Thursday, August 2, 2018

I am Roget, SCP wiki Administrator and writer of 3.5% of all SCPs. AMA!

Hello! I am Roget, SCP Foundation administrator extraordinaire. I've been a member of the community for almost seven years now, and in that time I've done an awful lot of writing. At present, I have 130 SCP articles, 80 tales, and a smattering of other essays, hubs, GoI format works, and art galleries. I've been staff on the Wiki since 2012 and an administrator since 2017(or something like that).

Prior to the Foundation, I didn't do much writing, and it's helped me hone my skills to a significant degree. I've had paid writing jobs with my previous school's newspaper, and I've contributed a few works to the Wanderers Library. Beyond that I haven't written too much outside the Wiki.

I'm currently a student at Flagler College in St. Augustine, FL. I'm studying Journalism and Media Production. I work as a convenience store/gas station attendant during the night shift, which let me tell you lends a lot of inspiration for writing out-there characters. Most of my inspiration comes from real-life sources. My first SCP, the Pink Flamingos, was inspired by my mother's love for lawn flamingos. Most of the characters I write are based on irl people, with the only exceptions coming to mind being David Rosen, from New Technical Issues.

I have some hobbies outside of writing, I'm a vintage gaming/electronics collector and I love reading about history. I'm a news junkie, and the only person my age(22) that I know of who still buys their local print newspaper. I'm also big on board games and I play a little guitar.

I've contributed a lot of SCP articles, and numerous pieces of lore to the site. Here are a few of them that I'm proud of in no particular order:

David Rosen was the first character I created on the site. He's an antisocial, crabby, rude, and overall kind of mean person who runs Site-19's tech support. He was created for use on the New Technical Issues page, which I will probably get around to updating one of these days if nobody ever wants to take the job on for themselves. He's been written him into a pretty large number of stories, which you can find using his tag.

I wasn't always proud of him, but I've ultimately grown to enjoy the character. He's a good foil to have the universe dump on and despite his harsh negativity people seem to like him.

Site-77, and the associated characters and intrigue: (

Initially, Site-77 was just a random number I picked to make a site to put all of my articles in. Didn't really start thinking about lore and background behind it until I wrote SCP-1591, after which I put a lot of thought into it. Originally an Axis WW2 bunker, and before that a site with mystique attached to it in local legend, Site-77 has established its identity as a large-volume containment site with a research focus on practical application of the anomalous. A lot of the ideas I had for Site-77 came after I used it as the primary setting of the Origins RP for a few years.

Director Shirley Gillespie is a character based on my own grandmother, who suffers from dementia. Creating her was kind of my way of preserving the spirit my grandma had when her health was better. I enjoy writing the character and she's even been the subject of an entire SCP article, Being Shirley Gillespie (

Security Director Theodore Anderson is kind of obscure to most people, but he's an important part of the Site-77 lore and is Gillespie's tough-as-nails right hand man. Serious, dedicated, and loyal.

Dr. Ralph Roget is sort of a composite character based on myself, in as far as author avatar characters are supposed to be. I try not to write him as literally being myself in the SCP Universe, rather I try to take inspiration from some of my own personality and characteristics.

Researcher Boyd is an actual complete self-insert into the SCP Universe but nobody has called me out on it yet. Agent Boyd is based on my sister, and they're siblings in-universe as well.

Mobile Task Force Psi-7 "Home Improvement" is again, something I created because I wanted to have my own Mobile Task Force. They didn't really get an identity until I had written about them more. First appearing in SCP-1651, they are a force dedicated to blowing up and otherwise demolishing anomalous structures. They're very good at their job, taking the mythbusters approach to any problem, and have extremely high morale. Their captain is Calvin Ekblad, and most of the rest of the roster is comprised of characters from the Origins roleplaying game. They have their own hub here (

I started the Origins SCP, a concept developed by Scantron/Communism Will Win. It's still ongoing, actually just rebooted from a 50's to an 80's setting with a system that isn't assbackwards if anyone wants to check it out. The Foundation has a long history of associated RP sites, going back to the earliest days of the site with Active Duty. This was followed by After Action, an attempt at a sequel RP and Far Recon, a spinoff taking place at SCP-354(The Red Pool). Then we had Tamlin House, and now Origins, which has endured for far longer than any of the other rp communities. As I said, it inspired a lot of Site-77 and Mobile Task Force Psi-7, since they served as the primary setting of the rp for several years and until recently all characters were members of Psi-7. It also led to the creation of SCP-2799. I'm not sure which other SCPs have been inspired by the associated RP sites, other than [SCP-039]() being inspired by faceless monkeys in Far Recon.

I've had two attempts at a 001 proposal, one of them being successful and the other not as much. I won't go too much into Keter Duty, as you guys have already done a pretty solid deconstruction of it. My first attempt turned into the tale Individuality, so it all worked out pretty well in the end.

