Saturday, December 1, 2018

Respect Vento of the Front (Toaru Majutsu no Index)

Respect Vento of the Front

Thanks to Zemsun and Wolfo0 for their contribution to this Respect Thread

Bio: Vento of the Front is a member of God's Right Seat, a secret magical organization within the dark side of the Roman Catholic Church. She's a magician that holds a deep grudge towards science due to an accident that resulted in her brother's death. Her shocking appearance coupled with her unpleasant demeanor is purposefully meant to trigger negative emotion.

“I am Vento of the Front. The ultimate weapon among two billion people.” She gave her ultimatum. “I will crush everything tonight. You, Academy City, Imagine Breaker, the Index Librorum Prohibitorum...everything.” - Vento of the Front

Old Testament

Divine Punishment

Description of Weapon: Wind Hammer

She held a giant hammer that exceeded a meter in length. Sharp barbed wire was wrapped around it from halfway up the grip to the very top. It may have been to prevent anyone from grabbing the handle or it may have been a ceremonial decoration.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 55)

The piercings in Vento’s face qualified as “metal piercing flesh”, so they possessed the attributes of the nails used to hold the Son of God to the cross. Needless to say, the hammer represented the hammer used to nail the Son of God to that execution device.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 131)

Description of Divine Punishment

Looking disinterested, she said, “So you tell them to kill me without showing any change of expression. You may have killer intent, but no hostility. You do not even think of your enemy as an enemy, so you feel no guilt. Do you view it the same as pulling up some weeds? First that missile and now this. You really are rotten to the core. At least as much as I am.”

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 10)

“The silence is probably due to everyone being unconscious. This was done by a magician that entered the city! I want to know how her magic works. And if there’s a way to heal them, I want to know that too!!” He summarized what was happening in the city. Index fell silent and looked down as if thinking. As she continued running along the wet road, she finally looked back up. “That is probably...Divine Punishment.” “What?” “It uses a certain emotion as a key. Anyone feeling that emotion will be crushed no matter how far away they are! It is god’s Divine Punishment. No matter where you are or who you are, no one is allowed to spit on god!” explained Index. “Touma, did that magician show any sign of trying to induce a specific emotion in people!?” A specific emotion. Kamijou thought back to what he had seen of Vento of the Front. -She had purposefully provoked people with her words and actions. -She had purposefully worn makeup and piercings that people would be repulsed by. -She had purposefully attacked people who had nothing to do with the fight. It was possible Vento’s actions were needed for some magical reason, but it was also possible they played the role of leading people to feel a certain emotion. If that was the case... “Is it, hostility or malice? Is that the key to activate the Divine Punishment spell!?” It was true that Vento would be near invincible if she could pull off an attack like that. No one would be able to stand in her way. The instant someone tried, her magic would activate. Anti-Skill had tried to stop Vento when she passed through the gate without permission. The rest of Anti-Skill had been informed by radio that those initial Anti-Skill members had collapsed. And then the information had spread throughout the city via the news.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 157-158)

Vento's Divine Punishment is immediately triggered by hostile emotion

“That’s enough,” said Kihara with a sigh. “Kill her.” As soon as he gave the order, a group of the men in black around him held up their guns. But... “You should stop that.” Not even one of them managed to pull the trigger. Before they could, the men let out groans and collapsed to the ground. They had met no resistance. The attack was carried out so easily, that seemed the strangest thing about it. Most fell onto the wet roadway, but some fell directly on top of wreckage from the van Accelerator had destroyed. And yet they did not stir. They had been completely incapacitated. What exactly had happened to them? Kihara tapped a finger on the missile launcher barrel. No one else there could understand it, but that woman at least seemed to trust that power. In that situation, a single misstep could get her filled with holes, but her expression showed no change.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 10)

Vento's Divine Punishment will instantly incapacitate anyone who bares any type of malice directed towards her regardless of location

Kamijou was just about to look away from the Anti-Skill members. But before he did... He heard an odd noise. “...?” Kamijou stopped moving. An Anti-Skill member covered in defensive equipment had suddenly collapsed to the ground without warning. As he lay face down, the man sank into a puddle on the wet road. And yet he did not move an inch. No matter how waterproofed that equipment was, that was not a normal reaction. For example, would anyone be stupid enough to leap straight into a water puddle while wearing a raincoat? (...Is he unconscious?) [...] Even so, Kamijou still headed for the collapsed man. And then... It started happening all over the place. Kamijou heard a thudding noise. It was the sound of a human collapsing to the ground. And it did not stop there. He heard the sound again and again and again. “Wha-...?” Kamijou looked around in confusion and then froze in place. All of the Anti-Skill members patrolling the road had collapsed. They had not been struck by any kind of impact. They had simply collapsed to the ground. And yet they were not moving a finger or even trembling slightly. Kamijou could tell even from a distance. They had been rendered completely unconscious. “Wait...what the hell is going on!?”

