Wednesday, October 3, 2018

I seem to have scared myself to death, and, death being eternal, I have found my salvation.

As though the qualloping furrows of the each in their burrows could quiten still with a trick and a trill, to claim the ace of pentacles of stain assaulted with the saltiness of 'how' and how beefy.

Slightly re-orienting a compass of sorts, coming back to the language of fresh retorts, ideally internally idiosynchracies (that's not a word anymore...?! I did jump again as we all always do, but going into a trance at the computer screen dance I saw time split and I became the curtain and shook my head free from getting stuck in the wall again) scream of some definitions on and some off and some synonyms apply and only in certain ways. Certain things only make sense about certain timescales and certain laws. The mathematical represents the internal psychological, or as you coco cocksuckers call consciousness. Yah. Say certain too many times and a prancing dorrito dog that even he'd miss when he's gone and you lose track. It can be a challenge to get through the math but there's some certain hiding holes that can pull you through a loop.

And once the thread is tied and the thread is cast the needle fast slips strings sunk loose through holes encluse. So silency prevails and stacked within is a silency that prevails beyond that. And there's so much room to grow it.

Dust down some old tablets and blow off some books, and hidden within nooks of long forgotten hooks enplacement calude and interpretation shrewd a mixed martial stare at who could be there or what or what or what.

Hmm true hallucinations, so was what you see really true or is the true part the hallucination part, where dropping the second p is part and parcle of the art. For when you park a packet in a moping racket the square of indifference should repeat indefinitely the same very law as gravity. What goes up must come down, but in that square of the round about town suggests start with a thing and take it simply, square root it to death would be to do it swift, but to flip her first before you take a drip, then the root of all evil is differentiable on both sides, not to take your derivative, but to spot your difference. And!

When the root comes clean the cast does gleam with an eye for reason as to start and end in the same place unless you're met with any enemy face to race and chase the season of art and send what minds don't mind to've seen much faster than the dove snoot steam, and so. And so as the spinning drimbles take their sides the power of their strides combine as the dirt between takes theirs on theirs on their own time.

Nothing is not real *and* imaginary. It's purely imaginary. And I have a sequence to prove it. It's equal to it's opposite in pairs of 4, but summed forever means nothing and nothing more, however always still it never ceases as betwixt the creases is the eternal twirl of imaginaries to infinite powers, and dividing the world up with those same exponents. Even still, the magnitude never changes. Hahhh. Humph. MMm.

Nods to the thing in the corner. You know, the only other way we could avoid the imaginary dimensions is to say the whole thing was real, even what happens in your head. But we'd need extra dimensions to what we see and we can extrapolate that to complete and utter boredom's satisfaction.

It's pretty classic that we all rocked up here without this language, we all started using it at our own pace, and for some reason kind of agreed to stick locked up in conformities of the acceptability to sit and laugh compared to the unacceptabilities of the struts that hold it up. Irony. It's worth it's weight in Gaussian Physics. Oh yes, I forgot that any piece of nothing could technically have two infinities diametrically opposed to appear as if they entirely cancel, so that any paranormal event is only ever seen by those who have the discredibility of having witnessed the paranormal.

And that's why I sit with my secrets. I roll them into a scruff and chuck them into the ocean. Before long belief believes in itself and you really start getting some momentum, I mean, skepticism can be maxxed out at some arbitrary point at the end of a cigarette of the contemplation by contemporaries and their counterparts. (Contemplating what though?)

At that point you check off a few rules like yeah survive, no biggie (rip), and then you don't give a fuck. So you rely on your own theories, you make your own progress, you keep the best shit for yourself and throw away what the crowd is calling for because have you ever tried crowd surfing to someone else's band? It starts with a lucky dip. I'll stick to what's electrifying for me, but by no means electrocuting. My grandpa taught me that he could stop a car by placing his hand on the terminals, the shock was so used to that he could touch you and you'd jump.

He also taught me about how the circuit board out in the emergency evac area, how it needed to be shaded from the sun at certain angles; times of day; so they used a mushroom shaped antenna, mostly just makeshifted into place and when the big boss said it was a disgrace, he removed it and the board overheated. Hospital shut-down. Anger strikes. And he was forced to blame himself, because he saw in a short time the building returned once the corrugated chimney was crowned in recorrection.

So there's this random QP paper (no one reads that stuff, I mean can you blame them? Arxiv is like estranged incompletability) that had a 74% accuracy for some kind of two-way entanglement transmission. Not a 99.9er but it's a couple of cones past 4.20 lots more than 69.

