Monday, August 6, 2018

Kane Lewis

Kane Cassius Lewis

Theme Song: Thousand Foot Krutch - Move

Date of Birth: March 16th, 1980 - Physically 26

Appearance: Kane stands fairly tall 6'2 and weighs in at 185 pounds. His body is near unchanging. He no longer tans. Wounds and scars eventually disappear. All that continues to grow is his hair, which he keeps relatively short.


As a mage Kane is straight-forward and no-nonsense. Off the job, however, he's more willing to cut back and have a good time. He's been mistaken as a loon before when seen drunkenly arguing with a revolver in public.

Kane will protect the twin pistols with his life and has killed before when a wizard tried to sever his connection to them and steal them.


Kane grew up in the backwoods of Minnesota. His father was a timber logger and his mother a former nun who ran away from the church. She was a medium and trained her son after learning of his potential for magic.

However, when Kane hit 16 he got tired of the same life day in and day out. So he graduated early and went east to the coast. It was there he met another mage for the first time in his life. She showed him how much more magic could truly be and helped Kane as he started to develop his own magic.

When Kane in his junior year of college, he was at a museum when he noticed a pair of antique dueling pistols. Something was off about them. The pistol had an aura about them. There was a soul inside each of them. And they were angry and afraid. He reached out to them, asking what was wrong, and the pistols spoke back.

At that point, Kane smashed the glass, grabbed the pistol and didn't look back, despite security chasing him all the way out. After learning of the twins past, Kane made them a promise that he would one day free them, and they've stuck with him since, helping him out along the way.

After graduating from college, Kane moved to Chicago to be in a larger magic hub where he hoped to find a mage that could help him change the twins back to normal but has yet to have any luck.

Despite running away from his mother's teachings, Kane has since fallen back on them as a way to make his living. He often works freelance or as an on-call specialist for the MDA.

He's become interested in technology from the other Chicago, having made a few trips over.

Reputation: Kane is a respected medium in Magicago with his name tending to be one of the ones mentioned when someone needs to banish a revenant or poltergeist.


Kane is a well-trained swordsman and duelist from having been given instructions from the twins. He's picked up on shooting on his own in the past decade. His father taught him boxing as a child and he wrestled in high school before graduating.

He speaks fluent French on his own but can converse in both Spanish and Latin due to the twins knowing both. Other notable skills the twins have that they could mentally help Kane with is sailing, archery, blacksmithing, and farming.

While in college, Kane worked as an EMT to help pay tuition and still carries those skills and knowledge with him.

Kane spent a few years in Asia learning about the spirits that roam their lands and picked up enough Japanese and Mandarin that most fluent speakers can understand what he's trying to say even if his grammar is partly wrong.

Kane is a specialist in dealing with the unholy and has particular knowledge of many spirits and undead from many religious and cultural backgrounds.


Kane never leaves the Twin Pistols behind. He'll find some way to sneak them wherever he goes.

When on the job he carries an extensive kit for dealing with spirits and undead. This includes silver .44 magnum rounds for the pistols, a silver dagger, holy water, incense, garlic, salt, Shimenawa, Shide, different types of bells, oils, fire starters, and various other possible supplies he'll carry for special jobs.

Kane's work pack also tends to hold a flashlight, a good amount of rope, a multi-tool and a well-stocked first-aid kit he purchased from Supercago.

He both a modern cell phone and laptop from Supercago that is he working to get better with.

Kane is well off due to his work as a medium. He charges fairly high but has been known to lower his cost for those who can't pay it.


Twin Pistols

Kane's main weapons are two sentient pistols that possess a variety of abilities. While not their true names, the weapons go by Dextera and Sinistra and are capable of changing their form to suit Kane's needs should he know the general design of the firearm he wants. They are not bound to a firearm form and are also capable of changing into melee weapons, but their forms are limited to an ax, a cutlass, a hammer, or a knife. These weapons are enchanted to durable enough to take just about anything without major damage. Kane is able to recall the weapons to his hands with a thought. Each twin shares a mental link with Kane and both possess 20-meter blindsight. They are physically capable of speaking and hearing but tend not to talk to people other than Kane.

While the firearm forms of the twins are capable of firing actual ammunition, their main form of offense is firing Kane's own mana transmuted into straight-up energy. At their peak capacity, each twin is capable of pumping out the energy of an RPG every 5 seconds but this power can be split between shots.Due to the nature of the weapons, the magic rounds they fire are capable of being completely non-lethal. The bladed forms of the twins are both fairly sharp and capable of cutting through modern body armors and gouge hardened steel when swung behind Kane's strength.

