Monday, May 21, 2018

Vynil's RedViews for EST-SUN Week 1

Most of my rankings held strong, though not all turned out as planned. Side note, if you notice any really harsh seeming statement just know that I know the ones I'm insulting.



Current Record: 2-0

Famed Lycan player Melliflox managed to win week 1 2-0. This team is practicing a ton and should continue to do well against any team in the division. 22-10 Game 1 with not a single person on Melliflox's team dying more than 3 times. Minus a few flawed teamfights this team is set to be The Friendship Forgery with actual friendship and practice. Filski and NutR continue to go well together even with being a map apart from each other most of the time. Melliflox himself managed to secure 10LH/min on Luna game 1 before nearly halving that number by picking Lycan game 2. Ironically, the Lycan game lasted longer than the Luna game, but I guess that might be because NutR was feeding his ass off on Disruptor game 2. Longoria continues to impress in the middle lane with a double dose of Zeus this week and a KDA of 27. ShmeeZZy meanwhile gets to play Position 5 Version 2 for the team, not quite clearly fitting into the position 4 role yet but doing well nonetheless. Practice doesn't make perfect but Melliflox is bound to carry until his fur falls off or his interesting item builds betray him.

Red Says: My ferocious friend finds fantastic victory with furry fury dismantling We's team with a total of 65 minutes between both games. What's really scary is this team will only get better, faster than other teams. I have mad respect for any team able to take a game off this lad. #JoinTheCultOfMelliflox


Current Record: 2-0

Turns out Mikel is a competent Storm Spirit player. Picking a single stun might have facilitated this pick. I'm pretty sure it's illegal to rape a minor this hard but Mikel had no mercy, going 16-1-8 on Storm against CosmiK's 1-7-3 Shadow Fiend. Habits' Timbersaw didn't even die and secured more gold than the enemy SF by the end of the game. This is just a textbook stomping. Coop somehow managed to tank most important ganks, proving that his true value is in warning others of impending doom. Watz did Doom things in the offlane. Darbax had 69% [nice] kill participation on Night Stalker game 1 before improving to 73% kill participation game 2 on Skywrath. CosmiK won mid on Cancer.hero, proving that Viper can be overcome but not stopped, as Habits managed to end the game 17-5-21. Mikel played Spectre and had his team setup kills for him (notably, an especially good teamfight at 16 min followed by a 3-for-5 trade at 39:30) before Coop multicast Bloodlust on him and the Radiant throne fell. Watz apparently decided that 0 deaths was no fun and went for maximum deaths, dying more than Coop's Ogre on Axe. Though, Axe played his role well, turning fights for his team (especially that one at 16 min, watch that shit) and catching the Tinker.


Current Record: 2-0

The wannabe-Filski played his 4 predominantly in the offlane, as if to prove that he could, in fact, surpass an Ancient 4 player. Watch 9:34 to 16:24 for a good perspective of how this game went. While RedondO managed to prove himself worse than Filski in game 1 (/s), dying twice as much as Filski did , he did far more than I expected out of Doom+Sand King offlane. Anyway, this game was pretty much a crushing blow and there's only so many ways to say [x did good]. Game 2 saw Hitagi do insanely well on Morphling, with RedondO developing dementia or some shit on his Sand King while Joel Warlord pwned newbs on his trademark XxX_WitCh.Doctor_XxX. Alicia did well both games but underwhelms me on this Lina game 2. Solid team, doesn't seem to need as much practice as Melliflox to win games.


Current Record: 2-0

Solaris was apparently replaced by NEAR for this series (with NEAR's team games being currently unavailable) with great results. The double captain strat appears to be so overpowering that even Badger succumbs to its power, going 10-10-13 on Terrorblade. Doom continues to plague RD2L drafts, but this was a less than stellar showing of the hero game 1 before pG got it together to play Beastmaster game 2. Maverick lost mid both games according to Dotabuff, which surely shouldn't happen with Sniper and Razor, and also ended the game with Cheese in his backpack. Nevertheless, he did pretty good on Sniper and slightly less so on Razor. Boneless failed to get more farm than my Nugget Nick but did great on his 4 Night Stalker. I'm unsure of this 27min Eul's into a 41min Force Staff on Nyx, but if it works I can't complain.

