Thursday, October 4, 2018

Trying to weasel a way in or just paranoid?

Long time lurker, first time poster. Bla bla, you get the jist.So, I'd consider my entire family is Just No and each member could have an entire post of their own but this particular Just No is my Aunt. Lets call her JNA and start from the beginning of how we got acquainted.

Apparently, Me and JNA had gone way back to my infancy. She was a heavy drug user and all kinds of fucked in the head six ways to Sunday due to kind of JustYes Grandad and her mother. JNA mentioned that she had overdosed in front of me as a toddler and little me thought she was sick and tried prodding her to keep JNA from going lights out. This is just what I've been told.

Many, MANY years later we meet again. (maybe before then but I don't remember). After my NJ Mother passed she came around and introduced herself as my auntie from my fathers side after I said I didn't remember. She then playfully decided to grab my ass. 17-18 years old at the time, I just stared at her like 'bitch what the fuck?' and left after her having a laugh and saying it was just a playful gesture. JNA later came into my room drunk and went on about how she 'cares for me' and 'would do anything for family'. Yeah right. She flew back over state next day. Little niaeve me thought maybe this would be the last time I saw her and put it all in the back of my mind. Nope.

A year later, due to curimstances, I had to flee my childhood home after the landlord was kicking us out due to JNFather not paying any rent and spending it on drugs and booze. The original plan was to go to my mothers side Aunt but unfortunatly my cousin had been diagnosed with a terminal illness. Which is when JNA raised her hand for the task.

Now, you must understand that around that time I had just got out of a very abusive household, had lots of undiagnosed mental health issues and suffered the loss of two family members. JustNo or not it still was pretty traumatic. Not only that my parents neglected to teach me how to adult. I didn't even know how to wash clothes, cook or clean. JNA was very aware of this. And things were fine for a while, few months go by, all fine.

Then the shitshow started.

  • If I didn't clean to her standards the yelling would come, I left a single pot out once after cleaning it because I didn't know where to put it and if it was put in the wrong place I'd get yelled at, Still got chastised for it for about and hour and called every name under the sun.
  • If I stayed in my room for longer than 5 mins or wanted time to myself (As an introvert it is very exhausting to be around people all the time.) I was labeled 'Antisocial', 'Lazy' or my favorite; 'Just like your father.'.
  • If I called ANYONE on the phone she would stand out my door and listen.
  • If I stayed out past 5 she would tell me I wasn't allowed food.
  • Basically was treated like a maid.
  • When she got home before me she would search through my belongings, one time specifically she was going through my things and I had gotten medication for a thrush problem. Tried to make me tell her in front of my uncle.
  • Numerous times told me she was going to kill herself or threatening uncle with a knife in the kitchen.
  • While I was crying she tried to make me apologize for something, yelling at me to say sorry until I eventually said sorry then this mother humper decided to ask the most braindead question of; "Good, now did you mean it?" I retaliated with "You just made me say sorry, so.. no. " - I was starting to grow a spine at this point.
  • She told me that I should start looking for a place elsewhere to stay. When I did and told her she called me ungrateful and immature. I was crying for a bit after but when she called up her friend, put them on loud speaker and said 'Guess what this bitch did?!?" I just fucking lost it and laughed so hard. That was the most immature thing I've seen an adult do.
  • Final nail in the coffin. I had gotten a Extremely painful UTI and had to be taken to hospital by school staff.(was trying to finish school after dropping it.). She was offended I didn't tell her first. When I got home. Oh man the abuse. I couldn't take it. I just got a bag of my things, left a note saying; "Thanks for asking how I was or worrying about my health first and NOT yelling at me. /s :) ". Dropped the keys and head for the door. She stopped me before I left and basically said "Go back to your room, if you leave you're never allowed back." I smiled politely and said. "If going back means putting up with more of your shit. Cya." And walked out. Ran away and lived with Ex for a few years.

Since then I went completely NC with all family members. Changed name, phone and deactivated social media accounts. This was urged after JNA started bitching to every family member about me and of course having them take her side just because of who my father was. Been happy ever since.

Its been years since, I'm now 23. So why, after all this time do I speak about this?

Well growing up a had a very close friend who lived with me, she saw the abuse that happened and she was like a sister for the longest time. Recently she reached out to me on an art site I use that only she knew of, I decided to add her on my new Bookface since I have no grudge for her and hope maybe we could be friends again after losing our connection. I scrolled through her feed and what do you know, JNA in all her glory was there.

My question is, could this be JNA aunt or the whole fam using her to get to me, or is this a genuine act of someone wanting to reconnect? Am I paranoid? So far nothing has happened and I've been chatting with my old friend.

Tl;dr : Just No Aunt was a bitchface to me and was NC for years. Old friend adds me on new social media and I find out Aunt is on her friends. To be suspicious or not.

Submitted October 04, 2018 at 05:09PM by Zophrenia

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