she's a half-elf, she's probably had a very hard life up until now. Hence, I'll have to be kind to her so nothing unpleasant happens to her here at the Miload manor. (Frederica and Emilia's first meeting was after the time Emilia was mistaken for a maid.)

Q: Subaru gives the girls of the Emilia camp nicknames: Emilia > Emilia-tan, Rem > Rem-rin, Ram > Ram-chi, Beatrice > Beako, is what he called them I think, but if he were to give Frederica a nickname, what might it be?

A: Rika-chama. Respect to Higurashi.

Q: Can Frederica handle the cold well? If Frederica had been there for Memory Snow, I wonder how she'd have reacted...!!!

A: I think Frederica-san is really not good at all with the cold. I won't say it's as bad as Ram, but she'd add earmuffs to the ice season maid outfit, and she'd probably basically be hugging someone for warmth. In that case, there's a good chance she and Ram would be hugging each other.

Q: On the battlefield, besides using beast-change, can Frederica nee-sama use magic to attack as well?

A: Frederica hasn't developed the magical side of things, so she can't launch magic attacks. Her affinity is wind magic, but she's no match for Ram, so she's completely devoted to physical combat. When she's beast-changed into the female leopard state, most opponents are no match for her.

Q: If there's a pleasant episode with young Frederica and Clind, I'd like to know about it.

A: When Frederica was a child, she used to follow handsome, kind Clind around no matter where he went. She'd be jealous if he was kind to anyone else, then she'd openly tell him that and get a sad smile in return...... It's something the current Frederica would like to forget.

Q: Is Frederica the type of onee-chan who bathes with her younger brother even after she's gotten older?

A: Above all, Frederica is the type of onee-chan who dislikes bathing. But, she uses reason to supresses her instinct to dislike it, and gets in the bath. She gets back out extremely quickly. However, washing her hair is a lot of trouble. Getting in with Petra is fun, so she stays a long time. Garfiel is in and out in a flash.

Q: Besides her maid outfits, does Frederica have any other clothes?

A: The dress Subaru used when he dressed as a woman and such was Frederica's dress. She doesn't often have a chance to wear them, and she lacks the courage to wear them, so she does have cute clothing but she can't wear them. Also, for her birthday, Clind sends gifts of cute clothing as though he was teasing her.

Q: As of arc six, how does Frederica interact with Roswaal?

A: Most likely, having learned of Roswaal's true nature, she treats him with less care, but she's the one person whose dealings with him are mostly unchanged from before arc four, so she still treats him with respect. Even if her benefactor has done some foolish things, the debt for what was done for her is unchanged. The thanks she felt at that time, as well. That sort of feeling.

Q: Are Frederica-san's casual clothes long skirts as well?

A: That's right. I think her casual clothes are long skirts, too. Personally, I think she'd look great even in men's clothing. With her hair gathered in the back, wearing black gloves, Frederica nee-sama in a black suit. What do you think of that?

Q: Has Frederica ever thought that she'd like to have short hair?!

A: When she was little, she was advised "Growing your hair long might be attractive. Pretty.", so since then, she's grown her hair long. I don't think she's often thought that she'd like to shorten it.

Q: Why does Frederica wear her hair long?

A: It's because, long ago, she was told it would be attractive to wear it long.

Q: Will Frederica's father make an appearance after this?

A: Yes.

Q: What sort of feelings does Frederica-san have towards Otto?

A: He's a man who shoulders many responsibilities, so there's no end to his troubles. We're a camp where men who aren't like that are uncommon, though...... no one would complain if he set down his burdens a little bit. I'm sure he himself is the last one who would allow that. That part of Otto-sama really is what makes him Otto-sama.

Q: Between Frederica and Rem, which is superior as a maid?

A: In overall terms, it's Frederica by a small margin, though they'd both be classed as super-superior maids, so there's not much meaning to competing over which is better.

Q: What was the win-loss ratio for Frederica and Garfiel's battles(?) when they were little?

A: An unbroken string of losses for Garfiel.

Q: Out of the Re: Zero characters currently appearing, please tell me which one Frederica would just barely defeat in a serious fight.

A: That would be Rem.

Q: For her to be able to defeat an oni, Frederica is stronger than I thought...! Thank you very much!

A: Actually, Rem isn't that strong of an oni, you know. She only has one horn, so she's physically weaker than a normal oni. She does try to make up for it with magic and weaponry, though.