Red Says: Besides the absolute nut crushing that was game 2 (signature Badger Alch coming through), game 1 looked kinda close at least until Badger Terrorblade burned Maverick's sniper aegis using reflection only. This false sense of security lured Badger's KC's team out of their base where NEAR could kite them around forever while Maverick was able to pump shot after shot into them.


Current Record: 2-0

Classic Ring > Phase > Drums > Yasha > BKB > Aghs build on Gyro here. Anyway, after a bloody toplane the Nutters decided to keep it interesting and decided to completely throw a fight in their jungle at 27 min. Nutty, get out of the offlane if you're going to die 10x on Omniknight and 8x on Tidehunter. Subject continues to slay in the name of his beloved Joel Warlord Witch Doctor player, playing excellent on both Dragon Knigh- yawn and Gyrocopter. Lil' Duckie supported Nutty well but failed to stop the bleeding and so Nutty ruleplaced him with Mota, who did slightly better at taming the sacred art of offlane dying. boog-god continues to be a better HippO, playing Earth Spirit both games and managing to secure almost 40 cs in a 40 minute game. Era played Medusa which, since you saw the record of the team above this paragraph, tell you about exactly how game 1 went. Game 2 saw the more-mobile and aggressive Void pickup for Era, causing him to melt when Doomed by "stoned brb" (certainly an odd fate).

Red Says: Game 1 was fairly even, with an edge to Nutty's team being able to defend buildings easily with Dusa and and Jakiro and Yeti's team lacking strong building hitters outside Lina. After forcing a lane of racks and a Monkey King buyback using an aegis and Gyro Aghs NuttyPizza was able to defend the resulting re-push and re-repush back in. When it looked like Yeti's team was just able to defend this re-re-push they ran outside their base and was picked off one by one. Game two was not ticketed properly. As part of the Admin's harsh punishments redhq will not comment on any improperly ticketed games.

Upper Tier


Current Record: 2-0

Some fucking old-Melliflox shit here. Dying 4x on Monkey King before 6 minutes, Skkip showed that he might have skipped the "How-to-not-feed-in-the-safelane" class. Respect banning JTK's Techies is probably a good idea, but banning Lich over a more impactful hero? I'm not sure on that one. Brightside lost mid but made a larger game-impact after laning ended, so he's golden boy for game 1. Doom again appears, being piloted by RD2L's most renowned 5 player: Vanilla Acoustic. Apparently learning addition taught him how to go from 5 to 3, but he still managed to support his carries from the 3 role by either tanking enemy spells or by taking damage for his team in game 2 on Abaddon. Tazdude99 lived up to Oh Boy and delivered good things on Warlock, but Skkip managed to sneak into detention at this point and play another game of safelane as Spectre. I think the fact that he did 4.2K building damage on Spectre is enough to say how well game 2 well for his team. For the Thrills played staple 4 heroes and trashed the enemy (minus that pre-6 min event with Monkey).

Red Says: Feeding in the early game is a lot better than feeding in the mid game. Don't believe me? Watch game 1. Skipp died on core MK 4 times in the first 7 minutes. But Badawzer died 4 times between 6 and 12 minutes. Skipp was able to take good fight after good fight leveraging Shea Dr out of the game. Game 2 was a similar blood bath but Skipp was again sharp on deciding what fights to take and which to dodge, ultimately leveraging them our of a 5k deficit from some early game woes into a win.


Current Record: 2-0

JBay7 continues to rival Nugget Nick's Clockwerk and SKarfaze is making other captains look like fools for not picking him earlier. 'Nuff said.

PS. Use your actual names

Red Says: Redhq will also refuse to comment on games where names are indecipherable.


