Friday, June 8, 2018

S3 Week 2 | Candied Queens (Judge's Critiques)

Good morning, granola bars! I hope you girls have a sweet tooth, because our queens are back in the motherfuckin house!

Please welcome our judges!
Sally Spellman, who knows you want a piece of the cherry pah!
Malaria E. Coli, who just wants to be your bubblegum bitch!
Miyu Moon, representing the Lollipop Guild!

This week, our queens were tasked with creating looks based off of a candy of their choosing. The judges have made some decisions based off of what they've presented.

This was a gorgeous outfit, but we wished it had more candy inspiration than insect! You're safe.

The reveal was nice, but this was pretty predictable. You're safe.

Marsh Moon
This look was sweet, but was it candy? Who knows! You're safe.

Minty Oled
This wasn't the most compelling look, but we know you can do better! You're safe.

Makanani Drive
We asked for candy, and you gave us fruit! ...Sort of. You're safe.

If your name was not called, then you represent the Highs and Lows of the week. Starting with...

Ifora Nye

MALARIA: Okay, this is the winner for me. This is exactly what I was looking for, couture inspired by candy, and what I love the most here is that color scheme! Doing a sour candy was such a smart choice, and I adore the backstory behind the look. That sort of shade of almost emerald green combined with the bright pink hair and gloves is just so satisfying. Similar to Bettie’s look, I love how you’ve incorporated the sour belts into the lining of the outfit, as if it’s literally made from the candy itself. After your rocky start, this is a perfect comeback!

SALLY: I already see you going up from here and I’m excited! I’m gonna start with what I don’t like, and it’s pretty much the entirety of the head hahaha, I don’t like the hair, I think a different shape could have worked better, maybe a pixie cut? But I don’t like it as it is, then the shape of the hat is not my favorite, it looks rather floppy and it takes me out of being entirely in love with it. The outfit itself is great it goes along your description just great, it’s shiny, it’s glossy and I don’t know what else but it’s pretty great, those booooooots! I’m in love, I believe this was a great week for you! I’m a little confused about something rather… PROBLEMATIQUÉ… and It’s that Ifora doesn’t seem to stick to one skin tone? On your promo she was rather dark, and then in her confessional she was white (unless you were drawing yourself for the confessional! In that case I’m cool with it I have a white best friend), last week she felt again the skin tone was different to the promo and once again today it feels mismatched, I’m not gonna jump the boom boom gun but I’m just curious if you’re trying to serve ebony goddess realness (RIP Bearded Lobsterhand Queen) or you’re having issues with setting your character’s skintone, which is totally okay since I usually struggled with Sally’s skin, sometimes making her more red or more purple. ANYWAYSSSSS! Leaving all that aside congrats on a good job queen.

MIYU: I have no idea what a sour green belt is, but this look makes me want to know and upon further inspection it looks delicious. This look itself really gives me that sugary sour feeling, especially with the sparkly bodice. I feel like I could bite into a sheet of this outfit and my mouth would pucker right up. It’s a very couture outfit as well, the shapes and the way the lines on the outfit accent them has such an artful impression. I also love a monochrome outfit, you managed to make an entire outfit in one color but keep it fresh with all these shapes and details.

Up next is...

Xiu Mi

MALARIA: Miss Mi. Your hand is backwards. Before I move on, let this be a warning to everyone: I can forgive long limbs, I can forgive changing faces and skintones, and I can even get over whatever was going on with Elise’s foot situation… but nothing bugs me more than backwards hands!!! Please, if you’re ever confused or feel unsure about it, use your own hands as a reference! Hands suck to draw, but at the very least you can have the thumb on the right side!
Okay! Now that that’s out of the way, let’s talk about this look. I don’t hate it… but I don’t particularly like it. I love the shoulders up, except for the bow. I think the mask was an alright way to incorporate the rabbit ears without putting them on a headband, so kudos on that. The puffy sleeves and shorts are very appealing to me in the way that they’re reminiscent of like… child’s clothes from the 18th century or something. Period costume, but not. I’m not sure what the texture on the corset is supposed to be but I’m definitely not a fun. It looks rushed and odd. The lighter and darker browns are throwing me a bit, I wish the palette was more unified, but it’s all monochrome except the gold accents so I can’t complain too much about that. I’m urging you to try for something more couture next week… last week you gave us comedy and this week was cutesy, so now let’s see Xiu Mi do couture.

