Friday, September 28, 2018

Nstepmom has upset me, so I am gonna rant about her a bit.

I am gonna try and keep this simple to read. I am 27/F living with my partner. My life isn't what you'd call "successful", but I am on the right track and doing pretty ok. I am disabled and fairly sick a lot of the time. My main income is through disability assistance, but I do run my own little art shop on the side, and do other small jobs when they present themselves.

  • I ran away from home at 16 due to Nstepmom. I completed high school, got a good job, and lived on my own independently for 5 years, most of which I did not talk to her.

  • She got therapy and took steps to repair the relationship. I agreed and things were ok.

  • I have been with my partner for 3 years. He has a mental disorder and is rather awkward with people he isn't used to. She is very judgemental of him and has an opinion on everything he does or says. She likes to say things to make him uncomfortable. He avoids her and I actively help him do so.

  • She likes to tell him overdramatized stories from my childhood. Some stories are her downplaying incidents where I almost died to make me look stupid. She thinks she is being funny, but those are very awkward dinners. When I try to clarify or add input, I am told that since I was a child, my memory isn't good, or I didn't know better.

  • I have been getting dental work done, and I chose a very specific dentist to do it. Although she knows nothing about him, according to her he is ripping me off, purposely damaging my teeth for more money, and being unprofessional. All because I chose my own dentist and pay a little extra for his experience, not the dentist she recommended.

  • After 3 years of being in and out of the hospital weekly, I finally finished treatment and began to start my own life. I spent my first free year working to get my little business started. It has launched. It is successful. I am happy with it. She told me to stop posting about it on Facebook because the government might arrest me for not reporting my income. I do report my income and my business is completely legal. She tells me she says this out of concern, but I have yet to see her being proud or supportive of my accomplishment.

  • I have chronic pain. Every time I take medicine, melatonin, or even vitamins, she gets on me over CBD oil and how I should use that instead. I have tried it. It didn't work. I didn't like it. It also doesn't treat cysts and infections. "Then you used it wrong or got the wrong stuff, use the stuff I use!" I do, you bought it for me, "I never did that! You are just making that up!"

  • I am boarding a cat for a friend who is recovering from surgery. She doesn't want me to have the cat and is very vocal about it.

  • She keeps pushing weird trends on me. Currently she has a thing for her "insta-pot" pressure cooker. I have no interest in another cooking tool I won't use. I have a slow cooker, which works just fine for me and my lifestyle. I have pointed out numerous times that I do not want one. Every time I go over for dinner "I made this in the insta-pot it is so good you need to get one" as if good food absolutely requires an insta-pot. God forbid I post any of my slow cooker creations on Facebook, or any cooking for that matter.

  • Posting on Facebook without her criticism is a game my friends and I take bets on.

  • My Dad says a lot of "Will you stop!" at her.

  • She likes to remind me that I will never be a parent, so I will never understand her side of things and therefore I can't criticize anything. With the recent births of my nieces and nephews, combined with my recent discovery that I shouldn't have kids due to an internal issue, this logic hurts a lot.

  • I nearly failed middle school due to bullying. She forgot all about it. She also forgot about a major hospital trip when I got injured at school. I would think the would remember child services being involved in that case, but that is conveniently missing from her mind. "Must be getting old".

  • Growing up, I wasn't allowed to have friends who had dyed hair. This led to me having a lot of secret friends.

  • I was encouraged to keep a diary for mental health. She got on my case if the diary wasn't filled in. She shouldn't have known if it was filled in or not, because it was supposed to be secret. Hmmmm.

  • In Spanish class I got the top mark in the class, with a massively great final test score. I got in trouble for not focusing my attention in something useful and wasting my energy. I was not allowed to do Spanish the next year. After that I had to control my grades to keep them roughly even so I wouldn't have other classes I liked cut. She chose my high school classes for me and tried to convince me I liked them; had to take cosmotology because my hair was kept long. I never styled it, I never work make up, I hate touching people, I keep my nails so short they hurt, and she was completely convinced it was my favorite class. I failed because I refused to touch anyone.

Ok I am done with my ranty vent. I am just so frustrated. I am already working on withdrawing her from my life, but with my Dad being sick and me being the only family he has close by I still want to be available to help him and represent him if things go bad. I don't want Nstepmom controlling him at his weakest. Blarg. This is so frustrating.

Submitted September 29, 2018 at 09:21AM by lordsamethstarr

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