Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Categorized text list of submissions that have been posted here and elsewhere

Scrubbed of their sources as Reddit requires of us (but not of the men who harass us).

I was going to do a bit of silly art with this but never got around to it. I tried to keep the text as true to the original as possible. I stopped updating this pretty quickly but here it is. I roughly ordered them less bad to worse.

International Women’s Day

can you believe today was international kill a terf day?

-Twitter user


Kick your local terfs on #InternationalWomensDay

-Twitter user


happy international women's day, celebrate by socking a terf in the mouth

-Twitter user


TERFs can suck my female dick, happy international women's day 💕💕💕

-Twitter user


Happy International Women's Day! Today I'm fighting for gender equality by saying you should also punch TERFs in the face

-Twitter user

Anger about female anatomy

seriously if you’re making vulva cupcakes or making uterus costumes or whatever, I’m going to assume you’re a TERF

-Twitter user


do terfs spread their labias apart and queef all their arguments out of their vagina?

-Twitter user


Look here, TERFS, shut your fucking pussies up.

-Facebook user

Insults, dehumanization

Hi, just a reminder that TERFS are ugly.

-Tumblr user


i have a lot of aggression. does anyone know any terfs i could start shit with?

-Twitter user


TERFS are literally some of the fucking worst pieces of garbage on the net

-Twitter user


TERFs belong in the trash.

-Twitter user


Tbh, TERF isn’t enough of a slur for those scum.

-Twitter user


stupid TERF bitch

-Twitter user


Fuck u terf bitch

-Twitter user


Don't engage TERFs. They are mentally ill with their paranoid delusions that "the patriarchy" is secretly out to get them with trans men "defecting" and trans women "invading."

-Reddit user


TERFS are just jealous bitches with no life let them keep hating and we'll keep ignoring them. Whenever you feel bad about yourself remind yourself that all TERFS are ugly hateful people with no lives. I have never seen one hot TERF which only proves my point

-Reddit user



-Tumblr user



-Twitter user


What do u get when u mix a bitch with a transphobe? a terf
Ha hahahaaaahaha

-Twitter user


i hate terfs because theyre the peak of whiny bitchy women

-Twitter user


TERFs are suck fucking cunts. Yes. All of you. If you’re a TERF you’re a cunt.
Bring it.

-Twitter user


As a TERF having a vagina, does not make you a woman, it just makes you a cunt.
Your maths is wrong.

-Twitter user


So I might stop calling TERfs TERfs and call them cunts instad. Sounds like they’d prefer that as bother are factually accurate

-Twitter user


Tangential but don’t you love the shriveled old terfs who make the hormone argument like 100 years after they hit menopause

-Twitter user


Get fucked, terf are scum

-Reddit user


TERFs are subhuman.

-Twitter user


TERFs aren’t feminists, they’re barely even people

-Twitter user


the only good thing about terfs is that they don’t have feelings so its ok to kill them whenever you want

-Facebook user


no i’m still mad about this. terfs really gotta put their dislike of penises before the validity of trans women and girls’ sexualities

-Twitter user


if you’re a “same sex attracted only” gay or lesbian then kindly unfollow me because my blog isn’t for terfs

-tumblr user


but if you are a lesbian who tells me you would never date a trans woman or a non-binary femme, yeah, that would be a TERF

-Twitter user


whenever I see a post containing the words “lesbian” and “boundaries,” I am immediately suspicious that the person is a TERF

-tumblr user


(Puts tights on, donkey kicks transphobic cis lesbians everywhere)

-Twitter user


cis lesbian terfs please message me if you’re up for a fight ill give you my address and everything we can ever meet each other half way

-tumblr user


Happy #BiVisibilityDay, take some time out of ur day to punch a hypocritical biphobic TERF lesbian for me

-Twitter user


lesbian erasure??? you dirty transphobic cis bitch take lgbt advocate out of your bio and go fucking choke

-Twitter user

Sexual harassment, violence

time to eat a gyro and masturbate furiously to the sound of terfs crying

-Twitter user


so sleeping with a terf would be more like bestiality?

-Twitter user


I need to flood TERFS with trap porn.

-Twitter user


I want to create “TERF trap” porn. It would be similar to those tricked gay scenes.
like a scene offering some TERF on her way to michfest a ride and gas money if she fucks this hot chick… and then finds out she’s trans!!

-Twitter user


Would you kindly suck on my womanly dick?
Preferably choke on it.

-Twitter user


Terfs can choke on my GIRL DICK

-Twitter user


choke on my girlcock and DIE

-Tumblr user


suck my girlcock cunts

-Twitter user


Enjoy my ladydick in your mouth cuntwipe

-Twitter user


Suck a dick TERFs.

