(WARNING: This spell involves the invocation of III "inferior" daemons of whom are Guland, Surgat, and Morail!) Ωฯθ§θฯΩ
Go to a cemetery, remove a nail from an old coffin, saying:
"Nails, I take you, so that you may serve to turn aside and cause evil to all persons whom I will. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."
When you wish to use it, you must look for a footprint and making the three figures of GULAND, SURGAT and MORAIL, fix the nail in the middle saying:
"Pater noster upto in terra."(our father who art on earth)
Hit the nail with a stone, saying:
"Curse evil to (Name{s}) until I remove thee."
Re-cover the place with a little dust, and remember it well, because one cannot remove the evil which this causes, but by removing the nail, and saying:
"I remove thee, so that the evil which thou has caused to (Name{s}) shall cease. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son. and the Holy Spirit. Amen."
Then take the nail out, and efface the characters: not with the same hand as you make them, but with the other. Thus it will be without danger.
Submitted October 02, 2018 at 09:13AM by Yoheyashael https://ift.tt/2Rk9YvQ
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