Current Record: 2-0

My boy Shmurda still partially almost maybe has it. Undying? Really. I know the boy has like 1.5 arms but I'm pretty sure he can Pudge people even with the hero in its current state. Zypher managed to not lose on Meepo in an official game, so that's something (it was mid Meepo too so it's actually something). Another Doom pickup managed to tame Jeff "Can't Be Tamed" Pest with Izumi <3 stopping Cooper's team of Legendary Archons. This guy went full CupOfJoe and played Lich both games, dying only 9 times TOTAL. The 10 min fight here looks impressive, but it was only a sign of what was to come as Zypher's team managed to secure the game slowly and with no major upsets to their gameplan (other than a fight at 25:30 where Meepo and Jugg died). Protip: listen to my boy Shmurda, he knows his shit. Melliflox, Divine 5 furry, will also tell you to listen to Shmurda. Make sure you 5 listens to Shmurda so that they can roam around together and acquire currency to disregard females.

Red Says: Ok so first. Let's have a little discussion Zypher. Some heart to heart if you will. If you like traps, ya gay. At least a little bit. Moving past that and your curbstomp of a game 1, your game 2 looks pretty interesting. In that you took 48 minutes and a throw to close a game against a team with multiple archon players and a venge-only mid player (no offense Zeomaster, you're seriously outperforming your badge). It also it looks like you got outdrafted, so I'll give you that.


Current Record: 2-0

Holy shit Prohibit went 16-2 on Kunkka against this team. Anyway, CupOfJoe play Jakiro and managed to get a ton of last hits relative to others in his role. Octane underwhelms me on Doom and Axe, but I can't say he did bad, only that I expected more out of him. hish is apparently playing mid for the team over dnm9, which is an interesting choice but maybe the kiddo is worried that getting roamed on too much will harm his puberty or some shit. Anyway, the guys good. Period. No joke. He might be able to fight Melliflox IRL at this point. dnm9 is the only Prohibit rival this season and I honestly think he can do well but worry that he might face some Malakai-esque issues of doing really well or really poorly at the drop of a hat. Anyway hish is currently busy playing Turbo for Cavern Crawl while debruyne manages to continue to use a Super profile pic despite the series end some time ago. As far as the games go, continues to struggle to do well alongside Prohibit before Prohibit feels an itch to play a hero that is near-impossible to carry on: Batrider. The fact that Prohibit played Batrider into his biggest "rival" this season should say something: Prohibit is fucking crazy. Now hish did fucking awful laning here (with Prohibit almost doubling his NW at 10 min) yet his team held together and crossed the finish line much faster than Econ's patched-together raft could.


Current Record: FF-0

Won via forfeit, gratz kids.


Current Record: 1-1

Dear RedondO, does Timbersaw need a buff?

Jokes aside, Xccepted played Timbersaw and managed to win with it safelane against Tidehunter (unsurprisingly). Xccepted then played an in-meta hero and died Dark-v-Nugget style to a roaming Clockwerk. RNGG played only 1 RNG-based hero, so that might be why they los- wait they lost the game he was on the RNG-hero with... hmmmm.... no easy way to explain that. NewbWantBewbsToo role played an Orbital Canon on AA with Y-O-D-A never once dying on Viper, before being ruleplaced by Irissia game 2 (who also played AA). 1/3rd the CS in a longer game isn't too good, maybe take some tips from your Divines on when you can farm so that you can really take over games and have a larger impact than an almost-complete Eul's at 45 min. Akiri played some odd 4 heroes and did okay on Nyx before being served on a plate game 2 as Mirana. I really don't get how they lost game 2, the draft looks okay to me but maybe Clinkz got too big too fast for them to handle.

Red Says: Timbersaw beats strength heroes? Amazing draft in game 1 by Xccepted accompanied by a perfect 16-0-6 game on Y-O-D-A's Viper makes for a rough looking networth graph. In game 2 it looks like Xccepted got the town bicycle treatment, everyone had their turn to kill him at least once, and 4 of Killer Karate's teammates were able to do it at least twice. Getting bodied by McFatSauce's clockwerk looks painful. The game stretched out to the 45 minute mark but it looked totally over at 25 minutes.

