Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Rich old trombone player

So this is a story that not only affected me but it affected my whole high school theatre arts department. Back about 6 years ago I was a junior in high school. I was very active in my drama club and me and a bunch of my friends would be apart of the shows that were performed at my school. Insert old creepy trombone player. Lets call him Steve. Steve was an old man who played Trombone in our schools pit. He had been playing in it for the last few years before I was even in high school. Apparently he was very good as he toured across the country and played in many national tours and such. But the reason they kept Steve around is because of how much money he put into our Theatre program. He would constantly be donating money into our funds in order to make our production value incredible. Our production of Little Shop of Horrors was amazing because we were able to pay for a plant that looked so realistic instead of a crappy one. He was a bit of a dick, but I guess when you have money that doesn't matter.

Here's where it gets sort of creepy:

Steve would award two students a "scholarship" of $100 if they were his favorite actor in the show that year and would take them out for lunch. Its not terrible. The money part is nice, taking them out is a bit creepy though. Thankfully our director would accompany who ever got this scholarship so it wasn't bad. As the years went on, Steve would appear more in my high school and become closer with some of my friends. 2 of them he grew a high attraction to and almost sort of took them under his wing. He would give one of my friends many expensive instruments that were his and the other he would pay for him to go to a singing camp/class. Again not totally bad.

Now it gets a bit creepier:

One day Steve tells both of my friends, that they've one a trip with him to see the Broadway musical Cinderella with him and two of his other friends. Now here's this guy who's 76 with two of his other older friends asking two boys who are 16 to go out on a trip. The thought is nice but its pretty ridiculous. Luckily there was an extra ticket that one of my friends mothers went on the trip. Steve and his friends apparently weren't very happy with that. Also should mention that he rented a full stretch limo for all of them.

This is where shit gets super creepy:

Steve starts coming to my high school more regularly now. Usually he would only come during rehearsals for the musicals for the sole reason of playing in the pit. Kids started to kiss his ass and even the theatre faculty because he had all this money that he was giving. But still, heres this old man coming into our high school during school hours and sometimes after just sitting in our theatre watching us rehearse or act. It was almost like he was salivating at seeing us young kids. Then one day he starts asking favors from us and asks a kid to give him a full back rub for money. He does it obviously for the money and Steve is basically orgasmic to this. People begin to get very creeped out at this and a lot of eyebrows are being raised at this guy. The final nail in the coffin was when Steve tried to give me a brand new guitar. He has also just given me the scholarship and I knew I was eventually going to have to go out with him. However my dad intercepted the bass and started to question who this was coming from. He, an undercover detective, felt that this was very fishy, as he had heard some stories of this man but didn't know the full extent. He reported it to the school to investigate this man.


It turns out that this guy was a straight up PEDOPHILE. When doing further research on this guy online. This guy was a registered sex offender and was found guilty of sexual abuse all the way back in 1974! AND in 2005 he was arrested for doing the SAME THING to another young boy! I can post the article but it compromises the mans name. So if the mods want me to source it I'll absolutely source it in an edit.

But that's my story! Shortly after he ceased contact from me and my friends. He actually wrote one of them a really nasty letter for outing him and told him to rot in hell. We assume now he's dead. But Steve lets never meet again.

TL;DR: Old rich trombone player donated money to my schools theater program and gave gifts and money to younger kids. Asked for people to give him back-rubs and it wasn't until after all this we found out he was a pedophile.

SIDE NOTE: One time I almost accidentally killed Steve. He would walk with a cane and was very slow to move. One day he was pushing a door open and I saw him struggling and felt bad so I went to hold the door open for him. As soon as I grabbed it he nearly almost fell down since he was holding the door for support. He quickly gained his balance, looked at me very angry and said "YOU COULD'VE KILLED ME!"

Submitted July 31, 2018 at 08:46PM by strombolibasedgod https://ift.tt/2At8LOt

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