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 12, pg 156-157)

People collapsed one after another. Amid the cold rain, the only sound ringing through the streets during that dark, dark night was that of bodies collapsing without resistance, without any great noise, without shed blood, and without a single scream. They were all adults wearing armored outfits designed to absorb shocks. The bright light of the streetlights reflected off the firearms that sank into puddles. They were members of Anti-Skill, the group in charge of Academy City’s law and order. After collapsing, they did not move. Not even a finger. Meanwhile, the sound of small footsteps could be heard. The slender silhouette of a woman walked through the rainy city while weaving between the victims who lay collapsed and motionless on the wet roadway. (Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 12, pg 160-161)

Vento's Divine Punishment incapacitates Yomikawa Aiho for the arbitrary thought of confronting the woman from a photograph who she feels is responsible for the mass disruption of Academy City

Yomikawa once more grabbed the postcard-sized piece of paper inside her parked car. It showed the Anti-Skill members collapsed in the rain and a woman wearing yellow standing in the middle of them all. (This woman...) She used a finger on her other hand to flick the woman in the middle of the photo. (Who is she? From the looks of her, I doubt she’s in need of protection. This looks more like she just defeated some of my colleagues.) An ominous feeling raced down Yomikawa’s spine. At the same moment, she felt anger at seeing her colleagues collapsed on the ground. (Well, if I see her, I’ll make sure to politely ask her some questions.) Despite that arbitrary thought, Yomikawa did not drive off in her sports car once more. A sudden shock ran through Yomikawa Aiho’s brain. “Ah...!?” She could not even cry out properly. All strength left her body and her upper body leaned up against the steering wheel. [...] At the same moment, Yomikawa Aiho completely lost consciousness. The road was free of cars. The city was much too quiet. The radio had given no response. It was possible something was progressing on an unbelievable scale.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 12, pg 43-44)

Vento's Divine Punishment incapacitates a hound dog member for expressing frustration regarding his mission's success rate

…Who is that woman? Dammit, she’s starting to keep our mission success rate down. Both Olaf and Lulu were-…” Just as he trailed off, the man in black collapsed to the floor. A thud rang loud in Kihara’s ears.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 116-117)

Vento's Divine Punishment incapacitates Uiharu Kazari who was watching a TV commentator discuss the events unfolding in Academy City. The TV commentator also collapses after delivering his announcement.

“Of course.” The commentator shook his head in a theatrical sign of disapproval. “They have gotten the children wrapped up in the adults’ issues. This is even worse than a simple attacker on the street. Honestly, who is that woman in the footage? People will occasionally neglect the lives of children, but letting ridiculous social nonconformists like that run free is-...” A thud was then heard. It was the sound of the commentator’s forehead hitting the table as he suddenly collapsed forward. [...] Uiharu Kazari did not reply to Shirai’s words. Her body leaned backwards unsteadily and then she collapsed onto the floor without providing any resistance. Shirai heard a surprisingly loud thud after which Uiharu showed no sign of moving.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 85)

Vento's Divine Punishment simply cannot reversed and those under the spell cannot be resuscitated unless the spiritual item is destroyed or the spell is purposefully ended

The subordinate continued, “However, supplying a constant amount from an oxygen tank did not help. We need to assume some sort of power is constantly at work here.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 116)

Index could not defend against Vento’s Divine Punishment spell. Ignoring exceptions such as Kamijou’s Imagine Breaker, anyone would be defeated as long as they met the requirement. And Index was someone who fought magicians that harmed others. But if they had no way of healing the victims, there was no point in lingering on that subject.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 158)

As Vento’s spiritual item had been destroyed, the residents of the city would be waking up in order. That spell had no aftereffects; it merely incapacitated one’s enemies. In a way, it was an ideal large scale suppression spell, but its effects were now gone.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 223)

Vento's Divine Punishment incapacitates about 70% of Anti-Skill in only a few dozen minutes and cripples 90% of Academy City sometime later in the night

“Oh? Are you not aware what state your city is in? Has it already lost the ability to send out reports? My bad, my bad. I have no way of counting how many enemies I crush. Ha ha. I guess the operators have collapsed too.” “...” “Sixty percent. Seventy percent. Eighty percent is probably going too far. But either way, one hundred percent will have collapsed before long. Anti-Skill and Judgment is what you call them, right? I’ll have your head before long since you only have those pathetic things to protect you. I hope you understand that it’s all over for you.”