Q: If someone were to attempt to abduct Frederica, how might she react?

A: I think perhaps she'd beast-change, and leave the abductor behind in moments.

Q: At what point was it determined that Frederica would appear?

A: Her name appears in arc two, so it was from arc two.

Q: What's the origin of Frederica's name?

A: Somehow or other, when I was trying to think of a high-class name, that name came to me.

Q: What does Frederica think about Garfiel and Mimi?

A: To begin with, Frederica hasn't encountered Mimi, so she hasn't heard anything yet.

Q: It seems that she wears down her teeth by biting knives, but does she trim her claws with a similar method?

A: She doesn't do things like wearing down her claws like a cat does, so I think she probably trims them with a nail clipper.

Q: Setting aside Ram and Garf that she's known since long ago, which member of the Emilia camp is Frederica most fond of?

A: With those conditions, I can only say Petra...

Q: When she returns from beast-changing, what happens with her clothes?

A: If she didn't have time to remove them, they're torn. Even in the novel, they got torn so she wrapped up in a curtain.

Q: How does Frederica, the perfect maid, evaluate Subaru's sewing technique?

A: If it was a world where everything depended on sewing, it would be alright to let him take care of Petra.

Q: I'd like to ask what Frederica's favorite animal is.

A: She likes cows and pigs and such. Since she's a meat eater.

Q: I'd like to know which of the male members of the Emilia camp she considers most dependable!

A: He does have various problems, but despite that, she thinks it's Roswaal. Frederica is the type that believes people are basically good.

Q: Happy Birthday! Please tell me her favorite food!

A: It's meat. For example, if they're eating grilled meat, she'll eat it cooked blue or blue rare. She resists the urge to eat raw meat.

Q: Does she have any unexpected hobbies or such?

A: I'm not sure if it's unexpected, but she collects dolls, and dresses them up. She thinks that cute clothes don't look good on her due to her large frame, so she puts cute clothes on the dolls. Petra is there now, so she lives for Petra's fashion shows.

Q: Does Frederica nee-sama use metaphoric sayings as well?

A: Not as frequently as Garfiel, but she does sometimes use sayings that actually exist. As well, even though she doesn't like to think about it, she'll repeat sayings she was taught by Clind, that have worked their way into her thoughts, about the mindset of a servant.

Q: Since she was always written of as having a scary face, I thought "She must be fairly rough-looking.", but when I saw the illustration of her, it was different than I had imagined, and cute. How was it when you saw the illustration, Professor Cat? Was it different than your mental image, perhaps?

A: I don't have a mental image of the characters when I'm writing, so what Ootsuka-sensei draws is my image. Hence, it's never been different from my mental image, and it never will be.

Q: What did Frederica think of Rem?

A: She doted on her, but Rem stubbornly refused to call her Frederica nee-sama, and that was the period that she would only look to Ram, so she felt like there was a wall between them.

Q: It seems her tooth issues were corrected by Clind-san, but was she gnawing on hard things and such until then?

A: Regardless of the place, she had the bad habit of chewing on various things when her teeth became itchy, but that's been fixed. Now, she chooses the place, carefully picks things that are alright to chew on, and chews on them. She has the sort of body where her teeth continue to grow, after all. It's the same as rodents.

Q: I'd like to know about Frederica and Ram's first meeting, and Frederica and Roswaal's first meeting, indeed.

A: I did the former one in the story "Oni Sisters of the Hidden Village". The latter one, perhaps someday in Frederica's named chapter.

Q: What might she feel about how Garfiel has fallen for Ram?

A: Even for my little brother, he's chosen quite a thorny path, indeed...

Q: Is there anything like a killer move that Frederica can do when she's beast-changed?

A: If I had to say, I think maybe something like dashing in at super high speed and biting her opponent, then doing a 'death roll' where she twists around while still biting and ripping them apart, but the Re: Zero world doesn't have that much of the concept of killer moves.

Q: Is her power as a maid greater than RemRam?

A: If by power as a maid, you mean what you might call her collective strength at maid duties, then it goes without saying that she's overwhelmingly greater than Ram, and perhaps greater than Rem by a small margin. Rem is just slightly better at cooking, and Frederica would win at everything else, that sort of mental image.

Q: Around how dangerous are Frederica's fangs?

A: She wears them down by gnawing on knives and such, so if she really wanted to, she could chew up iron, couldn't she...

