Thursday, November 29, 2018

Better Bindings for Pantheons?

TL;DR I hate Nail and Charm bindings, what are your suggestions for replacements?

Beat the fourth pantheon recently and have gotten my ass whupped in the fifth one a few times now. I looked up how the lifeblood room works and now I've just started trying out bindings.

The soul and mask bindings make sense to me, and are actually really fun to work with, but the nail and charm bindings can suCK MY ASS.

Nail first. Mostly it just makes fights longer, which I think is just objectively bad design. Especially in a marathon like this, endurance isn't really a skill we want to be tested on any further. I've never died to Gorb, and I probably never will no matter how many restrictions you put on me, but the fight still has to take twice as long now even though I've proven how much of a time waster he is. Maybe this also highlights the general problem of how many fights can't be played very aggressively without sacrificing optimization. Even if you're a good player, the smartest move is to just drag each fight out and attack at the safest moments, and this is only exasperated by increasing the number of hits required to kill. Additionally, I felt like I was just getting the hang of tracking bosses' health mentally. I could tell when I was only a few hits away from a stagger or kill and could afford to whale away on the boss even during his attack animation, and it felt fucking great when I whacked him out of his attack in the last possible frame. It was a moment I earned through my own hard work and planning. But now that ability is taken away from me by completely changing how many hits it takes to kill each boss, and I cant experience moments like that during these kinds of pantheons.

Charms are more straightforward. They suck personality and creativity out of fights. Maybe if they reduced charm slots or prohibited certain charms/combinations, it would be more okay. But this way it just makes the fights more bland. Also, it suffers from the same problem as nail, which is just making the fight last longer due to lessened offensive powers.

Soul and Mask make sense, because they decrease available resources without directly increasing the length of each fight. Maybe you'll have to play it a little bit safer, but you still get the same weight of satisfaction with each swing knowing that you're doing full damage and making definite progress towards the end of the fight with each hit. The speed of the fight is still fully in your control, and if you have flawless execution (something you'll definitely get in some of the earlier/easier bosses) then they'll end at about same speed even with the mask and soul bindings on.

What do y'all think? What are some other bindings that could've replaced nail and charm? I would've been fine personally with a restriction on spells or nail arts, but that's probably because I don't use them much to begin with. We have a charm that increases invincibility frames, so maybe a binding that decreases them? Something that drains soul constantly, or causes you to receive less soul? Something that makes healing take longer? Remove staggers from enemies that have them and reduce time between attacks for enemies that don't (Nosk, Mantis Lords)? evEN MORE STAGE HAZARDS? No bench/hot spring breaks?

Submitted November 30, 2018 at 12:06AM by TheDyslexicMelon

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