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 12, pg 163-164)

The red light was being produced by the countless errors displayed on the many monitors. That meant there were enough anomalies occurring throughout Academy City to produce that much light. It was all caused by a single magician. It was all caused by a single member of God’s Right Seat. She had caused all this in Academy City, the city that had remained unshaken even by that Croce di Pietro. “...” In just a few dozen minutes, about seventy percent of Anti-Skill, the group meant to keep the peace in Academy City, had fallen victim to attack.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 12, pg 164-165)

(I have already taken away 90% of the city’s functionality. I still have the advantage. This just means Aleister is feeling cornered enough to bring out his secret weapon.)

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 130)

Vento's Divine Punishment's large scale suppression affects the entire country of Japan and begins to spread across the entire planet

A large screen was installed on one wall of a department store. It was displaying the news. The announcer’s frantic voice reached Vento’s ears. It seemed to be a public broadcast. “Um, currently reports of people suddenly losing consciousness are coming in from all over the country. The police are hurrying to identify the cause, but...” “Gah...” The pain and chill deep in her body prevented her from focusing on that news. Even so, she moved her bloody lips to speak. “So it’s spread there too. Designating a target for my attack is not easy. But I only needed... to suppress Academy City...” “Reports of the same symptoms are coming in from some areas overseas as well. This has begun to have an effect on the schedules of airports, railroads, and ships.” “Sigh...” Vento let out a deep breath before saying, “I hope there are no victims in the Vatican.” Her tone made it clear she did not care all that much.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 106)

And it was no longer contained within Academy City. The damage may have spread beyond the city and to Japan and the rest of the world via the news. Organizations that cooperated with Academy City might have been automatically informed of the situation, causing more victims. However... “Can they really do that? Is magic really that convenient!?”

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 158)

Vento's Divine Punishment has different effects depending on the level of negative feelings towards her which can range from unconsciousness, binding, and even the obstruction of external interference

“We are currently checking on the victims with the equipment we have on hand.” “Are they all in the same state?” “No. We have found three different varieties. It ranges from some who have simply lost consciousness as if they fell asleep to others who have stiffened up like a rock.” “What basis determines which variety they fall under? Where they collapsed?” “Even those who collapsed at the exact same place are divided between the different groups. We do not have enough information to say anything for sure,” continued the man in black. “We have not taken them to a research lab, so we have no accurate readings, but it seems those in the largest group of the collapsed decoys have an extremely low level of oxygen in their bodies. There is no visible necrosis to their body tissue, so they must have the bare minimum needed for their brains and organs to function.” “...So this artificially induces a state of apparent death.” Humans and all other animals had defensive instincts that lowered the functions of their body when they lacked what was needed to continue living. The simplest example would be hibernation. The subordinate continued, “However, supplying a constant amount from an oxygen tank did not help. We need to assume some sort of power is constantly at work here.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 116)

“The Divine Punishment spell probably has different levels based on the amount of hostility! It might knock them unconscious, bind their physical body, or even block out any external interference. But it is over no matter what level one is attacked by. They will likely never recover until the magician decides Divine Punishment is no longer needed!!” That was why everyone had collapsed.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 158)

Vento's Divine Punishment can kill the target if presented with enough hostility

“Malice. Very good.” The woman snickered. “But if you direct that malice at me, you will die,” she remarked, sticking out her tongue. There was a sound of metal against metal. She had a ring in her tongue. A thin chain, like a necklace chain, hung from the ring, reaching down to her hips. A small cross was attached to the tip of the chain.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 11, pg 208)

“Well, I would like to know who that was, but he would probably die before I could ask. Honestly, I’m really not suited for gathering information. Doing too much damage can be a problem.”