-Twitter user


i wanna hatefuck a TERF

-Twitter user


terfs can choke on my enormous dick just die

-Twitter user


I hope everyone has a good day except radfems and terfs yous can choke on a dick

-Twitter user


terfs can suck on my big trans dick coming in here saying trans women ain’t women like yes they are

-Twitter user


Terfs can honestly eat a dick, and vagina centered feminism is overrated. Please rip out my pussy and keep it, transphobic creeps.

-Twitter user


terfs can literally all go and fucking choke on a cock/chode/long phallic looking object idk i just want them to stop wasting air on our planet, mother nature wanted better

-Tumblr user


Did you know, when I pull out of a guy I wipe my dick on TERFS

-Twitter user


Free videos in your inbox for tweeting dick pics to terfs? I’ll make it happen
Doesn’t even have to be your dick, although the hairier and grosser the better.
Send me a screenshot of you tweeting a dick pic at any of the terfs featured today and receive free porn

-Twitter user



-Tumblr user


i don’t wanna write this out, the joke was a terf was on trial for being a terf and the judge’s sentencing was she had to have sex with four pre-op trans women

-Tumblr user


you won’t think my girlcock is pathetic or useless when i’m using your ugly terf cunt as a cum dump

-Internet user


fuck you you terf bitch. how can a 15 year old be so fucking bigoted and transphobic. i can’t believe you don’t think i can be a woman just because i have a cock. wtf. you wont be saying my girlcock isnt really female when Im using your young terf cunt as a cum dump. you will fucking bow to my girldick. you will fucking choke on my girldick. fuck you

-Internet user

General assault

I wanna fight a TERF in a dimly lit parking lot.

-Twitter user


i want to fight every terf in the world

-Twitter user


lemme know if ur a terf so i can beat the shit out of you

-Twitter user


someday im going to get into a physical, knockout fight with a terf on a sidewalk or a dancefloor or something

-Twitter user


Just found out that one of the people we did that frat culture panel with is a TERF. I want to fucking fight them.

-Twitter user


seeing a lot of transmisogyny and violence against trans ladys on my dash tonight. everybody best stop hurting my friends or I will take some direct action to you,first by educating you with my words,then if that doesn’t work,I have other means

-Tumblr user (PIC)


somebody slap this TERF cunt across the face

-Twitter user


I just wanna slap some of these radical feminist types in the face.

-Twitter user


slap your local terf across the mouth until they shut the fuck up then slap them again just because

-Twitter user


punch a TERF today

-Twitter user


Colonize TERF faces with a fist XDDDD

-Twitter user


I will punch a TERF in the face. I will totally do it.

-Twitter user


So many TERFs, not enough fists.

-Twitter user


i will personally punch every terf in the face if i have to

-Twitter user


Terfs get in a line and prepare your pathetic, doughy faces for a sweet, sweet pummeling

-Twitter user


Terfs make me so angry im gonna devote my time to punching every single one of them

-Twitter user


TERFs need to be punched equally badly as nazis do tbh

-Twitter user


TERFs belong face down in a sewer. I'd punch those cunts if they dared peddle that shit in my face. Misogynist transphobic scum.

-Reddit user


I want to set every single TERF kid on fire.

-Twitter user


why cant we just throw every TERF into the volcano and watch them burn

-Twitter user


Go and die in a fire, TERF abuser.

-Twitter user


Die in a fire cis scum.

-Twitter user


Burn TERfs

-Twitter user


You know what I cant even be bothered setting the TERfs on fire myself go and fucking self immolate you cunts

-Twitter user


set fire to TERFs and Truscum

-Twitter user


I hope every TERF and their disgusting allies literally perishes in a fire or from cancer. Disgusting bigots.

-Twitter user

Choking, throat, poison

TERFs? More like “Try Eating Rat-poison, Fucker.”

-Internet user


I hate TERFS/SWERFS and RadFems and I’d gladly choke one out.

-Twitter user


this is a not-friendly reminder that terfs don’t belong in lgbt spaces and they can all choke and die i hate them so fucking much

-Twitter user


I mean I probably wouldn’t SAY it, normally, but fuck I just really want to kill a TERF. Just fucking rip their throat out Jesus Christ.

-Internet user


I hate TERFS/SWERFS and RedFems and I’d gladly choke one out.

-Tumblr user


why are terfs even allowed to exist round up every terf and all their friends just for good measure and slit their throats one by one
gender abolition is both encouraging genocide and white supremacy
if you agree with anyone who holds these ideals youre just as bad and you should die too

-Tumblr user

Assault with knives, weapons

You know I don’t feel comfortable beating up TERFs or lady fascists but if any women want to do so I’ll provide them with a baseball bat.
I might even fill it with nails!