The Red Actors Troupe is a psuedo-GoI I used a few times in my early work. The name is a pronunciation pun of [REDACTED] Group. They don't really have a motivation other than stirring up drama because all the world's a stage, and I don't think many other people used them besides me. I think ihp might've once. The only article I can remember using them in off the top of my head is Potted Pets.(SCP-1513) They're also the actual redacted group in SCP-1837(Acid Mop)

I ran the History Contest and the Art Contest. History Contest was a lot of fun. Art Contest was mostly fun... it was an experimental way of doing a contest, and unfortunately the judging panel for such a large volume of art fell apart on me multiple times resulting in numerous extensions to the end of the contest. Turned out fine in the end, though.

I've entered every SCP-X000 contest that's happened since I entered the site. 2k, 3k and 4k contest entries. My 2k entry, The Empty Box, is a bunch of Atari game systems and televisions the government stuck kids in to use as psychic warfare against the Soviets. My 3k entry is a fucking meme and a half that has extra spoops on top of that. My 4k entry is all about the Sea Peoples and reflects my love of classical history.

I was also part of the winning team for the Mobile Task Forces Contest, with kaktus, lurkd and Cimmerian. I wrote a GoI format article, and also contributed to helping write hatbot's dialogue and personality.

1572(Root Map) and 1976(Shortcuts) are both inspired by my childhood neighborhood, there were a lot of houses all backed up to a large open green space that kids would use to get from one area to another quickly, hang around in each other's backyards and other shennanigans. Good times.

A random note, an SCP I rewrote, SCP-213, Anti-Matter parasite, has the only remaining decommissioning discussion done by staff on the site as far as I can find. I also think it's the most-rewritten SCP, with three rewrites occurring before my version came to be. I even wrote a tale about that, called Daydreamin (

Another little known little SCP subseries are what I like to call my Smashed Cars Collection (SCP-1727, SCP-1872, SCP-1894) which consist of a bunch of articles connected to one another by the theme of gratuitous vehicular destruction. Of the three, 1872 is my favorite, just because the imagery of a car chasing a lazer like a cat still makes me laugh.

The Class of '76 is a concept I've been developing since my third SCP on the site, SCP-1833. At its core, it's a study of toxic nostalgia, how looking far back into the past can warp your memory and keep you in a permanent state of remembrance. It's also about how the things you remember growing up might be a lot more awful than your brain lets you realize.

The lolFoundation Canon was something I created as a response to a push for lolFoundation concepts to be consigned to the dustbin of history. I wanted to create a place where the grimdark overtones that were popular at the time could be counteracted by the silly story concepts of days past. I'm really proud of where it's gone and how many people have felt inspired to contribute to it. I think the winning formula is a simple premise and a lot of open space for new ground to be covered.

The Oneiroi Collective concept literally came to me in a dream. I had always wanted to develop a GoI, but I wanted it to be done right. Not by a group of people striving to meet the minimum requirements despite tepid community response, but for people to find it legitimately interesting enough to do their own take on the group. That happened with Oneiroi almost immediately, and I think the concept of dreamspace crossing over with our own world, especially the virtual world, resonated with a lot of people.

On the Wanderer's Library, I created my own little patron world called Elrich. It's a fantasy concept I've had in my head since I was a child, a world of ridiculous magic and vegetable-worshipping religious fanatics. Some of my favorite contributions in the SCP Universe were written there, stories like Renmar.(

One of my proudest community achievements is the continued development of the International SCP network. When I began Internet Outreach, the only site was the Russian affiliate. Since then we've grown the community by leaps and bounds, and it's really taken on a life of its own. So many people have been able to discover SCP through the international affiliates and I hope they continue to grow with us into the future.

My other Internet Outreach work has mostly been consolidating SCP social media presence on the major platforms and promoting the brand however possible. We've recently expanded to an Instagram page and we're thinking of making a more official Steam group in the future.

Some of my favorite SCP articles are SCP-3001, SCP-3780(which I just found and you guys should really read it's cool as heck), SCP-2462, SCP-2522, SCP-1231, SCP-1319, SCP-432 and SCP-504. Some of my favorite tales are Unfinished Business, Brink Dangerguts Adventures and Lesbian Hunger Doggos. Favorite Canons are Rat's Nest and Resurrection(please ask about my res stuff lol). My favorite GoI format article is the Prometheus Keyboard one. My preferred -EX is Lisztomania and my favorite Joke Article is THE SCREAMING MAN along with anything written by Salman Corbette.

I'm quite fond of the content produced by TheVolgun and I also listen to a few other YouTube SCPeople like Eastside SCP and Cimmerian.

So yeah, if that hasn't satisfied everything you ever needed to know about me.... ask me anything!

Submitted August 02, 2018 at 02:03PM by Rogay

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