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 11)

It was the dirty-looking girl. Currently, she was glaring at Vento with blatant hatred. “Nice hostility you have there.” Vento snarled, “Your luck is rather good: If I had my original weapon, you would have died here.” The siren of the ambulance was closing in. Vento said nothing more, and disappeared into an alley between the houses.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 16, pg 199)

Explanation of God’s Right Seat and the Archangel Attribute
Vento fires wind projectiles that appear from trajectories that match where the Winds Hammer strikes the Divine Punishment spiritual item

The hammer was like a bat that launched heavy metal balls. A table was blown away, the floor was torn up, and the limbs of the collapsed men in black were blown off and landed on top of the collapsed customers. That filled Kamijou’s head with rage, but he had his hands full dealing with the wind weapons flying his way. [...] The masses of wind did not simply fly straight for him. Some curved from the right or left to cut off his path and some dropped straight down from above his head. “Hah hah. So that’s your rumored right hand. Nice effort!!” Vento raised the hammer and swung it forcefully down while laughing. This produced a mass of destructive wind. (Vertical!!) Kamijou frantically held his right hand above his head. The mass of wind blasted through from the right to the left. “...!!” Sweat poured from Kamijou’s entire body. He immediately bent his back to move just his upper body backwards. An unpleasant roar shot past his face and tore off a bit of the skin on the tip of his nose. The wall to his left was loudly smashed to pieces. The ceiling was already tilted and now it began vibrating even more. (What!? That wasn’t the same trajectory as the hammer!) Questions floated up in Kamijou’s head, but Vento would hardly answer if he asked. “Gya ha ha ha ha ha ha!! I love this!!” The long chain in Vento’s tongue swayed back and forth as she moved.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 62)

The chain attached to Vento’s tongue drew an arc from right to left as she moved. Vento forcefully swung the hammer vertically so it scraped along the chain. Orange sparks flew out. (!? For a while now...) A weapon of air blew the sparks away as it curved from the right to the left. (...the attack’s direction has been different from the hammer’s!?) It almost seemed to follow the trajectory of the chain attached to her tongue. (This pattern!?) It almost seemed to be guided by it. “You don’t mean... The cross on that chain!!” shouted Kamijou as he crushed the wind weapon with his right hand. Vento laughed in response. “Oh, did you find out!?”

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 65)

Vento's torrent of wind projectiles are able to keep Touma Kamijou from getting within five meters of her position

Vento nodded interestedly as she fired attack after attack of violent wind. She was handling Kamijou perfectly well. He could not get any closer than five meters.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 64)

Vento did not attack that frequently, but the trajectory of each shot was complex and he could only move after reading what that trajectory would be. His hand was starting to fall behind.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 73)

Vento uses the Wind Hammer to create projectile weapons out of the air that hold tremendous power

“I’ll do this!!” With that shout from the gut, Vento swung the hammer horizontally from one side to the other. With a roar of wind, a weapon of air appeared. Instead of Kamijou, she was aiming at one of the customers collapsed unconscious over a table. “Damn you!!” He immediately leaped over with his right hand stretched out. The end of his right hand touched the air weapon just before it reached the customer’s head and it burst in every direction. That strike had held a shocking amount of power. Anger filled Kamijou to the very core of his mind. Vento narrowed her eyes with great interest as she watched on.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 64)

Vento can produce a spiral of wind around her in response to the motion of her Divine Punishment spiritual item by swinging the Wind Hammer down to the ground

Kamijou ignored the circumstances and ran toward Vento without thinking. She stepped backwards while smiling. As she stepped back, she swung her head around. With the sound of scraping metal, the chain attached to her tongue spiraled around her. If Vento swung the hammer now, a spiral of destruction would appear around her. “I’ll blast you all to pieces!!” roared Vento while moving her right hand. A great roar rang out.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 76)

The chain was wet with red blood and it was creating a spiral spear aimed for his face. A wind weapon appeared along that shape. “Gwahh!!” shouted Kamijou as he held out his right hand. He deflected Vento’s attack and a storm of air erupted around him. The direction of the rain was greatly changed for just a few seconds.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 180)

Vento can manifest the Wind Hammer from thin air

She produced a hammer wrapped in barbed wire from thin air and grabbed it.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 131)

Just as Kamijou was about to knock down the hammer with his right hand, the hammer suddenly disappeared into thin air. Kamijou’s fist sliced through the air and then Vento produced the hammer in her hand once more.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 181)


