Friday, June 1, 2018

Eugene "Griff" Griffis


Name: Eugene “Griff” Griffis

Age: 18

Appearance: Griff’s face is young, but quick to contort with anger. Light skin and hair contrast against his dark brown iris. He’s not particularly tall or heavy at 5’11, 160 pounds lean. Griff is classically handsome but his body language and attitude are reserved, he has a poor time making eye-contact, a problem with biting his nails when nervous and tends to look at his feet. Art courtesy Vetyr on Deviantart.

Mentality: As stated above, Griff’s not naturally an outwardly aggressive person. He’s not so timid to be picked on, but he just doesn’t exude much confidence. Because of his passivity, Griff’s father was tough and pushed him. The only times Griff ever snapped or lashed out was when pushed. He may not display it, but Griff does have some resentment and anger issues that the Axe brings out in him.

Background: Eugene Griffis, born to Brad Griffis and Annie Vares. Brad was an aspiring Olympic athlete and Annie, the masked hero Virago. Brad was unaware of his lover’s double life until Virago’s enemies found out Annie’s identity and attacked her in plain day, while with Brad. As the dust of the fight settled, Brad’s legs had been broken.

Brad was heartbroken at seeing his dreams taken away, and he resented Annie. She was pregnant with Eugene and when he was born they fought for custody, eventually Brad winning out. As Eugene grew up, his father learned just how different they were. Eugene was made to join the wrestling team at his high school in Magic Chicago where he mostly lost his matches, but made some friends with the team, where his father’s legacy set high expectations. They called him “Griff” and treated him like a brother. They went on to the championships in Senior Year and won as a team, but Griff lost on his own.

He didn’t have the grades to get into college, and the scouts passed him over on the mat. Griff’s life was culminating into nothing. The morning after championships, his father gave him the little he had saved up for college over the years and let him leave the house. Griff had nowhere to go, until he received a call about his mother disappearing. Griff left for his mother’s apartment in Chicago, taking the plunge towards the rest of his life.

Annie’s apartment was desolate, and unfurnished save a bed. He took ownership of it, looking it over for clues as to where his mother was. The police had no idea what to make of it, she had just disappeared off the face of the world. Griff searched the room and came across a loose floorboard. Pulling it up, it revealed the Axe. He reached down to the simply engraved wooden handle and as soon as his hand made contact, it bonded to him in a flash of burning light.

Reputation: Nobody knows Griff, but they may recognize his father’s name as one of Chicago’s great athletes, and his mother’s alter ego Virago, the missing axe-wielding heroine.

Resources: About five thousand dollars in cash, and his mother’s one bedroom apartment, both of which he inherited.


Power Descriptions:

  • Power One: Two Parts of One- The Axe is bonded to Griff’s right hand. He can “sheathe” it, and have it revert into a brand on his right hand. Unsheathing it has it appear in his hand as if being pulled out of literally nowhere. The Axe will pull a similar trick if removed from his hand, seemingly disappearing into the aether, becoming “sheathed” once again.

  • Power Two: Made of Sterner Stuff- As the Axe is unsheathed, Griff becomes stronger and more durable, but his intelligence and perception remain untouched.

  • Power Three: We’re Not Gonna Take It- Griff’s axe induces a state of amplified rage. It takes the enraged parts of the human psyche and amplifies it to force Griff to feel his pent up anger.

Power Versatility: Griff’s powers are geared almost entirely towards brute strength and feral combat. Creative usage of his powers is basically just him using his wrestling skill to grapple and pin people effectively.

Power Drawbacks:

-The axe relies on Griff’s anger. If he can get calmed down, it’ll sheathe itself and he’ll be powerless.

  • He tends to make rash and unwise decisions when he uses the Axe.


  • Skill One: Griff is not only a technically proficient wrestler, but the son of one of the greats in collegian wrestling, with the talent to prove it. When he gets aggressive, he’s very willing to show his prowess.
  • Skill Two: During his high school career, Griff got injured a lot, so he knows how to self-handle combat injuries.
  • Specialisation: Fighting- Grappling


  • The Axe- The source of Griff’s power, a bonded weapon that he can make disappear and reappear at will. The rules, as stated before are that if it is removed from either of his hands, it will sheathe, and that he only has his powers when it is unsheathed. Where Griff touched it originally, is a spiral pattern, and on his right hand is a brand burnt into his skin mirroring it. The Axe is strong enough to withstand any possible abuse that Griff could give it, with an break limit of 100 tonnes of pressure.


Strength: When the Axe is sheathed, he is pretty much just a well trained athlete at best.

  • Standard: 200 lb push, 400 pull when normal. With the Axe, 15 tonne overhead press, 20 tonne pull off the ground.
  • Do Or Die: 300 lb push, 500 pull when normal. Using the Axe, 20 tonne press and 25 tonne pull.

Agility: Without the axe, he’s average, topping out at 20 mph. When unsheathed, he doesn’t have superspeed, but can use his strength to leap and take great strides at about 45 mph.

Intelligence/Wisdom: Griff is completely average in intelligence, and about as wise as a pissed off 18 year old would be.

Defense: Average defense as a human. When using the Axe he’s safe from everything up until a grenade launcher. 40mm grenade launcher rounds would leave a bruise and start to draw blood.

Offense: There is only ever one reason to hit somebody, to inflict pain. Griff goes damn near feral when in combat with the Axe. His immediate instinct is brute force his way through, smashing and slicing. If that doesn’t work, he grapples at his opponent with enough technical skill and talent to even be called finesse.

[OPTIONAL] Approval Notes: Shooting for a vanguard 5 or 6. And I don’t consider this canon, but this is inspiration art courtesy of CD Projekt Red.

Submitted June 01, 2018 at 06:38PM by Cerberus_01

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