SALLY: I see everything that you did and I don’t disagree with mostly anything but this to me is on the plain, basic side seeing that you chose a chocolate bunny which is you know a bunny made out of chocolate I get there’s not much to do with that but I think you could have gone further with other elements associated with chocolate bunnies to elevate this, implementing Easter and spring aspects to it could have helped it be more than it is, it’s not a bad look by any means, the colors are great and I see that you worked on the contrast, I’m gonna say it now before it’s too late: THE HANDS ARE ON BACKWARDS, THE KILLER IS CALLING FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE, GET OUT!!! Please stand in front of a mirror and put your hands the way Xiu is and you’ll see what I mean. My verdict is: cute look but could have been much more.

MIYU: This look is perhaps the most immediately recognizable as candy, which is charming but also a little limiting. It’s almost to a level I find a bit costumey more so than couture. Like maybe if it was just the mask and not also the tail it would read a little more fashion than costume, but even as a costume it’s a damn nice costume. The differing brown shades on the outfit was a great idea because otherwise you could so easily be a muddy brown mess but the look is nicely defined. Brown and yellow can be a weird color combination but you worked it out very well.

Up next is...

Carmella Fox

MALARIA: Okay! This is definitely a step up from last week in terms of concept! First of all I’ll say good choice of candy, the colors on peach rings are so appealing and they made for a very pretty and sort of soft palette for your look. I really appreciate that you didn’t just cover a skirt and top in laid out rings - the way you twisted them and looped and knotted is far more visually interesting. The whole effect gives me sort of Lady Gaga vibes. I love the expression on her face, but I was a little perplexed by her hands in this pose… I don’t really know what she’s gesturing, but I also don’t care because it’s a good look regardless. The pose isn’t hindering it, in your case. While I do enjoy this a lot, I will say that I feel you’ve got to give me something more extreme next week for me to consider you for a win. I want to see you eventually give me something kind of out there. This almost hit the mark but it almost feels a bit restrained, I feel like you would do something really phenomenal if you gave us something in the same realm as this look, turned up to eleven!

SALLY: I fragging love peach rings, and this look is no exception, I think out of the bunch this one feels draggier to me, the shoes… I don’t know they sort of crack me up but I also think they’re a smart decision because for this look I don’t think a simple heel would have gone along with the entire ensemble. I have an issue with the color you chose for the tips of the hair I think it was supposed to go along the gloves and boots but it looks like lighter pink against the tanned pink and peach tones. The outfit itself is really cool and I like the construction of it and the fascinator is everything! A very solid entrance this week, keep it up because I’d love to see more of this Carmella.

MIYU: Holy hell I could go for some peach rings! I can immediately see the candy inspiration here but I could also see this look in some crazy fashion show, this reminds me of something The Fame era Gaga would wear. I love the way the cords of candy are wound and looped in the skirt and on the head piece, there’s a sort of organized chaos in it that is super gorgeous. The rendering makes the candies look sugary sweet but also I just find it generally pleasant to look at, if not sugary candy I could easily imagine them as crystal covered. Yummy yummy yummy head to toe!

Up next is...

Ophelia N. Cyde

MALARIA: So from the neck up, this is sort of giving me Victoria Elizabeth Black’s glamour look in Dragula Season 2, which I loved. The rest of this is not. I have to say that this looks more like an electrician inspired look than a licorice look, since the black cords look more like cables and the colored bits are more reminiscent of connectors and plugs. I do love a good cage dress, and I think the shape is really interesting, but the boots were a definite mistake. They make her legs look chunky, and judging by the rest of the look I don’t think that was the intent! Last week you were bottom two for not giving enough fashion, but this week I think it’s more an issue of rendering than fashion, in that the look doesn’t really read as the kind of candy you were aiming for.

SALLY: Gosh I love this! The cages are just so cool and the little pops of color on the face I find delightful except for the mustard yellow, my only drawback would be that the caging doesn’t feel like licorice, they don’t really hold that twirly texture that licorice has and it ends up looking more like wires and I feel like those little details at the shoes and the little fruit loop thingies are unnecessary? I see the need for some additional color here and there but I think using red licorice or another candy as an accessory (those candy rings gurlllll!!!) would have worked better.

MIYU: Another great licorice rendering! But in this look, even though the rendering is right, I find the colorful bits confuse me a bit. I’m assuming it’s something about colorful licorice but it’s actually giving me more like AV cables or something electrical feeling. I really like the skirt cage, but I find the chest caging and the boots to be kind of stiff and boxy looking in a way that isn’t very licorice like. I really like the elements of this look, but I’m not sure they give me the candy feeling I really want. But I would totally wear the shoes either way.

Up next is...