Vento's destroys Academy City’s third gate that protects the urban area districts and easily defeats the Anti-Skill unit defending it

“ the city. I repeat...kssshhh!! ...The gate has been destroyed! The intruder is headed for the urban area... Can anyone here me? My unit was taken out by an unknown atta-...gwah!?” The sound cut off with a noise like a TV being turned off.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 12, pg 158-159)

September 30, 6:33 PM. Vento of the Front, a member of God’s Right Seat physically breached Academy City’s third gate. At the same time, an unknown attack was activated which caused great damage to the keepers of the peace, Anti-Skill and Judgment.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 1)

Vento kills three of the Academy City governing board members

“Just to be sure... Do you really think I will fall for such a low level provocation?” “Oh? I crush three of your board of directors and you still call it ‘low level’?”

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 12, pg 162)

As a result of the weakened security, Vento killed three members of the board of directors.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 1)

Vento fires wind projectiles with the force of artillery shells that can destroy pillars, collapse walls and destabilize buildings

A great roar rang out. An unseen horizontal strike struck the pillar they had just been using as a shield. The attack struck the center of the pillar and the center bent to the side before it broke completely in two and flew into the wall. It happened with such great speed that the two pieces slammed deep into the wall like artillery shells and the wall crumbled. The entire building shook. The framework of the building must have been damaged because all the glass in the restaurant that had survived the men in black’s attack shattered with a high pitched noise.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 54)

Vento fires a wind weapon projectile that is powerful enough to tear up the ground beneath her and launch the debris like shrapnel

An even more powerful wind weapon flew at him. But this one flew at the floor just in front of Kamijou rather than at him directly. The flooring was torn up and transformed into sharp wooden splinters which flew at Kamijou. “Gyaaaaahhhhh!?” Instead of being stabbed in one spot, he was struck over his entire body. Kamijou was thrown backwards where he was sent rolling along the floor.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 66)

Vento sucked in some air and swung her hammer with all her might once more. The tongue chain wriggled like a living creature. Kamijou gave up trying to block it with his right hand and rolled backwards to evade it. He would never gain the upper hand if he only relied on Imagine Breaker. He used the momentum of his roll to move back even further and then stood up from the ground. The air weapon stabbed into the ground instead of him. Fragments of the asphalt flew through the air. As Kamijou used both arms to protect his face from the storm of rocks, he heard Vento’s painful voice.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 181)

Vento can amass several wind weapons to cause an explosion resulting in a shower of drill like projectiles that can destroy several dozen meters of asphalt

Kamijou clenched his right fist as tight as if it was a single solid object and charged toward Vento. But before his hand could reach her, Vento swung her hammer horizontally. This produced a blunt weapon made of air. But before it was fired, Vento rotated her wrist and swung the hammer up. With a great roar, a second weapon was created. The two weapons did not fly off in different directions. They ate into each other and become a single mass before exploding out in a fan shape like a shower. Hundreds of pointed air drills shot toward Kamijou all at once. He could defend against all of them with just his right hand. “Ahhhh!!” As he charged forward, Kamijou forcibly twisted his legs so he could roll to the side with all his strength. With a dull sound, the asphalt was torn up for several dozen meters behind him. The arm of his school uniform was ripped off and he felt the skin tearing as well.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 196-197)


Vento is fast enough to appear in Kihara Amata's field of vision without him noticing her movements

His view through the scope was suddenly filled with the color yellow. Kihara assumed something of the wrong scale was blocking his view, so he removed the scope from his eye. He found a strange woman standing a mere ten meters away. Cold raindrops fell on the roadway. No other vehicles or pedestrians were on the large road. That woman stood alone on the wet road that reflected the traffic lights and the bright white lights coming from building windows. Kihara had not noticed her at all up until that moment.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 7)

Vento dodges Touma Kamijou's blow by jumping 3 meters in the air using magic and then counter kicks him into the ground

Vento of the Front used a single hand to jab her giant hammer toward Kamijou. In response, Kamijou swung his clenched right fist at Vento with all his strength. He heard the sound of something slicing through the air. It did not come from Vento swinging her hammer. It was the sound of Vento jumping three meters straight up into the air. She had not dodged down or to either side; she had dodged straight up. She had likely used some form of magic that used the air. After Kamijou’s fist flew through empty air, his face was mercilessly struck by a flying kick counter. With a dull sound, he was knocked to the wet asphalt.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 180)

Vento can amass several wind weapons to create an attack, that moves at greater speed depending on the amount of weapons it is composed of, which not even Touma can react too. This attack merges multiple wind projectiles to augment their form and vectors similar to scientific fluid mechanics.