-Twitter user


do you know a terf? cave their head in with a rock

-Twitter user


is it legal to punch a TERF with a baseball bat asking for a friend

-Twitter user


cut your throat, TERF

-Twitter user


rad fems and terfs make me extra stabby

-Twitter user


im gonna stab a terf in the dick or vagina fuck terfs

-Twitter user


shut the fuck up about the nasty bleeding gashes between your hair legs or i’ll give you terfs other bleeding gashes to worry about

-Internet user


if i catch any of you speaking to terfs like theyre humans ill scalp you, im serious

-Twitter user


All TERFs deserve to be shot in the head

-Twitter user


shoot a terf today

-Twitter user


TERFs should be shot

-Twitter user


I wanna direct a snuff film where multiple TERFs get shot in the head but don’t die, they just suffer in agony

-Twitter user

General murder, death, extermination, gulags

die terf scum

-Twitter user


kill TERFs

-Twitter user


kill all TERFs

-Twitter user


literally kill all TERFs

-Twitter user


fucking kill all TERFs

-Twitter user


kill every fucking TERF

-Twitter user


honestly kill all terfs ew

-Twitter user


kill a terf idc. kill all damn terfs

-Twitter user


Anyway, death to all TERFs

-Twitter user



-Twitter user


can we kill terfs

-Twitter user


I’m gona kill terfs

-Twitter user


every terf needs to be sht

-Twitter user


i hate terfs i wanna kill em all

-Twitter user


the only good terf is a dead terf

-Twitter user


SWERF and TERF, bag and tag

-Twitter user


TERFs make me wanna go on a murderous rampage tbh

-Twitter user


fun n friendly life tip: kill every TERF you see

-Twitter user


TERFS: can’t live with them, can’t kill them all without the police getting involved.

-Twitter user


My idea of an acceptable TERF: A dead one.

-Twitter user


If you are a terf I want you dead, goodbye.

-Twitter user


TERFs must be destroyed as brutally as possible.

-Twitter user


i’m gonna kill every terf jus try and fuckin stop me

-Twitter user


Remember kids, terfs don’t count as real people so killing them isn’t really murder.
#literally slaughter terfs like the animals they are

-Tumblr user


I want to literally murder TERFs.
This isn’t the sleep deprivation and general anger caused by frustration with illness talking. I mean it.

-Twitter user


if i ever find out you’re a TERF i will fucking kill you every single TERF out there needs to die

-Twitter user


eliminate TERF scum

-Twitter user


Join me in eradicating the terfs

-Twitter user


TERFs need to be eliminated off the face of the earth too

-Twitter user


All TERFs need to cease existing. All of them. Gone. Wipe them from the Earth. They are a plague to be purged.

-Twitter user


It’s okay I’m a [anti-semitic slur] and I approve of TERF gassing. They’re degenerates imo

-Twitter user


I’m not into mass murder but I’ll commit TERF genocide if I have to tbh

-Twitter user


Idk kill a fucking terf before a nazi tbh

-Twitter user


don’t try to argue with terfs imo. Just get them to the gulag instead.

-Twitter user


a gulag, just for terfs. (it’s just a brick wall. you can guess what happens next.)

-Twitter user


TERFs don’t belong in a gulag, that’s too good for them. Against the fucking wall, if I’m being honest. Jesus fucking christ.

-Twitter user

Specific (about individuals)

We get it.
[redacted] Queer is a really evil Transphobic TERF who should have had her dentures glued shut a millennium ago.

-Twitter user


How are people only now realising that [redacted] is a complete cunt???

Dear [redacted],
how can you call yourself a feminist if you don’t support the transgender women, you dumb bitch!

-Twitter user



HERE IS A LIST OF FACTS: [redacted] IS A TERF. [redacted] IS A TERF. [redacted] IS A TERF. [redacted] IS A TERF. HAVE I MISSED ANYONE?

-Twitter user


I am so here for seeing [redacted] get dragged through the mud. Fuckin TERF.

-Twitter user


if the terf talks to me i may actually kill her

-Twitter user


what if someone traced the ip of that [redacted] person and went and killed her because i’d do that but im a bit far

-Twitter user


Who the fuck is [redacted] and how can I kill her

-Twitter user


hope someone slits [redacted]’s saggy fucking throat

-Twitter user


fuck TERFs so much
I’ll punch you in your vulva and strangle you with that extra X chromosome, [redacted].

-Tumblr user


Submitted September 20, 2018 at 01:02AM by girl_undone

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