Contender Tier


Current Record: BYE-BYE

Holy shit they had the bye. I was worried my team would get it again.


Current Record: 1-1

The game was great as soon as the lobby was made as this match was the first time I got to face DaywalkeR since being partnered with him last season. The boy whined I'm sure of that, but I have to wonder: did he laugh? Anyway, we ran away with game 1 by taking advantage of the fact that many know of Hotshot's Doom and putting A Flying Monkey on Doom with Hotshot on Clockwerk. The early game went great with my team aggroing into theirs and coming out on top, after which we just partied up with Zeus, took a tower with Shaman wards, then farmed until wards were up again. The game was rather textbook. If you want to see how my team can possibly sometimes maybe function watch our teamfight game 1 at 33:17. Nugget Nick returned to his first pick Sven true role as position 1 with me right there beside him. My boy played an okay Luna before playing a flawed Lifestealer pick (my bad, I'm drafting this season for the first time. The beauty of this is that game 1 had 45 kills in the first 20 minutes. Game 2 was much less exciting. We got rekt. Turns out it's hard to help all 3 lanes with my dated draft of Naga + Disruptor. Oh well, team is going strong. Rubity is a great guy and solid player all around.

Red Says: How you lose to DaywalkeR is beyond me. This series is proof that Axe is a terrible hero. Look at how the Axes did in both games, don't pick Axe.


Current Record: 1-1

Deal with your early game better. Work together instead of these weird fucking dual lanes that struggle to roam well. Also, make sure your players can play the heroes before you pick them. Anyway, DaywalkeR managed to win a game after I did a lackluster draft with poor execution. DaywalkeR remains a top-tier mid on his good days, but he did manage to only tie mid both games despite Rubity being a safelaner. SonOfFiery failed to impress me game 1, playing a mediocre Spectre while DaywalkeR also went for Physical Ember, which is too slow to slow down the push of Doom, Luna, and Shaman. Son redeemed himself game 2 with an impressive Gyrocopter performance that gave me near-PTSD of the hero. I also learned that DaywalkeR could play Kunkka. Guns4Hands did his job both games, though he did much better on Underlord than on Axe, so that's of note. Fspoon plays Witch Doctor pretty well when he doesn't ban it first phase. Might want to ban The_Punisher's Clockwerk, as he himself stopped Nugget many times game 2. Good job kiddos.


Current Record: 1-1

Zamolxes. You tried my friend. Sadly Medusa Io is too much for one man to handle. However, I'm not sure mid Omniknight is the way to go? Did Jakou draft this? What happened to cause this pick? Anway, Pingu is a good PL so that's great. Colin did the cancer that is Skywrath in a dual-offlane, dying the least of anyone in game 2. Anyway, fangay himself did okay when put against ruffneck's Axe, but his item timings were slowed heavily by... something. Astroty got respectable timings on items and actually farmed well on Dazzle, showing some good potential for growth and the ability to find good times to farm. Sidenote, get Yerbad out of the offlane and onto the support role. Colin wants to rival Joel Warlord with this Witch Doctor game 1, but fails to follow it up game 2 with a shocker second Witch Doctor pick (instead playing Skywrath). Nothing too special here, just two good teams facing each other.


Current Record: 1-1

Master is DaywalkeR 2.0 confirmed. OH wait he played Safelane game 2? Fuck. I needed a good draft for next season. Anyway, Master's Windranger shows the weakness of the hero after laning phase and low farming potential until she gets a Maelstrom. 14 min Maelstrom into a 21 minute Blink? Something's wrong there. Bottle? Wot. Mate get with the times, Stick + Consumables. Karate did his best Yerbad impression on this Tidehunter, attempting to embody his fellow internet-video-speaker. Guardian_MSSB did fine but I really feel like Rubick + Sand King is a tad too greedy, despite the CK pick. Game 2 saw less draft issues and more absolute destruction in favour of karate's team. Guardian played a mean Lion with a fearsome roar that blew Irissia's AA out of the water, Master toppled Xccepted and Karate got Yergood at Elder Titan.