The hammer danced both horizontally and vertically to produce three blunt weapons. They swirled together into a single sharp stake and shot toward Kamijou. With a roar, the stake shot right by his ear. Kamijou had not evaded at the last second. He had been unable to react. It had missed because Vento’s aim had been off. Her strength would not last much longer. (She sends multiple blasts of wind into each other and their vectors join together to create a different blast of wind with a completely different direction and strength...)

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 198)

Vento swung her hammer around again and again while coughing up blood to produce seven different wind weapons. They ate into each other, their vectors were altered, and they swirled together to form one giant stake. Kamijou had not been able to react to the stake made of only three wind weapons. This was more than double that, so he could not even imagine how much power it would have. Even so, Kamijou did not hesitate. He did not try to evade. He gathered even more strength in his fist to intercept it head on. If the aim of his fist and the stake were off by even a few centimeters, his head would explode.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 204)


Vento is completely unharmed by an anti-tank missile

With that blank look on his face that could also be seen as dumbfounded, he casually pulled the trigger. This fired the anti-tank missile. A straight trail of smoke shot out and the missile stabbed at the center of the woman’s chest. Before anyone could see if her expression changed, the missile exploded and shockwaves and explosive flames were scattered throughout the area. A roar that shook the asphalt rang out. The rainwater that had covered the wide roadway like a film was completely blown away and the signs on the surrounding buildings rattled. A large number of leaves were blown from the branches of the trees lining the road. Perhaps due to the close proximity of the explosion, the men in black surrounding Kihara were all knocked away by the blast. Red flames and black smoke blocked Kihara’s view like cotton candy. But... After only about five seconds, a violent wind blew it all away. The flames and smoke completely disappeared in this new storm that had come from the center of the blast. In the center of the scorched, smashed, and scattered asphalt stood the woman as if nothing had happened. Both her clothes and her hair showed no sign of having been damaged or burned.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 8)


Vento is capable of some form of teleportation using magic

The woman’s silhouette disappeared into the dark. Had she really vanished or just made it seem that way? The old man didn’t think about it. He didn’t need to analyze the technique she’d used.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 11, pg 209)

She grabbed her hammer and swung it full-force at her feet. The asphalt was smashed to pieces with a great roar. “!!” Kamijou covered his face with both hands and Vento was gone by the time he could see again. (She disappeared? Wait, it can’t be!!) He frantically ran over to the railing. However, he could see nothing but the black river noisily flowing by when he peered down. The rain had swollen the river by quite a bit. Had she jumped down there? Or had she used some sort of magic?

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 133)

Vento can construct a spell to interfere with scientific angel Fuze Kazakiri's power causing her to detonate

“I doubt my true attack will be of any use against her right now. I don’t even know if she has the same type of mind as a human. But I will kill her! My own power may not be enough, but this is only an incomplete fallen angel! I can put together a spell to interfere with the internal control of her powers and cause her to self-destruct!! I can make this monster blow itself to smithereens with its own monstrous power!!”

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 13, pg 173)

The Queen of the Adriatic Sea

Description of The Queen of the Adriatic Sea

She had a piercing on her tongue with a thin chain connected to it. The chain extended down to about her waist where a transparent cross that seemed to be made of ice was connected to the end. The cross alone was different from what Kamijou remembered.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 20, pg 82)

All of a sudden, a giant structure had split through the snowy earth in the center of the plaza. The object that came up diagonally was a sailing vessel made of transparent ice. It was about forty meters long, but not all of the ship could be seen. That forty meter figure only applied to the part visible at that time. [...] Ignoring the uproar occurring around her, Vento spoke. “Did you know that Biagio Busoni commanded the Queen of the Adriatic and the Queen’s Fleet that protected it at Chioggia?” [...] “That was one of the Ten Holy Spirit Spells and I was the one that readjusted it to the point that it could be used. I can’t control the entirety of the Queen of the Adriatic, but I have the affinity to control one portion of that great fleet.” Kamijou heard a jangling noise. It was coming from Vento’s tongue. “Oh, and one more thing.” A thin chain like one that would be used for a necklace stretched down from her tongue. On its end hung a cross. It was transparent as if it were made of ice. The decorative cross looked somehow similar to an anchor. “There are quite a few stories in the Christian Church of storms in the sea being calmed to protect a ship. For example, there was the one with the Son of God and the one with Saint Nicholas. The element I rule is the wind or the air, but storms on the sea are a mix of the wind and the water. Using those stories, I am able to partially interfere with the water. ...Unlike the exclusivity of your fire, I can create complex and great effects like that.”