MALARIA: Ooh bitch, I see my baklava look has aged well! Haha, just kidding! First, I’ll say that I love the square afro and the shape of the bodysuit in the hips and shoulders, it’s all very reminiscent of the shape of little chunks of panela, which was smart! The scene on the body was also a good idea - normally i can’t stand when a scene is outright drawn on the clothes (i.e. Sunset Boulevard) but in this case it worked in your favor thanks to the subtlety of which it was done; it’s more like a pattern on the fabric than a mural or something similar! I love the pose, despite not being able to see half her face, she looks fierce. This is a whole toot! Keep it up.

SALLY: First of all I fucking love panela and it brings me really pleasant memories of better times, leaving that aside even when you chose a pretty nondescript candy for your look you fleshed it out to the best of your capabilities and you still told a story with it which I think was really clever and shows that you didn’t go for your outfit just resembling the candy but actually going beyond that, the art on the body suit at first feels out of place but when you describe the backstory of the candy it becomes clearer, great use of shapes with the shoulders and hips to represent the candy and that hair is so foolish that I can’t help but love it, you captured with the right amount of detailing and elements of a very simple candy but with a rich story that shines through the bodysuit! Rakatatititata, you’re pussy bitch.

MIYU: Ok wow, there is a whole story here going on with this look, I feel like I’m at an art museum learning some candy history right now. But at first it was hard to tell what I was looking at. Maybe if the texture and illustrations were done in different colors it could be easier to tell what is what. The designs do help spice up what would otherwise be just a basic bodysuit so that’s definitely a plus. The inspiration is a pretty simple looking sweet so you really need to play with symbolic detail to impart the candy on us.

Last, but not least is...

Elise Utried

MALARIA: And here I am again, Elise. Just like last week… I love and hate this. This time though, I’m leaning a little closer to hate, because the more I look at it, the more I realize it’s really messy up top! Not rendering-wise, but in the triangle hat with the concentric circles and the dripping chocolate sleeves and whatever is sticking out of the hat... and then you get to the gown part, which is gorgeous on a first view but the more I look at this altogether, the less I like it! I think this is definitely an issue with editing - the whole look is too much and too disorganized. I feel like you had too many ideas and wanted to put them in one look. Personally, I think losing the hat, the shoulders, and having solid sleeves with maybe a hint of speckle would have have been enough to convey the candy and still look good. The skirt is the focal point. None of the rest was necessary! Edit!

SALLY: Not to be a bitch but this reminds me of my cinnamon roll look back in season 1 so I might be a wee tad bit BIASED. So I see a lot of patterns and shapes, let’s start with the skirt; sometimes it’s hard thinking of objects as 3d as you’re drawing with 2d in mind but it doesn’t feel like the pattern on the bottom actually wraps around it when you have the perspective of the dress show that it’s a 3d object. The dots feel a lot like polka dots and with the other patterns in the look it cheapens it when it could have been very couture and the drooping in the hat and the nails and the sleeves are too much, I think just the sleeves could have done the trick. In the future be mindful of adding too many elements to what you design, because it doesn’t read as busy but they read as odd choices. On the positive side, everything else about this look is correct in my eyes, I love the combination of boob window and shoulder pad, keep it up baby bitch.

MIYU: At first I really loved this look but the more I looked at the details the more I can see how messy it is. The general ideas are really nice, this pattern on the gown is a nice match up of textures that can flow well together. But the business up top takes away from that soft and smooth look. I think the part that bothers me is the sleeves, I think the drippy stripes make your arms look short and wide and not as graceful as the rest of the look. And like, I love the hat but I could live without the dripping on the edges really blocking in your face. This look has the right idea but I think it needs refinement in design, dial down the details and let some smart choices shine.

The judges have made their decisions.

Ifora Nye... don't be too sour, the judges thought this look was sweet! Condragulations, you're the winner of this week's challenge!

Xiu Mi... we'll be in contact with our lawyers. Keep those hands correct and elevate your designs. You're safe.

Carmella Fox... you nearly gave us a cavity, but we loved it! You're safe.

Ophelia N. Cyde... it's a shame to see you here again so soon... I'm sorry but you're up for elimination.

Granada... your panela gave us a lesson in history AND couture! You're safe.

Elise Utried... you failed. I'm sorry, but you're also up for elimination.

Full critiques for the queens are available HERE.

The lipsync song for this week is Sticky by Ravyn Lenae. The lipsync looks, and our first elimination, will be revealed in an hour, at about 1:00pm EST (10:00am PST). We'll see you there!

Submitted June 08, 2018 at 06:52PM by errsmi

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