The twins were originally human mages who were worked in service to a pirate crew in the late 17th century. However, they had their magic stolen from them before being burnt at the stake for witchcraft. However, before they were killed, they were saved by an unknown wizard that turned the pair into the form they remain as to the present day


Kane is capable of seeing and communing with spirits and the deceased. Additionally, he can feel the "emotions" of spirits and is capable of seeing and sensing the soul. Kane can identify undead by sight most of the time unless they have magic concealing themselves. He's trained in the art of helping the deceased pass on if they remain attached to the mortal world for some reason. Kane is able to physically interact with incorporeal spirits and directly harm them in most cases as well.

The Bird Cage: This spell is used to trap and restrain spirits. This process requires a chant and channeling for 10 seconds which summons the cage. If Kane can then force the spirit into the cage, it will be immobilized and unable to escape, having its energy and magic drained. Breaking out of the cages requires physical brute force capable of breaking reinforced steel from either the inside or out. This spell only affects spirits and special types of undead, not the vast majority.

Body of the Beast

This spell allows for Kane to take on the benefits of animals he consumes by taking on their "spirit."

Kane is far more physically capable than a human. After consuming and taking on the property of various biologically immortal animals, Kane's body has stopped aging. After consuming a Starfish, Kane has since adapted the ability to slowly regrow lost body parts over the course of days to weeks. He blood clots slightly faster than normal as well. His eyes can pick up IR rays and see in the dark. His body is nearly immune to natural poisons and toxins and is resistant to non-natural ones. He is capable of digesting almost any sort of organic material. His senses, reactions, and motor control are a dozen times stronger than human limits. He's able to resist temperature below freezing and boiling water without much harm. Additionally, he can hold his breath for well over 20 minutes.

Kane has learned to boost the natural power and abilities of certain animals, granting him specialized abilities for short bursts.

Turn Feral - Kane begins to lose his sense of reason, focusing on pure survival instincts, and in turn, ignoring pain and injury to keep fighting.

Tooth and Nail - Kane's nails and teeth elongate and sharpen into deep points. This allows him to pierce and rend as well as a high powered rifle. 15 minutes of use per day.

Spider Climb - Allows maneuverability on walls and steep inclines without falling down.

Lion's Roar - Unleashes a powerful roar that acts like a powerful concussion grenade, forcing people back and breaking windows in over a dozen meter radius. 5 uses per day.

Panther's Prowl - Allows Kane to move about silently, along with causing him to leave no tracks and no scent. 10 minutes of use per day.

Chameleon - Allows Kane to change his skin tone much like a chameleon or an octopus to blend in.

Envenom - Kane is capable of producing a powerful venom, enough to kill a human in 10-15 minutes. Two doses per day.

Turtle Shell - Kane's skin becomes hardened plates, raising his protection against piercing weapons. 15 minutes of use per day.

Versatility: Kane is a dangerous threat to many mages in close quarters due to his physical capabilities. Body of the Beast gives some offensive versatility so he doesn't always have to rely on brute force.

Drawbacks: Kane lacks the versatility and AoE offense many mages possess. A lot of his spells tend not to be subtle and lack finesse.



Kane is capable of listing nearly a ton casually and throwing people around like ragdolls. With a lot of strain, he could lift up a car and toss it.


Due to his strength, Kane is capable of sprinting at nearly 50 mph and running at 40 mph for extended periods. When it comes to dodging attacks and striking, Kane can take side steps and strike at twice his sprinting speed.


Kant is trained in mediumship and has the associated knowledge that comes along with that. He has a B.A in American History.


Just from flexing, Kane is capable of preventing crossbow bolts from piercing his skin. Through the use of Turtle Shell, Kane can take RPG warheads directly without having it pierce his skin, but he'll still take blunt damage. He's walked over from a head-on impact with a speeding semi truck with little more than scraps. A side effect of his Mediumship gives him a lot of resistance to spiritual and psychic spells and abilities.


Kane is a massive threat to stationary targets, with all but the most heavily reinforced targets falling him to eventually.

[OPTIONAL] Approval Notes: I'd imagine Kane is going to be a 7 or even 8 rating. I'd like to keep him a rather high threat if it's doable.

Submitted August 06, 2018 at 09:47AM by _PoB_

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