Red Says: Game 1 looks like Killer Karate got out drafted pretty hard. Additionally it looked they had troubles in even attempting to shut down either Y-O-D-A or Xccepted, the net worth looks pretty sad as a result. Identifying their mistakes from game 1 Killer Karate's team was able to prioritize ganks on the hero that needed to be shut down. Huge clock plays by McFatSauce put's nail after nail into Xccepted's coffin. Eventually the advantage was too large to surmount and Killer Karate was able to bludgeon out a win.

Middle Tier


Current Record: 1-1

Role Swap! Nullagon carry failed so now Wise will carry. Scrub Spirit probably did the best he could in the offlane as Windranger (wtf a 44 min Blink) but was outclassed by Pacer's Doom in the enemy offlane. I'm not entirely sure Treads > Hood > Diffusal > Linken's > Manta is the right build here on PL, might be lacking a bit of raw HP and damage. CC-1004 went for the despised Veil build on Death Prophet, which I will never understand as most of DP's damage is physical from her ult and Solar Crest exists in this game (only plausible benefit being the easier-to-stomach buildup). Sylvyr did okay on offlane Axe (for being dual laned with fucking Windranger). Overall... I'm not sure how to fix this. Game 2 was more even. Nullagon supported on Shadow Demon but still lost lane to Sand King + Underlord with his Luna getting some subpar farm by the end of the game but still managing to win the game. I do think that Zeus is a better mid than Lesh right now, as Zeus can spam his spells far more than Lesh before having to clarity it up. CC-1004 does deserve praise here, going 14-0-14 with Sylvyr doing much better with Brewmaster + Windranger.

Red Says: Originally this team name reminded me vaguely of my favorite album ( until I realized it was a weak-ass Marble Vigilantes: Forever Fight reference. Looking at game 1's kill feed, it unsurprisingly looks like axe made unprofitable trade after unprofitable trade (no offence to you Sylvyr, I just think Axe is about as effective as a single mega creep). If they pick literally any other offlaner I think they have a much better matchup and would be able to head out into the mid game without a 10k deficit. Nullagon showed in this game they were able to take profitable fights from behind but it wasn't enough for only drafting 4 Dota heroes. Game 2 showcased what Nullagon's team looks like on paper to me. Capable of dishing out some convincing 30 minute stomps. Beautiful Zeus game, with CC-1004 going 14-0-14 in a sub 30 minute game.


Current Record: 1-1

Good draft game 1 followed up by a less-good draft game 2. They lost to Axe and then won a game from someone forgetting that Ravage doesn't pierce BKB. Anyway, these replays are cancer and showcase some of the most hilarious Dota I've seen in a while (been a while since I spectated Oh Boy's games). Trixcterlad appears to play fine with Poggey, but not quite with the carries. Both supports are dying a ton but not really to the point where I'd say it's particularly bad; they're just playing heroes that HAVE to die or be killed (Venge swaps into death to save and Io is a goal post for Boundless Strikes). Tempest played offlane Veno about 10 patches too late, so that happened. Team's weird yo.

Dark Smoke

Current Record: 1-1

What do I say here other than to know your tempo. Phantom Lancer is not very good early game and is only okay at a VERY specific part of the mid game. Game 2 showcases 5 heroes with little to show for an actual strategy. Mid Nature's is maybe not the most potent thing ever either and it's pretty clear what type of hero Zimimon should be given when you compare his game 1 performance to game 2. SupermaN! failed to overcome the current Axe curse but did do markedly better game 2 than game 1 on Legion Commander into Timbersaw Gyro. Guam lost his citizenship I guess game 2 as he was evicted from any lane and spent wayyy too much time traversing from lane to lane on Vengeful Spirit, likely due to the pressure applied by the other team having a clear tempo. PULLBACKTHEBOLY might not be ready to play Willow yet, but he can certainly play Warlock. I do think that hero is slightly underrated in the current meta. Soul Ring Legion is gross, GTFO (if this is actually common in higher-level Dota, sorry).

