*Warning - this is a long post. I blame ADHD...***
Hi Everyone,
My couples therapist suggested that maybe I have ADHD. I scoffed. I remember growing up and knowing kids who had ADHD and all I could think was "I am not like that". Only ADHD has evolved so much from what I thought it was.
When I was a kid I was a chronic nose picker, I licked my lips all the time, I ripped my nails (didn't bite them), I was disorganized and lived in piles of chaos, I was the only kid who couldn't put my lock on forwards (only backwards), I was so direction impaired that I couldn't remember how to go someone's place that I just went to the week before, if someone asked me the question to something I didn't know - I had to answer, when I studied in a library I would start to obsessively look at my split ends to procrastinate, I couldn't study in silence, I would have to re-read the same thing over 10 times and highlight, make notes in the notebook, type up the notes and memorize them, I was obsessive over researching for a paper and would pour thousands of journals looking for a specific fact that would make my paper stronger and better, I would forget assignments and then scramble at the last minute but produce amazing work, I have always been a sensitive kid and cry for all kinds of things (movies, art, when someone was mean to someone else), I cut corners to get the best results in a shorter period of time. I did good in school though (A's), I didn't skip but I was horrible in math (C) to the point I had anxiety attacks and would pray just to pass the course, I did the GMAT 3 times and got so stressed out by the time limit and the test that I scored in the lowest percentile.
Recently though I am in a relationship where my bf has picked up on things that others have over the years, but it's caused an impairment to our relationship:
He noticed that :
- I can't remember conversations that we had the other day let alone a month ago.
- I repeat things all the time thinking I have told it to someone the first time.
- I can never say what time and date I am free, but will say "I have plans in the morning or evening, but free in the afternoon." but will go through every single event that I have scheduled to come to that conclusion.
- I am an excessive talker. Silence kills me.
- I have been fired from 5 jobs for poor performance, but it's always the same situation : A micro managing boss who doesn't give clear directions and criticizes the work I do and suddenly I shut down and self sabotage because I think I am not smart or good enough and become depressed.
- I am obsessive with my phone. I will message 10 people if I have 5 free minutes. I love getting replies back.
- I will make 5 plans in a day and be deeply saddened if I have to cancel but most of the time I try to make them all work.
- I can not stay home. I need to be out doing different things.
- I get overly sensitive if he tells me anything "Hey babe, can you make sure that you put X back when you are done?"
- I don't listen. I interrupt to say what I have on my mind during a disagreement and sometimes multiple times.
- My condo is a diaster. My fridge isn't cleaned on a monthly basis, I get distracted cleaning a room or focusing on any one task (he cleaned my den and sorted through things in less than 2 hours and I couldn't sort paper in the same amount of time). Sometimes it takes up to a whole day to clean my condo. I have to take everything out of the drawers, cupboards and then throw things out and put everything back. I cut corners to clean - I don't do a full job.
- I forget my keys, my wallet on a constant basis.
- I have a lot of "junk" in my purse such as old receipts, etc.
Does this sound like anything anyone else has experienced? Of course i am obsessing over having ADHD now...so trying to read and learn everything about it.
Submitted August 03, 2018 at 05:38PM by SimplyXtraOrdinary https://ift.tt/2n7nm8P
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