Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Belgian Thief Damage Hero: Magpie

Name: Magpie

Real Name: Camille Vermeulen

Gender: Female

Height: 5 ft, 10 inches

Age: 28

Nationality: Belgian

Appearance - Body: Physically fit and sleek body type, medium black hair with white streak, blue eyes, full lips.

Appearance - Clothing: Black latex body suit with gloves and boots attached, black burglar/masquerade mask which hides her upper face (contains technology which interferes with facial recognition). Belt with silver crow-shaped buckle with burglar tools on sides. Black strap over chest which holds throwing knives. She has a blackjack club on her belt which she uses in her melee attacks. She wears a short, black hooded cape over this which offers some stealth capabilities.

Weapon - Primary: Throwing knives, grapple gun and smoke bombs.

Occupation: Fashion designer/model/gymnast/cat-burglar.

Affiliation: Independent

Role: Damage

Health: 180

Movement Speed: Fast

Ammo Capacity: 3

Base of Operations - Paris: The location of Camille's apartment and studio (where she designs clothes and then models them in photoshoots via her omnic photographer Ruben and her French agent Margo).

1st Spawn Quote: "You handle the fighting, I'll handle the looting."

Difficulty: Medium

Bio: Camille Vermeulen is the daughter of a Belgian painter. She has lived in Paris since she was 6 and would never want to live anywhere else. She is not without her enemies, however. When she was 16 her father was framed for a crime he did not commit and his gallery (along with all of his work) was seized by the French government. All of his work was then bought by a wealthy gallery owner. Her father died in prison. Since then, Camille has abandoned her gymnast career and lives as a fashion magnate by day and a cat-burglar by night, sneaking into various galleries and stealing back her father's work (and storing it in a private underground gallery). By the time she had retrieved all of it, she realised that she was addicted to the thrill. She now steals whatever she can and loves every minute of it.

Abilities - Passive: [Incognito] Magpie cannot be detected by any other character or ability unless directly seen and her footsteps make no noise. When crouched, Magpie is harder to see. When crouched and stationary, she is invisible. When melee attacking an enemy from behind, that enemy will be knocked out for 5 seconds. When knocked out, the enemy will display small black and white birds flying around their heads.

Abilities - R2: [Knife Flick] Magpie throws a small knife which is coated in a potent toxin. (Similar to Ana primary)

Abilities - L2: [Smoke Bomb] Magpie throws a smokebomb which covers a small area in white smoke. Enemies cannot see through this smoke but allies can detect enemies through it. If Magpie enters the smoke, she becomes temporarily invisible and faster, allowing her to escape.

Abilities - L1: [Grapple] Magpie pulls a grapple gun out with her left hand and fires it at any flat surface. Holding L1 allows Magpie to suspend or cling to the surface that she grappled onto.

Abilities - R1: [Loot] For the first 5 seconds after an enemy dies or while an enemy is unconscious/asleep/frozen, Magpie can loot them, stealing their ultimate charge for herself and resetting theirs to 0. This makes her highly visible and vulnerable as it takes 2 seconds to loot a body. She can steal a charge of upto 500 but loses all of it if killed.

Abilities - Ultimate: [Hidden Stash] Magpie does not have her own ultimate so much as she steals charge for her allies. When Magpie activates her ultimate, she places a small circular plate on the ground, above this plate floats a circular blue ultimate symbol of a white bird. This stash contains all the ultimate charge that Magpie looted up until she placed the stash (anything from 100 to 500). When an ally hero walks into the symbol, they take however much charge they need to unlock their ultimate. The stash can be easily destroyed and cannot be placed in spawn so hiding it is essential. Magpie can refill the stash with additional charge by using her Loot ability on the stash, meaning that a skilled Magpie player will only ever need to place one stash throughout an entire round. Used correctly, Magpie can effectively provide instant ult charge for her entire team.

Victory Pose - Heroic: Magpie stands with her hands on her hips.

Victory Pose - Cutpurse: Magpie holds a wallet in her left hand while placing the tips of her right fingers over her lips to hold in a laugh as her cheeks puff and her eyes look to the left.

Victory Pose - Hanging Out: Magpie hangs upside down from the wire of her grapple like a circus performer.

Victory Pose - With My Agent: Magpie laughs to herself as she holds her cellphone to her ear and twirls her hair.

Victory Pose - Vanity: Magpie (with her mask off) checks her complexion in her compact mirror.

Emote - Counting Change: Magpie pulls a wad of cash from her cleavage. She flicks through the notes in a counting fashion.

Emote - Woman Uninterrupted: Magpie gives a stretch before lying down on the ground with her left knee up and her right hand behind her head with her eyes closed.

Emote - The Perks of The Job: Magpie pulls a bottle of expensive champagne from nowhere and takes a quick sip before tossing it over her shoulder.

Emote - Sneaky Peck: Magpie leans forward with her arms behind her back and kisses.

Emote - Vogue: Magpie cycles through a series of model-like poses as if in a photoshoot.

Emote - Single Lady: Magpie does the single ladies dance.

Highlight Intro - Heroic: Magpie puts her hands on her waist and smirks at the camera.

Highlight Intro - Hoarder: Magpie lies in a pile of money surrounded by fine art and jewellery.

Highlight Intro - Vanity: Magpie lies on the floor, filing her nails.

Highlight Intro - Photoshoot: Magpie struts her stuff as the camera takes flashing snapshots of her.

Voice - Hello: "Why hello." Voice - Thanks: "Thanks." Voice - Acknowledge: "You got it." Voice - Healing: "Could use some healing." Voice - Group: "Let's hang out." Voice - Ult Charging: "I'm building quite the collection." Voice - Ult Charged:"I made a good haul." Voice - Ult Use: "I'll come back for this later." Voice Line - 1: "Ooh, shiny." Voice Line - 2: "Penny for your thoughts." Voice Line - 3: "My life is art and art is my life." Voice Line - 4: "I'd like to add you to my collection." Voice Line - 5: "Got any change?" Voice Line - 6: "I'll have my people call your people." Voice Line - 7: "Make love, not war." Voice Line - 8: "I'd love to paint you." Voice Line - 9: "Look at all these pretty things." Voice Line - 10: "You can't rush art."

Dialogue - : 1)[McCree]"Hey there." ^ [Magpie]"Hey yourself, handsome." Dialogue - : 2)[Magpie]"Howdy, partner." ^ [McCree]"Very funny." Dialogue - : 3)[Soldier76]"Don't get distracted." ^ [Magpie]"I NEVER get distracted." Dialogue - : 4)[Magpie]"I bet you were a real looker back in the day." ^ [Soldier76]"Don't push your luck."

Submitted July 26, 2018 at 02:48AM by BlueGypsyOnTheWater

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