Red Says: Losing g1 to a team that both doesn't have a standin for their first pick ancient 5 and contains loves is something is a yikes from me. But maybe, that's why we're in the below average section of the bracket. In game 2, Loves racked up 12 deaths in a 37 minute game on T I M B E R S A W in bad fight after bad fight, he has literally changed his steam name to "I threw g2" after that series. I'm sorry Dark Smoke, we can't all be winners.

USSGuam (Alaska or Iwo Jima class?)

Current Record: 1-1

I hope you have some PMA Gaming after that first game. 0 minute Wind Lace on Shaman is kinda disgusting to me, as I think Pudge should probably be starting with either Wind Lace or Boots with Shaman playing the poverty-support. 38 minutes with only 21 cs on Shaman? Mate buy some clarities or some shit Christ. Losing mid on Wind to OD. :thinking: Loves appears to be unable to make progress towards victory on Timbersaw, but on Viper safelane? Ohhh boy. Dark taught him nothing but this boy plays mid in the safelane. 30 min Blademail to follow the 16 minute Hurricane Pike. :thinking: This is truly baffling. Anyway, Guam repeatedly sent kiddos to the Embassy on Venge, hopefully not fucking up his Kunkka's combos. I Want Wind to Blow played an okay Sand King this game alongside... ANOTHER FUCKING WINDRANGER OFFLANE? wtf. I'm done.

Red Says: If any man can tame Loves into a wholesome non-throwy PMA lad, it's the man that raised me from a 2k shitter into a 3k shitter, LS.ibeleive. Unfortunately he's been pretty inactive on dota due to work so we won't be able to see him in action until later in the season. I think that if he can dedicate more time to pubbing with loves both players can make it to divine 0 or 1 by the end of the season and carry their team to playoffs. Until then we're probably going to see middling performances like this one. Loves going apeshit followed by some Loves™ shotcalling.


Current Record: 1-1

Mertank is too good for this league. Going 1-4-28 on Rubick and then making a fantasy league? GTFO. Go help PST-SUN not be a wild west. Potent mid laner aside, this team seems to struggle from a simple lack of cohesion. I do think you field Mertank both games, not just for one. Don't draft Leshrac mid unless you can back it up. GoodVibes appears to of struggle to kill anyone on Troll Warlord, could be that maybe Zeus is too Bursty for him until BKB is up and by then the enemy Luna is an item or two ahead of you due to being unable to kill. 22 min BF? WTF. You're a ranged/melee hero, Underlord shouldn't be THAT oppressive against you. Anyway, Jakiro is a fine pick but did only 73 tower damage, so that's an issue. This team might crumble to gatekeeper teams and make it just shy of playoffs.

Lower Tier


Current Record: 0-2

Red Says: Oof, ouch, owie, curbstomp hurting juice. Game 1 looks painful, the dotabuff kill feed paints a picture of failed rotations and lost team fights on the side of Raul. Eventually they lost by being unable to kill more than bane in teamfights as their base crumbled around them. Game 2 was much more exciting as they were able to win a pivotal fight around the rosh pit with some insane plays by both Kongo Schlong's Shadow Shaman and their tusk player. Unfortunately they weren't able to capitalize on it well enough even though they got the tier 2 tower mid. They retreated back into rosh and logical's QoP snatched the Aegis out from under them enabled by some absolutely fantastic shot calling on the side of logical. This unfortunately was the last hope Raul's team had in this series.

Shea Dr.