Q: What sort of a situation with a man would Lady Frederica long for?

A: Where he picks her up in a princess carry.

Q: How method of interaction does Frederica use with newly hired servants? If Frederica had continued to work, I was curious about how her interaction would have gone with servant Subaru at the time of arc two.

A: It would have been the same interaction that she had with Petra, but Petra is outstandingly excellent, and outstandingly cute, so the handling after that would have been quite different. She's been the senior to many maids, so she'd have been properly polite. Subaru is fairly handy, too, so he wouldn't have been much trouble as a student.

Q: What kind of birthday gifts would the people of the Emilia camp give to Frederica?

A: At the current point in time, Frederica is the highest authority in the mansion (in terms of balance of power), so she'd be sent things that were good as bribes...I'm kidding, but they're all people who are being helped out by her, so I think they'd run around a fair amount for her. Petra would put the most effort into the present, so maybe the rest of them would be little things as thanks for her work from day to day.

Q: What food is Frederica-san best at making?

A: The food that's her best specialty is the meat pie that she learned from Lewes, and that Roswaal further perfected.

Q: If you were to try petting beast-changed Frederica, how would that go?

A: She's a leopard, so I have the mental image of her hair not being that long, but the feel of it would be smooth like you'd touched an incredibly good carpet, I think.

Q: I'd like to request a Frederica episode in the Emilia camp that would make you smile.

A: Actually, it's rare for there to be as many people at the Roswaal manor as there are now, so she's running about every day saying "Ah, I'm so busy, I'm so busy" while enjoying it, and until she becomes used to it she'll be doing her job with a grin; Ram will tell her "That's eerie." and her face will get red and she'll be upset. Perhaps something like that has happened.

Q: In the bottom of her heart, what does she think about Garf liking Ram?

A: At the bottom of her heart or not, she's not trying to hide anything; she thinks her little brother's romance will be a thorny path, just like normal. She knows about Ram's firm feelings about the one she cares about, so even while thinking that it's going to be rough, it's her little brother so she looks at it in a favorable light.

Q: Happy Birthday? (note: written in English)

A: Yes, Happy Birthday! (note: written in the phonetic Japanese characters approximating the English pronunciation)

Q: Height, weight, and other physical specs.

A: In the story details, it's written that her height is 176 cm, and her weight is lighter than the hairballs she sheds at the change of the seasons.

Q: Is beast-change a skill that's specific to Frederica and Garf?

A: It's an ability that can be used by any half-beast. They normally learn how to control it when they're little, so Frederica can control it, but Garfiel didn't learn so it's sort of like he goes berserk.

Q: While working as a maid at the Roswaal manor, is there any of Roswaal's behavior that made her think "I wish he'd stop that, at least."?

A: She wishes he would stop plotting.

Q: Frederica Bauman, I'd like to request the origin of that name.

A: It's refined, with a priority on the sound of it.

Q: In arc four, Garfiel was surprised that Frederica had grown taller; around how many centimeters did she grow after leaving Sanctuary??

A: I think you'll understand if you look at the frontispiece of the novel, when Frederica left "Sanctuary" she was only around seven or eight years old, so since then she'd probably grown around eighty centimeters.

Q: Does Frederica-san never try to cut her hair?

A: A long time ago, she was told it would be attractive to grow it out, so she's left it grown out.

Q: What is Frederica nee-sama's greatest speciality dish?

A: The meat pie she learned directly from Lewes. After leaving "Sanctuary", when she began to study various things as a maid, the first dish she learned to make was this meat pie, too.

Q: Between Rem and Frederica, which is stronger?

A: It's a pairing where, depending on the situation, it wouldn't be odd for either of them to win.

Q: Did maid outfits exist in this world from the time that Frederica and the rest were collected and began working for Roswaal? I'm curious if maid outfits were created by a person summoned from some other world who was especially good at sewing.

A: They've existed normally from long ago. There's no story detail about them having been handed down and crafted by anyone in particular.

Q: Congratulations! What was Frederica's impression of Elsa? (After they fought)

A: I don't think it's changed from 'the worst sort of abnormal person'.

Q: Does Frederica like Ricardo? Even if he's lost his right arm?

A: There's no point of contact between the two of them!

Q: Does Frederica have a magic affinity?

A: Not really. In theory, she has an affinity for wind, but she hasn't developed it.

Submitted December 10, 2018 at 03:15AM by WintryOne

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