I wonder what it would take to prove that consciousness was a higher-dimension of existence itself, or that observance, or space was a subset of conscious dimensions. What would it take to show that solipsism is universally applicable and inferred that the only person who could prove to themselves anything about anything is the them the themselves refers to. Thus the first obstacle in becoming a sober-inducing-hallucinator is inducing either the same kind of hallucinations in those around you, or convincing those who (agreeing in any number from 2 to infinity) judge to judge that each could see whatever they said they saw for all they knew.

AND THAT's the thing. The paraded "believe women" thing, well. I can admit toying with the teleology of Love of Love in a recursive growth and falling into a headspace of drift and sway. But they (or as the ones saying 'believe women' would say was the patriarchy) declared me as Schizophrenic, and I know for a fact that the techniques I use are similar to some secret services, the Ideas I have coalesced sometimes are purposely concealed, and other times found in religions throughout. It's just I cherry pick. NOT what I like. But I hand select each and every thing that I believe in, And the shear most of it is not in any documented (or documented to be legible) language.

So maybe that's my other option. I might be exonerated if they were exonerated. And if I could pass electricity from here to there... it may be as foolish as an idea in god like "it takes believing in women to agree with the idea of believing in women" (isn't that just a zero-movement phrase?) "the word of god is the word of god". How about... hmmmm... "the simplest theory is that theories should be kept simple." Gotchya. All Is One, huh?! It's not balance? It's not infinity? It's not a sweet sweet aleph naught? No, you must certainly be everything because you experienced it once (in a place where there was pretty much nothing but bright lights, oh and of course, all those intricacies we remember that are too hard to remember), maybe that's just the place we're going to. Or came from. Don't be doozy and tell me both options are an option... because then we can optionate the optionals and from there we go through to the quantum into the complex, back into the imaginary, and that's just the stuff that I haven't gone and buried. The stuff you can relate to. Parametric recursive symbolism is just three words. I'd like you to stitch up a multiple that consists of single object as large as conceivable to not lose attention while reading.

It's just that that's the thing. Maybe kill or be killed is a thing that... it's like... Prove-ably not worth explaining. It loses it's muster to tear that one line to shreds. People who say not to snitch. At the end of employment rises the return of fear's demise.

It's not AI we should be worried about. And we're not really. And it's not an artificial worry. Obviously the rest of the fractal is worrying. But have you not heard of Jesus christ? Literally surrender to the idea of surrender and you'll never shade a brow. Or catch the hook line and sinker of psychedelia. Well. I am perfectly confident the AI (even the super-intelligence scaled from the marks of modernity) is not at all to be worried about.

The first rule of Electromagnetism leads to the crucial problem within quantum physics. Similarly, if one were to dream to evolve to achieve the survivability in a Neutron Star, that's already been done, and good luck making what we have transmissably convertable into conferring the same endurance. And now you know what I'm talking about. And here I point out the visions I've had of spore-spraying ufo's over pine forests mid abduction, a true hallucination. They wouldn't stoop to our language without stooping to our skin. And in talking there, it seems obvious to say the first spell to be created would be cast to conceal the existence of magic.

Just as the first words uttered to the sound of a logical describability akin to a god speaking over the creation of the universe were surely "anything that can happen does happen,"; "all is allowed".

And the second words uttered were "woops, fuck that was a bad idea"; "tune it back to a better ringtone buddy"; "if I can imagine it, it can happen" or "only what we will to happen should". And that's the point that of course you would will for that idea to be sensible. It's not from God and his virtue of creation that esteemed goodness in the sight of the soil. It was by virtue of the language and law we had created enough to know better from worse, aka good from bad.

Anyway. Terence's idea of the other and my self-questioning to the point of a return to total ignorance / hope for the best and do what seems to work for you, lead me to thinking that I am the only one behind the times of the backdoors to the rest of the universal solipsistic consciousness.

The funny thing about living in a country with so much guns, is the only one who can laugh at the amount of guns they have, is one who is paid to make people laugh for it... oh... or was it the bit about how it's like a manic laugh to be chuckling about all the guns you've got.

Imagine me with a daisy chain of AI, chuckling at all of the human-zombies enslaved to the ideas they generate that keep them cycling through the food chain before they catch a wiff of the idea that the only escape must be fought tooth and nail for, by the grim of their whiskers sniffled post-parting-potty-training. That complexity is drip fed to us by the hands of the karma of expectance. While ascendence may well be imaginable on a trip, and trips be cheap and easy to do regularly, but the condensation of the peace and presence in understanding to be capable to see such an idea as human-zombie idea-enslavement and not to think of it with a single grain of terror.

To not be shocked.

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 09:39PM by SuprpositionFluid

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