Current Record: 0-2

After a rocky start to his safelane shenanigans, Shea has returned to the offlane. His first game put him in a rouch Gyrocopter game. Lord Muffin played a mean Invoker but it wasn't enough to save JTK from the banning of Techies. Now I'm no expert, but maybe safelane Kunkka carry isn't the most effective draft around, especially for a man of JTK's skillset. Poxie did fine on Witch Doctor game 2, especially when you factor in the fact that Skkip is Melliflox-tier and played Spectre. Arok did interesting things on Spirit Breaker but nothing anyone did in either of these games appears to of gone as planned. Anyway, 25 min glimmer on poverty-Witch is a good timing to me.


Current Record: 0-2

Call the fucking cops. There's been a murder. This team got fcuking slaughtered game 1. CosmiK, as brilliant as that boy is, wasn't enough to prevent Mikel from rampaging all over. Game 2 is more crushing, because they had it. They fucking had it. But they blew it. 3 five man wipes will disintegrate any 12K gold lead, but continuing to trade poorly after that? That's just the sign that you have 100% fucked. up.

Red Says: Paprika, I know you weren't there for your team as a battle brother but I know you were there in spirit. But it's okay. There is no shame in losing to Mikel. Vynil won't let me put you higher in the rankings even though you gave one of the best teams in the league a run for their money. [REDACTED] Game 1 was rough, but european overlords are hard to kill. Game 2 was closer but it looks like you overcommitted to mikel woo many times


Current Record: 0-2

Badger. Alchemist. Why?


Current Record: 0-2

Harsh to face the fur stack week 1. W33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 probably wasn't too happy after this matchup played itself out early. HullCity07 got played like an absolute violin game 1, though Omni Zeus makes taking any duel rather risky. derp appears to of played a bit too safe on Lion, making near 0 impact despite his Blink Dagger pickup. B.O.D.M.A.S had a rough Viper game into Longoria (who I'm surprised isn't Divine yet). W33333333 even struggled against Filski's Brew on Morphling, going a 1-3-3 build that didn't quite pan out after he was near-abandoned in the bottom lane. Game 2 shows that Melliflox knows that Lycan isn't dead yet, picking up his infamous hero into W33333333's Medusa and Kuro's PL. HullCity attempted to become Subject with this Pango pickup but it was to no avail, as Melliflox is a potent offlaner with supports that can listen to his wise council of "go now, go now."


Current Record: 0-2

Shoutout to Iceyeti for this Monkey King performance. The team did solidly, they just ran out of time. Medusa + Omni is a good way to halt a Monkey King from doing anything in a large teamfight. The best I can say here is that game 1 was back and forth, and that's a good thing here. They made a real effort and almost made it work. Good job all of you, keep going. Work up the rankings.

Teams? Or A Group of Players?


Current Record: 0-2

Prohibit, what are these heroes? If this team can figure out how to work together they might just win something, but as long as they continue to bleed their morale dry they'll continue to lose. Good players with bad teamwork.

Red Says: This series put Econ's team to the test. The mere fact they played game 2 after narrowly losing a 57 minute game really attests the fact that, maybe, just maybe this team will stick together. The raw skill on this team is incredible and they're still (mostly) together. Prohibit got to play weird shit mid and it went pretty good. With some better synergy and some mid-game coordination this team could jump to the top of the list. Until then, this team still receives a needs improvement grade.


Current Record: 0-2

Ask for coaching, watch replays. Play safe heroes. Don't disband. It'll be good for each of you to grow from this. I rose 5 badges after last season, I'm sure each of you can do the same if you work hard enough. I believe you can do better than Divine 5 Malakai's team last season.


Current Record: 0-2

You gotta stop Hitagi. I also don't think you given Donger Razor. Ever. This guy plays better lane-winners than fucking Razor. Phase did an okay Wind game 2? not much to say here. No flame to give out as they lost to one of the best teams and no one person even really did THAT poorly. Sucks but you have to move on and win next week.

Starboy's Dumpster

Current Record: DISBAND WEEK 1

You're in here for the whole season, not even sure if it's your fault but what ever happened in this team is unacceptable.

Submitted May 21, 2018 at 12:21PM by VynilDota

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