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 20, pg 90)

Vento's Queen of the Adriatic's fleet fires a cannon that knocks Fiamma of the Right a few kilometers away after his third arm dissipates

A cannon made of ice on the side of the ship aimed towards Fiamma. Instead of the flames of gunpowder, ice powder shot out along with an explosive noise. That attack of ice was the antithesis of the flames that the name Fiamma referred to and it was not merely a cannonball that was fired. It was a transparent anchor. The two or three meter mass struck Fiamma’s body and knocked him a few kilometers away. After a few moments, the noise of the impact belatedly resounded throughout the plaza.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 20, pg 90)

Vento's Queen of the Adriatic's fleet fires an ice anchor that explodes in every direction capable of destroying an underground shelter

There was an explosive noise. It was the sound of the giant ice anchor exploding a few kilometers away while it was caught on Fiamma. It was not just an explosion caused by gunpowder. Hundreds of meter-long ice stakes were created in the explosion. The tips of the ice stakes were sharper than a steel spear and thousands upon thousands of them continued to explode outwards in every direction. The ground was gouged out and a large amount of snow and black soil was blown into the air. It was fortunate that the surrounding area was wilderness. With those numbers and that destructive force, even an underground shelter would have been turned to Swiss cheese.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 20, pg 90)

The shattered ice flew in every direction in clumps a few meters long. One of those directions was towards the plaza Kamijou and the others were in. It was like a bombardment of shells. Multiple buildings were crushed and the people in the plaza lay on the ground covering their heads with their hands. Screams and shouts could be heard in response to the unreasonable disaster.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 20, pg 90)

Vento's fight with Fiamma cause mountains and rivers to be blown away due to the impact of the ice anchors

The sound of one of the anchors shattering split through the air. The one anchor was destroyed in midair and the other impaled into the ground in a spot it should not have hit. This caused an explosion a few dozen meters across to occur. The scene looked like some kind of joke. Pieces of the scenery like mountains and rivers were blown away.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 20, pg 92)


Vento's wind magic is able to scratch Fiamma of the Right after his third arm dissipates

And then Fiamma of the Right made an odd movement. He unconcernedly swung his head to the side. Immediately afterwards, something like a scratch appeared across his cheek. A strange crack ran across the wall of the building behind him. It seemed the people in the plaza had no idea what had just happened.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 20, pg 81)


Vento can utilize magic by weaving complex signs at high speeds

Vento hurriedly held up her hammer and muttered something under her breath. She may have had some other trump card. Kamijou did not know very much about magic, but it felt like she was moving as if making a figure out of a string in her hands at high speed.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 20, pg 92)


Vento survives a shockwave attack from The Holy Right that slams her into an Adriatic ship

The next thing he knew, Fiamma, who was supposed to be a few kilometers away, was situated right under Vento’s chin and her body was blown away an instant later. [...] The woman wearing all yellow continued flying back a few dozen meters. She struck the center of the ice ship that had appeared in the center of the plaza. The giant piece of art that symbolized a bombardment was broken in half horizontally from her impact.

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 20, pg 92)


Vento seemingly finds a way to use regular magic after her Divine Punishment spiritual item is destroyed

Fiamma’s eyebrows moved slightly. “How very odd.” “What is?” “God’s Right Seat cannot use normal magic. We can only use spells that have been extremely regulated for our use. You hold the Divine Punishment spell that paralyzed Academy City, but the spiritual item that supports its activation was shattered on September 30th. And yet...” “Is it really that surprising that I can create mystical phenomena like this?” said Vento as she rested the heavy hammer on her shoulder. [...] In other words... (Vento just used magic...?)

(Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 20, pg 87)

Submitted December 01, 2018 at 01:51PM by LordAizenSama777

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